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 Taiwan Police ignoresVerhältnismäßigkeitsprinzip








   pic. : No.1  "comment Taiwan police" on US Google, 2025-1-30, 2024-12-14, 2024-2-1, 2024-1-8, 2023-11-11, 2023-9-30, 2023-7-25, 2023-7-18, 2023-5-6, 2023-4-6, 2023-2-6, 2022-10-1, 2022-6-16, 2022-4-1, 2022-1-28, 2021-11-23, 2021-8-8, 2021-6-14, 2021-5-2, 2021-4-24, 2021-4-18, 3-24-2021, 2-22-2021, 1-25-2021, 1-8-2021, 11-11-2020, 11-9-2020, 9-13-2020 ; No.2 "comment Taiwan police" on US Google at 2024-9-22, 2024-7-5, 2024-5-12
No.1  "comment Taiwan police" (Chinese version) on Google, 2024-12-14, 2024-7-4, 2024-5-12, 2024-2-1, 2023-11-11, 2023-11-1, 2023-9-30, 2023-7-9, 2023-6-21, 2023-5-7, 2023-3-11, 2023-2-6, 2022-7-3, 2022-6-16, 2022-4-1, 2022-1-28, 2021-5-2, 2021-4-18, 1-25-2021, 1-8-2021, 12-2-2020, 11-11-2020, 11-9-2020, 9-13-2020, 7-31-2020 




United Daily (聯合報),  2025-1-30:  President Lai Ching-te says Taiwan police's  overall clearance rate  (破案率) was only 1.3% udn.com/news/story/7338/8519160?from=udn_ch2cate6643sub7338_pulldownmenu_v2


United Daily (聯合報),  2024-12-13: People in Taiwan are no longer surprised that the police cover illegal businesses like Casino and porn industry;  Now things get worse, some policemen become accomplices of fraud syndicates, helping collect citizens' personal information. Moreover, two fraud victims (a mother and her daughter) were ridiculed by the police one day before they committed suicide due to losing NT$ ten million...


★  The Guardian, 2024-8-1: Police break up largest illegal pornography ring in Taiwan's historyy, arresting hundreds of people connected to internet and Telegram forums sharing child sexual abuse images and footage of women filmed without their knowledge.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/aug/01/police-break-up-largest-pornography-ring-in-taiwans-history


United Daily (聯合報), 2024-9-28: National Security Council (國安會) said in Presidential Office that around 0.4 million civil forces are expected to be trained for the war.  The forces include the Police, the fire extinguishers, police volunteers, volunteer firemen, and some civil groups like org. of disaster response.  Minister of National Defense (顧立雄) said all of them certainly will support military operation once the situation is grim.   According to statistics, the number of the active, retired and substitute ones are around 278 thousands, volunteer firemen are 48 thousands, others are 76 thousands, in total, about 400 thousands.  


United Daily (聯合報),  2024-10-3: In the public service system, policemen and firefighters risk their lives and have the highest number of casualties. However, they have never got attention they deserve;  compared with the military, their salary and benefit have pretty big difference.


United Daily, 2024-7-4: The number of substitute military service in this year will increase 9 times more than those before, mainly calling from the police system and fire extinguishing system  udn.com/news/story/10930/8074003?from=udn_ch2cate6638sub10930_pulldownmenu_v2


Yahoo News, The China Times (中時), 2024-5-12: National Police Agency severely punished 26 middle-level and high-level police officers in one go, pulling down many rising stars in the field;  Recently there have been reports of police discipline issues, ranging from grassroots police officers being involved in illegal activities (such as covering up casino corruption) to police chief enjoying feast together with gang member under jurisdiction...   besides, a corruption case by police Senior Specialist (刑事局警政監) of the Criminal Investigation Bureau broke out.   It's time to clean up the police force.  tw.news.yahoo.com/520前警界風暴-201000581.html   chinatimes.com/opinion/20240512002594-262101?chdtv

  United Daily, 2024-7-12: Two major fatal shootings recently result in the public panic, the police has so far found no important clues or evidence of the cases. If the government cannot treat the root causes and just make some declarations, the murderers will never be caught. udn.com/news/story/7338/8089830?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2

United Daily, 2024-7-13: The outbreak of police discipline cases is nothing more than greed or laziness, but it is also caused by the police becoming a tool for politicians which is for a long time.udn.com/news/story/123912/8092108?from=redpush

United Daily (聯合報, 2024-5-18): In Taiwan parliament brawl at May 17,  the ruling party took the lead to attack opposition lawmakers, police ... udn.com/news/story/11091/7972548?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2  (CNN, Reuters, Fox News, Independent (2024-5-17): Taiwan parliament brawl escalates into night as lawmakers shove, tackle and hit each other)

United Daily (聯合報, 2024-5-18): After taking the power, president Tsai Ing-wen fully intervened in the personnel transfers of prosecutors and police.  Various factions of the ruling party have tried to control the personnel policy of the prosecution, the investigation and police udn.com/news/story/7338/7971836?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2


United Daily (聯合報, 2024-7-10): The number of suicide and self-mutilation/self-harm in the military and police hits new high.udn.com/news/story/7340/8084596?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2


United Daily (聯合報, 2024-2-24):   Taiwan police repeatedly treated Taiwanese people by violence or brutality just like taking Taiwan back to  the medieval century, their violations of human rights and proportionality, similar to that in Chinese fishermen deaths event, were done without video recording.
For example, three policemen in PinTong (
屏東) tortured a person suspected of stealing by batons, and soon resulted in a death event.  Another case in TaoYuan (桃園), a teenager passing by police station was forcefully dragged into investigation room and was tortured by stun gun, etc, for more than one hour.  
Tsai Ing-wen in 70th anniversary of International Asso. Judges meeting stated that the pursuit of human rights is never ending, Taiwan is working tirelessly to achieve the highest international standards of judicial independence and human rights protections. However, to say a beautiful slogan is one thing to do is another.  brief udn.com/news/story/11091/7790040?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2


United Daily (聯合報, 2024-7-15): President Lai Ching-te claims that the government's crackdown on "black gold", illegal drugs and fraud won't work unless it is a "country-wide movement".   The right logic should be combating lawlessness requires the police and the justice. The gov. arrested 2000 gangsters within 4 days - Why do the police usually let them roam around and deliberately "blend into the society" to harm the public, and didn't arrest them until high ranking officials' order? Or the police have been waiting for the right moment to have "rewards" ? udn.com/news/story/7338/8095070?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2

United Daily (聯合報, 2024-6-2): According to usual practice, the Taiwan government has the power to appoint police chiefs for direct-administered municipalities, but local governments should be respected. However, this time was different, the Minister of the Interior provided a lisle for Taipei City Mayor's selection, but eventually the central gov. appointed another one to that position. Furthermore,  The ruling party's  city council member criticized Taipei mayor as a child who cries when he can't get candy.  udn.com/news/story/7338/8003898?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2

United Daily (聯合報, 2024-1-19):  The police promotion relies on public relations capabilities (to bury some negative news, or even murder cases) rather than case-handling expertise, which probably results in the public do not feel Taiwan a place with good social security.當執法單位把壓負面新聞的公關視為重要能力,當執法機關的人事調整看公關能力、而不看偵辦案件等專業能力,或許正是為何政府一再以各種數據強調如今治安多好,民眾感覺卻是為何到處槍響...。如果連發生命案,都可以透過公關能力壓住不讓訊息外露,警方提出的數據中,又還有多少被隱藏的密碼?  

