comment Tsai Ing-Wen, Taiwan president 
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pic.: No.1 "Taiwan president secret life" on Yandex of Russia, 2024-8-8, 2024-5-13, 2024-3-31




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news  /   BBC (2024-5-19,  interviews with Tsai Ing-wen ):  Domestically, Tsai Ing-wen has been criticised for not doing enough for the economy – the rising cost of living, unaffordable housing and a lack of jobs cost her party young voters in January's election.  And her biggest critics fear that she has made the island of 23 million more, rather than less, unsafe.   The trickier job is to find allies who would risk irking the world's second largest economy.  Tokyo and Manila are both deeply reluctant to vow support for Taiwan.   
news  /    Council on Foreign Relations, 2024-8-9: Tsai Ing-wen was unable to lead a cultural shift within Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense (MND), which is known for its conservatism, its attachment to legacy platforms such as fighter jets and large surface warships, and its skepticism toward adopting an asymmetric approach to defense. Tellingly, all her defense ministers were retired generals not known for innovative thinking. 

The site's comment /   Although Tsai admits to a sneaking admiration for Margaret Thatcher because of her toughness as a female leader,  and Tsai says she made a return to a year of military service for all men over the age of 18 (to against China)... But the truth is Tsai did it under pressure from the US   ──   Financial Times, 2022-12-27:  The conscription reform follows years of increasing US pressure on Taiwan to strengthen its defences.   Financial Times (UK), 2021-9-15 : Washington keeps scolding Taipei over its supposed lack of preparation against an ever mightier Beijing.  Even China's official media GT ( 2021-10-26 ) mocks Tsai's weakness.   "My sense was that they were afraid" : Congressman Don Beyer (D-VA) returning from Taiwan said " they're feeling much closer to conflict – a conflict they do not want.", according to RawStory (Aug. 2022).    Lai Ching-te takes up the mantle from his DPP predecessor Tsai Ing-wen since May 20, 2024.


comment Taiwan president Tsai Ing-wen
the part you may not know






 The Tsai Ing-Wen government values politics and money above human lives


Economist at 2022-11-29 reported many Taiwanese are tired of squabbles over national identity, especially after president Tsai's refusal to accept an offer of much-needed vaccines from China during a severe coronavirus outbreak.   Guardian, 2021-7-12: Taiwan has rejected China's offers as fake altruism. ... putting politics above its people

The Guardian, 2021-6-14:  it still seemed “in the DPP’s electoral interest not to get any China vaccines". "It would be foolish to say no".


  New York Times, 2021-9-2: Taiwan released a statement announcing that the BioNTech vaccine would be prioritized for those between the ages of 12 and 17, with leftover doses administered to those between 18 and 22, the island has fully vaccinated just under 4 percent of its population.    Associated Press , 2021-4-8: seniors are between 1,300 and 8,700 times more likely to die of COVID-19 than those 5-17.    But, Tsai Ing-wen's government gave older people (aged 60) lower priorities to get inoculated.   The gov. eliminated senior citizens aged 65-75 from vaccination list from very beginning, later gave those aged 50~99 and weak people with severe illness 10th ~ 6th low priorities to get vaccinated.   United Daily (2021-9-18): electoral consideration decide who has priority to get jabbed.  Taiwan's death rates were very bad.    (ps: youngsters are CPP's base for elections )
 CGTN, 2021-8-29: The local authority... jeopardizing people's lives with a chaotic sluggish vaccination schedule.   


TIME, 2021-7-25: Taiwan's president Tsai blamedthe vaccine shortage on interference from Beijing, which didn't stop her popularity from plunging...Terry Gou became Taiwan’s vaccine hero, he volunteered to buy five million doses of Pfizer-BNT vaccines for Taiwan —but the government took nearly a month to allow him to begin the process.

New York Times, 2021-7-12: China’s Taiwan Affairs Office also praised the agreement, though ... if the island’s government “had considered the life, health and well-being of Taiwan compatriots, this issue could have been resolved sooner.”   

Global Times, 2021-7-11: The successful purchase has met the long-held expectations of the Taiwan public.... a new round of public lambasting against Tsai Ing-wen's Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authority for putting political interests above public health

The Guardian, 2021-6-14: Drew Thompson (a former US Defense officer) said there were scientific and transparency concerns about China’s vaccines, but if the Fosun offer is legitimate, refusing it is “entirely political”. “Pfizer and BioNTech have a huge incentive to ensure that the Fosun product is equivalent, so I would think there is no concern,” he said. “There’s no reason not to take it.”

Fortune, 2021-7-12: Fosun Pharma (China) is currently importing German-made BioNTech doses to distribute in Hong Kong and Macau—not manufacturing the doses itself—but Taiwanese officials have said that buying vaccines from the mainland Chinese firm raises concerns about “security, efficacy, and legal issues.”


Bloomberg, 2021-7-26  : The high fatality rate in Taiwan is due to the virus wave hitting older people, with 90% of deaths occurring in those aged 60 or older .  Taiwan's CDC said 97% of those who died of Covid-19 were over 50 (2021-7-4)  New York Times, 2021-8-24, warne"the vast majority of people dying from Covid-19 are people who are older and unvaccinated".  "Americans over 60... not vaccinated, are at extreme risk"


UDN (2021-6-7) : It's hard for severe CovID patients to apply for having Remdesivir (medicine).   WSWS (2022-12-1):  Taiwan in the top ten in the world for CovID cases per million people. It also currently has the second-highest deaths per million.





pic.:  No.1  "comment Tsai Ing-Wen" on MetaGER (Germany), 2024-5-13, 2024-2-6, 2024-1-1,

2023-11-20, 2023-8-8, 2023-8-1(Chinese version)  ; No.1 "comment Tsai Ing-Wen" on Ecosia (Germany), 2024-2-6, 2023-11-20, 2023-8-8 (Chinese) 


national security

Spiegel Germany
:  Tsai Ing-Wen won presidential election under the slogan "resist China, defend Taiwan"(“抗中保台”)

But the truth is :
Tsai Ing-Wen values votes above "defending Taiwan". 


  knowing that China might attack at any time, Tsai Ing-Wen did nothing about military reform.

 Washington Post, 2023-1-9: Taiwan FM:  "China might attack at any time." most of leaders have awaked to the danger
 New York Times, 2022-6-13:  former defense minister of Taiwan:  "who knows when the P.L.A. might choose to invade Taiwan".
  National Review: 2022-9-29: Taiwan FM: "It's going to be very hard to guess when that will happen (invasion)"
 Wall Street Journal, 2021-10-27: The Fight for Taiwan Could Come Soon.
  Global Times, 2021-10-26: If cross-Straits war breaks out, sudden surrender of Tsai authorities is expected

  Tsai Ing-Wen kept postponing mobilization and extending compulsory military service
◆  Financial Times (UK), 2021-9-15 : Washington keeps scolding Taipei over its supposed lack of preparation against an ever mightier Beijing. 

◆  Washington Post (2022-11-23): "To mobilize for its own defense, or submit to a fourth round of imperial subjection, this time by China's Communist Party"! 

  Financial Times (UK), 7-12-2020 : Politicians in Taiwan are even afraid to discuss these issues with the public because they believe Taiwanese are not willing to sacrifice...

  New York Times, 2022-6-19:   ...politicians have electoral considerations. Extending military conscription, would probably not be very popular   
◆  Breaking Defense, 2022-3-11 :  Until recently, President Tsai has appeared reluctant to discuss how Taiwanese citizens can help defend their country.


  VICE, 2022-9-28:  president's prescriptions have been piecemeal, for years, security specialists have urged Taipei to emulate countries like Israel and Finland, with their whole-of-country defense efforts

  New York Times, 2022-6-13: Taiwan’s defenses are, by many accounts, ill-equipped and understaffed. The mandatory military service is seen by many as too short...

  Global Times,  2021-10-26 :If the DPP authority has the determination to fight until the end, they could change Taiwan's military service system by making it mandatory to serve in the military for all men, like Israel... The DPP authority holds the illusion of realizing "Taiwan secession" by simply relying on US and Western opinion. They are daydreaming.
  Global Times,  2023-12-23 :the US is trying to discipline the DPP authorities, including the current regional leader Tsai Ing-wen and the DPP candidate for the upcoming election Lai Ching-te



 Eventually, in Dec., 2022, Tsai Ing-wen extended mandatory military service to one year.   ──   But it's very late.
Financial Times, 2022-12-27:  The conscription reform follows years of increasing US pressure on Taiwan to strengthen its defences.
Asia Nikkei, 2023-1-6:  Taiwan has finally taken the long-overdue step of extending its military conscription period for young men

Asia Times, 2024-3-27:  Taiwan's “reserve force” is shambolic and that's being charitable. There is no “territorial” or militia force, either.  Taiwan also lacks a civil defense scheme.  Military service is not widely considered an attractive career in Taiwan. It's a hard life with low pay, bad housing and no GI-Bill sort of benefits... simply isn't respected in traditional Chinese society.


  Tsai Ing-wen was full of praise for Ukraine's readiness  (FoxNews, 2023-1-9:  Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen pointed to Ukraine holding off the might of the Russian military for more than 300 days, ... due in no small part to Ukraine's readiness.   But she has not beefed up Taiwan's military after 6 years.  Tsai Ing-Wen might be responsible for a disastrous delay.

◆  Economist, 2022-3-5:  Taiwan's sloth in reforming its defence capabilities ...
 Asia Nikkei, 2023-1-6:  Its reserves, supposedly 2 million strong, are a paper force
  New York Times (2017-5-18): The nearly two million reservists exist in name only...
 Foreign Policy, 2020-8-20 : Their underlying thinking is that PLA has grown to be too strong for us to fight militarily anyway... Taiwan should just focus on putting up a good show of being tough, buy enough U.S. weapons for display, and pray that Americans come to our rescue

 New York Times, 2022-6-13:  the reservist program, insufficiently rigorous.

◆  VICE, 2022-9-28: president's prescriptions have been piecemeal, and there is no national plan to overhaul the military.


 Foreign Policy, 2020-10-19 :  Given these electoral realities, Taiwan's leaders have gravitated toward military showpieces — while hoping that the United States will save the day if China ever attacks.   It could take a decade to retool the Taiwanese and U.S. militaries to mount an effective defense of the island.... With China's rapid military buildup, that may be time that Taiwan does not have
◆   Global Times (2021-10-26): The Tsai Ing-wen's DPP authority holds the illusion of realizing "Taiwan secession" by simply relying on US and Western opinion. They are daydreaming.

   WSJ (2022-11-23):  Taiwan Is Not Preparing for a Real Fight. The persistent fecklessness of their government’s defense policy, whose bottom line is that the island should be defended by others while Taiwan’s youth can continue to play video games

  WSJ (2021-10-25). Poor preparation and low morale are pressing concerns for Taiwan's armed forces

◆  Economist, 2022-4-23: The infantry's strongest skills,... are “painting walls, picking grass and falsifying documents”...

◆  Financial Times, 2023-1-2: Taiwan’s government has announced plans to upgrade its military training, but it still lags far behind China’s PLA in strength and sophisticationTaiwan’s move to extend military conscription is little more than an emergency measure, and will not address broader strategic shortfalls
 Washington Post, 2023-1-9:   most of their leaders have awaked to the danger DM: It won’t be ready overnight. It could take another five or six years.”

 War On The Rocks, 2024-3-21:  Taipei has not made the necessary preparations. Taiwan's navy continues to prioritize small numbers of large surface combatants over acquiring the “large number of small things,”...


