Taiwanese happiness      ranks no. 31 in 2024
   world No. 1 in   2020~25,  2017~19,  2016 2015,  2014,  2013 2010~12       Top  since 1998     


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Brookings, 2025-2-12: Taiwan's economy is heavily concentrated around electronics and information and communication technology exports. Taiwan's semiconductor industry, for instance, creates jobs for only 2.8% of the workforce. This concentration of high-paying jobs in one sector is creating widening wealth disparities within Taiwan's society; wages in the service sector are largely stagnant. brookings.edu/articles/taiwan-president-lais-three-big-challenges-in-2025/


 According to the 2024 World Happiness Report (WHR) published by the Wellbeing Research Centre at the University of Oxford.  The survey panel ranked Taiwan 31st on the list, with Japan ranking 51th, S. Korea 52nd. (Mar. 2024)

Brookings, 2024-9-25: Taiwan authorities have attempted without success to incentivize population growth through subsidies. Looking ahead, greater policy efforts will likely be needed to address the root causes of declining fertility, including by offering greater access to child and elder care, affordable housing, and reductions in cost-of-living stresses on younger generations.

聯合報 (United Daily, 2024-11-2): Most people's wages remain at the same level, the prices of commodities ·are getting higher and higher, and housing prices are so high that many people cannot reach it.  The middle class is crumblingThe average wealth of the richest 20% of families is NT$51,330,000; the average wealth of the poorest 20% of families is only NT$770,000.  The gap between the two is 67 times. udn.com/news/story/7338/8332529?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2

The Conversation (2023-12-21): Taiwan's falling birth rate has become a national security issue / For three years now, deaths have exceeded births in Taiwan. Only immigration is preventing a real decline in population.
 (1) Young women in Taiwan   tend to explain   their preference for pets over babies in terms of financial pressures, particularly the cost of housing.
 marriage avoidance has become a marked phenomenon. (2) the problem is grounded in the Confucian cultural bedrock of the region. Family and society are rigidly patriarchal. Workplace organisation and wider societal structures are unfavourable to women. (3) Taiwanese live with an undercurrent of concern about the future of their country. If so,... a lack of security in geopolitical terms is informing decisions about whether or not to marry and have childrentheconversation.com/why-taiwans-falling-birth-rate-has-become-a-national-security-issue-219968

United Daily (聯合報, 2024-9-18): The elderly encounter discrimination everywhere in their daily life, and often face unequal treatment in Taiwan.  Is it difficult for Taiwan's government not taking lead to do this ?


SCMP (2024-1-6): Government statistics show the minimum living cost in Taipei is around NT$24,000 (US$780) per month- excluding rent, which can easily reach at least NT$15,000 (US$480) for a small one-person flat, or NT$30,000 (US$960) for a two-room flat.   UDN (聯合報), 2023-12-14: The Median number of monthly salary in Taiwan is about NT$43,000.

Modern Diplomacy (2024-1-15): Incomes remain low. In fact, Taiwan has one of the most inadequate incomes among advanced nations, with the minimum wage reportedly fulfilling just 49.5% of the basic needs.  The Taiwanese economy seems to be losing its charisma as the GDP consistently declined from 6.6% in 2021 to 2.6% in 2022 and 1.4% in 2023.   moderndiplomacy.eu/2024/01/15/lai-ching-te-and-the-challenges-ahead-for-taiwan/ CHERRY HITKARI




pic. :
pic. : The web-site group was ranked No.1 "Taiwanese Happiness" on Yandex of Russia, 2025-2-16, 2024-10-7, 2024-5-15, 2024-1-21, 2024-1-6, 2023-12-3, 2023-9-3, 2023-5-20, 2023-5-9, 2023-2-11, 2022-9-22, 2022-7-52024-1-6, 2023-12-3, 2023-9-3, 2023-5-20, 2023-5-9, 2023-2-11, 2022-9-22, 2022-7-5; No.2 "Taiwanese Happiness" on Yandex of Russia, 2024-7-25;  pic.: No.1 "台灣人幸福"( "Taiwanese Happiness") on Bing, 2025-2-16, 2024-10-7, 2024-1-21, 2024-1-6, 2023-12-3, 2023-5-9, 2023-2-11 (Chinese version)





pic. : The web-site group was ranked No.1 "Taiwanese Happiness" on Bing, 2025-2-16, 2023-9-3;
"Taiwanese Happiness" on Bing, 2024-10-7





pic. : The web-site group was ranked No.1 "Taiwanese Happiness" (Chinese version) on Microsoft Bing, 2024-10-7; No.2 at