United Daily (聯合報, 2024-2-4): Taiwan's Police are physically and mentally exhausted due to high performance pressure. In the past ten years,  five police officers,  in average, committed suicide every year Performance appraisal should pays equal attention to both quantity and quality indicators.  udn.com/news/story/7339/7753517?from=udn_ch2cate6643sub7339_pulldownmenu_v2

Washington Post (2023-10-31):
Taiwan's national police can't even access or send data to the 19 databases of Interpol.   washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/10/31/china-taiwan-affairs-challenges/

United Daily (聯合報, 2023-8-8): For preparing an urban warfare in the future, Taiwanese government expands its police and military police, etc.  Taiwan Military Police seems to replace Marine Corps to be the 4th armed services  (行政院研擬擴編保安警察第二總隊,據透露,第一批先徵調735人,進駐三峽保一總隊營區,至新屋反恐訓練中心接受軍方施訓12周。再視情況分批增補。憲兵指揮部兵力員額擴編後,儼然取代海軍陸戰隊,成為第四軍種)udn.com/news/story/11596/7352871


pic. : The websites-group was ranked No.1 by "comment Taiwan police" on Yahoo Japan (No.1 search engine in Japan), 2025-1-30, 2024-12-14, 2024-9-22, 2024-5-12, 2024-2-1, 2024-1-8, 2023-9-30, 2023-7-25, 2023-7-9, 2023-6-27, 2023-5-7, 2023-4-26, 2023-4-6, 2023-3-11, 2023-2-6, 2022-10-1, 2022-9-6,
2022-4-1,  2022-1-27, 2021-11-23, 2021-8-8, 2021-6-14, 2021-5-2, 2021-4-18, 1-25-2021, 12-2-2020, 11-9-2020; No.2 at 2022-6-16





pic. : The websites-group was ranked No.1 by "comment Taiwan police" on Yandex of Russia, 2025-2-4, 2024-12-14, 2024-9-22, 2024-7-5, 2024-5-12, 2024-2-1, 2023-11-11, 2023-11-1, 2023-9-30, 2023-7-25, 2023-7-9, 2023-6-21, 2023-5-7, 2023-4-26, 2023-4-6, 2022-11-7, 2022-9-6, 2022-7-3, 2022-6-16, 2022-4-1, 1-26-2020




United Daily  (聯合報), 2023-11-18:  The very serious "abnormal" relationship between the police and the prosecution was exposed recently.  The systems of judiciary, prosecution and police are rotten from the rootsudn.com/news/story/7338/7582230?from=udn_ch2cate6643sub7338_pulldownmenu_v2

United Daily  (聯合報),  2023-12-3: Almost all major criminal cases in recent years have shown that politicians are involved.   Japan's law against YAKUZA ("暴力团对策法") won't work in Taiwan unless the people in power have a high degree of determination to fight against mafia gangsters/gangs.
The relationship between the "clean syndicates" and mafia in Taiwan is complicated.  The former have long relied on gangsters to contribute huge financial flows.  Simply establishing a law similar to Japan's "暴力团对策法" cannot solve the fundamental problem


United Daily , 2023-9-30:  The Investigation, Police, Prosecution should not be government's tool and 'enforcer' any more.  (民眾買到黑色臭蛋... 檢警調和監察院如果還有一點良知,就請查查真正的「綠壞蛋」們,別再當蔡政府的打手和工具了

The Guardian, BBC, 2023-7-24: Two policemen in Taiwan are being investigated after a court convicted a man of sexually assaulting a 13-tear-old girl they used to help catch him - she had accused of blackmailing her.  In the botched undercover operation, police say she was against the officers' instructions, "suddenly" got into Chang's car.  Two higher-ranking officers, including the then-chief of the precinct's police department and the then-chief of investigation, have also been disciplined   ref to bbc.com/news/world-asia-66287776

CNN, 2023-7-26  edition.cnn.com/2023/07/26/asia/taiwan-police-operation-girl-assaulted-intl-hnk/index.html According to the court verdict, Chang solicited sex from the girl, offering about $160, and asked her for nude photos. They agreed to meet at a hotel several days later – and when the girl didn't show up, Chang threatened to leak her explicit photos online.  The police put together a sting operation, with the girl agreeing to meet with Chang under the pretense of having sex with himDuring the operation, two police officers monitored the meet-up on scene. But Chang drove the girl away, and ordered her to perform oral sex on him and she complied out of fear.

Independent, BBC, 2023-6-20:  the drugging of preschool children in Taiwan have sparked widespread alarm on the island.  Some teachers at the kindergarten gave children phenobarbital to “make them more compliant”. A rally  calling for greater transparency from the police investigation, with many criticising authorities for their lack of public disclosure.  bbc.com/news/world-asia-65947346   Derek Cai      CNN, 2023-6-21: parents told police that their children were irritable and showed self-harming behaviors...   NBC, 2023-6-21:  the children appeared “irritable” and at times physically aggressive.  news.yahoo.com/kindergarten-teachers-accused-drugging-children-120403604.html

Taipei Times , 2023-4-2
6: Special Police Corps would protect key infrastructure, not to engage in military action, Minister of the Interior says.  They would be trained by military personnel dispatched from the Ministry of National Defense to combat and shoot in confined spaces, and use machine guns and grenades Police officers are to undergo anti-infiltration and counterassault training to enhance their ability to protect Taiwan's key infrastructure.  "If it is wartime, a wartime system would be enforced".  taipeitimes.com/News/front/archives/2023/04/26/2003798624  Taipei Times , 2023-4-24: The Cabinet is also planning to expand the Second Special Police Corps to 4,000 officers in an effort to safeguard more than 500 critical infrastructure sites.   The Second Special Police Corps (保二總隊) is responsible for protecting nuclear power plants and science parks, while the Seventh Special Police Corps is responsible for the safety of financial institutes and reservoirs. The Cabinet should seek to build a consensus in the legislature to ensure the bills pass, DPP Legislator Wang Ting-yu said. taipeitimes.com/News/front/archives/2023/04/24/2003798499  CTV (中視), 2023-4-26: They said the government is planning to build police to be alternative army stirring a backlash by lower elements police...  Deputy Premier said: There is a line between army and police.  DPP Legislator 趙天麟 (Tiō Thian-lîn): military trainings include 1. Rifle and machine gun training   2. Grenade throwing   3. Small force units combat  4.  Skills in close Melee combat  5. Fighting in urban warfare  6. Shooting in urban warfare   youtube.com/watch?v=0dyF1ARgWjY 

The New York Times, 2023-5-18: The Kuomintang nominated Hou Yu-ih, a popular mayor who has said little about geopolitical issues, the lack of clarity about his stance on China has already been criticized by some observers,  Unlike most politicians in Taiwan, Mr. Hou began his career as a police officer, he was a key investigator into the 2004 assassination attempt against President Chen Shui-bian. In 2006, Mr. Chen’s administration promoted Mr. Hou to the position of chief of the island's police force, the youngest officer ever to serve in the role.   nytimes.com/2023/05/17/world/asia/taiwan-china-kmt-election.html   John Liu Paul Mozur

The China Times (中時) , editorial , 2023-5-5: Endless fraud cases in Taiwan!  it is undeniable that those crimes are indeed related to Taiwan police discipline。Public comments had no idea at all that it's an inside job. (「內神通外鬼」)。The "Social security net" is proved to be broken -  they fail to protect citizens' personal basic data/information  chinatimes.com/opinion/20230505004211-262101?chdtv

The China Times (中時) , editorial , 2023-4-28: The courses that National Police Agency of MOI is planning for the police will be trained by the military, which is why external comments saying the government is building a "second army" (「第二陸軍」) for wartime.   chinatimes.com/opinion/20230427005355-262101?chdtv   chinatimes.com/opinion/20230427005347-262101?chdtv

CTV (中視), 2023-4-26: law-maker Yu,Yu-Lan (游毓蘭):  The police and fire fighters three times demand overtime pay for nighttime all were turned down by the government, the administration only knows how to consume the polce.


United Daily, 2023-12-4: In police and the prosecution & investigation, promotion by political loyalty (政治掛帥的封官圖) has already badly damaged our national civil service system (文官體制)


TaiwanPlus, 2023-5-4: youtube.com/watch?v=seBEACSjMUE commissioner 吳在堂 and NingXia Police Station chief 葉育忻 got penalty for 's having taken bribes,  forgery of public document, leakage of secrets  and violation of Personal Information Protection Act.  news.ltn.com.tw/news/society/breakingnews/4290573


CTV News (中視 youtube.com/watch?v=1lDxLx5ZU9E),  2023-5-5: NPA government (National Police Agency) issues a general order to all police stations to recruit young people for civil defense.


