pic: Grand Hotel Taipei has the most number of  famous and important customers among all Taiwan's hotels for so many years.  However, according to the photo 6-8-2018, they used genetically modified soybean (基因改造黃豆) to cook dishes.


pic.: American Sherwood Hotel in Taipei, photo 5-28-2018
Braised Bean Curd with Crab Powder tasted good, but the chef did not answer my question if those bean-curds were made from G.M.(genetic modified) beans - which were called "national scandal" (國家醜聞) at The China Times, 3-29-2013.



pic. left:



in Sheraton buffet (top~bottom)




pic. middle:
 tuna in
Shangri La's

Taipei, cafe




pic. right:

in Sheraton , F1




Raw Tuna fish slices -  how do you choose for 100% safety ?? 
     No  too beautiful-color ones !    No dark brown (tan) ones !

University studies (高雄海科大) found that 80% of raw fishes (Cobia, Tuna, Sword-Fish, Tilapia 鯛) in Taiwan market were stained ――  business men pump CO. (carbon monoxide) into those fishes in an enclosed space for beautiful or bright color look /  CTS TV news, 2-20-'06
Fishes adding CO is illegal in Europe, Canada, Korea, Japan, Singapore, etc, because of possible food-poisoning, or even causing Sepsis to die / Epoch Times, 2-20-'06 

TVBS 8-15-2018: M.D.江守山 commented Taiwanese government ignoring pumping CO into fishes which is illegal in Taiwan (法律禁止  政府未執法) ,  therefore Taiwanese have risk of eating slough and some unknown consequences.   Some other business people used chemical addictives (e.g., 檸檬酸鈉) to keep raw-fish's color unchanged.   Red meat fishes after being frozen are still "bright red" colour might be "processed" meat.  (ref. to 《食在安心》book by 江守山)

TVBS 12-12-2013: Nitrite,NO2( '亚硝酸盐' may cause cancer ) may be applied to raw tuna for bright red color look - ref to  https://news.tvbs.com.tw/life/513840

ETtoday News : Cutting red-meat fishes like Tuna to slices made its Myoglobin (「肌紅蛋白」),iron having oxidized and its meat becoming tan or brown in color.  Brownish-red colored meat can indicate spoilage.   Taiwanese gov. advised that people should avoid eating those brown colored, or drying out, or no longer elastic fish meat, which were cut long time ago.   Eating cooked fish is perfect safe.  (health.ettoday.net/news/1017291)

United Daily News (聯合報元氣網) , 9-23-2014:  blackfin (blue-fin) tuna toro belly meat should be fresh and red, ruddy, rich oily (油脂豐富),  Those darker or red with black tone in color are not fresh ones (暗紅色或偏黑), but carbon monoxide processed fish are very beautiful colored, and unchanged all the time.

三立新聞 (3-6-2018 , SET TV news): Fresh raw fish meat are red, ruddy or rosy in color (紅潤)、no fishy smell 、 elastic or bit chewy (彈性) (https://www.setn.com/News.aspx?NewsID=354695)

Daily Mail, UK reported an American guy having raw Salmon almost every day had a 167 cm parasite in his stomach. 

◆ 今周刊(1-19-2018): The best way to avoid parasites and bacteria, e.g., Listeria monocytogenes or Vibrio parahaemolyticus , is eating cooked fish. (www.businesstoday.com.tw/article/category/80731/post/201801190019)