No.1 "Taiwanese Happiness"  on Microsoft Bing, 2025-2-16,2023-9-1, 2023-5-21, 2023-2-11, 2022-9-22, 2022-3-27, 2021-12-10, 2021-6-24, 1-9-2021; No.2 at  2022-3-8, 2021-11-24 



   United Daily (聯合報), 2023-7-25:  The US predicts Taiwan to have world's (227 countries) lowest birth rate in 2023.  ...udn.com/news/story/7338/7322470?from=udn_ch2cate6643sub7338_pulldownmenu_v2

   United Daily (聯合報),  2024-7-24: Currently, the number of suicides and self-mutilations among Taiwanese teenagers has increased ten times since 1996. The number of Taiwanese who do not get married, don't want children... ranks world No.1 .  Young people even do not choose to fall in love anymore.  Two million people suffer from depression, and a quarter of the population have difficulty in sleeping at night.

   United Daily (2024-5-15): In the past 8 years, Taiwanese real recurring salary/revenue grew negatively year after year.   According to Gov. (主計總處) statistics (「家庭財富分配統計」二○二一年) , the average number of top 20 Taiwanese family-wealth is 66.9 times as high as that of the bottom 20%.   The amount of Taiwanese got scammed/fraud is up to NT8.878 billion, which hits new high.    udn.com/news/story/124029/7964444?from=redpush

   United Daily (聯合報),  2023-10-31:  Half of young people are poor so that they don't need to file taxes.  The gap between the rich and the poor hit 10 years high.  (半數年輕人窮到免繳稅,去年貧富差距創十年新高) udn.com/news/story/7338/7540439?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2       China Times (中國時報) , 2023-12-2: The declining birthrate has plunged into a vicious cycle


   FTV News (民視新聞), 2023-12-4: Taiwan's fertiity rate (birth rate 1.09) will rank world last in 2023。Housing price and  (commodity) prices rising a lot is the main cause.  tw.news.yahoo.com/2023台灣生育率全球最後1名-民眾-房價高不敢生-043103360.html


  Taiwan VS. world least affordable housing market

The Least Affordable Housing Market,   2023-9-29

RANK Metro. Market Median Multiple
(median house price / median household income)
1 Hong Kong, China    (most expensive) 18
  Taipei, Taiwan (2023 Q2 ) 15.5
2 Sydney, NSW, Australia 13.3
  New Taipei , Taiwan (2023 Q2) 12.9
3 Vancouver, BC, Canada  12.0
4 Honolulu 11.8
5 San Jose  11.5


   United Daily (聯合報), 2023-12-17: According to government's statistics, 80% of female aged 25~29 are bachelorette, 45 aged 30~34 are unmarried.  It is usually because the male (or they) can't afford buying a house.  Taiwan's divorce rate rose steadily, 34.75% couples divorced 5 years after being married.  The fertility of both male and female drop sharply.  According to study by Taipei medical university (台北醫學院)Taiwanese sperm reduce 1% for every 10 yearsThe fertility of Taiwanese female after age 33 fall sharply, but the average marriage-age of the female is 30.2.   Taiwan ranks world No.1 or 2 in terms of infertility - 1/7.  udn.com/news/story/7340/7646034?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2 楊志良

  China Times (中國時報) , 2023-12-2:
 According to government , Taiwanese need NT$ 24,574 monthly in average to keep body and soul togetherby contrast,  the average monthly labor pension is only bit more than NT$ 18,000This is a serious issue of Taiwan's labor system.