Forbes, 2022-12-11 : Gallup Market Research Taiwan pollster Ting says the downside of Hou's (Hou You-yi: Top vote-getter on Nov. 26 triumphed as the KMT candidate in race for mayor of New Taipei City;  a potential candidate for 2024 presidential election) background could be a negative association with police ...  msn.com/en-us/money/news/one-of-these-seven-people-is-likely-to-win-taiwan-s-high-stakes-presidential-vote-in-2024-gallup-pollster-says/ar-AA159rHV


Statista 2022-11-18 (statista.com/statistics/1103848/taiwan-number-of-crimes-by-type/ ) :  Number of crimes committed in Taiwan in 2021, by type

Statista /  Number of crimes committed in Taiwan in 2021, by type

Rank crimes by type number
1 offense against public safety 42001
2 offense against narcotics hazard prevention act  38644
3 Larceny 35067

a case study on Larceny/Theft  - No.1 "Taiwan larceny" on Bing, 2023-5-5


United Daily,  editorial, 2023-3-11 : Times have changed - Taiwan's criminal-mafia ignore the police. The police turn a blind eye to underworld's drug trafficking, violent debt collection, and running business of casino & pornography to earn huge profit,  some big shots of mafia take the position of National Policy Advisor to the President and members of the Central Executive Committee, how can they take the police seriously? udn.com/news/story/7338/7023929?from=udn_ch2cate6643sub7338_pulldownmenu_v2


United Daily,  editorial, 2023-5-26 : After DPP taking the office, cracking down fake news is its top priority to maintain social stability.  The police often regard objection and opinions against the gov. as "fake news",  and visited the door to do some "checking", which even scared professors.    udn.com/news/story/7338/7191472?from=udn_ch2_menu_v2_main_cate


United Daily,  2023-5-2: The upper limit of overtime pay for police's external field operations was raised to NT$19,000, but the allowance (超勤津貼) for basic-level police (基層警察) does not increase, instead, their pay is cut.   udn.com/news/story/6656/7193784?from=udn_ch2cate6638sub6656_pulldownmenu_v2


Transparency International ( Germany ): The percentage (67%) Taiwanese people paid a bribe to police is much higher than that in China, Japan, S. Korea and Malaysia

 Transparency International, Germany /  Global Corruption Barometer, released in 2022 -
comparisons among main Asian countries
The percentage (67%) Taiwanese people paid a bribe to police is much higher than

that in China, Japan, S. Korea and Malaysia


people who think
 is a big problem
public service
 paid a bribe
in the previous
 12 months
police gov.
in previous
Taiwan 90% 17% 67% 19% 20% 38%
Japan 84 2 10 7 26 36
Malaysia 71 13 30 28 16 20
China 62 28 16 18 18 39
S Korea 55 10 8 26 42 17





pic. left : No.1 "comment Taiwan police" (Chinese version "評論台灣警察") on US Google,  2024-12-14, 2024-7-4, 2024-2-1, 2024-1-8, 2023-11-11, 2023-11-1, 2023-9-30, 2023-7-18, 2023-7-9,  2023-6-21, 2023-5-6, 2023-4-26, 2023-4-6, 2023-3-11, 2023-2-6,  2022-11-7, 2022-10-1, 2022-9-6, 2022-7-3, 2022-6-16, 2022-4-1, 2022-1-28, 2021-11-23, 2021-8-8, 2021-6-14, 2021-5-2, 2021-4-18, 2-12-2021, 1-25-2021, 1-8-2021, 1-1-2021, 12-6-2020, 12-2-2020, 11-11-2020, 9-13-2020, 7-31-2020;
pic. right :
No.1 "comment Taiwan police" (Chinese version "評論台灣警察") on Google Taiwan, Google Japan 第1, 2024-2-1, 2024-1-8, 2023-11-11, 2023-11-1, 2023-9-30, 2023-7-8, 2023-6-21, 2023-5-4, 2023-4-26, 2023-4-6, 2023-2-5, 2022-9-6, 2022-7-3, 2022-6-16, 2022-4-1, 2022-1-28, 2021-11-22, 2021-8-8, 2021-6-14, 2021-2-12 ; No.2 at 2022-11-7


pic. : No.1 "comment Taiwan police" (Chinese version "評論台灣警察") on Bing,  2024-12-14
 The websites-group was ranked No.1  "comment Taiwan police" on Microsoft Bing, 2023-9-22, 2024-7-4, 2024-5-12, 2024-2-1, 2024-1-8, 2023-11-11, 2023-11-1, 2023-9-30, 2023-7-25, 2023-7-9,  2023-6-21, 2023-5-7, 2023-4-26, 2023-4-6, 2023-3-11, 2023-2-6, 2022-4-1, 2022-1-28, 2021-11-23, 2021-8-8, 2021-6-14, 2021-5-2, 2021-4-18, 3-24-2021, 2-22-2021, 1-24-2021, 1-8-2021, 12-2-2020, 11-11-2020, 11-9-2020, 9-5-2020;No.2 at 2022-10-1, 2022-6-16



United Daily,  editorial, 2023-7-9 : a young man with celebrity-entertainer mother killing a police 9 years ago is serving minimum security prison which system is loose and opaque.  Terry Gou: The one breaks our social security is the government itself.  udn.com/news/story/7338/7287523?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2    udn.com/news/story/6656/7287600?from=udn_ch2cate6638sub6656_pulldownmenu_v2


United Daily,  editorial, 2022-7-24:  "Taiwan's social security is stable" -  government's tricky and empty slogan !  too many guns and illegal drugs, fraud, etc in Taiwan.  udn.com/news/story/7338/6483566?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2


United Daily,  editorial, 2022-8-25: Two years ago Taiwan's government purchased four thousands electric stun guns (拋射式電擊槍) but is not willing to buy training tools for the police to use them.   udn.com/news/story/7338/6562311?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2


China Times,  editorial, 2022-8-23: After DPP took office, police government became a bargaining chip for power, politicians care only elections, policemen are always a pawn.   chinatimes.com/opinion/20220823003944-262101?chdtv

The Star (Malaysia), 2022-10-17: the Prime Minister's Special Envoy to the PRC, said in a statement that Taiwan must not take a lackadaisical approach to these brutal killings. "I want to also call on Taiwan to consider more ways to ensure the mental health of young people"...  thestar.com.my/news/nation/2022/10/17/taiwan-must-do-more-to-protect-malaysian-students-envoy-says-after-latest-murder

TVBS, UpMedia, 2022-10-14: A Malaysian girl (aged 24, sweet appearance, a part-time model ) at Ming Chuan University (Taiwan) was murdered by her friend on InstaGram (IG) , about 1 year ago, another Malaysian girl-student at Chang Jung Christian University was kidnapped and murdered tooSin Chew Daily  (《星洲日報》) , a Malaysian media, keeps a close eye on this issue, Malaysian netizens scold Taiwan " a Ghost island" (「鬼島」),  "Why does Taiwan have these kinds of Sicko ?!"(變態) " Taiwanese netizens also post: "Taiwanese already lost confidence on the police", "Tainan gov. doesn't turn on street lamps to save money, police buried criminal cases" tw.news.yahoo.com/女大生追夢魂斷台灣-馬國網友怒轟-鬼島-已經3人了-033838651.html   upmedia.mg/news_info.php?Type=24&SerialNo=156468

United Daily,  2022-7-4:  Former National Police Agency (NPA) Director-General Chen Ja-chin (陳家欽) expressed that he stepped down for Minister of Interior getting involved police personnel The opposition (KMT黨團總召曾銘宗) criticized this as "a scandal".   udn.com/news/story/122919/6433404?from=udn_ch2cate6638sub122919_pulldownmenu_v2


Taipei Times, 2022-9-13 : The results of a survey released yesterday by the Foundation for the People showed  that 73.6 percent are dissatisfied with public safety in Taiwan, while 25.5 percent are satisfied. taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2022/09/13/2003785231


United Daily,  editorial, 2022-9-:  Taiwan's social security is deteriorating - black gun executions, human trafficking, homicide cases are rampant, even policemen became victims of random killings ... udn.com/news/story/7338/6593739?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2


China Times, 中時 editorial,  2022-11-17:  Former president Chen vigorously promoted high-ranking officers in police field and the intelligence, hence more and more police belong to Green-camp.  After Tsai Ing-wen came to power, the 'pro-green' of the police has become a climate.  Since then the police has become a political tool of the Democratic Progressive Party to crack down on dissidents.  It not only frequently "check" public speeches " in the name of cracking down on fake news, but also makes the police less effective in social-security work chinatimes.com/opinion/20221116005059-262101?