  Taiwan is weakening itsSilicon Shield

New York Post, 2023-8-15: Vivek Ramaswamy suggests he would let China invade Taiwan once he's had four years to attain US “semiconductor independence.”... because that's rationally in our self-interest (not go to military conflict ).    Politico (2023-8-15): The three top-polling Republicans for the presidential nomination all have one thing in common: they don't want to commit the United States to defend other governments, namely in Ukraine and Taiwan.

The China Times (台灣 中時), 2022-12-22: Tsai Ing-wen was initiative and very proactive in persuading TSMC to open a chip factory in the US.  (蔡英文積極主動勸服台積電前往美國)   ps: Tsai suppose was obedient to Washington.
Foreign Policy, 2023-2-17: Taiwan fears Washington is weakening it silicon shield.









New Yorker (2022-11-21): 

When the Chinese test-fired the ballistic missiles, Tsai Ing-wen didn't tell the public that they flew over the island; that became known only after it was announced by Japanese leaders. When a Chinese drone flew into Taiwan's airspace, Tsai Ing-wen's government reacted with similar reserve...

 the government looks like it doesn't know what it's doing,” “The attitude is ‘Don't look up'."

New York Times (2024-2-26): Taipei's approach to sharing information about Chinese activities with the public has not been fully transparent, ... a lack of transparency also prevents the government from communicating the true situation to Taiwan's people.


In Dec., 2022, Tsai Ing-wen extended mandatory military service to one year,  eventually .   ──   But she denied the decision was made under US pressure.
Financial Times, 2022-12-27:  The conscription reform follows years of increasing US pressure on Taiwan to strengthen its defences.
Asia Times,  2023-1-7: Biden has also sent word to Taipei that the period of four-month active duty for conscripted soldiers is too short.
Global Times, 2022-12-27: a deplorable decision’ made under US pressure - the US pressure on the DPP is hard to resist. "With the US meddling in Taiwan's military preparations, including arms sales, Tsai has no say but to obey the US and push the Taiwan people to the brink of war, which is deplorable." 
Articles in local media criticized Tsai Ing-wen did not speak the truth prof. 陳一新 


Financial Times, 2022-12-27: Taiwanese politicians’ reluctance to openly discuss the danger of Chinese military aggression out of fear of losing public support  ( Tsai's slogan "resist China, defend Taiwan" is phony because she did little to bolster Taiwan's military in the past 6 years)


  Breaking Defense, 2022-3-11 : In the first days of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, President Tsai described comparisons between Ukraine and Taiwan as “cognitive warfare” aimed at damaging Taiwanese morale.


TIME, 2021-7-25: Taiwan's president Tsai blamed the vaccine shortage on interference from Beijing, which didn’t stop her popularity from plunging...Terry Gou ...volunteered to buy five million doses of Pfizer-BNT vaccines for Taiwan —but the government took nearly a month to allow him to begin the process.   brief from  

Reuters, 2021-7-11: Foxconn founder Gou said Beijing did not interfere in the talks


Washington Post  (7-22-2020):  In a major speech in January 2019, Xi offered an ultimatum to Taiwan to come to the table for unification talks or face annexation by force. But as a precondition for talks, China demanded that Tsai acknowledge the “one China” principle.  (PS: However, I did not hear Tsai announced China's ultimatum.)   Then, in Mar., the PLA warplane crossed the Taiwan Strait "median line" that has served as a "de facto border" (Newsweek, 8-11-2020) or "the de facto cease-fire line" ( Japan's asia nikkei review, 8-13-2020) for the first time since the end of Chinese civil war in 1949 (Newsweek, 8-12-2020).


Chinese nationals died after a fatal chase at Feb. 14 by Taiwan's Coast Guard vessel

  CNN video, 2024-2-22

Now we are hearing the account from Taiwan... from Taiwan coast Guard they says fishermen vessel from China took a sharp turn and that caused a capsize...    one of the Chinese fishermen survived in the incident was speaking to Chinese TV and said that their boat, the Chinese boat was hit , was rammed by a Taiwanese vessel, and they overturned and capsized...


The Diplomat 2024-3-2: What proved controversial in Taiwan was that the coast guard did not immediately publicize that the two Chinese men died because of a collision with one of its vessels. The pan-Blue camp (opposition) ... attacks on the Tsai Ing-wen administration focusing on the perceived lack of transparency. 


United Daily (Taiwan, 2024-2-22): Taiwan Coast Guard kept hiding the truth, lying Chinese fishermen speeded up their boat and took a sharp turn which causing a capsize ... (海巡部門多日來未說實話,一再隱瞞真相,謊稱大陸漁船是在加速逃逸蛇行過程翻覆。導致事態擴大日漸棘手) (

China Times (中時, 2024-3-4): Taiwan government renames the report to the Legislative from 「fatal boats collision (金門撞船案)」to 「outlaw illegal fishing boat (取締事故)」,  on the other hand the gov. told the aborigines/indigenous lawmaker in charge of this case that they will promote native Taiwanese working in the Coast Guard (「海巡有很多原住民同仁,我特別要求注意在升遷上的拔擢」); obviously, as long as the case can be positioned as political event, the truth does not matter。 brief



britannica: Tsai Ing-wen promised she would maintain cordial relations with the mainland.   
Reuters (   December 24, 2021, 8 a.m. GMT  ): former chair of the KMT Johnny Chiang says to Reuters relations between Taiwan and China have “gone backwards” under Tsai's watch. Diplomatically, politically “and in the Sino-U.S. relationship, the two sides are at war,”,“This has not benefited Taiwan".

United Daily, 2023-5-25: When power outage incidents continued, president Tsai insisted Taiwan power has no issue.




national security


nPelosi visiting Taiwan

DW (Germany, 2023-4-19): A survey shows that a majority of Taiwanese respondents believe Pelosi's trip was detrimental to the island's security, and the surveys also suggest a considerable number of Taiwanese voters are concerned about entrapment by the US.
Reason, Yahoo, 2023-7-19: According to a survey by the Brookings Institute, 62 percent of respondents said that Pelosi's visit "made Taiwan less secure.".
Economist, 2022-8-11: It is becoming ever harder to prevent a war over Taiwan.  The danger is that China uses the crisis to set new boundaries for its encroachments into what Taiwan considers its airspace and territorial waters.

Diplomat (2022-8-11): the potential for arms escalation is higher than ever ... In the event of an unexpected attack, “outdated” F-16s and F-5s stand no chance against more sophisticated opponents

Deutsche Welle (2022-12-30): For Shelley Rigger, a leading US authority on Taiwan, there are dangers in this trend. ... really escalates the danger that Taiwan is facing without providing any concrete benefit to Taiwan" ; Kevin Rudd (Australia's former PM): tens, if not hundreds of thousands of Taiwanese civilians dead.
Japan Times (2023-8-4): Pelosi's visit marked an inflection point after which China sharply escalated its gray-zone military operations near Taiwan, eroding the island's security...Taiwan's inability to deter the drills or lessen their impact, ...Nor did the U.S. directly respond to China's provocations. ── some in the CCP likely interpreted the inaction as reluctance to intervene militarily on Taiwan's behalf.   MATTHEW FULCO
Foreign Policy (2022-8-22): After Pelosi's Visit, Most of the Indo-Pacific Sides With Beijing

EurAsian Times (2022-8-4): China has normalized its incursions into Taiwan’s ADIZ and drills around it by implying that it is not illegal to conduct military exercises within its own territory. Thus, what it does in Taiwan is not illegal. Setting the narrative this way also leads other countries to accept the ‘normal,’ which reduces the number of official objections

Diplomat (2023-8-10): Since the Pelosi Visit, China Has Created a New Normal ── permanent – changes in Beijing's aerial incursions into Taiwan's ADIZ  (nullification of the Median Line).  The line incursions of August 3-5, 2022 were the most dangerous incidents in the Taiwan Strait yet, with strike package-like formations carrying out simulated attacks on high-value targets along the northern portion of the Median Line.  These incursions carried unparalleled chances for miscalculation given that the distance and flight time from the line to Taipei is very short. PLA aircraft could appear above the capital city within minutes,


nAfter Pelosi leaving Taiwan - China held a drill
 USA Today (2022-8-4): Taiwan says they violate its sovereignty and equate to the "sealing off" of the island "by air and sea.".   United Daily (Taiwan, 2022-8-26) : President Tsai Ing-wen did not dare to utter a word about it.
★  L.A. Times: The threat of Chinese military action has loomed for so long that few seem to raise an eyebrow

★  N.Y. Times (2022-8-3): Taiwan has grown adept at courting senior lawmakers from major powers.  (But Tsai Ing-wen was so weak or "prudent" as not to take active countermeasure. )


nKevin McCarthy, Tsai Ing-wen meeting (2023-6-29): China nevertheless carried out significant diplomatic and military measures. The April exercises were no less significant than those in August.  91 PLA aircraft were operating around Taiwan. This marked an all-time high up to this point... it would close an area of airspace north of Taiwan due to “aerospace activities” ...This lengthy period ... Taiwan calling it “unprecedented”.
Nikkei (Japan) : sightings of Chinese aircraft in the airspace east of Taiwan have substantially increased since March (Asia Times, 2023-8-3).
New Zealand Herald (2023-4-12):  the possibility of war between the two is “frightening”. It would be worse than Covid in terms of its consequences for mortality and slowdown of economic activity.”.
Japan Times (2023-8-4): Beijing held military exercises that suggested it could more effectively threaten Taiwan's strategically important east coast than previously believed. Beijing further warned that it would inspect Taiwanese vessels in parts of the Taiwan Strait... we cannot assume China made an empty threat.


n Global Times, 2023-8-9: During Tsai's more than seven years in power, the number of Taiwan region's "diplomatic allies" has dropped from 22 in 2016 to 13 in 2023. In contrast, during Ma Ying-jeou's eight years in power, the number of Taiwan region's "diplomatic allies" fell by only one.   since 2016, Taiwan's representatives have been repeatedly excluded from international organizations such as the World Health Organization and the International Civil Aviation Organization.

int'l spies take info. freely

Tsai government gives no importance to Taiwanese privacy, more than that ~


The WEEK, 2023-11-13: Taiwan has been an "easy target for Chinese spies", It is "not very strict about punishing espionage", which "has an effect on willingness to spy for China". The nation has "penetrated many parts of the Taiwanese government over the decades", said The New York Times, and its agents are also seeking to learn more about the US's growing relationship with its "Asian allies"   Rebekah Evans

BBC, 2023-11-9:  Beijing's espionage strategy has intensified and expanded beyond elite military circles.Taiwan did not have a robust system for restricting access to classified information until recently. the island is also "not very strict" about punishing espionage, "This has an effect on willingness to spy for China"..."If you're not controlling sensitive and secret information very well… You should expect any competent foreign intelligence service to get access to it. That's played out in Taiwan for a long, long time."


extreme & emotional & personal

New Yorker (2022-11-21):  the Xinhua News Agency blamed her policies on the fact that she is unmarried and lives alone. “As a single female politician, she lacks the emotional encumbrance of love, the constraints of family, or the worries of children,”“Her style and strategy in pursuing politics constantly skew toward the emotional, personal, and extreme.”.“She doesn't care so much about the direction of political strategies, ... and does not consider long-term goals.”
New Yorker had different view, but ~


 Tsai gave order to the whole DPP Party to fight National Taiwan University for saving HsinChu mayor who committed plagiarism.

 In 2022's Midterm election, Tsai Ing-wen broke DPP's system - didn't hold a party primary to select candidates, she selected whoever she wanted (VOA, 2022-11-27), even supported HsinChu city mayor (Lin Chih-chien ) whose Master's degree was just revoked by National Taiwan University due to thesis plagiarism  Tsai accused " all of you committed plagiarism too" (「你們也有抄襲」)  .  Tsai's going ahead regardless damaged academic ethics therefore led to a disastrous defeat .