   United Daily (聯合報), 2023-7-10:  Taiwan's suicide rate ranks No.3 compared with OECD countries in 2022  (Taiwan is not a member of OECD) ; Taiwan's
Annual working hours (1910 hrs.) ranks world No.4   udn.com/news/story/121823/7289250?from=udn_ch2cate6643sub121823_pulldownmenu_v2


  Gallup's accompanying article, “Global Study Reveals Most Workers Enjoy What They Do”, Taiwan ranks No. 114 out of 122countries.  moderndiplomacy.eu/2022/11/10/122-countries-ranked-on-workplace-happiness/  2022-11-10

China Times ,  2023-12-3: The hidden debt is as high as NT$ 11 trillion, and is increasing at an average of more than NT$ 400 billions per year.  Because of Tsai Ing-wen government's inactive, it is estimated that the Labor Insurance Fund will go bankrupt in 2028, and the premiums paid by workers may never be recovered  chinatimes.com/opinion/20231202003281-262101?chdtv

  United Daily (聯合報),  2023-12-3:  The number of people diagnosed with depression in Taiwan has increased to 1.25 million, and one-fifth of the population cannot sleep at night unless taking sleeping pills. The number of Taiwanese suicide and self-harm aged 15 ~ 24 has increased from 1,000 in 2015 to 10,000 in recent years.  When people are depressed, domestic violence has reached to 120,000 cases, child abuse has reached more than 40 cases every day, elder abuse has exceeded 10,000 cases ... udn.com/news/story/7340/7614549?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2  楊志良 former the Minister of the Department of Health 


Yahoo, CTI, 2023-2-11:   law maker"joblessness and inflation are two major miseries".  tw.news.yahoo.com/台灣經濟真相-王鴻薇揭近2年-痛苦指數-蔡政府對人民視而不見-081733883.html#:~:text=王鴻薇指出:「失業和通貨,突破7%25大關。」

Taiwanesemisery index

Dec. 2022 Nov. 2022 Oct. 2022 Sept. 2022 Aug. 2022 July 2022
6.23 5.96 6.38 6.42 6.47 7.13


  China Daily , 2023-5-26: Taiwan people unhappy with DPP, polls show  Taiwan's residents are disillusioned with Tsai Ing-wen's performance and the DPP administration's reluctance to address important issues such as the income gap, affordable housing and unemployment. 73.9 percent of respondents are unhappy with the administration's approach toward narrowing the income gap.......The high cost of living, coupled with low wages and long working hours, has caused significant hardshipsAnother poll conducted by the Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation, more than 50 percent of respondents do not want the DPP to remain in power. The DPP has not just wasted Taiwan people's hard-earned money but has also tried to push the region to the brink of war chinadaily.com.cn/a/202305/26/WS646fc82ea310b6054fad5234.html


  National Interest ,  2022-7-9:   Taiwan faces many internal problems. First, low wages and high housing costs are affecting the marriage rate and leading to decreases in fertility.    nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/why-china-cant-afford-attack-taiwan-203504


  VOAnews ,  2022-4-1: survey: More than 20% of Taiwanese under the age of 40 say they lack savings and 65% report they are in debt, only one-third of respondents said their income exceeds their expenses,... Some 41.8% of respondents said their debt was high enough that they felt economic pressure. Taiwan's rising housing costs have also made it difficult for young people...
Today, even small housing units in Taipei can command prices exceeding $1 million,...housing prices across six cities including Taipei rose more than 30% between 2019 and 2021.  Much of the inflated prices in housing is fueled by the long running problem of property speculation in Taiwan and very little social housing.    voanews.com/a/survey-shows-young-taiwanese-lack-savings-are-highly-indebted-/6510937.html