United Daily,  2022-7-17: About 100 gun-shooting cases in 2021 hits a 6-years record high.  udn.com/news/story/7338/6466751?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2

China Timesopinion, 2022-7-3:  There're not enough high-ranking police positions available, in order to get promoted, police officials try every connections for it  ;  on the surface, conflicts between Police chief (Chen Ja-chin , 家欽) and Minister of Interior (Hsu Kuo-yung, 徐國勇) ,under the table, increasing intensive fighting are going on between premier (Soo Tsing-tshiong, 蘇貞昌) and Minister Interior。The most important part, administrative neutrality of the police, has been ignoring during their game.   chinatimes.com/opinion/20220702002577-262101?chdtv


United Daily, 2022-7-3:  Police Director-General (陳家欽) who was forced to retire without pre-warnings, criticized that Minister of Interior politically got involved police personnel issues, ignoring workplace ethics. Both have different political forces as backup,  the conflicts probably are just a tip of a big iceberg, which is DPP's spoils system ( “to the victor belong the spoils”) .  New Taipei City mayor (侯友宜) says, we need a complete promotion systems for the police.  udn.com/news/story/11091/6430236?from=udn_ch2cate6643sub11091_pulldownmenu_v2    udn.com/news/story/122919/6432321?from=udn_ch2cate6638sub122919_pulldownmenu_v2    vip.udn.com/vip/story/122367/6431328?from=udn-category


《China Times 中國時報》 , editorial, 2022-1-3:  How much president Tsai I. W. has done for our social security network ? The answer is too shy to speak out.  (總統蔡英文元旦講話再提「鞏固社會安全體系」,與過去2016、2020就職演說所強調補漏社會安全網的內容相比,悄悄刪除了防範兒少安全隨機殺人、思覺失調症傷人者、毒癮、家庭暴力等警政治安問題。梳理蔡總統的社會安全網做了多少?答案竟羞與人提。)  chinatimes.com/opinion/20220102002809-262101?chdtv


★  United Daily, editorial (udn.com/news/story/11091/6060260?from=udn_ch2cate6643sub11091_pulldownmenu_v2), 2022-1-25 : More people suffered fear from invisible and delicate social control and threats by DPP government' flank and judiciary (prosecutor, police) ... (檢警司法恐嚇,相比蔣家統治的線民監控,更細膩無形)


★  United Daily Liberty Times, Up Media, 2022-3-30:  Two criminal policemen left without permission during carrying out their duty to have fun with girls in snack bar therefore were infected with CovID-19, furthermore, they tried to hide the facts while facing epidemic contact tracing and then led to a big loophole, till now, 8 criminal policemen, 2 high-ranking policemen, and 2 administration staffs in four police stations were infected.     news.ltn.com.tw/news/life/breakingnews/3877641   udn.com/news/story/120940/6201898  upmedia.mg/news_info.php?Type=24&SerialNo=141169


Yahoo Taiwan》, 2021-11-23:  all opposition parties blast the government not fulfilling its promise to patch the loophole of social security network.  tw.news.yahoo.com/在野齊轟-社會安全破網遲不補-222338789.html 


Next TV news 壹新聞》, 2021-11-23, 12:11: a very big loophole in our social security net.


Yahoo Taiwan》, 2021-11-22: A series of social security events in entire Taiwan occurred tw.news.yahoo.com/全台治安連環爆-總統發布3重點打擊犯罪-141200795.html


United Daily 》, editorial opinion, 2021-11-23: Can the government see those random violence in our daily life?   After the government became addicted to propaganda,  the online army and propaganda have been used to brainwash the people, which is the main reason the society gradually became irrational.  udn.com/news/story/7338/5909805?from=udn_ch2_menu_v2_main_cate


  《China Times 中國時報》 , 2021-11-24 People seem to living in a pressure cooker, there is no way out of pain and depression, social violence is increasing day by day,  the increasing suicide rate reflects people's desperation or hopelessness in life.  Senior officials don't even try to solve these issues.    chinatimes.com/opinion/20211123004533-262101?chdtv

  《China Times Databse , 2021-11-24Recently, Taiwan's society is filled with disorder and violent killing, social security is bad...  (近來社會充滿失序與暴力殺戮,治安敗壞) chinatimes.com/opinion/20211123004792-262104?chdtv


United Daily 》, editorial opinion, 2021-6-1: Some high-ranking police officers abused their power to get CovID-19 vaccinated and ignored internal discipline and a long waiting line behind.  udn.com/news/story/11091/5501984?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2

★  The China Times, Next TV news,  2021-6-14  
National Police Agency (police headquarter) and Taiwan central government abuse power to cover Taiwan Police College students jumping the long queue to have vaccination.   TaiNan city mayor explained they just follow "central gov. " to do this, so did KaoHsiung city government.   chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20210613004215-260402?chdtv 

United Daily 》, editorial opinion, 2021-4-24: The police got innocent good citizens caught, but scare demon citizens, such as a group of people wearing black clothes broke in police station SongSan branch (松山分局) and damaged some computers, but the police let them go freely.  This is a sign of  public power's decay, the prelude to degradation of police discipline... because the top-position officials are busy in power struggle.  udn.com/news/story/7338/5410015?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2


Apple Daily》, 2021-5-2 , editorial:  the relationship between politicians, police and gangsters is "buddy buddy (「你『膿』我『膿』)! The elites in the system choose political side instead of the value right or wrong, which leads to a huge-size crime structuretw.appledaily.com/headline/20210502/CCEYKR4SKNBTTC2ZVOINUGIWGQ/

Apple Daily》, 2021-4-26, editorial: The police from top to low-ranking need and is urgent to take law and human rights educations ... recently there's a music course lady teacher 詹 was blocked and checked up by a policeman with the reason "I have never seen you before" and " look nervous " (神色緊張) the lady refused to answer question and intended to leave,  then she was thrown to the floor and suppressed on the ground by police's judo which caused lots of 'injuries' ... the lady blurted out "silly", hence was handcuffed and arrested as an active criminal/offender back to police station and was locked in prisoner's Detention Room.
  According to the law, 4 conditions for detention  (得為管束) : police.taichung.gov.tw/precinct5/home.jsp?id=61&parentpath=0,5&mcustomize=faq_view.jsp&dataserno=201712050063&t=FAQ&mserno=201712050003
Apple daily :
To block and check up fellow citizens on particular sites must meet the condition of prevention of crimes, or dealing with major public security or social order issues, and should be in a necessary situation;  and the police should put to the proof that a possible danger to harm the above or the suspect already harmed the above.

China Times , 2021-4-28, editorial: The police were reduced to ruler's tool, abuse power and violate the law, all these were harbored by the government ―  degradation of democracy and judiciary

United Daily2021-4-28, editorial : Taiwanese police repeatedly over-police and over-arrest citizens, such as, a citizen on the street waving national flag to Taiwan's president fleet was charged Offenses Against Public Safety by the police; another one was lodged a false accusation in the name of  "interfere with public affairs" for a police's tricky and fake "falling down".   The police were aiming at personal performance appraisal score and convenience therefore their enforcement standard is from bad to worse.   udn.com/news/story/7338/5415649

Apple Daily》, 2021-4-29, editorial:  Taipei police station has already been tarnished by lousy image of harboring & setting free suspects、 burying a crime & erasing evidences,  lying etc, the government should investigate the case sooner.   tw.appledaily.com/headline/20210429/FYTLUHQN3NB2PHYDVI3H6XAFH4/

China Times , 2021-4-26:  The number of cases that the police transferred suspects towards judiciary in the name of spreading rumors in 2018 is only 21,in 2019 increased to 151,in 2020 totally 233; ... The police violated the laws to arrest a citizen lifting a board on the street to express opinions, as an active offender/criminal without informing the offenses charged, on the purpose of catering to the direction by the high officials, the policeman selected a "older" innocent woman as target ?  ( 「選一個老一點的」無辜婦人就抓了?)   chinatimes.com/opinion/20210425003310-262110?chdtv 王子文

China Times , 2021-5-1 editorial:  "The gangsters rule the country":  Just spent USD 330 on sending a "the help" gangster to make trouble in police station, which results in a police chief to step down... a political party should never go this way - clean syndicate (politicians) scare the gangsters, the gangsters scare the police, the police scares politicians. ( 一個政黨絕不能「白道怕黑道,黑道怕警察,警察怕白道」chinatimes.com/opinion/20210430002881-262101?chdtv


Economist, Safe Cities Index 2021 
Asian cities 

3 Singapore 80.7
4 Sydney 80.1
5 Tokyo  80.0
7 Wellington 79.0
8 Hong Kong 78.6
8 Melbourne 78.6
17 Osaka 76.7
24 Taipei 74.0

United Daily 》,
Apple Daily, 2021-3-23: Taipei police station has taken bribery to harbor night club running sex business, in total about NTD 5 millions in recent 5 years; policeman of 南港分局 committed the crime of forcing obscene and insulting a woman asking help...  (udn.com/news/story/7321/5336562,  tw.news.yahoo.com/知法犯法-南港分局警察藉職位之便-對求助者伸鹹豬手-051342241.html)

China Times 》, 11-11-2020 , editorial:  Malaysian newspaper thinks Taiwan apparently an extremely unsafe place because two Malaysian ladies were murdered (another one was cut-to-pieces) in Taiwan within one year.   A poll by KMT shows 48.9% Taiwanese thinks social security is worse than before.

