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Emad Hajjaj, FECO Jordan President, was arrested by the Government of Jordan for drawing that caricature criticizing the agreement signed between the United Arab Emirates and Israel.

We strongly condemn the arrest of Emad.

In the Declaration of Human Rights the Article 19 states this:
Article 19.
 Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Now, Emad is waiting for his trial.

"I’m still facing dangerous charges , many people are trying to work in behind scene to resolve the case , but what I’m facing right now is law suits that could end up in putting me in prison. Your support is much needed", Emad said.
Facebook :

Please, send your cartoon to support Emad ; contact


breaking news
updated news (2-21-2019) from FECO, Europe
" Turkish cartoonist MUSA KART TO RETURN TO PRISON" !!
 In the summer of 2017, Federation Cartoonists Organizations have published a gallery for Musa Kart:

FECO supports this action  (2-28-2019) !  click for details;  Azerbaijan's free expression (3-2-2019)



Till a meeting with professor John Lent in Feb. 2019 I eventually knew the International Journal of Comic Art (with my article on it) was mailed to me in 2017, but was lost in middle way, this happened again and again before, including press card  and Feco News from Euro., IJOCA from USA.    Recall around 2009, post office sent a man to my house and explained that unit(s) other than post office can 'touch' the post...



damaged web-pages of the site

so many dirty attacks for years !  free speech is worse ever  !   prime suspects are ... ?   attacks continue till present 2020

Taiwan justice  (e.g., page1, page2, etc). New form attacks happened at 11-20-2018 ... each char. being typed in took a long time (seconds, even 10+ minutes, or forever) to be shown on the screen while updating my web-pages concerning Taiwan judicial systems and prosecutors...  attacks last ...  





pic. Federation Cartoonists Organisations sent me at May 11, 2018  the cartoon for freedom of press in S. America.  
       Pls. concern all the damages to freedom of expression around the world.