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  Brief    Taiwanese will to resist rests on whether Taiwanese think America will defend them.  However, Trump has suggested he would not defend Taiwan from China.  Extension of the compulsory conscription program received  backlash  from younger Taiwanese.

  Menu       Taiwan military in stage of infancy    ■  Us defends Taiwan?   ■   US Plans  ■   China's stategy   ■   Asia Power Index   ■   Taiwan's willing to fight ?     ■  military power - China vs. Taiwan     


Taiwan's military - in the stage of infancy

◆   RFI, AFP (France),  2025-2-23  In reality, Taiwan would be massively outgunned in terms of troop numbers and firepower in any war with China.
◆   Stanford Review,  2025-2-24  Taiwan's military is dilapidated.  The assumption of CSIS's 2023 war game  rests on false premises. Upon closer examination, Taiwan's military readiness and morale stand on weak foundations. What money the government does have to spend on procurement they do so on flashy items like fighter jets, tanks, and attack helicopters–are reduced to piles of twisted steel in hours of an invasion. stanfordreview.org/the-illusion-of-taiwanese-strength/
  Economist (UK), 2025-2-6 China is infiltrating Taiwan's armed forces.
  Financial Times (UK), 2024-7-21 “People don't realise the stage of infancy the military is in". 
National Interest, 2023-7-16 Taiwanese President  announced  a plan to extend the compulsory conscription program but received  backlash  from younger Taiwanese.  Roll Call (2022-9-28):  Most people do not want to join the military...
Washington Times , 2024-12-27 visible signs of societal and governmental preparedness are lacking.  Unlike Israel, where civil and military readiness is a national ethos, Taiwan appears complacent, Taiwan must cultivate a culture of national defense akin to Israel's
National Interest , 2024-7-30 On top of that, Taiwan does not have a strong draft...  whether Taiwan is serious about resisting a Chinese invasion or even if it takes such threats seriously.  Taiwan's politicians likely realize better than Washington that Taiwanese voters may not be as inclined to make the kind of heavy sacrifices that are necessary to defend their freedom as the Ukrainians, Israelis, Finns, or Swiss.
Financial Times (UK), 7-12-2020 Politicians in Taiwan are even afraid to discuss these issues with the public because they believe Taiwanese are not willing to sacrifice...
◆ Economist (UK), 2022-4-23 The infantry's strongest skills,... are “painting walls, picking grass and falsifying documents”...
Economist (UK), 2024-9-5 polls suggest Taiwanese will to resist rests on whether Taiwanese think America will defend them.  Taiwan can do much to strengthen its defences but, alas, it can do little to influence American politics




 pic.:  No.1 "Taiwan military army" on Yandex Russia,2025-2-22



 pic.: No.3 "Taiwanese military"on Bing, 2022-9-22; No.2 "Taiwan military" at 2022-3-30,  No.1 "Taiwan military" on Bing, 2021-6-4, 2021-6-1 No.3 "Taiwanese military" at 2022-9-10, No.3 "Taiwan military" at 2022-5-29 No.2 Taiwan military army on Yandex, 2025-2-12



  full text        (中文版 Chinese version)    

Will the US defend Taiwan ?

◆   Fox News, 2025-2-7  Trump's comments on the campaign trail suggest that he would not be willing to put boots on the ground to face another global superpower in defense of the island democracy.
◆   Newsweek, 2025-1-3 Trump, who positioned himself as being tough on China, has suggested he would not defend Taiwan from China.
◆   Washington Post 2024-11-6 Trump's statements this year that raise doubt about his willingness to come to the island democracy's defense and his misleading assertion that Taipei needs to pay the US for defense. Such rhetoric could “fan the flames of skepticism” about American intent at a time when the Taiwanese are “directly threatened by CCP disinformation aimed at undermining U.S. credibility”
The Atlantics, 2024-10-25 The shortcomings of Taiwan's military lend some validity to Trump's complaint that America's allies don't pay enough for their own defense and dump too much of the responsibility onto the United States—a burden that a second Trump administration might not be committed to bear.
◆  New York Times,   2024-12-31 Without a plan, a Taiwan crisis risks undermining the foundations of American prosperity and security. As a report from a House panel concluded last year: "The United States lacks a contingency plan for the economic and financial impacts of conflict" with China.  Imposing sweeping sanctions on China would undermine the international economic system that the United States is uniquely positioned to protect.
◆  Washington Examiner,   2024-12-4 War with China would exhaust munition stockpiles "very rapidly", national security adviser J. Sullivan acknowledged that China has "the single biggest advantage", "God forbid we end up in a full-scale war with the PRC" .
TIME, 2024-6-4 Asked by Time magazine whether The US might involve boots on the ground, US President Joe Biden said, "It would depend on the circumstances""we are not seeking independence for Taiwan nor will we in fact, not defend Taiwan if they if, if China unilaterally tries to change the status...Not ruling out using US military force. There's a distinction between deploying on the ground, air power and naval power, etc"