United Daily  》, 2021-4-18: heavy-handed policing was heard from time to time, the number of cases violating Social Order Maintenance Act (社維法) has been increased a lot since 2 years ago, because the ruler asked the society be silent.  The police in 彰化 and 嘉義 not only used criminal law to deal with some citizens but also put labels on and applied fabrication on nationals.   brief from udn.com/news/story/7338/5395815?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2
Liberty Times 》, 11-12-2020:  Crimes of violence kept worsening  ―  in recent 5 years, the number of four major crimes(恐嚇取財、傷害、妨害自由、刀械槍枝)gradually increases from 20732 in 2015 to 24638 in 2019 in all six major cities, according to statistics.

  《Economist》UK , EIU The Safe Cities Index 2019  https://safecities.economist.com/safe-cities-index-2019/  Taiwan's "personal security" dropped 14 places compared with previous yrs. report,  Taiwan is worse than neighbors Singapore, Japan, China, Korea... 
   personal security :  1 Singapore  3 HK  4 Tokyo  5 Wellington  7 Osaka  10 Sydney  12 Dubai  15 Seoul  16 Melbourne 20 Taipei 
Infrastructure security :
1 Singapore 2 Osaka 4 Tokyo  7 Sydney  7 Melbourne  9 Wellington 14 Seoul  18 HK  24 Taipei
   Digital security:
1 Tokyo  2 Singapore 11 Osaka 11 Sydney  11 Melbourne 17  Seoul  22 HK  23 Taipei
   Health security:
1 Osaka  2 Tokyo  3 Seoul 8  Singapore  10 Taipei 
personal security inputs are Level of police engagement, Community-based patrolling, Available street-level crime data, Private security measures, Effectiveness of the criminal justice system, Hazard monitoring, etc.

World Economic Forum (WEF)  <Travel and tourism competitiveness report> released at 9-4-2019 shows Taiwan's "safety & security" got an Eastern Asia-pacific average score 6.0, and is worse than world No.5 Hong Kong, No. 6 Singapore , No. 7 UAE,  No. 10 New Zealand,  11 Qatar,  13 Japan, 19 Australia,   23 Saudi Arabia. 

★  People's Daily, 10-15-2020, commentary: Taiwan strictly monitors its own people, which is called "Green Terror". http://js.people.com.cn/BIG5/n2/2020/1015/c359574-34350271.html

United Daily》, 11-1-2020 , editorial: "Is Taiwan still safe?"  A Malaysian girl student in 長榮 university was strangled to death and abandoned her corpse by a Taiwanese young man,  this criminal case showed the loophole of social security and campus safety network.  The ignorance of city administration, police, and university leads to public doubts concerning our government's determination to protect safety of all the people in Taiwan.

United Daily 》, 11-14-2020 , editorial: Taiwan's Executive Yuan (prime ministry) is disable on issues e.g., social security, food safety ......  udn.com/news/story/7338/5014020?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2

Apple Daily》, 11-2-2020, editorial: This sort of S.O.P. can not improve Taiwan's social security social security certainly is national security, in addition to the system, we need to rely more on the excellent execution, which is the key to safety of all of us.  (tw.appledaily.com/headline/20201102/HBOAZYRFNFBXHORRYQYY2XQL4Y/)

Apple Daily 》, 11-15-2020 editorial:  in the same crime (Malaysian student killed) location, less than a month ago, another student in the same university encountered "attempt kidnap" ,'they' said the police are suspected to   bury a crime (「吃案」之嫌  i.e. conceal the existence of a criminal case in order to improve crime-solving statistics or in return for a bribe etc ) , the authority's reaction was astonishingly slow, the mayor insisted only two road lamps were not working; as for so-called "bury a crime" ,the minister of Internal Affairs said it's just a Procedural Defect...  and who should be responsible for these mess, "we talk this later" (再說)   brief https://tw.appledaily.com/headline/20201115/QWMWPXNP7NHPNMR5Y7WUYB2ZOI/

鏡周刊 (Mirror Media), 11-24-2020: Taipei social security alarm is sounding !  gangsters murdered citizen in public, it's rarely seen Taipei police station has not distributed the news about solving the case and pretended nothing was happened.  Taipei mayor kept reminding police of holding press conference for any major criminal cases. 


United Daily , 11-26-2020, editorial: Many many times, the police tried to decline with all kinds of excuses reporting a case by Taiwanese .  But before the annual "Autumn Struggle" protest march, some policemen went to pig farmers' house for "DUI checkpoint" , some other policemen  made phone-call to ask who join the protest and which route they were going... It's so scary !  It's "Green Terror" ! https://udn.com/news/story/7338/5044337?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2

China Times》11-11-2020:  To improve life safety, Taiwan government needs to : (1) adjust the method and measure to evaluate police performance,(2) Taiwan's prime minister should interfere police promotion systems....


The China Times, 7-14-2020: Taiwan police were forced to select the right political side and follow the right boss to get promotion (ability is not the most important thing).  (政治上「擇木而棲」)


United Daily 聯合報》, 3-27-2020:  Taiwan police field has complained since long time ago that there's no basic rule for promotion, it became worse and weird in recent years, the "backers" instead of the system decided every position goes to ...


Liberty Times 》, 9-13-2020, opinion : The police high ranking always has a phrase ( the reason has nothing to do with police govt. ) for rank-and-file policeman's no matter breaking laws and violating discipline, or even karoshi (sudden death from overwork)...  some leader was slammed for their bureaucracy and exploiting subordinateshttps://talk.ltn.com.tw/article/paper/1399346


United Daily 》, 3-28-2020, opinion :  The head of Taiwanese police is not the leader of police headquarter but Taiwan president, P.M., and minister of interior/高源流 


  The China Times, 2-25-2020 editorial: Due to bad Income distribution, Taiwan's social security (offender rate) kept worsening from 2001 till 2018. (bit better in 2019)


Apple Daily 》,  11-21-2020 : Many random killings were happened on the street since last April, those cases were ignored by the public after 2~3 days' media reports, the principle of secret investigation is hard to review the current circumstances for  these kinds of cases. The principle of presumption of innocence (ei incumbit probatio qui dicit) makes enforcement officers to try all efforts on not holding suspect in custody, eventually no one knows how many "most-wanted" were caught by police's DUI checkpoint...   https://tw.appledaily.com/forum/20201121/BAJHO7T4HNGGVK3CYXT3RNRLCI/(鄭善印)


     illegal migrants !   At Feb. 26, 2020, Taiwan police arrested, within 5 hours, an illegal foreign worker who took care of a CoronaVirus(CovID-19) patient, but, without CovID-19 involved, Taiwanese officials are always hard to find other illegal migrant workers ( totally, about 50,000 according to Apple Daily, 6-5-2020 ), you can tell whether or not Taiwan gov. is part of the crime structure?  SETN, United Daily, 2-6-2020: illegal foreign workers might be loophole of Taiwan's CoronaVirus epidemic prevention.  

     Quality of police !  In late 2019, some policemen in Taipei police station told me that splashing lots of dirt to the floor at front of my door is a case the building committee is entitled to bring court a law-suit about crime of damage etc ( not the house resident to suit crime of public insult and threatening ...  )




pic. : The websites-group was ranked No.1 by "comment Taiwan police" Chinese version on US Google, 2023-5-7, 2023-2-6, 2022-7-3, 2022-6-16, 2022-4-1, 2022-1-28, 2021-5-2, 2021-4-18, 1-25-2021, 1-8-2021, 12-2-2020, 11-11-2020, 11-9-2020, 9-13-2020, 7-31-2020
pic. right:   This web-sites group was ranked No.1 by keyword "comment Taiwan police " on Baidu of China at 2021-5-2, 2021-4-24, 12-2-2020, 11-11-2020





United Daily, 聯合報》, Presidential election page,  1-6-2020:  The Police headquarter denied the state machine pressured them to inspect fake news, but the Nationalists Party showed police internal document to prove the police were push by performance merit, rewards or punishments to check fake message on internet, so police were lying    (pic. left)


United Daily, 聯合報》, opinion,  1-6-2020: Taiwan police interviewed nationals everywhere for their reposting messages or pressing facial symbols on the net. 



United Daily, 聯合報》, editorial opinion,  7-8-2019:  "after one police was shot"

      1. Reinforcement, and other necessary measures - new attendance SOP, complementing with Special Police, local police, or alternative service police.  
      2. Updating police equipments - take a lesson from Euro. police.
      3. Police role has too much political requests and society expectations. 