National Interest, 2022-11-30: There was plagiarism involved in DPP candidates, its nomination strategies...  VOA 2022-11-27:  internal chaos in the DPP.  Power is not distributed well.  The personality [of the candidates] was also an issue.  First Post, 2022-12-5:  DPP lost the election ... on the choices of its candidates.  A few candidates were also lost to plagiarism scandals

Tsai's DPP to save rotten former president Chen Shui-bian /
  al jazeera, 2022-5-30: Taiwan legislature erupts in violence over "secret expenses" billKMT lawmakers try to block bill they say could be used to overturn Taiwan's ex-President Chen Shui-bian's corruption conviction Lawmakers armed with signs and loudspeakers, pushed and shoved each other and threw water and paper (fake money) to prevent a third reading of the bill.  Chen was found guilty of misusing funds by fake receipts etc.   brief from  

Tsai Ing-Wen's DPP passes the "secret expenses" bill -  Taiwan will lose the bottom line  ─  in the future there would be no law to punish Taiwan president's connecting public monies with a private or personal burse...  (前特偵組成員說,總統擁有國家最高權力,將公帑通私庫卻即將「無法」處罰,最後一道防線失守民進黨立委挾人數優勢,強行將攸關國務機要費除罪的會計法修正案完成三讀)

United Daily (聯合報), 2024-5-11: According to the polls,  only 22% support the amnesty of former president Chen Shui-bian. However, Tsai Ing-wen ignores the public opinion and  the judiciary, still plan to do it just to repay Chen's supporting her in the past.


United Daily (聯合報), 2023-2-9: During the seven years of the presidency of Tsai Ing-wen, one of the greatest harms to the country was that Taiwan's political culture has declined due to her partiality and 'being emotional'.


Global Times, 2022-5-21: The DPP has launched a large-scale "desinicization" campaign in politics, economy, history and culture to push cross-Straits "decoupling." The cross-Straits exchanges and cooperation were completely destroyed. In other words, the DPP authority is using a knife to slice through Taiwan's flesh and blood ties with the mainland.





limit or abuse human rights


People's Daily, 10-15-2020, commentary: Taiwan's Intelligence strictly monitors its own people, which is called "Green Terror".(台灣情治部門...大搞“綠色恐怖”,嚴密監控島內民眾)


 Global Times, 2022-12-19: There are forces on the island who are mentally controlling the Taiwan people...


 China Times (中時), editorial, 2022-12-22: Taiwan's government has been practicing authoritarianism, the investigation and  prosecutors are under DPP admin.'s orders and wantonly violate human rights. (對內實施威權,檢調對黨政機關俯首聽命,肆意侵犯人權)

United Daily (Taiwan), editorial,

: The means used by current Taiwanese government to abuse human rights is as bad as Chiang Kai-shek's authoritarian regime   (蔡政府卻不斷踐踏人權 ,手段較之他們指責的威權時期毫不遜色)   

★ Taipei Times (Taiwan), 2022-6-25: An international panel of human rights experts called on Taiwan to ban  torture and other forms of cruelty are used by some government officials


Taiwan's ruling party DPP official website  : human rights abuses and persecutions occur everywhere and anytime in Taiwan (促轉會主委楊翠致詞時表示,當權者對於人權的迫害、侵奪這件事情是隨時隨地,過去發生、現在到處在發生、未來也很有可能會發生




Global Times, 12-9-2020 Chiu Yi (邱毅) , a former lawmaker in Taiwan and a scholar, said his family members have also been impacted. Chiu Yi - Wikipedia
United Daily (聯合報), editorial,
We still remember these even you paint“White Terror" with "Green Terror"


Global Times, 2022-8-11:  under the guise of "democracy", the DPP authorities are practicing "green terror".


Liberty Times, 2023-1-19: Tsai Ing-wen feels alienated from transitional justice from the very beginning - her initial gesture - " haven't everyone chosen obedience in those authoritarian days ? "...  Same as previous Taiwan presidents Lee Teng-hui, Chen Shui-bian, and Ma Ying-Jeou, Tsai Ing-wen fails to make it !

 United Daily, editorial, 2022-3-22: President Tsai believed that the establishment of a "transitional Justice committee" would eradicate injustice. However, this is not the case. The committee claims itself as a new version "secret police".  ...  (蔡總統以為,成立了「促轉會」不僅以「新東廠」自居,監察院的公正性在流失,司法部門的獨立性在變弱...)

★  In Aug., US Speaker Ms. Pelosi was arranged to visit Taiwan's Nat'l Human Rights Museum where she met with some dissidents who were persecuted by China (The Economist, 2022-8-11, NY Times, 2022-8-3, updated 2022-8-11, Art News, 2022-8-3) , but not to meet any Taiwanese persecuted in today's Taiwan.   It has been mainly focused on the Sino-US geopolitical struggle, rather than the vulnerable.


In addition to Japan Times (2022-4-22),  the Diplomat (2023-5-12) criticized Taiwan "All too often, Taiwan looks the other way as its formal partners commit human rights abuses".   (   Ross Feingold)

Taiwan president Tsai Ing-wen called Somaliland “like-minded partner who share the values of democracy and freedom”.  But in Somaliland, hundreds have died in what has become a civil war, over 100,000 refugees fled, freedom of the press is under threat. 
Shortly after Nicaragua's army commander-in-chief visited Tsai Ing-wen in March 2018,  UN determined that Nicaragua's security agencies had committed crimes against humanity, Human Rights Watch (2018-4-27):  Police officers used excessive force to shut down demonstrations across the country, protests left deadly toll ( ), a few months later, Taiwan donated millions of U.S. dollars to a Nicaragua's police official . (
  Reuters (2021-2-8): The US is investigating Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez  ( ; However, Tsai Ing-wen met him in Presidential Office in Nov. 2021.
 Taiwan president Tsai Ing-wen described her visit to Guatemala as necessary to “stand firm in defense of freedom and democracy”. However, in recent months the international community has repeatedly expressed concern about the lack of democracy under Giammattei, and the US criticized the deterioration of the rule of law and the persecution of journalists.
 President Tsai complimented Paraguay President Cartes on positive comments on social media about good things that she has done”.  The US announced in 2022 that it had designated Cartes for involvement in significant corruption.  In 2023, Taiwan congratulated Peña winning presidential election,  but Peña is a puppet of Cartes. 
  Prime Minister of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines said Taiwan will loan approximately $214 million for infrastructure projects. The finance minister also said that Taiwan will loan $50 million to build a Marriott hotel.

Besides,  Reuters (2023-4-4) and Foreign Policy (2023-4-24) reported Taiwan isn't playing Dollar Diplomacy anymore, but Tsai Ing-wen still gave Belize a $16.5 million grant to build a hospital.  According to Freedom House, Belize is a country of corruption (Government corruption is a concern;。

Taiwan is rotten too ( Taiwan presidents look the other way as its state machine commit human rights persecutions.  or even worse ...



No.1 "political persecutions in Taiwan" on the net :

rather than deterrence

Economist (2023-11-15):  after Taiwan's main opposition parties announced they had struck an electoral pact, it (a significant relaxation of the island-state’s defiant posture towards China) looked a lot likelier.New Yorker (2023-11-14): Tsai Ing-wen, has called more forthrightly for independence, tensions have increased.China viewed as a provocative visit by former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to Taiwan

Council on Foreign Relations (2023-10-28):   This will require avoiding needless provocation. Taiwan’s formal independence is not in the cards. The stakes are too big for symbols or needless provocations. The Hill (2022-9-15): Symbolic gestures, such as delegations visiting the island, are needless provocations that could endanger Taiwan and anger neighboring countries for being sidelined


and welcome western high-ranking officials

──  FP (2023-11-15): one of the best ways—other than not provoking—when dealing with a big bully is to deter.” ──  The United States is pushing Taiwan to ... potentially mobilize the millions of men who have passed through the island’s mandatory reserve training. But Tsai Ing-wen government is not willing to do it considering of elections.


In contrast, China's deterrence works. FP (2023-11-15): The intimidating displays of August 2022—just like China’s military exercises of March 1996—were their own form of deterrence, designed to warn the United States against too much support of Taiwan and Taiwan against overt declarations of independence. Their message was “not today,” and it worked.


really support for gender equality - LGBT rights ?

Taiwan ruling party's #MeToo -  treating their own comrades that way, do they really support Taiwan's gender equality?  or mainly a strategy for propaganda ?

  ♣   New York Times, 2023-6-25  A torrent of sexual harassment accusations has prompted questions about the state of women’s rights on an island democracy ... entrenched sexism that leaves women vulnerable at work, and a culture that is quick to blame victims and cover up accusations against powerful men.

  ♣   Washington Post, 2023-6-7:  The #MeToo accusations have caused the DPP's favorability ratings to plummet... But the government has until now been slow to respond to reported cases of sexual harassment.    Vic Chiang, Meaghan Tobin
  ♣   Bloomberg, 2023-6-7: Taiwan president apologizes ...: "We've also seen such cases are everywhere...(in Taiwan)".
  ♣   The Guardian (UK), 2023-6-8: The belated #MeToo reckoning has exposed the deeply patriarchal norms that still govern Taiwanese society. “#MeToo has become a symbol of anti-sexual violence activism, but it has yet to produce a crystallising effect and recharge the anti-sexual violence movement … victims in the dark and perpetrators enjoying impunity”...  while these accusations had played out in the court of public opinion, in formal legal proceedings they were unlikely to succeed. “It is almost impossible for victims to win the lawsuit.” AmyHawk

  ♣  The China Project (New York based), 2023-6-8:  70% to 80% of respondents who said they had experienced sexual harassment in the workplace chose to remain silent.  Jordyn Haime
  ♣  TaiwanPlus News, 2023-6-5:The   ♣  United Daily, editorial,  2023-6-5 : The image of DPP collapses
United Daily, editorial,  2023-6-4 : sexual harassment and bully become the ruling DPP's norm, high-ranking officials' burying the case becomes a tacit understanding inside the party, that's why #MeToo stories come again and again
  ♣  United Daily, editorial,  2023-6-6 : After Tsai Ing-wen took office, DPP appears an ecology of collectively sexual harassment to the youth, but she shows no moral pressure ...
  ♣  China Times, editorial ,  2023-6-5 :  58 DPP lawmakers including those asserting gender equality for a long term such as范雲、林靜儀、吳思瑤、高嘉瑜、邱議瑩 voted the bill "systematic reviews on sexual harassment" down.

  ♣  China Times, editorial , 2023-6-3 : The immoral and corrupted DPP /   After taking office in 2016,  DPP soon indulged in black (Mafia gangs), gold (being rotten), and yellow (porn/womanizing).  "soaking" in such a bad environment for a long time, how can the DPP staffs have healthy sexual  behaviors ?

  ♣  United Daily, editorial, 2023-6-1 : Holding high the banner of Modern women, DPPs actually are outdated Chauvinisme, and are accomplices of patriarchy.  Facing the incident of sexual harassment, the DPP has no empathy, but indifference; no professionalism, but suppression.



same-sex marriage serves political purpose:

  ♣  CNN, 2022-7-1: 
"We were treated like second-class citizens.";  the island has a long way to go before same-sex couples have true equality...  (

  ♣  The Diplomat, 2021-6-23: Despite recent progress, same-sex couples still face legal barriers ...
  ♣  Washington Post, 2019-6-26: In both form and content, the whole process was political, aimed to show Taiwanese as promoting equality and human rights in direct contrast to the Chinese government...With its legalization of same-sex marriages, Taiwan seeks to set itself apart from the mainland and assert its own brand.