  United Daily 經濟日報, 2023-5-20: The price index of houses in Q4, 2022 reaches 127.5, which increases 28% since Tsai Ing-wen took office in 2016The prices of pre-sale houses increase even much more ( 87% )  The young people cannot afford buying a house, therefore more and more choose not to get married and not to have baby.  udn.com/news/story/7338/7177628?    United Daily , 2023-5-20: The public worry Taiwan's economic future, the young people are at a loss about the price of houses and military draft. udn.com/news/story/7338/7177665?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2 


  SCMP, 2022-11-1: Taiwan’s fertility rate set to become world’s lowest by 2035. Taiwan's total fertility rate could drop to a historic low of 0.89 births per woman of a childbearing age this year, down from 0.98 in 2021 Over the pre-pandemic decade, Taiwanese... felt daunted by the cost of buying their first homes and spent time caring for their elders.  msn.com/en-xl/money/other/taiwan-s-fertility-rate-set-to-become-world-s-lowest-by-2035-as-ticking-demographic-time-bomb-grows-louder/ar-AA13BNZd



  <China Times>  2023-2-13:  The birth rate of newborns in Taiwan hit a record low last year, and  long-term care issues etc in an aging society should not be ignored ... Few people would like to be a social worker...   chinatimes.com/opinion/20230212002513-262101?chdtv


  <China Times>  2023-5-20:  Inequality and economic recession of the common people and subaltern.   Differ from workers in high-tech industries, most salary earners struggle in low-salary and high price of house.   chinatimes.com/opinion/20230517005575-262101?chdtv


  <China Times> , editorial , 2023-5-21: When Tsai Ing-wen took office in 2016, the house price-to-income ratio is  9.32, Mortgage Burden is 38.34%,the house price-to-income ratio in Q4 2022 is 9.61,Mortgage Burden is 40.25, showing an obvious upward trend.  As of April this year, the supply of new housing projects in the metropolitan area has decreased by about 10% compared with the same period last year, but prices have even continued to rise Given the low wages of young people in Taiwan, what kind of price and area "suits young people's ability" as Minister of Interior said? Single renters in Taipei spend an average of 35% of their monthly salary on renting a suite. How can they save some money to buy a house? The current unemployment rate among young people aged 25 to 29 is as high as 6.13%. Young people can't even find a job, let alone buying a house?   chinatimes.com/opinion/20230520003246-262101?chdtv


  United Daily 聯合報  2023-2-11: Deaths from poverty continually appeared in Taiwan, some economically disadvantaged hard to live a hand-to-mouth existence failed to meet government's social welfare standards, our social security net was worse than broken.  udn.com/news/story/7338/6964351?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2


  United Daily 聯合報  2023-5-8: The sense of powerlessness of the people of Taiwan - all kinds of misfortunes in society, such as judiciary, joblessness,  surveillance/monitors everywhere,  countless unjust cases and disputes ... look at those sufferings and hardships people should not experienced  udn.com/news/story/121823/7149361?from=udn_ch2cate6643sub121823_pulldownmenu_v2


  China Times 》editorial , 2022-4-27: misery index」1Q is up to 6.4%  chinatimes.com/opinion/20220426004891-262101?chdtv


★  <United Daily > editorial, 2022-4-15 (udn.com/news/story/7338/6240482?from=udn_ch2cate6643sub7338_pulldownmenu_v2):

misery index, Taiwan

yr. 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
misery index 4.38 5.06 4.29 3.62 5.94 6.92(Feb. )


★  <United Daily > editorial, 2022-3-27: In a seminar in National Cheng Kung University, 41% students chose to embrace  ‘Lying Flat’( lie around like a couch potato)...Soaring housing prices have become the biggest pain for young people...the real wage is pretty low...



<United Daily >, 2022-3-8: According to Academia Sinica, 56% husbands feel happy, 45% wives feel happy; Gov data: nearly half of young people, , particularly female, born between 1981 and 1990 are still single.    udn.com/news/story/7339/6147653?from=udn_ch2cate6643sub7339_pulldownmenu_v2


★  CIA   The World Fact Book (cia.gov/the-world-factbook/field/total-fertility-rate/country-comparison), Japan Times, 2021-4-21: CIA estimates Taiwan's "Fertility Rate" in 2021 to be world's lowest.  Taiwan ranks No. 227, probably caused by many house-wives being busy in work as well as in household duties, according to Liberty Times 2021-4-20.  Japan ranks 218,  China 185, Singapore 225.