      The hole of Taiwan's social security net is bigger and bigger...    (brief)





★  US  Country Reports on Human Rights Practices , 2021-3-30

        state.gov/reports/2020-country-reports-on-human-rights-practices/taiwan/     There were reports of minors in prostitution in Taiwan. 
NGOs raised concerns regarding online sexual exploitation of children and reported sex offenders increasingly used cell phones, web cameras, live streaming, apps, and other new technologies to deceive and coerce underage girls and boys into sexual activity; the NGOs called for increased prosecutions and heavier penalties.    Incidents of sexual harassment were reportedly on the rise in public spaces, schools, the legislature, and in government agencies.

★  US  state government - 2020 Trafficking in persons report, Jun. 2020

As reported in the last five years, human traffickers subject foreign men and women to forced labor and sex trafficking in Taiwan, and traffickers subject local men and women to forced labor and local women and children to sex trafficking. Taiwan women and children are subjected to domestic sex trafficking, including as part of an increasing trend in which traffickers induce and exploit Taiwan and foreign women’s and children’s drug addictions. Taiwan traffickers increasingly use the internet, smartphone apps, livestreaming, and other such online technologies to conduct recruitment activities, often targeting child victims, and to mask their identities from law enforcement. Taiwan traffickers also exploit persons with disabilities in sex trafficking. Traffickers lure women from China and Southeast Asian countries to

 Taiwan through fraudulent marriages and deceptive employment offers for purposes of sex trafficking. Many trafficking victims are migrant workers from Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, and, to a lesser extent, individuals from China, Cambodia, and Sri Lanka... ( more than 200 forprofit universities in Taiwan have begun aggressively recruiting foreign students—particularly Indonesians—and subsequently placing them into exploitative labor conditions ...)     https://www.state.gov/trafficking-in-persons-report-2020/

       PS: The website reported (earlier than US state gov. report) persons with disabilities in sex trafficking some years ago, and was ranked No.1 on Google (Chinese, English), but the police have not taken any move.


★  US  state government - 2019 Trafficking in persons report, Jun. 2019  www.state.gov/reports/2019-trafficking-in-persons-report-2/taiwan/

As reported in the last five years, human traffickers subject foreign men and women to forced labor and sex trafficking in Taiwan, and traffickers subject local men and women to forced labor and local women and children to sex trafficking. Taiwan women and children are subjected to domestic sex trafficking, including as part of an increasing trend in which traffickers induce and take advantage of Taiwan and foreign women’s and children’s drug addictions to subject them to sex trafficking. Taiwan traffickers increasingly use the internet, smartphone apps, livestreaming, and other such online technologies to conduct recruitment activities, often targeting child victims, and to mask their identities from law enforcement.

Traffickers lure women from China and Southeast Asian countries to Taiwan through fraudulent marriages and deceptive employment offers for purposes of sex trafficking. Many trafficking victims are migrant workers from Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, and to a lesser extent, individuals from China, Cambodia, and Sri Lanka.

Formosa TV news 》,  12-2-2020  


民視新聞 》,  12-2-2020  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-sRXHqIrPLU


pic. left:  KMT  Nationalist party legislative caucus accused of being monitored by police officials, KMT slammed the government's abusing its power

slogan:  Big scandal ! The gov. monitors the parliament  - 
The Executive Yuan stubborn to admit mistakes. The Legislative Yuan keeps science, It is a sadness for Taiwan's democracy


FTV news : is it a persecution ? or a  painstaking operation ? The answer is in Pan-Blue's heart !  



★ The China Times (中國時報), 1-6-2021,  Law maker:  Taiwan like a police state already showcased Orwellian surveillance for all the people ? the human rights protected by the Constitution has been in danger for a long time... The government had not admitted the "skynet - electronic fence" until law-makers questioned them a number of times。 The government has never clarified whether or not it was "epidemic prevention" on the surface, actually doing nation-wide monitor.  The fact has been hidden in the black-box.  As for so-called notification of citizen is "act with discretion" or violation of the law, there's no S.O.P. to protect Taiwanese privacy. (brief)   / 天網恢恢 監控全民 chinatimes.com/opinion/20210105005166-262105?chdtv李貴敏



China Times 》,  11-30-2020   https://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20201130002166-260402?chdtv

A beauty police reveals six dark sides in police field 

1, "be on leave" schedule was always be cancelled, the quality of life is ZERO 

2, The superior or chief always think he is the smartest and never take her advices.

3, Working the shift results in issues of health.
4, The quality of colleagues is different,  some were gamblers, or drunk to work etc.
5,  The field is unfriendly to females, female police were ordered to schmooze (應酬), social entertainment by wine and dine   (陪笑) and can't not help but to stand harassment by porn jokes

6, The society is unfriendly to the police,  while encountering the public's attacks, what you can do is passive resistance

Ending :  NT 100,000 monthly salary can't make me to be police again !


★  nearly 50,000 foreign workers fled !  policemen need work harder on the issue      illegal migrants  

Formosa TV news, 8-24-2019: Police and NIA caught 418 illegal migrant workers and broker ...
Asia Times, 4-24-2019: 
more than 20 officers arrests ten illegal migrant workers in Taichung  https://www.asiatimes.com/2019/04/article/illegal-migrant-workers-arrested-in-taiwan/

Taipei Times, 1-18-2018: New Taipei City authorities (police) detained 85 of illegal workers — It was the greatest number of illegal foreign workers detained in a single raid over the past decade http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2018/01/18/2003685999
FocusTaiwan news, 1-29-2019:  
the police department, etc, discovered an illegal migrant worker broker group, resulting in the arrests of the prime suspect...  http://focustaiwan.tw/news/afav/201901290020.aspx






■  Police, gangsters, their bosses ...
     all bully night club girls


pic. : "The customers are beast,  
       club girls are treated as animals


  Apple Daily News girl-reporter worked as club-girl for one day to explore dark side of night club "金錢豹" , the largest one in Taiwan and in E.S. Asia. 

    9-26-'11  full text (Chinese version),
               full text (English version)





pic. :
The websites-group was ranked No.1 by "comment Taiwan police" on Google, 3-29-2020, 1


★  State Compensation suit case for Sun Flower student demonstration (太陽花學運)

      Liberty Times 自由時報》head-page news, 10-31-2019: the court judges the police had not considered the principle of proportionality while forcefully removing demonstrators from the forbidden zone (brief)
United Daily 聯合報》headline news , 10-31-2019: police : the judgment leads to negative forbearance in the future (消極不作為), the accuser: meaningful to contrast HK protest
      ●《UDN》opinions, 11-1-2019 ~ 11-2-2019: double standard !!  Police treating Pension-reform protestors is strictly enforcing the law,  treating Sun-Flower protestors is state violence ...  Few people believe there's no politics behind the court ...... no hard proofs (image evidences) ...  the case seriously damages the Public power/ authority

《 Liberty Times 》(自由時報》), 6-25-2019:  insulting (by the words "rascal with uniform" or "slave" ), abusing, biting or slapping the face of the policeman by a member of Congress or Council was not charged by the Prosecutor Office, the High Prosecutor Office rejected the appeal and sustained the original conclusions, this case demoralize all the police and cast a chill over the police field.   Legal experts comment that inconsistent standards result in low public-trust and a term "dinosaur judge" ("恐龍法官") all over Taiwan...

《Apple Daily 》front-page story, 2-17-2019: Pension reform results in Taiwan police extending their retirement... (月退縮水 引爆警察緩退潮);  ; United Daily,聯合報》, 10-8-2019:  The chairperson of Police University was charged for leaking examination answers before the national special entrance exam.(特考), all examinees caught cheating will be disqualified.

《 Liberty Times 》, head-page, 5-1-2019: The back door of special-purpose phone for police has been wide-open, all citizens' privacy or personal data were under danger.

United Daily, 聯合報》, 3-31-2019: Taiwanese police had been short staffed for a long time, but pension reforms (年改) recently led to a over-supply...  the police of grass roots think their tasks and services are unreasonable overloaded the number of staffs will not be enough no matter how many new bloods are employed.