  ♣ Kyodo News (Japan), 2023-1-19:  Taiwan OKs same-sex marriage of transnational couples, but the new rule does not cover same-sex marriages involving people from mainland China ...
  ♣  Bangkok Post, 2021-3-1 :  Tsai is popular among young people for legalising same-sex marriage in 2019...she often shows her support for LGBT rights.

  ♣  Politico, 2024-5-20:  During Tsai’s tenure, Taiwan became the first society in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage, though critics say she skirted political responsibility by leaving the decision up to the Supreme Court and a series of referendums.



 <United Daily 聯合報>, editorial, 2023-6-23: In the past 7 years, the percentage of female members of Taiwan's cabinet is only about 5 % ~ 10+%, far less than previous two presidents'



New "authoritarianism"



Tsai wearing an imperial robe and crown

DW, https://蔡英文变蔡皇帝亚洲周刊批蔡英文独裁/a-56059525
; , Yazhou Zhoukan since 1987


Economist, 2023-5-31: The DPP (ruling party) has an image problem at home.   After eight years in power, its oppositionist credentials have faded. Many young people see the DPP as the “establishment”.


 US Country Reports on Human Rights Practices released at 2022-4-12 :  In 2020 presidential and legislative elections, President Tsai Ing-wen won re-election,...there were allegations of vote buying by candidates and supporters of both major political parties.


US Country Reports on Human Rights Practices released at 2022-4-12 ( CTi News was forced off the air after the National Communications Commission declined to renew its broadcast license. Opposition politicians and some academics and commentators claimed the decision was politically motivated retaliation for CTi News’ criticism of the ruling party.


according to (2023-11-13), Taiwan's political culture is “democratic dictatorship”

United Daily (聯合報),  2022-10-26:  In midterm election, the state machine attacks opposition party's candidates such as YiLan County mayor (宜蘭縣長林姿妙) screams: "stop suppressing and bullying us by using state machine" (大喊「不要用國家機器來打壓、不要再欺負我們了


GT, 2022-10-26: Taiwan wasn't a democracy at all;  the democracy in "Legislative Yuan" have become the laughing stock of the international community...governance and an imported form of democracy from a different culture, supported only with money but without the required training and education is so poorly implemented. The Brookings (Jan. '21) concludes : "Taiwan's structural impediments to good policy performance are not easily fixed. brief


DW, Germany  (Chinese edition, 12-25-2020) and RFI, France (Chinese edition, 12-27-2020) cited <Yazhou Zhoukan > 's criticism Taiwan president Tsai I. W. was turning into a   "elected Empress with imperial robe and crown"


New York Times, 12-1-2019 : soft underbelly of Taiwanese politics: patronage networks. they continue to allow community leaders, farmers' associations and even organized-crime figures to buy votes.  )


Denmark's Democracy Perception Index 2021:Taiwan's democracy -   unfair elections and/or election fraud -  46% agreed.    


Digital News Report (Jun. 2020) by Oxford university (UK) Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism: Only 24% Taiwanese trust in news which remains one of the lowest in Oxford survey


Global Times, 2022-5-21: Over the past six years, Tsai and the DPP have become more obsessed with manipulating public opinion. They are more brazen.


China Times, 2023-11-25: The government uses national budget to buy the media, uses the National Communications Council to attack dissidents, and shut down CTI TV (中天電視) Station. Moreover, the new "National Security Laws" (「國安五法」)  revised in the Legislative Yuan to comprehensively attack political opponents.  All actions are contrary to democracy. 


a "cat lady"


TIME:  an affinity for cats

Lowy Institute (Australia, 2020-7-17):   Taiwan tiptoes in  cross-strait relations...  Tsai  turned down an invitation to the Dalai Lama’s 85th birthday celebration

United Daily, 2022-12-23:  Tsai accurately predicted the trend, turned the contradiction between the native and Chinese immigrants in 1949+ into generational contradiction, and cleverly played a jack of both side - China-friendly and pro-independence.


a  "flunkey"


Tsai Ing-wen has no other choice but to rely on the US -  Beijing has refused to talk with Tsai and has consistently increased pressure on Taiwan solely for her refusal to publicly embrace the 1992 Consensus.


quora: Obviously, very bad. Tsai Ing-wen is the "flunkey" of the United States. She has always regarded the United States as a benefactor and followed in the footsteps of the United States. For example,On the day that U.S. President Biden's dog died, Tsai Ing-wen immediately tweeted her condolences, and the swift action was rare in the world.  How ridiculous !

"meat on chopping blocks" /  New York Times , 9-18-2020: Taiwan has become completely dependent on the United States,... Many people are saying that Taiwan has become the meat on others’ chopping blocks”

  "food on the menu"  /  SCMP, 10-7-2020: "If you are not at the table, you are on the menu,” When the great powers sit at the geopolitical table, Taiwan has long been on the menu."

"conduit (tool)"  /    The LOWY Institute( think tank in Australia ) , 6-16-2020 : treating Taiwan as a conduit to frustrate Beijing imperils Taiwan’s security... and then the United States abandons Taiwan to deal with the consequences.

   Eurasian Times  7-9-2020: The Tsai authority ... turns to Washington and is willing to be used.  Taiwan Now Under ‘Deep Control’ Of The US.

  "a card to play"  /   Foreign Policy, 1-13-2021  "Taiwan Needs Real Allies, Not Opportunists, Not Partisans "  : ... That confirmed the suspicion of many Taiwan analysts that this administration views the island primarily as a card to play against the People’s Republic of China and as a convenient foil to it—or the “free China” per Pompeo’s press release. 


 "human bomb"  /  Global Times, 9-8-2020: US sets Taiwan up as a 'human bomb'  ( drive the little to poke the big  )

  "a rat" /  Le Monde diplomatique of France, '16: Taiwan, a trembling sweating rat, doing nothing to approaching huge cat (China), but turning around and  lifting high a banner "$O$" . 


  " a tradable pawn", "a useful chess piece"  /  Global Times, 8-23-2020: Taiwan is a useful chess piece for the US only because of the US strategy to suppress the Chinese mainland. ...Taiwan is a tradable pawn.  Taiwan for the US is only a tradable chess piece, but for the mainland, reunification of the mainland and Taiwan is priceless.


  USA Today, 2022-12-9: America just won a major victory over China.   GT, 2022-12-9:  Not only do they (Tsai gov.) have no resistance to US' behavior of hollowing out Taiwan (Taiwanese semiconductor company's decision to build two factories in Arizona), but they act proactively, with their words and actions full of servility to Washington.  

 "cash machine" /  Global Times, 10-27-2020 : the US is still treating the island as a "cash machine" ...




values no privacy


CNN: Tsai Ing-wen "values privacy", the stone-faced security team watching her every move. "They kill my appetite" Tsai said.
But, She values other people's privacy ?


CTV news (中視新聞), 2022-12-7  12:26:  23 million Taiwanese personal data are on sales on the net  (2300人民個資在網上盜賣 "台灣幾乎沒有個資可言")


 United Daily (聯合報), editorial (9-19-2018): "secret Police" are already active around us. 「東廠們」已經活躍在我們四周...)

New York Post  4-25-2020 : Taiwan deals CovID with "a lot more authoritarian.", "almost everyone is tracked."

 Apple Daily (蘋果日報), 5-28-2018 :  EU General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR is efective,  but Taiwan is going in opposite way. (歐洲個資法(EU General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR)正式上路,  台灣卻甚至反其道而行)

Apple Daily (蘋果日報), 1-6-2021, professor :  Taiwan has no coordinated sets of specific laws avoiding the government's abuse of its power.  (關於專門針對電子圍籬的明確配套法令仍屬空白,令人浩嘆。)

Apple Daily, 11-10-2020: It's a reality in today's Taiwan that the omniscient government absolutely manipulate each national's personal data which were collected all the time since he(she) was born, e.g., each person's health & medical data/information was forced without agreement of the party to be opened on purpose of business and academic use.  澄社評論:政府掌控個資 至死不休(吳全峰)


★ Apple Daily (蘋果日報),  2021-4-26 :  Taiwan repeatedly ate its promise to protect personal data again and again 周冠汝

 The China Times (中國時報), 1-6-2021,  Law maker:  Taiwan like a police state already showcased Orwellian surveillance for all the people ?  the human rights protected by the Constitution has been in danger for a long time...(立法委員:  類似警察國家的全民監控是否已在台灣上演?天網防疫又似成常態,憲法保障的基本人權早已岌岌可危...  立法院幾番質詢,政府才被動承認電子圍籬的存在。是否以防疫為名,實則監看人民?始終沒有聽到政府釐清說明,資訊藏在黑箱裡 ...)






  VOA News, 2023-11-24:   a 34-year-old banker, told VOA by phone. “I will vote for the third-party candidate Ko Wen-je, because I think he can help address the issue of corruption that has long plagued Taiwan's politics.” William Yang 

  Australia, 2023-11-24: opposition parties have found plenty of other targets for attack: the government's handling of Covidcorruption on the part of legislators;...... popular sentiment favours a change of government. If Taiwan had a two-party preferred system of voting, Lai would be staring at defeat.


China Times (中時), 2023-6-26  editorial:
The ruling DPP's corruption - structural, collective and overall (結構性、集體性、全面性貪腐) ;  a bunch of vote-brokers, officials, law makers get involved; DPP's corruption has already crossed the bottom line, and being out of control.   brief


FTV,  7-26-2018

FTV (Formosa Television) News, 7-26-2018: By expertise and team work, core members of former president of Taiwan (ROC), Ma Ying-Jeou's (KMT party) faction did 'dig' money in the amount more than ten times, or even more than 100 times that of rotten former president Chen Shui-bian got, Chen was sentenced to 20 years... main politicians of DPP party already knew all about this issue  ( if Tsai's government did nothing to KMT,   Tsai certainly
might connives DPP's people... )

TaiwanPlus, 2023-3-6:

China Times (中國時報) ,  2023-4-30 editorial In the past 7 years in office, Tsai Ing-wen has connived her subordinates and left them to themselvesTsai government's state of being rotten was already worse than that in Chen Shui-bian's government.

 China Times , 2023-4-19:  In today's Taiwan, president, premier, lots of ministers ... which one is not rotten? corrupted? scandalous ?... (自總統以下,行政院長、多數部會首長,哪一個不是貪汙腐化、醜聞一堆、朽木為官、禽獸食祿? ) 楊志良

  Global Times, 2022-9-28, 2022-9-25: In 2022, the overall "diplomatic budget" of Taiwan reached $936 million, which includes $41 million "classified budget" to bribe and ......

  United Daily 聯合報, 2023-12-3:  Taiwanese are most intolerant of the ruling party's corruption . Presidential candidate Ko W.Z. (柯文哲) has frequently criticized the DPP for being corrupt from chicken eggs, photovoltaics, face-masks, virus vaccines, slag to CovID rapid screening... almost everything.


