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Taiwan |
abuses foreign workers for years |
United daily (, 2025-2-22: It has become the norm for foreign caregivers not to abide by their working contracts or/and to "avoid the severe ill patients or the disability".¡@
¡¹ The Indian Express, 2025-2-1: Taipei has expressed a preference to hire these workers from India's northeastern states, citing cultural similarities and easy assimilation. Taiwan will deploy Indian blue-collar workers in sectors such as manufacturing, agriculture and construction amid labour shortages created by an ageing population and lower birth rates. indianexpress.com/article/india/taiwan-to-take-in-1000-indian-workers-recruitment-talks-on-with-northeastern-states-9806702/
¡¹ GreenPeace, 2024-9-6: The U.S. Department of Labor's latest ¡§List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor¡¨once again shows that the majority of migrant workers on Taiwan's distant water fishing vessels are experiencing indicators of forced labor. workers face hunger and dehydration, live in degrading and unhygienic conditions, are subjected to physical violence and verbal abuse, are prevented from leaving the vessel or ending their contracts, and are frequently not paid their promised wages or have food and lodging fees illegally deducted from their wages.¡¨ It also notes that the majority of fishers have been deceived by recruitment organizations with false information about wages and contracts, and have been forced to pay recruitment fees, incur debt, face confiscation of their identity documents, and work in poor conditions for 18 to 22 hours a day¡CSince 2020, when fish from Taiwan was first included in this list, all the actions taken by the Taiwanese Fisheries Agency have been for getting off the list instead of eliminating forced labor. The government¡¦s passive attitude towards combating human trafficking and ending modern-day slavery and focus on maximizing the profits of the fishing industry, and its disregard for the dignity of the fisher¡¦s labor and basic human rights, deserves to be condemned by international society and should be severely sanctioned. greenpeace.org/usa/news/us-department-of-labor-fish-from-taiwan-is-caught-with-forced-labor/
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