《Apple Daily 》(蘋果日報) online opinion, 10-19-2018:  A survey about Taiwan's police performance system and police status (績效制度與警察勞動狀況問卷調查) conducted by <台灣警局工作權益推動協會> in Aug. 2018 found: 99.4% agree that performance system has adverse effect on police mental and physical health, 30.6% want to quit the job or suicide,  79.6% think investigation of criminal cases resulting in big mental pressure, or the pressure already affected their physical condition...... "警察自殺不僅個人因素" 蕭仁豪

《Apple Daily 》(蘋果日報) online opinion, 12-19-2018:  according to statistics, about 70% of police experienced workplace violence, in recent 5 years, the number of police disabled and perish in the line of duty is 4520 ... / 官政哲

United Daily, 聯合報》,12-2-2018:  The number of foreign prostitutes hit a new high.   Wikipedia's interlink WikiSexGuide (Dec. 2018):  One can find prostitutes in massage parlors, spas, salons in Taiwan.  Although prostitution remains illegal in Taiwan, over 100,000 prostitutes are working, and over 2 million clients pay for sex.   Apple Daily 12.25.2014: the percentage of porn clients of all Taiwanese adults ranks world No.1.    The latest paper of National Chung-Hsing Univ. (July 2018, professor CH Wu, YM Liu) pointed out the annual output value of  Taiwan's sex industries is about NTD 2 trillion, which is close to the amount of Taiwan's central government general budget of 2019 (United Daily, editorial, 12-24-2018: the highest ever budget ) it's not a secret that both gov. officials (persons in power) and underworld gangs yearn to have their fingers in the big pie. 
According to local media (Liberty Times
4-26-2017, Apple Daily 6-22-2014,  CTN's Want weekly 10-21-2015, etc) reports and hints, Taiwanese policemen were involved porn business and gambling business.   Univ. paper points out police and enforcement officials taking bribery, carrying off prostitutes,  blackmailing them, are equal to a structural crime syndicate.  ( click to read prostitution ! )

The China Times, Opinion, 5-5-2018: Police should follow identical standards (consistency criterion).   Civil Disobedience was good for the accused of 318-Sun-Flower-event, but not be good for the accused of 425 violence event.....

Apple Daily, real-time news & online opinion, 3-28-2018 :  Police reform is the first key point to Taiwan's judicial reform.   In recent years, More and more police cheating cases/grafts, mal-practices were found ... /施家榮

United Daily, 聯合報》, 10-20-2018: International Criminal Police Org. refused Taiwan's application for participating in ICPO assembly by using observer status

 United Daily, 聯合報》, 1-1-2019:  police degradation (警察也沉淪)』: cases of police selling Marijuana happened repeatedly recently, shocks the high ranking police  (brief)

Apple Daily, 蘋果日報》online opinion, 11-28-2018: 'High-way police can only bless for their life safety' - Taiwan police automobile lack "Police package", "safety cocoon for officers" and "5 star" ranking collision test, etc, which Germany and the US do.  / 林書立

《Apple Daily, 蘋果日報》online opinion, 12-13-2018:  "absurd police personnel policy "  -  Pension Reforms result in few police applying for retirement,  no openings for police positions, and more jobless policemen on the street.  On the other hand, National police service special examination (a parallel system "警察特考雙軌制") is an illegal examination system, those eliminated policemen taking the 100% admission examination enter the field again.  (brief)  / "荒腔走板的警察用人政策" 李學鏞律師

United Daily, 聯合報》, 12-2-2018: Police (ps: have not cracked down or) gave little penalty to the prostitutes, the business are skilled in using the legal loophole.

United Daily, Opinion, 10-15-2017: Enforcement standard varies by skin color or political colors, based upon some cases recently.   How can Taiwan have justice if it is the way in the future.





pic. : The websites-group was ranked No.1 by "comment Taiwan police"
on US Google, 11
-11-2019, 1-26-2020



pic. : The websites-group was ranked No.1 by "comment Taiwan police" (Chinese version) on
Yahoo Japan (No.1 search engine in Japan), 11-9-2020



pic. above: No1 "comment Taiwan police" on Baidu of China , 9-24-2019




pic. above: The websites-group was ranked No.1 by "comment Taiwan police"
on US Google, 6-10-2019,



pic. above: The websites-group was ranked No.1 by "comment Taiwan police"
on US Google, 7-11-2019




pic. :  This web-sites group was ranked No.1  by keyword "comment Taiwan police " in Chinese on US Google,
6-10-2019, 4-20-2019









 pic. above:  This web-sites group was ranked No.1
 by keyword "comment Taiwan police "
on US Google,

ps: ProtectHumanRights.net was renamed as intlHumanRights.com












 pic. above:  This web-sites group was ranked No.1
 by keyword "comment Taiwan police " in Chinese
on US Google, 6-10-2019, 11-28-2018, 10-23-2018






Taiwan Police in NTU (National Taiwan University) bloody concert event :

 Apple Daily》opinion, 9-26-2017:  Taipei police Station passed the buck with all excuses, delayed coming the crime scene, and doing nothing to shield violence, let bloody actions happened unchecked just as before while facing mass rally or a gathering's confrontation and arrogantly clamour  (推諉塘塞 姍姍來遲  無作為  縱容暴力)王羿方台大學代議長
《United daily》, 9-26-2017:  The government mastered the situation, made correct judgment but doing nothing, all these led to the bloody event.
《Apple Daily》headline 9-26-2017:  "Police won't show up until the suspect escaped"

Many Korean media, e.g., Yonhap News Agency (韓聯社),  Donga Ilbo (東亞日報), and largest web portal Naver, reported in Jan. 2017 in large scale or great length to lash out Taiwan's bad society security.  According to Yahoo ! 520-survey  ( May 14, 2017, 12:10pm 寰宇 TV news ), 31.46%  citizens think society security in Taiwan getting worse, 48.6% think nothing changed. 

BBC》UK,  3-29-2016   "The whole society's safety net has loopholes " The China Times》(6-9-2016 editorial) : Taiwanese police do duty with no dignity/honor.   Taiwan's National Chung Cheng university's survey (1.27.2014) found nearly 70% Taiwanese people are not satisfy Taiwan's society security (criminal rate, public order), 50.4% Taiwanese worry becoming next victim in criminal cases, which reach a new high within recent 5 years (<Apple Daily>, 1.27.2014).   Taiwan police has prefect problem for a long run, they also try to monitor all Taiwanese people... (details see below).    Taiwan police's status of social structure in this country have been declined, from bad to worse over the years... (United Daily News, Aug. 11, 2014, China Times Weekly, Nov. 6, 2014)  Taiwan's police is one of corrupt/extremely corrupt institutions in Taiwan according to survey-reports by <Transparency International>, Germany.  

















pic. above: No.1 ranking on google by keyword   "comment Taiwan police" in Chinese, on US google , 9-28-2017, 1-1-2017, 1-11-2015, 9-9-2015. No.2 on US Google at 9-23-2018




Yonhap News Agency》, Donga Ilbo (東亞日報)》,  Yonhap News Agency》, 10+ Korean media,  1-16-2017.
Many Korean media, e.g., Yonhap News Agency (韓聯社),  Donga Ilbo (東亞日報), and largest web portal Naver, reported in Jan. 2017 in large scale or great length to lash out Taiwan's no-good society security. 
The China Times (1-17-2017) reported Korean netizen criticized a number of internet celebrities took money to do propaganda work for Taiwan however, they "over-beautified" Taiwan's image. 

BBCUK 3-29-2016   "The whole society's safety net has loopholes " / the deputy director general of the National Police Agency.  ps: United Daily " Taiwan's society's safety net has big loopholes".

★  《The Liberty Times 自由時報》, 2-12-2017
Too many executors and enforcers working as white-terror hatchet men in Martial-Law period and their followers are still very active in current judicial field including policemen, prosecutors, judges, investigators, etc, they still look up so-called "political-party-state system idiology (「黨國意識形態」)" as principle or model  ...  / 王美琇






 pic. above:  This web-sites group was ranked No.1 by keyword "comment Taiwan police "
on US Google, 10-23-2018

ps: items above are video and images








 pic. above:  This web-sites group was ranked No.1
 by keyword "comment Taiwan police "
on US Google,

ps: ProtectHumanRights.net was renamed as intlHumanRights.com


  USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices, June 26, 2015

protesters occupied the Executive Yuan. Police forcibly evicted them the next day using batons and water cannon. According to media reports, at least 174 persons, including 119 police officers, were injured in the incident.   Local media have reported incidents of police obstruction and violence directed at journalists who were covering protests against administration policies.

★ The Liberty Times, 2-23-2016,  head-page

National Chung Cheng university's survey found: Less than half (43.9%) Taiwanese people think current social security is fine.