China Times, 2022-11-27: Tsai Ing-Wen gov. abuses of power, being rotten  (corruption),  government colludes with business for benefits, factions have gone too far for seeking interest (濫權腐化、官商勾結中央經營黨利、派系圖謀私益太過頭)
United Daily (Taiwan), 2022-12-24: various surveys show that the No.1 public-grievance about the admin. is corruption and "black gold" (現階段台灣民眾最不滿意的施政項目是貪腐與黑金) Membership Accreditation Committee, Transparency International

Liberty Times, 1-12-2020 :  a rotten unified government led by the DPP smells (完全執政的腐壞氣息已現)
In presidential debate (2019-12-25), opposition party presidential candidate 韓國瑜 criticized DPP corrupt officials and politicians led by Tsai Ing-wen have been much corrupted.
Apple Daily (蘋果日報), 12-7-2018  :  Tsai Ing-Wen's government is too rotten and stinky, corrupt officials and politicians (mafia-gangsters also involved) have been much corrupted.  (台灣官商勾結,貪腐破表)

According to Global Corruption Barometer (2021), Transparency (  test at 1-27-2021), 90% of people think government corruption is a big problem
Transparency International, 1-29-2019:  Taiwan has stagnated in the Corruption Perspective Index rankings since 2011 with its score 61~63 (dropped 2 spots this year), in contrast, South Korea improved by 3 points

United Daily (聯合報), 2022-12-7:  Those in power have been corrupted for everything... Today's Tsai-government is corrupt, incompetent and wasteful (執政者吃銅吃鐵、貪汙腐敗...今日政府貪腐無能又浪費無度)
Global Times, 2022-11-28:  Corruption

United Daily (聯合報), 2022-11-26: Taiwanese People ... don't want new corrupt rich (台灣人民...不要新貪腐權貴)  

 United Daily (聯合報) , editorial 2023-11-22: An Alliance of Taiwan’s Opposition Parties Collapsed will help DPP's corruption and abuses oif power.(助長綠營威權貪腐)

 China Times , editorial, 2023-11-18:  The Tsai government's exploiting loopholes of the constitutional system and weakening the legislative and supervisory powers result in an autocratic system, a beast of power (the president and the executive) leading to all kinds of corruption and misdeeds  (政府完全執政後,大鑽憲政體制漏洞,弱化制衡行政權的立法與監察權;強人意識帶來的專制運作,讓總統與行政機關成為只要我想要、沒有不可以的權力野獸,各式貪汙腐化的敗行劣跡也因運而生)  
 China Times , editorial,  2023-11-22: Due to corruption and abuses of power ... about 60% of the public expect a new government

China Times (中國時報) , 2022-11-27: Politics is filthy and corrupt  (政治汙濁腐敗、昏官暴吏橫行、政策徇私瀆職)

China Times , 2022-7-16: The relationship between politics and business is too stinky, which makes people sigh at Taiwan's serious money-power politics  (政商關係,都臭不可聞,令人對台灣陷入金權政治的深重程度浩然長嘆)

Not bold and resolute

According to New York Times, 2023-4-2, Tsai Ing-wen has been "on a tightrope" between China and the USshe is is known for caution and understatement.  Tsai, a technocrat, not a transformative politician.  Many commentators viewed Tsai as a transitional and relatively weak leader.    New York Times, news briefing:  she is "one of the most important in the world."   further details:
United States Institute of Peace, 2023-3-30  :  Tsai has walked a fine line in her efforts to continue to strengthen ties with Washington and avoid deliberately provoking Beijing.


Tsai is weak (or not bold & resolute enough) on Taiwan's judicial reform and China's military drills around Taiwan

TaiwanPlus, 2023-3-6:

United Daily, 2023-7-18:  Many judgments or conclusions follow directions from the ruling party
United Daily, 2023-7-17:  Tens of thousands joined a protest in Taipei, their main demand was to express dissatisfaction with judiciary and housing price. the KMT's Hou You-yi says judicial reform is an empty shell, Terry Guo says both policy are "bad checks", Dr. Ko Wen-je of Taiwan People's Party says the public do not trust our legal system.

FTV news (民視 ), 2022-12-17: Taipei city mayor Ko: I still hope that the judiciary is the last line of defense of the country, so far it has not met this standard (希望司法是國家最後一道防線,到目前為止還沒有達到這個標準).  Expert:   Justice is not the last line of defense for our social justice.  All signs of judicial reform are gone.  In today's Taiwan, the clients usually do not ask which lawyer is more capable or more experienced, but ask whether or not the lawyer is familiar with judges and prosecutors.  They are all talking about relationships and connections! Taiwan's judicial reform will never work !   資深媒體人吳國棟

China Times ( 中時),  2023-2-18: Since Tsai Ing-wen was elected as president, her influence has penetrated into the judicial system, the admin. has directed the judiciary what and how to do.  Most of Taiwan's presidents were graduated from law school, but only to exploit the law and abuse their power...  (台灣領導人多數是學法出身,卻被視為玩法弄權者,成民主毒瘤)

L.A. Times, 2022-7-30: The threat of Chinese military action has loomed for so long that few seem to raise an eyebrow when Beijing lashes out, ...

 China Times ( 中時),  2022-12-12:  Taiwanese people were surprise about Taiwan's counter-measure against China's drills surrounding Taiwan was so weak and soft (裴洛西訪台,大陸在台灣周邊實施軍演,才讓民眾驚覺我方的反制居然如此無力與軟弱)


New York Times, 2022-12-26: The swarm of Chinese fighter jets, maritime patrol planes and drones that buzzed the airspace near Taiwan    PS: PLA military planes treat Taiwan's airspace (territory) as nothing more than once.


internal affairs


New York Times, 2024-1-10, :  out-of-control Taiwan housing prices and government corruption. (VOA, 2024-1-3, Guardian 1-7)
Economist, 2024-1-Nearly half of Taiwan's voters are concerned about the possibility of a war with China in the next five years.

CNBC, 2024-1-10:  old, ineffective, and even corrupt party machines...patchy policy record. It comes amid stagnant wages in the face of persistently high inflation and rising home prices and rent.     average monthly regular earnings of full-time Taiwanese employees rose about 2.2% ...while headline inflation was more than 3% that same month  lingering resentment over outgoing President Tsai Ing-wen’s controversial rollout of locally manufactured Covid vaccines at the height of the pandemic and criticism of a perceived broader lack of transparency.  

Financial Times, 2024-1-10:  people are tired of the DPP after eight years in office.

The Hill, 2024-1-18:  Stagnant salaries, high housing prices, lack of affordable housing, a social safety net needing additional investments, low birth rates, long-term care, an energy policy eschewing nuclear energy while over-promising on green energy, and increased defense spending.

New York Times,  2024-1-12:  high housing prices and slow income increases ; Younger voters seem especially disillusioned.

CNN, 2024-1-12:  Taiwan's notoriously stagnant wages to its unaffordable homes.   

BBC, 2024-1-12:  Rising house prices and rentals, stagnating incomes, a significant youth unemployment rate, and an annual GDP growth hovering around 2% have worried many.   "Tsai Ing-wen has been too soft,"  "They had control of the legislature for eight years and didn't get anything done".   

DW (Germany), 2024-1-11: Just under half of voters, according to some polls, are worried about a possible war within the next five years,"

Semafor, 2024-1-8 : Taiwanese residents have struggled to make ends meet amid soaring housing prices, record inflation, and low wages.

NBC, 2024-1-9:   education, employment, the cost of housing and growing income inequality.  

Washington Post, 2023-11-24: Tsai's presidency, which has been hit by corruption scandals and grumbling from Taiwanese businesses about lost trade with China

RedFlag (Australia, 2024-1-16): Eeconomic growth has been sluggish for years. Real wages have barely risen in twenty years.  Taiwanese workers now have the fourth-longest working week in the world.  Inflation is eroding the value of wages, which can barely cover rents.  House prices have risen by 50 percent in the past five years, while youth unemployment sits at a near-record 12 percent.  The DPP poses as a progressive alternative on some social issues, but rules in the interests of big business.   The debate in the political class is about how to balance profitable Chinese trade and investment with strong military ties to the United States.

So sweatshop billionaire Terry Gou and microchip billionaire Morris Chang can stand on opposite sides of the China-US debate but be in broad agreement when it comes to policies screwing over workers in Taiwan and China.

Workplace exploitation, nuclear power, anti-migrant racism, and women's and LGBT rights are more important issues for many young people than the intrigue involved in the politicians’ cynical balancing act between military superpowers.




economy is heavily reliant on the mainland  VS.  politically confront China
♦♦ L.A. Times, 2022-7-29: The country's economy relies on China, its largest trading partner.
♦♦ Washington Post, 2022-10-2142 percent of Taiwan's exports  — go to China. 

♦♦ Australian Institute of International Affairs   2022-12-23Taiwan's economy is heavily reliant on the mainland.  


VOA News, 2022-4-1: At $913 a month, Taiwan's minimum wage is considered extremely low for an advanced economy, Taiwan has just generally struggled with this culture of a really weak wage environment.  Survey: More than 20% of Taiwanese under the age of 40 say they lack savings and 65% report they are in debt, only one-third of respondents said their income exceeds their expenses,... Some 41.8% of respondents said their debt was high enough that they felt economic pressure.


Global Times, 2023-2-9:    the "New Southbound Policy" promoted by the Tsai Ing-wen's Democratic Progressive Party has completely failed 


Global Times, 2022-5-21:  Recession in livelihood. Although the GDP of Taiwan doesn't look bad, if inflation is taken into account, people's actual income is seeing negative growth. In addition to the problem of low wages that has not been solved, high housing prices and high unemployment are becoming more and more intense. Meanwhile, a shortage of water, electricity, land, labor and talent is more prominent.


Bloomberg , 2023-5-16:  an expert at  the Hoover Institution in California :  there is also a slowing economy, stagnant wages, high housing costs, repeated delays in the transition to renewable energy, water shortages, air pollution, and so forth.


★ Money diplomacy
♦♦ Global Times, 2022-9-25:   in 2022, the overall "diplomatic budget" of the island reached $936 million, which includes $41 million "classified budget" to bribe and support anti-China forces and their activities overseas..."unworthy descendants" as they have sacrificed local residents' fortunes ...
♦♦  Global Times, 2022-9-28:  DPP's "dollar diplomacy" has gone far beyond said politicians, already reaching the echelons of US government lobby groups and so-called political think tanks.   In April 2021,the MintPress found that the island has doled out millions of dollars to many of the largest and most influential think tanks in the US in recent years.   9-28

♦♦ Global Times, 2022-9-28: profits to US politicians via covert means like buying over their family, NGOs  /    under the pretense of universities and research institutions, whose "white gloves" have given legitimacy to high-profile receptions -  first-class flights, luxury hotels, leisure and entertainment, and paying exorbitant "commission fees." ... civil groups (e.g., TSMC, China Steel Corporation, I-MEI Foods Co Ltd and CHIMEI ) extent invitations to US politicians but the DPP authorities eventually pay them using public assets , to escape US congressional constraints...  from 2016 to 2020, the DPP spent more than $12 million on public relations lobbying in the US, on average $3 million per year. Taiwan's other agencies also invested more than $9 million in this regard  


GT, 2022-5-21: Wanton military engagement. The defense budget of Taiwan reached NT$471.7 billion ($17.05 billion) in 2022 with a year-on-year increase of 5.2 percent. In comparison, the budget to buy COVID vaccines was only NT$10 billion this year.


At the end of 2022, Taiwan's per capita GDP amounted to $32,756 while Singapore's was $82,808, Japan and South Korea were at $33,815 and $32,255, respectively, according to the World Bank.


Hong Kong


Median wealth per adult (Credit Suisse, Research Institute, 2023 ) US$ 202,410 (world No.3) US$ 108,250
Mean wealth per adult (Credit Suisse, Research Institute, 2023 ) US$ 551,190 US$ 273,790
The average salary (Morgan McKinley, Business Insider, 2023) HK$ 36,583 (about TWD147,204) TWD 48,032 (plus overtime etc TWD 57,045) -
Median salary (UDN, 2023-12-14) about TWD 84,000 about TWD 43,000
Market Capitalization  (UDN, 2023-12-14) more than double of Taiwan's about USD 1.7 trillion


 United Daily (聯合報), 2024-4-24: Tsai Ing-wen created the biggest the gap between the rich and poor


 United Daily (聯合報), 2023-12-17: Taiwan's overall trade surplus in 20222 is US$51.9 billion, but its surplus with China (mainland) is as high as US$156.5 billion.