<United Daily >, 2022-10-10:  More than 50% of the public are dissatisfied with cross-strait relations; low wages is very serious problem.
The average salary of more than 27% of workers is less than NT$30,000,  only a few people enjoy the fruits of Taiwan's economic development.

★  <United Daily >, 2022-1-1: Taiwanese children's death rate 4.5/1000 is much higher than those of Japan, Korea or OECD countries (average number: 1.9/1000)udn.com/news/story/7338/6001966?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2

  China Times, 中國時報 editorial , 2022-1-31 To solve the lowest birthrate (cia.gov/the-world-factbook/field/total-fertility-rate/country-comparison), the first thing is to reduce the financial pressure of the common people; and the most important among all is housing prices or rent price.  However, the more new restrictions by the Central Bank to curb rising housing prices, the higher the housing prices rise.  chinatimes.com/opinion/20220129003035-262101?chdtv


★  《China Times 中國時報》 , 2021-11-24 People seem to living in a pressure cooker, there is no way out of pain and depression, social violence is increasing day by day,  the increasing suicide rate reflects people's desperation or hopelessness in life.  Senior officials don't even try to solve these issues.    chinatimes.com/opinion/20211123004533-262101?chdtv

★  《China Times Databse , 2021-11-24Recently, Taiwan's society is filled with disorder and violent killing, social security is bad...  (近來社會充滿失序與暴力殺戮,治安敗壞) chinatimes.com/opinion/20211123004792-262104?chdtv


STATISTA, 2021-11-24 (statista.com/statistics/1078824/taiwan-crude-divorce-rate/): The crude divorce rate of Taiwan stood at 2.19 couples per 1,000 population in 2020. The divorce rate peaked at 2.51 couples per 1,000 population in 2010. The total number of divorce registrations in Taiwan decreased to around 51.7 thousand in 2020 
 TAIWANnews, 2020-7-11:
  One-third of Taiwanese divorces take place within 5 years of marriage, setting a new decade high,  The average duration of the marriages of the couples divorcing last year was 8.17 years, (taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/3964637

     en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divorce_demography    2021-11-28

country of Asia & Pacific crude Divorce Rate ranks
Sri Lanka 0.15 1
Vietnam 0.4 2
UAE 0.7 3
Mongolia 1.1 4
Qatar 1.1 4
Thailand 1.4 6
Malaysia 1.6 7
Japan  1.7 8
Singapore 1.9 9
Australia 2.0 10
New Zealand 2.0 10
Saudi Arabia 2.1 12
S. Korea  2.2 13
Taiwan 2.3 14
mainland China 3.4 15


★  《China Times 中國時報》 , 2021-8-19:  Housing price in entire Taiwan is rising "crazily", particularly, Taipei city, New Taipei city, HsinChu city (新竹市) hit  top ever。 Young people are facing fear and great pain.  chinatimes.com/opinion/20210818003931-262104?chdtv

United Daily, Economy Daily (經濟日報) , 2021-7-15, editorial: Low interest rate keeps rising housing price.   5.66% yearly growth runs faster than the growth of rate of retail price and growth of salary, deeply influence the marriage willing of youngster generation.   udn.com/news/story/7338/5602301?from=udn-relatednews_ch2

★  <聯合報 The United Daily>, 2021-3-27:  430 thousands old senior citizens were pinned in old apartments without an elevator, therefore are hard to get downstairs and walk out,  the number includes not those elderly people in townhouse or row house(透天厝)。A retired professor complained this and may do a "fake divorce" so as to apply for a "social housing" ("Council House") 。Many middle-class people have only a house but no cash in the pocket, how can they deal with illness and something unexpected?   brief  udn.com/news/story/7338/5347006?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2