US plans

  The Diplomat, 2024-11-18 Trump's inner circle, filled with China hawks, is likely to push for increased militarization of the region and even for a proxy war in Taiwan.
  MEMRI, 2024-10-7

Columbia University Professor Joseph Massad: China isn't destabilizing the region – The United States and Taiwan are; The U.S. uses Taiwan to threaten China and Ukraine to threaten Russia.

  Reuters, 2024-11-24 Russia says US using Taiwan to stir crisis in Asia.
◆   Business Insider 2024-11-9 In 2025, Taiwan will have to contend with uncertainty on whether the US will protect it, or play it.


China's strategy to achieve unification

  Brookings, 2024-9-16 Beijing has developed two different means—military and coercive—to achieve unification. The PLA can subject Taiwan to various limited attacks, such as missile and air bombardment.To subdue Taiwan without running the risks of war, the PRC is using economic, political, judicial, diplomatic, informational, cyber, and “gray zone” military tactics... seeks to deplete the confidence of the people brookings.edu/articles/why-does-the-us-security-partnership-with-taiwan-matter/
◆  Wall Street Journal,   2025-1-3 In addition to unleashing its full military power, Beijing would be expected to use a variety of economic strategies in a showdown over Taiwan. A 2023 study by Rhodium Group and the Atlantic Council concluded that Beijing has been more systematic in preparing such defenses than Russia was to counter Western sanctions.
◆   VOX, 2024-12-16 a majority of Taiwanese and US national security experts do not believe China currently has the capability to carry out an amphibious invasion of Taiwan, most do believe China could currently enact either a blockade or a quarantine of the island. And such an operation may prove just as effective while carrying far less risk for Beijing.
Politico, 2024-9-11 Nearly three in four Americans are concerned about a potential invasion of Taiwan, according to the latest Reagan National Defense Survey. And, Washington has fixated on a potential 2027 invasion scenario.  China's strategy to annex Taiwan is more about cyber power than firepower



pic. Council on Foreign Relations (Sept. 2024)

Council on Foreign Relations, 2023-8-29          Military Power -    China VS. Taiwan

  China Taiwan
active duty forces 2,035,000 170,000
artillery 9,800 1,200
principle surface combatants 139 57
fighter jets 1900 300
bombers and attack aircraft 450 0
submarines 71 2


   the Lowy Institute Asia Power Index,

  Taiwan China USA Japan Korea Singapore
Military Capability 11th  +2.1   up 21.7 2nd   68.1 1st 90.7 6th   27.4 5th 9th
Resilience 18th   -5.9 down 24.7 3rd   70.4 1st 11th  10th 14th
Defense Networks 16th  down 11.8 7th    23.7 1st
3rd 4th 5th
Asia's Comprehensive Power rankings:  1.US 2.Chn 3.Japan 4.India 5. Rus 6. Aus 7. S. Korea 8. Singapore 9.Indonesia
10.Thailand  11.Malaysia 12. Vietnam 13. NZ 14. Taiwan (ROC)  
2023 Edition


     China vs. Taiwan       Willing to fight ?

China Taiwan
a study conducted by Adam Y. Liu and Xiaojun Li, 55 percent of the respondents supported “launching a unification war ” while 33 percent opposed it ...  another online survey in ThinkChina and Taiwan Inside, 53.1 percent supported armed unification with Taiwan, while 39.19 percent opposed it among Chinese elites.  Instead of making a commitment to defend their territory, most Taiwanese people have a huge hope to rely on external support, particularly from the United States... extension of the compulsory conscription program received backlash from younger Taiwanese.
from National Interest, 2023-7-16




 pic.: No.1 "Taiwan military" on ecosia (Berlin Germany), 2021-6-5, 2021-2-7; No.2 at 2022-3-30, 2022-3-7, 2022-1-19, 2022-1-3, 2021-5-12, 2021-4-26, 2021-3-27, 2021-3-4





For full text, pls click  https://courageworld.ch/Taiwan_military_army.htm