The Guardian, Mar 25, 2023 — Honduras becomes the ninth diplomatic ally that Taipei has lost to Beijing since pro-independence president Tsai Ing-wen first took office.


New York Times, 2023-4-2: On a Tightrope :  Taiwan's President Navigated the U.S. and China.


DW (Germany), 2023-4-19: US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan shows that a majority of Taiwanese respondents believe Pelosi's trip was detrimental to the island's security, and the surveys also suggest a considerable number of Taiwanese voters are concerned about entrapment by the US.   Global Times, 2023-4-7:  A poll within the island of Taiwan shows that nearly 70 percent of Taiwan residents don't think Tsai's trip (to the US) will help the island's relations with the US.   But, Tsai still decide to meet McCarthy.  GT, 2023-4-7: Tsai, who behaves sneakily, had a pretty miserable trip this time. She was "cold-shouldered" at many events in New York. The demand by the US side for Tsai to keep a low profile and remain secretive...  Tsai neither met any US government officials nor did she visit Washington D.C.   BBC, 2023-4-6:  "President Biden told Xi Jinping he is not using Taiwan as a weapon, that he does not support the separation of Taiwan from China", but such assurances are unlikely to amount to much in the wake of contentious state visits or official meetings with Taiwan's leaders.


pic. right:

No.1 "comment Tsai Ing-wen"



2023-4-21, 2023-2-26, 2023-2-11, 2023-1-21, 2023-1-12;
No.2 at 2023-8-1


criminal-mafia around Tsai

Global Times, 2022-11-28:
Tsai Ing-wen's government - black (underworld) gold politics and nepotism severely violated what the DPP had pledged to the people


China Times, (中國時報) , 2022-11-27: Tsai Ing-wen's faction has obviously entangled with Mafia gangsters, Tsai does not try to rectify it, instead, she points her fingers at other political parties and scolds "black money politics". (蔡英文經營的派系明明是黑道纏身,民進黨同樣黑影幢幢,但蔡英文不圖匡正,反而指著他黨痛罵黑金政治)

United Daily (聯合報), 2022-11-28:  Tsai Ing-wen strongly urged to end "black gold" before the election, but she was surrounded by "black gold" people, making the public see Tsai's true nature (蔡英文在選前高喊終止黑金,但身邊卻被黑金人士包圍,讓民眾看破手腳)

Apple Daily (蘋果日報), 12-7-2018 : Taiwan's corruption ahead of China, Indonesia, Brazil, the Philippines, Vietnam and other big corrupted countries lies in Mafia gangsters running rampant.  The criminal underworld assists officials, law-makers and council members in making a fortune.  The "food chain" is stinky! (台灣貪污領先中國、印尼、巴西、菲律賓、越南等貪污大國之處,在於還有黑道橫行。黑道輔佐官商民代發財,其臭無比的食物鏈 超越藍綠)

United Daily (聯合報), 2022-11-26:  The fatal reason Tsai Ing-wen was defeated in TaoYuan city and HsinChu city is its "black money" politics and its collusion with mafia gangsters... Tsai's factions link with the criminal underworld to expand their influence, hence the underworld was able to intervene in governance.  Tsai Ing-wen's connives "black money" political ecology (蔡英文大敗的桃竹戰場,致命傷就是黑金政治與政商勾結...派系結合黑道擴大影響力,黑道得以介入政府治理。蔡英文縱容的黑金共好政治生態)

China Times, 2022-11-24: The more serious problem is mafia running rampant in the political field.  Tsai Ing-wen turns a blind eye to the situation, instead, she clamours for wipe out other party's "black gold" politics. What a hypocritical and double-standard!  (更嚴重的是黑道橫行政壇的問題,蔡英文對於黨內遭黑道深度滲透裝聾作啞,還高唱掃除別人家黑金政治的調門令人對其虛偽與雙標無言以對。...看看那些民進黨地方權貴勾連黑道,以及警政首長與黑道把酒言歡的醜態,誰還能信賴這個政府的清白與道德水平?)

China Times,  2022-11-27: Tsai's DPP has entangled with Mafia, has abused of power and corrupted (黑道纏身、濫權腐化)  brief

Liberty Times (自由時報), 2022-11-29:  In the election campaign, core member(s) of Tsai Ing-Wen's  DPP committee were ridiculed as mafia gangsters, therefore voters want to give Tsai's DPP a lesson by voting in midterm election  (選戰遭「黑道當中常委」譏諷,...出現「以選票教訓民進黨」的訴求,並非無因)

China Times , 2022-11-27: The underworld gangsters collude with "clean syndicates" (officials) for benefit (黑白道沆瀣一氣 )

聯合報, 2022-11-26: Taiwanese people don't want "new authoritarian", don't want "new black gold" politics  (台灣人民不要新威權統治,不要新黑金政治)  

中國時報 , 2022-11-28: The Democratic Progressive Party has long been blackened, degraded, and degenerated under the long-term control of the "Tsai System".  (民進黨這個當年標榜「清廉、勤政、愛鄉土」的政黨,在「蔡蘇體制」的長期把持下,早就黑化、墮落、變質)




United Daily (聯合報), 2022-11-26:   Tsai Ing-Wen gave order "全黨救一人" to fight National Taiwan University, to save Lin Chih-chien by mobilizing the whole DPP -  proving her selfish in nomination (蔡英文號令全黨救一人,不惜摧毀學術倫理,與台大對幹,最後讓民進黨價值崩壞、全黨沉淪,並暴露了蔡英文的提名私心與狹隘治理)


China Times (中時 社論),  editorial, 2022-11-19: Tsai's policy "resist China, defend Taiwan" serves her selfishness   (看穿「抗中保台」的私心)

CTV (Dec. 2022): lawmaker 鄭麗文(Cheng Li-wun) said Tsai I. W. is so selfish that now she think about how to step down safely after 8 years presidency.
United Daily (聯合報), 2023-1-14: The national finances are in jeopardy like dominoes. The huge mess and debts (舉債及執行金額 ) in the amount of 7-8 hundred billion will be left to her successors.   Tsai Ing-wen holds out and makes all crisis look fine on the surface and won't breaks out until she step down safely.


2021-8-9  CTV

 ...   ... 
Upon state-run enterprise's request, Tsai Ing-wen ordered the adm. to give them priority for vaccination.  Our leader gives vaccine-privilege to her own friends and relatives before the vulnerable ...  United Daily (2021-8-10) : the vaccine policy values politics above human life. (聯合報社評, 2021-8-10: 政府疫苗政策,就是政治、利益優先,人命、疫情擺兩旁)


 Nature, 2023-6-22:  Despite concerns from several nations and international groups, Japan is pressing ahead with plans to release water contaminated by the 2011 meltdown of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean; continuing for the next 30 years ;  it will be safe for ocean health and human health?” asks marine biologist at the University of Hawaii. “The answer is ‘no’.”“If you eat something that’s radioactively contaminated with β-emitters, your cells inside are being exposed.”...concerned the tritium could concentrate in the food web as larger organisms eat smaller contaminated ones.     China Times (中時), 2023-6-22 editorial : Facing Japan, Tsai's ruling DPP always goes down on its knees, putting national dignity and national interest behind.  Greenpeace pointed out that the Fukushima nuclear sewage contains more types of radioactive substances with higher radioactivity than those sewage produced by general nuclear power


TIME, 2023-11-20 : Tsai was often criticized for her academic's aloofness


United Daily, 2023-May 《蔡政府七年總檢討》  :

President Tsai's "completely in power" only serves her own interest (「一人之私」). 
She sits idle and watches even connives those low mean politics running rampant;
the quality of the government team is the worst in history...They don't pay attention to morality and character,
but to shift blame to young people for unemployment, low wages, and failure to afford housing. 

Tsai advocates
the biomedical technology industry, but in fact she prop  高端 industry by blocking western vaccines. 
She advocates transitional justice (《促進轉型正義條例》),  but only to use it to serve ideological struggle and political score-setting/struggle.
Some government agencies supposed to be operated independently have also become vassals or flanks of the ruling party. Tsai gov.'s unstoppable desire for power ,
diligently pursues the maximization of power and sustainable governance,  leaving the basic spirit of democracy behind.



use all meansˉ


 Global Times,  2023-2-2: The fight within the DPP (ruling party) for a bigger slice of the pie is even fiercer than facing other partiesTaiwan president Tsai Ing-wen has the "administrative machinery" and control of the intelligence unit, which allows her faction to collect disgraceful evidence of political opponents for the media and use tax investigations to deter paymasters from backing Lai financially in election campaign, which is also a common tactic.  Tsai Ing-wen also coopted Cheng (鄭文燦) to counterbalance Lai Ching-te, trying to divide the "New Tide" faction.   In the 2019 DPP primary election for regional leadership nomination, the Tsai Ing-wen's camp smeared Lai of the "New Tide" and manipulated follow-up public opinion polls.  An unscrupulous power struggle will only make the people of Taiwan disillusioned with the DPP and abandon it, as it only goes for political gains rather than people's livelihoods. 


★  United Daily (聯合報), editorial,  2022-11-20: Tsai shouts her slogan "resist China, defend Taiwan"  in a pale & weak manner, in that in the first place it was a false proposition to trick voters; she avoids uttering a word about the policy of lengthening mandatory military service before the midterm election... It is a fraud !

  China Times,  2022-12-16:  The political grease monkeys reach everywhere.  Gross violations of moral principle and democratic system are continuing - The end  justifies their means, they even resort to every conceivable means.


★  United Daily (聯合報), 2022:  Tsai Ing-wen government intimidated the opposition party, hence made them weaker (蔡政府以華府馬首是瞻,恫嚇在野黨噤聲,反對勢力益發羸弱) (




pic.: No.1 "comment Tsai Ing-wen" on Swisscows of Switzerland, 2024-2-6, 2023-11-20
pic.: No.1 "comment Taiwan president" on Swisscows of Switzerland, 2023-8-1, No.2 at 2023-6-22




Int'l media comment Tsai Ing-wen

Reuters (   December 24, 2021, 8 a.m. GMT  ): Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen is wielding a mixture of soft and hard power as she seeks to fend off a more assertive China under President Xi Jinping.
Brookings, 2020-5-13: Like Merkel, Tsai has been steady, methodical, technocratic, competent, and quick to seize opportunities to advance her agenda.
Washington Post, 2021-10-10: Chinese President Xi Jinping on Saturday vowed to achieve what he called “the reunification of the motherland by peaceful means.”Taiwanese president responds to Xi’s call for peaceful reunification: Island will not ‘bow to pressure’ 
TIME,  SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 : President Tsai Ing-wen is a signal lamp casting out China’s looming shadow, conveying to the world that Taiwan will not acquiesce to the Chinese Communist Party.   
★  TIME, DECEMBER 5, 2016  :   Tsai has notably dialed back on pro-independence rhetoric. In 2015, she told TIME that Taiwan's status was something to be resolved democratically: “It is a decision to be made by the people here.  She has an affinity for cats.
★ (Germany): Die 63-jährige Präsidentin hatte ihren Wahlkampf unter dem Motto "Widerstand gegen China, Taiwan verteidigen" geführt.   Die Wähler wurden offenbar verschreckt durch das Vorgehen der chinatreuen Regierung in Hongkong gegen die dortige Demokratiebewegung.
★  CNN:  Tsai Ing-wen: The unconventional president staring down Beijing
 L.A. Times, 2022-7-29: The country's economy relies on China, its largest trading partner.
 le Monde, 2020/1/11:   elle admire Margaret Thatcher et Angela Merkel. ... elle garde le secret le plus absolu sur sa vie privée.  Daily Mail : Margaret Thatcher advised 'Never trousers, my dear. They rob a woman of her authority.'