  United Daily》, 2021-6-17:  udn.com/news/story/7340/5537697?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2  Medical expert 楊志良 project found out:  under the circumstances of low salary and high housing price, it will be less and less marriages and children born。

★  《China Times 中國時報》 , 2021-4-18, opinionYoung couples are not willing to and do not dare to have baby - the crucial factor: high housing price.    chinatimes.com/opinion/20210417003637-262101?chdtv

The China Times,  2021-3-30: Taipei youth unemployment rate 9.3% in 2020,7.7% in 2019, not to mention other cities and towns. chinatimes.com/opinion/20210330002865-262103?chdtv

★  <聯合報 The United Daily>, 2021-3-29:  The government knew "aged persons were trapped in old house" but did nothing.  Social housing for the elderly people actually are only for “top of the pyramid”, nothing for “middle of the pyramid”, general social housing is used to gain youngster's votes.  The sadness is old people's brain, body and pocket can not afford finding an appropriate place to live or kept moving from one place to another. Taiwanese landlord always rejects aged persons.  brief  udn.com/news/story/7339/5350247?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2


★  <Apple Daily>, 3-6-2021:  tw.appledaily.com/headline/20210306/HJMLA6LWAJGABED753Y4ZNFOHU/
In 2020, 122,000 couples got married, nearly 52,000 couples divorced,the divorce rate of couples married 10+ years is up to 43.4%


★  The Apple Daily, editorial, Dec. 9, 2020
Rising housing price recently will make the rich are richer, but those youngsters struggling minimum wage even do not dare to have housing dream... today's Taiwan has been polarizing the differences between the rich and poor, the middle class is moving downward, not to mention the situation of service industry's furlough and being jobless is getting worse and worse.   tw.appledaily.com/headline/20201209/KPGCQUPML5FAXIRHL3ZDRXXPGY/


《United Daily - Economy Daily》editorial,  Dec. 7, 2020 : Taipei's housing price is about triple that of Tokyo or Singapore.   https://udn.com/news/story/7338/5071620

Ratio of house price to income Low interest rate environment is core factor to
drive Taiwan's housing price higher and higher



"Ratio of house price to income" of Taipei, 14.39,
means you should eat & drink nothing for 14.39 years
 to buy a house
in Taipei
 Taiwan 8.66
Taipei (Taiwan) 14.39
Kao-hsiung (Taiwan) 7.27
Tokyo (Japan) 5
Singapore 4.5


★  <The United Daily>, 6-29-2020:   Has President seen the sadness of old people living alone ?

      30.7% Taiwanese elderly live alone,  or just live with spouse, or care-giver
   「 Social security network 」includes no the elderly living alone, 「long-term care system」 services are limited and the quality varies,
     Less than 20% elderly living alone were on govt. profile to be care.
      /  聯合報 / 羅品善

The China Times, editorial; The hardship of Taiwanese youngsters   20:03  2020/07/12  言論 主筆室
       income differential (五等分法) : The highest level is about 6+ times the lowest level, which worsen the number, 4~5 , in earlier years




pic. left: The web-site group was ranked No.1 "Taiwanese Happiness" on Yahoo, 2021-12-10,  2021-6-24,  No.2 at 2021-11-24 pic. right:  No.3 "Taiwanese Happiness" on Baidu, 2021-6-24



pic. above: The website-group was ranked No.1 "Taiwanese Happiness"  
Bing, 2021-6-23, 1-4-2021, 6-29-2020, 11-5-2019;

No.1 "Taiwanese Happiness"  on  MetaGER.de of Europe,


pic. above: No.4 "Taiwanese Happiness" on US Google, 11-5-2019




pic.: Taiwanese workers stuck at the same real salaries (wages) as 17 years ago for inflation of all prices/ UDN 2-20-2019
 PS: CTS news 2-20-2019: Nearly 90% Taiwanese workers complained about their low salaries.  







  pic.: UDN, headline news, 8-26-2019: still can't afford a house, salary remains the same as 30 yrs ago

  pls. click for  stories before 2020