'professional women how to dress for success without sacrificing their femininity. It's what made her a true style icon.'   (PS: Tsai Ing-Wen always wear a pant, she skirts skirts)


The Atlantic (Dec 2022 issue) : Tsai was born to humble circumstances, her paternal grandmother is descended from one of the island’s Indigenous tribes, the Paiwan.  Tsai is the youngest of 11 children born to the owner of an auto-repair store. New Yorker 2022-11-21:she was one of eleven children. Her father was a member of the Hakka, a historically marginalized Indigenous Taiwanese group. Her mother doted on her.  Tsai claimed to dislike the spotlight; in her memoir, she described herself as “a person who liked to stick close to the wall when walking down the street.  Her strong commitment to Taiwan’s independence and sovereignty resonated loudly with Taiwanese voters.  Following her victory, she sought to assure a concerned China that she would maintain cordial relations with the mainland.
BBC,  11 January 2020:  Making Taiwan the first Asian society where gay marriage is legal - a move which earned her plaudits around the world - also damaged her popularity at home. 

Ms Tsai also failed to tackle a key cause of high housing prices and the wealth gap - a tax system that fails to adequately tax property investors.   

★  quora:   I met Tsai on 2 occasions before she was president, once in Boston and another in Washington, D.C. These were casual and brief. She expressed much empathy for those disadvantaged in Taiwan and a desire to work collaboratively with the United States in a number of areas. I would not say she was maternal in any way, nor would I say her speech was scripted and that she was reading from a teleprompter. 

I do not know her personally, so I can only comment by what I observed:   Having never had children of her own, nor been married. There is a great part about love and responsibility lacking in her





pic.: "comment Tsai Ing-wen" (Chinese version) ranks No.1 on Bing, Yahoo, 2024-8-8, 2023-11-20, 2023-8-1, 2023-4-30, 2023-4-21, 2023-2-28, 2023-2-26, 2023-1-30, 2023-1-22, 2023-1-11, 2023-1-1, 2022-12-24, 2022-12-20, 2022-12-19

Tsai Ing-wen's grade report for her 8 years presidency

 The  Lowy Institute Asia Power Index, 2023 Edition

  Taiwan China Japan Korea Singapore
Comprehensive Power No.14 15.2 points 2nd 3rd 7th 8th
Economic capability 8th, 13.0 2nd  87.0 3rd   5th 6th
Military Capability 11th, 21.7 2nd   68.1 6th   27.4 5th 9th
Resilience 18th, 24.7 3rd   70.4 11th  10th 14th
Future Resources 12th, 6.5 2nd   72.9 5th 7th 11th
Diplomatic Influence  22th , 19.4 1st    91.5 3rd 6th 10th
Economic Relationships 12th, 11.1 1st   98.3 3rd 5th 4th
Cultural Influence 13th, 12.6 2nd   47.4 3rd 7th 9th
Defense Networks 16th, 11.8 7th    23.7 3rd 4th 5th
Asia's Comprehensive Power rankings:  1.US 2.Chn 3.Japan 4.India 5. Rus 6. Aus 7. S. Korea 8. Singapore 9.Indonesia
10.Thailand  11.Malaysia 12. Vietnam 13. NZ 14. Taiwan (ROC)



Taiwan's media comment   Tsai Ing-Wen


United Daily  (聯合報)

Tsai Ing-wen only obey instructions from Washington D.C.

The foundation of Taiwan's peace and stability in the past 50 years was almost destroyed during Tsai Ing-wen's tenure.  On the road to anti-reunification paved by her, the right-of-way has been handed over to the United States;  How much room left for Taiwanese self-determination?  The Tsai government has been committed to accepting co-management by the US and China under the framework of U.S.-China confrontation.  Unlike other countries having a balancing mechanism to communicate with Beijing to avoid war,  the Tsai administration can only blindly obey Washington's instructions to prepare for war with China  ahead.  (台灣半世紀來和平安定的基礎,幾乎在她任內傾毀, 在她鋪設的分離之路上,台灣的路權已交給美國,國人還有多少自決空間?蔡政府委身美中對抗的架構下,接受大國共管,只能一味順從華府的指示備戰,更不像他國還有與北京交流避戰的平衡機制)


United Daily  (聯合報)
In the name of "national security", Tsai Ing-wen
violates human rights and democracy

Repeatedly in the name of "national security" to violate human rights and democracy, in the name of "transitional justice" to forcefully suppress opposition parties to consolidate the ruling party's power base.   Tsai Ing-wen frequently accused criticisms of the government of "fake news" and "cognitive warfare", and made maximum of Article 63 "Crime of Spreading Rumour" of "The Social Order Maintenance Act", as a result, the number of nationals investigated and punished  was dozens or hundreds times more than that in the past, Tsai created a chilling effect against democracy;  the freedom of speech and personal freedom were much more limited than before.  The ruling party also extended their dirty hands of intimidating and controlling dissent to the Legislative Yuan.  Taiwan got good ranking in some int'l democracy index because Taiwan is just  regarded as "control group" (to contrast China) ...  (不斷以「國家安全」之名行違反人權、民主之實。以「轉型正義」之名,強力打壓其他政黨,以鞏固自己的權力基礎。動輒指控對政府的批評是「假訊息」及「認知作戰」更將《社會秩序維護法》的「謠言罪」用到極致,因此被調查懲處者,多達過去的數十、數百倍,並將威嚇與管制異議的權力黑手伸向立法院國家安全、轉型正義的保護傘,遮住太多弊端,人民的言論和人身自由大受框限。台灣「民主指數」國際排名大幅躍升,原因無非是在國際「反中」背景下,被當成大陸的「對照組」罷了~)


United Daily 
Tsai Ing-wen -  the president with superpower (

She said "humble", but did "The arrogance and ignorance of power" - to force the constitutional democracy and state system to walk on a tightrope.  She demonstrated how horrible of "Congress is dead", the president holds the power, but is not accountable for what she was doing;  the judiciary has been reduced to a vassal of a state authoritarianism, the Control Yuan (for correcting corruption and impeachment) has lost its power, the state machine has behaved bestially, the internet army has monitored all the people and the opposition, the prosecution and investigation examined which party nominal parties are before handling cases.  After the ruling party suffered a big setback in mid-term (local governments) election,  Tsai appointed those losers as cabinet ministers and high-ranking officials who function as allocating resources to local governments.  (「權力的傲慢與愚昧」蔡英文超級總統制下的「綠色威權黨國」,已逼使中華民國憲政民主和國家體制走上鋼索嘴上稱遵守憲法,施政卻緊扣「去中華民國」主軸,更示範「國會已死」的民主體制有多恐怖「有權無責」肆無忌憚; 「司改會議」結論隨她指示裁奪,也讓獨立的司法權淪為黨國威權的「附隨組織」 ,職司糾彈的監察院也虎牙盡失。國家機器四處肆虐用網軍監控全民和在野黨,檢調辦案都要「先看黨證」言必稱民主,施政卻以反民主為能事地方選舉敗選者出任閣揆及部次長,轉身成為中央決策者,主宰地方資源分配。她連自己的升等論文都要保密卅年,不敢接受外界檢驗。)


United Daily (聯合報)      Judiciary becomes a tool for the ruling party
After taking the power, Tsai made judiciary governor's tool by comprehensive control techniques.  Tsai's three key policies - 1.  to nominate justices with similar ideologies  2.  to abolish the Special Investigation Division (SPD) that specializes in dealing with major corrupt officials  3.  to fully intervene in the personnel transfer of prosecutors and police.  Being vassals of the ruling party,  the law enforcement gov. have targeted those  (including ordinary people) who criticize policies or dissent.   Furthermore, various factions of the ruling party have tried to control the personnel policy of the prosecution, the investigation and police, and politically intervened heavily in legal cases. 
Besides, Taiwan already became a island of fraud/scam.

(蔡英文主政後以全面掌控手法讓司法淪為執政者的工具,而非實現公平正義。任內三大決策:1.一味提名意識形態相近的大法官,2, 廢除專辦重大貪官的特偵組,3. 對檢警調人事全面介入。使司法機關淪為打手, 附庸,將批評政策或異議人士當成打擊對象,連尋常民眾都不放過。八年來,民進黨各派系皆力圖掌控檢警調人事,政治之手大剌剌介入司法案件; 台灣已淪為「詐騙之島」)


  United Daily (聯合報)    Tsai cares not academic autonomy and academic ethics

Tsai Ing-wen was fighting Taiwan University by mobilizing the whole DPP for strongly supporting 林智堅 (Lin Chih-chien) whose Master thesis was found to be plagiarized - finally Tsai failed.   Tsai also demonstrated an evil example of suppressing academic independence and creating a chilling-effect by dirty political hands to block the appointment of Taiwan University president 管中閔 (Kuan Chung-Ming) - finally she failed again.  Tsai has not improved Taiwan's educational environment, but tried to de-Sinicize the curriculum...  (教育環境顯然毫無改善,反而把教育推得離社會更遠新課綱打造了一整個失根的天然獨世代。為不讓管中閔上任台大校長,蔡英文毫無保留地示範了政治黑手箝制學術自主、製造校園寒蟬的惡例。為挺林智堅的抄襲(論文都被判定抄襲),蔡英文不惜再度舉全黨之力對抗台大。)


聯合報   評論   蔡英文   arrogant officials, rampant internet army, derailed admin.

Due to president Tsai's improper personnel strategy and connivance without restraint, officials became bad-mannered and of low quality.  The government cares not the distortion of the value system and the death of administrative neutrality;  under Tsai's manipulation, the public are easy to divide.  Tsai gov. treated ideology as the only indicator, and extended its hand into National Taiwan University... (官員的素質變的低劣及言行粗暴與蔡總統的用人不當及縱容不約束有關,政府不在乎價值體系的扭曲撕裂,行政中立的理念死亡。在蔡操作下的群眾,不過是一群容易分化、擺布的百姓猖狂的網軍,脫軌的行政,蔡政府獨斷專擅,把政治的手伸入台大以意識形態為唯一指標)


聯合報   評論   蔡英文   arrogant officials, rampant internet army, derailed admin.

Due to Tsai's improper energy strategy, power black-out occurred frequently and air-pollution, carbon emissions affect national's health.  The Tsai administration has never carried out meaningful financial or fiscal and tax reforms. It only makes the rich get richer while the disadvantaged classes are increasingly trapped in an environment of deprivation



United Daily (聯合報 社論), editorial,  2023-12-20 President Tsai Ing-wen adopted many wrong policies, including failure of Energy transition abuse of special budget misuse of subsidy 、spoiling the relationship with China、suppression of freedom of speech、destroying official  maxims , miscarriage of justice, etc, a bunch of mess will be left for the next president, the core issue of them is taking short-term means to cover up problems, therefore, the next president probably can not fix it in his four-year term of office.
中時 社論,  2023-11-18 台灣主流民意是藍白務必合,,結束這個濫權貪腐、偏執無能、陷台灣於兵凶戰危的綠色政權。民進黨政客汲汲於一己政治私利,死抱神主牌,僵硬政策蠻幹到底,而且官商勾結謀求暴利已到恣意妄為的地步。台灣已然成民進黨凌遲的囊中物,民眾的利益被糟蹋,民主的基石被摧殘,國家的發展被遲滯。
中時 社 評,  2023-11-18 蔡政府完全執政後,大鑽憲政體制漏洞,弱化制衡行政權的立法與監察權;強人意識帶來的專制運作,讓總統與行政機關成為只要我想要、沒有不可以的權力野獸,各式貪汙腐化的敗行劣跡也因運而生。
聯合報 社論, 2022-11-16 若「藍白配」能成功勝選,台灣即可終結過去八年民進黨「一黨獨大」的恣意妄為,重新開啟一個懂得分享權力並尊重民意的新政治。
中時, 2023-7-31 Vice president Lai Ching-te says that there's a long long way to go before the judicial reform satisfying people's expection.   In 2015, Tsai Ing-wen promised "the president will leads the judicial reform", however, after she took the office, the judiciary became DPP's judiciary, the public repeatedly question the prosecutors take politics into considerations to conclude legal cases.  賴清德表示,蔡英文推動司法革新,「當然離民眾滿意目標還有一段很遠的路要走」。蔡英文2015年參選總統時具體承諾「由總統親自領導司法改革」,殷殷亟盼司法改革的氛圍下,蔡英文當選了總統,但蔡顛覆傳統,藉司改之名把長臂伸進司法,把司法變成民進黨的「私法」,導致黑金槍毒詐頻傳,民眾一再質疑檢方辦案有顏色考量  brief
聯合報 社論, 2022-11-13 聞到民主的腐敗味 /  民進黨執政,白黑金層層勾連,黑幫化的政府。   蔡英文對自家「眼前黑」全盲,卻大言不慚「終結黑金」,聽來真讓人民覺得惡心 the corruption of democracy smells after Tsai Ing-Wen's Democratic Progressive Party in power


聯合報 社論,  2022-9-27 蔡政府動輒打壓恫嚇民意,利用大量網軍帶風向製造「假民意」The Tsai Ing-Wen government frequently suppresses and intimidates public opinion, and uses a large number of Internet army to create "false public opinion"

中時 社論,  2022-7-17 金權政治的幽靈籠罩台灣,民進黨官商勾連的情事尤其明目張膽;  政黨因握執政大權影響力較大,相關利益團體樂得受賄效力。許多立委甚至官員行使職權的一言一行都有價碼... 掌握行政大權的官員同樣可上下其手,直接受賄或是在政治捐獻中獲取利益; 台灣金權政治多是個別企業基於逐利需求而勾連官員及立委,彼此互通有無,台灣因為相關法律執行無力,汙染程度十分嚴重The specter of gold power politics hangs over Taiwan, the DPP's collusion with officials and businessmen is particularly blatant; relevant interest groups are happy to bribes and to serve the ruling party.  Any words and deed of many law-makers and officials need benefits... Officials with administrative power use their greasy hands to get bribery or obtain benefits from political donations;  Due to weak enforcement of the laws, Taiwan's political "pollution" is in very serious situation.


聯合報 社論,  2022-7-6 蔡英文把國家從黨私化帶向「派系化」/  立法院變成行政院的橡皮圖章,監察院成為執政黨的附隨組織兼打手,司法院奉承政治旨意行事,大法官失去客觀獨立釋憲的功能,不少檢調機構甚至自甘扮演政治打手。行政院缺乏瞻矚,一味以宣傳作秀為能事 Tsai Ing-wen has brought the country from party privatization to "factionalization" / the Legislative Yuan has become a rubber stamp of the Executive Yuan, the Control Yuan has become a subsidiary organization and thug of the ruling party, the Judicial Yuan has acted in flattery to political will,  the justice has lost the ability to interpret the constitution objectively and independently.  Many prosecutor-units and investigation units are willing to act as political hitman.  The Executive Yuan lacks foresight and blindly makes propaganda-show.   brief
中時 社論,  2022-11-22, 聯合報社論 2022-11-23 技術阻撓公民(旅外人士,軍人確診者)投票 談何民主? 通訊投票法制化卡死在民進黨手  brief
聯合報 社論,
追求勝選,把損傷降到最低,那就是民進黨最大的真理。至於真相、誠信、正義,清新的政治,根本不在蔡英文的考慮範圍之內。這是功利化、權謀化、去道德化的統治思維  Pursue victory and minimize damage, that is the greatest truth of the DPP.  As for truth, honesty, justice, and fresh clean politics,  are not within the scope of Tsai Ing-wen's consideration at all.  This is a utilitarian, scheming, and demoral ruling thinking.


聯合報 社論,  2022-11-24 這次選舉民進黨的「黑金治國」形象意外浮出檯面
蘋果日報 2021-5-2 社論 地方派系與黑道是握有選票與人頭黨員的組織化大戶 最近的人脈例子是總統親信出掌監察院  Local factions and underworld gangsters are organized big players who can mobilize lots of voters. 

Taiwan's media comment   Tsai Ing-Wen

聯合報 社論,
2017-12-27, 2017-12-21
台灣許多作為 屬「國家暴力」(「白色恐怖」為其產品 )重現   State violence and White Terror return
聯合報 社論, 2022-1-25 綠營政客上行下效養網軍,逼死公務員毫無愧意。政府利用側翼進行社會控制,再加上檢警司法恐嚇,相比蔣家統治的線民監控,更細膩無形;比起動用軍警滿手血腥,操弄網軍迫人社會死亡讓更多百姓畏懼( : Some transitional justices are full of dirty political exchanges and offensive&defensive battles —— the disclosure of "students movement under surveillance" by DPP faction was used to eliminate some candidates in the primary election... More people suffered fear from invisible and delicate social control and threats by DPP government' flank and judiciary (prosecutor, police) ...

聯合報 社論,  2022-5-4

arbitrarily restricting civil rights in the name of national security is like "authoritarian" in those anti-Communist days returning to today's Taiwan.


    藍綠對立   VS「朝野對話」

 聯合報 , 2024-3-16 During Tsai's "majority government" presidency, the ruling party has never tried to communicate with the opposition, instead, made them and suffered being oppressed in the past eight years. Now that Tsai is about to leave office, she just crossed her mind to the "government-opposition dialogue" aiming to cover up all of her shortcomings  蔡總統任內仗著完全執政,一路輾壓
 聯合報 , 2024-3-16 The high-ranking officer of KMT refuted President Tsai's plan of establishing a communication platform among political parties to build the greatest consensus by criticism of a Compromise on reality .   In the past 8 years,  DPP's wrongdoings include tyranny of the majority in Congress, the administration's arbitrary actions, suppression of press freedom, president Tsai either kept silent or played video to show her monologue.  Repeated mistakes and arrogance leading to street protests have doomed Tsai Ing-wen's historical position -   not a president of the people.  國民黨文傳會主委說,國會多數暴力,行政專斷獨行,箝制新聞自由,註定了蔡英文的歷史定位
聯合報 , 2024-3-16
President Tsai wants to achieve a historical position, but this puzzle cannot be completed without opposition party which was labeled as a supporter of the CCP.  Tsai government frequently check the political dissidents by using Social Order Maintenance Law to keep their mouth shut. At present, as high as 60% of the people are looking forward to DPP's stepping down. 蔡總統完全執政後,非綠陣營被貼上中共同路人的紅色標籤、不利執政有利中共的言論就是在地協力者,動輒以社維法查水表
聯合報 , 2024-3-15



United Daily (聯合報) refutes Tsai Ing-wen


台灣    蔡英文總統


1 蔡說做了「三件改變台灣的事」。一是推動前瞻建設,讓台灣的競爭力躍升為全球第六名; 據瑞士洛桑學院評比,台灣經濟表現和基礎建設是「弱項」,分居第20名與第12名。台灣競爭力與前瞻建設無直接關係。
2 二是八年還債九千億元,成為最會還債的政府 另借貸兩兆多,目前中央債務未償餘額高達五.八兆元,持續攀高。
3 三是外資八年來台投資達二.三兆元創新高 雖有外資投入風電光電,但很大比例資金是來自向本地銀行的貸款


United Daily (聯合報) concludes Tsai Ing-wen

Tsai Ing-wen, bisexual ? 
蔡英文   雙性戀?   同性戀?   No.1 on  US Google,  2023-8-1, 2023-5-14, 2023-4-13  (Chinese version)




pic.:   "comment Tsai Ing-wen
" (Chinese version) ranks No.1 on  , 2023-8-1 ;  ranks No.2 on Ecosia (Germany), 2023-8-1 ;  ranks No.2 on Swisscows, 2023-8-1, 2023-6-22; "comment Taiwan president" ranks No.1 on Swisscows, 2023-8-1



Taiwan president's secret life -  behind the scenes ?         


The Hill (2024-1-16) :  The centerpiece of the disinformation campaign (China against Taiwan) is a 300-page e-book about the exiting Taiwanese president, titled “The Secret History of Tsai Ing-wen”(《蔡英文秘史》)  initially published last month on Zenodo, an online open repository. The document is a stunning attack on President Tsai and, by extension, Vice President Lai (will be next president from May 2024) . The book depicts President Tsai as a vile, morally corrupt dictator, sexually promiscuous and hungry for power.


Are these false news ?


1.  An article (2022-6-15) by the Middle East Media Research Institute (officially the Middle East Media and Research Institute, is an American non-profit press monitoring and analysis organization that was co-founded by Israeli ex-intelligence officer Yigal Carmon and Israeli-American political scientist Meyrav Wurmser in 1997) quoted Global Times (2022-5-23) and wrote that Tsai Ing-wen's regime, including their personal lives, is already in the hands of the Mainland China.


2.  "The Secret History of Tsai Ing-wen" mentions the careers and fortunes of her parents, and claims that a spokesman for the ruling Democratic Progressive Party  defended that Tsai's father served and repaired Japanese civil aircraft, not Japanese fighter planes at Taiwan's Gangshan Airport (岡山機場), the largest Japanese air-force base overseas, from where the Japanese fighters and bombers took off to execute missions including killing numerous Chinese people...  DPP refuted the accusations that  Tsai's father was a traitor (漢奸) and had assisted Japan in invading China.

 But the Liberty Times (自由時報, 2015-6-21, ), a DPP-friendly newspaper, also printed an article saying the Treaty of Shimonoseki (馬關條約) ceded Taiwan to Japan.  From then on, Taiwan became Japan's local government, therefore all Chinese on Taiwan changed their nation-of-citizenship from China to Japan.  "How can a 'Japanese' who repairs military planes in 'Japan' to bomb Japan's enemy be called a traitor?"

From above, we know that "The Secret History of Tsai Ing-wen", at least,  is not entirely false news.


3.  Besides, The New York Times (2024-1-12) reported some videos about Tsai's personal life, but has not confirmed whether or not the book is disinformation, instead, NYT was merely reporting what Taiwan Presidential Office said -  those videos are false rumours.


4.  Baidu encyclopedia (百度百科) comments "The Secret History of Tsai Ing-wen《蔡英文秘史》written by Taiwanese writer '林樂書' (pen name. They say the author is close to Tsai) as a comprehensive, objective, and vivid & profound interpretation of Tsai Ing-wen's changeable family background, academic career, romance or sexual history, and her political-career. After the book was written, it was circulated secretly, and till recently, it was open to the public on the Internet.  (全面、客觀、生動的深刻解讀蔡英文多變的家庭背景、學習生涯、情史、政史。)


5., VOA News, Associated press (2024-1-27): Taiwan's de facto ambassador to the U.S. said said the government has learned it must identify and debunk false information as quickly as possible in order to counter false narratives.  “Find it early, like a tumor or cancer. Cut it before it spreads”.  However, it seemed they did not block the "The Secret History of Tsai Ing-wen”or took legal action against the author.   In contrast, my websites and me encountered many attacks by unknown power in the past years.


6.  Recently, a lot of articles in western media criticized or made comments on China's disinformation campaign, but very few of them said "The Secret History of Tsai Ing-wen”is a false story.


2024-1-19, updated 2024-1-27, 2-5    Chinese version