<Apple Daily News>, Front-line news, 3.7.2016

White terror returns!!
Taiwan MP abused their power to entrap and search a Taiwanese (suspected of selling White Terror-era documents) house without search warrant and forced to take him to MP station, he is under investigation for Offenses of Receiving Stolen Property (贓物罪) and Offenses Against Privacy (妨害秘密罪)...after this, MP gave him NT dollar15000 trying to "seal his mouth"...

★ Apple Daily, head-page, 1-3-2016

A New-Taipei city police officer entered a girl's house (she reported a legal case so left her address in police station) and forced her to serve an oral sex to him, but this only got minor punishment ( being cited with a 2nd Level Demerit and job relocation) , and still is on duty at  front line.   This police had been convicted of sexual harassment to his colleague's wife 3 years ago. ... (brief)





Pic. above: This website is ranked No.1 on Google by English keyword "comment Taiwan police", test at  4-19-2017


Taiwan police monitor all Taiwanese


pic. above: Taiwan police monitor (surveillance) all Taiwanese people, <Apple Daily> head-page headline news, Jan. 11, 2014



pic. above: Police should not collect info. of all Taiwanese passing by, <Apple Daily>, 1.2014

State Enemy : Taiwan police & public institutions
pic. above: Who is "Enemy of State"?  (ans: Taiwan police and public institutions), <Apple Daily > editorial, Jan. 11, 2014



  USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices, Feb. 27, 2014
According to activists for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) rights, violence against LGBT persons with HIV/AIDS was a problem, but instances of police pressure on LGBT-friendly bars and bookstores continued to decrease during the year. The police response to violence against LGBT persons with HIV/AIDS was adequate.
The National Police Administration (NPA) of the Ministry of Interior has administrative jurisdiction over all police units, although city mayors and county magistrates appoint city and county police commissioners. Civilian authorities maintained effective control over the NPA, and the authorities have effective mechanisms to investigate and punish abuse and corruption. There were no reports of impunity involving security forces during the year.

 Freedom House  ( a Washington-based think tank , USA ),  4-30-2015

      Taiwan's police treated by violence some reporters while in the student-led Sunflower movement protest against a trade deal with China, Anti-nuclear movement protest(反核遊行), and China's official visiting Taiwan event (中國國台辦主任張志軍訪台).  Besides, in spite of that the authority investigated the event hackers attacked those media criticizing Chinese government,  Taiwan's press freedom score down to 27 (score 24 in 2014's report).

 Amnesty International (The London-based organization), Feb. 25, 2015

       Amnesty International said in its annual report that concerns remained in several areas, including the freedom of peaceful assembly, Taiwan’s handling of the student-led Sunflower movement protest against a trade deal with China in March last year.  In this protest, more than 200 protesters were summoned for questioning under the Criminal Code and Assembly and Parade Act (集會遊行法), and that they remained under threat of prosecution. (ps: At Feb. 10, 2015, 119 people of them, but no any policeman, already have been prosecuted.  2-11-2015, Apple Daily News, Taiwan)

★ Next Magazine , The Liberty Times, Dec. 31, 2015   "Lots of major crimes escaped easily and happily"

    In the past 8 years, about 100 major crimes like Kaohsiung prosecutor Office's prosecutor 井天博 escaped again and again, Taiwanese people see no presence of justice.   Not only the slang "Money can buy crime's life" deep rooted in Taiwanese mind, but also "Money can make major crimes run away easily".  In recent 4 years, the number of crimes escaped overseas is increased, in total 77 persons, most of them are big financial crimes, e.g.,  Emptied assets, Playing the stock market, Unauthorized Fund-Raising, in other words, most escaped crimes are rich people.  Most wanted crimes are, e.g., Legislators (ps: similar to senator or congressman) 羅福助,何智輝,  President general of Far-Eastern Air 崔湧, Underground finance "godfather" 萬眾, President general of Chinese National Federation of Industries 陳武雄, Kaohsiung prosecutor Office's prosecutor 井天博, etc.


★ The Liberty Times, 2-23-2016,  head-page

National Chung Cheng university's survey found: Less than half (43.9%) Taiwanese people think current social security is fine.



★  L.A.Times》,《New York Times》,《CNN》, 3.24.2014

Police in Taiwan fired high-pressure water cannons on hundreds of demonstrators ( mostly were university students) who broke into the country's Cabinet,  
At least 174 people, including 119 police officers, were wounded as the police wielded wooden clubs and later used water trucks.  Demonstrators were injured and bloodied, some got concussions and bone fractures,  the protesters strongly condemn the violence against the unarmed, weaponless students.

Why this event happened:The nature of this matter is that all levels of society have different views as to the signing of the service trade agreement,  The China trade bill, which would allow cross-strait investment on dozens of service trades ranging from banking to funeral parlors, has touched deep roots of concern, including Taiwan’s own history of authoritarian rule and its uneasy relationship with China, an emerging giant that considers the island part of its own territory that must eventually be reunited. Some Taiwanese believe parts of the agreement are beneficial to Taiwan's future, but many are incensed by what they believe were procedural errors in passing the pact.    Opponents of the deal say it could harm Taiwan's economy, democratic system and national security.he content of the agreement was developed in 'black box' negotiations. The agreement was passed without proper procedure.

★  The China Times  12-10-, editorial

       A police chief of Taipei XinYi (信義) police station tried to not taking necessary step to prosecute a burglary crime by using his own money to pay a store, so as to have lower criminal rate, all his act was taped by a CCTV video camera in that store, this issue resulted in a public outcry. (brief)

★  United Daily News Aug. 11, 2014

Taiwan police's work load is heavier and heavier, but their social status have been declined steadily from bad to worse ...  no dignity/honor (沒尊嚴), worse welfare, no bright future...... The current trend , police's early retirement, is unstoppable, Taiwan police authority worries that not enough police people will affect Taiwan's society security/safety. 刑案遍地開花的時代「槍子淹肚才,毒品淹目眉」).

BBC, 5.1.2014

After a series of protests against TW government, Taiwan limits Taiwanese' freedom of speech on the net.   Taiwan policemen are trying to search an internet poster to scare many. (details pls refer to BBC "台灣收緊網路言論自由" full text)

★  The China Times  , editorial : Taiwan's police turn into weak chicken.

 ... Taiwan's police power for national security and social order does not come from policemen's guns, but Taiwanese people's backing-supports ... Today, we are facing and worrying about a phenomenon of weak police, military, government, and even weak political party, the only solution is to rebuild ROC (Republic of China) identity.

★  China Times Weekly 時報周刊  , No.1915

 Taiwan police status of social structure declines steadily from bad to worse, Taiwan Police University professor Yei (葉毓蘭) expressed it's because Taiwanese people don't respect Taiwan policemen, and policemen have been doing "odd jobs" ( various trivial errands ).

★  China Times Weekly 時報周刊  ,

 Just like a widely-known saying by Wu B.S. (吳伯雄) that everybody except the police knows illegal casino houses are everywhere in Taiwan, night-club's dark side is the same thing, lots of Taiwanese know the police take protection fee from night club/pub...  It's a distorted Taiwanese night-club culture.
CtiTV (<中天>電視), 9.27.2014 (21:09pm): a reporter (記者羅友志): a police leader of certain precinct, city police department admitted having taken bribery money, and asked him don't tell anybody else.  Another reporter (名嘴江中博) expressed he saw some criminal police took bribery money.

★  United Daily News Sept. 20, 2014

The dark side of Taiwanese police discipline strongly damages the image of Taiwan's police.
Taipei police station failed to clarify a lot of police discipline matters questioned by the public, resulting in a bad to worse situation that nobody believe the police.  They said Taiwan's police share the night club business for a long time...... 

★  Liberty Times Aug. 28, 2014 phenomenon  (李學鏞)

... Taiwan police special (high-ranking, 特考) examination have blabbed (Police University released the test topics) every year...
ps: Central News Agency (Taiwan) , Aug. 22, 2014: Chairman and a professor of Taiwan Police University were prosecuted for cheating (released the topic of Taiwan Police special examination), the best-known similar legal case of examination cheating was happened in 1998, 70 police officials were fired.

  <Transparency International>, Germany,  July 9, 2013

       The finding of the 2013 Global Corruption Barometer (GCB),  ( the Gallup Poll to interview 114,000 people in 107 countries all over the world): 36% of  people (surveyed in TW) who had used any of eight government services in the past year had paid a bribe (the number is higher than global average).    <NOWnews> , (7.10.2013)–  Taiwan is the 18th worst corruption country in 95 countries surveyed. (重度貪污國家第18名)  <Apple Daily> (7.11.2013): Apple daily's survey found 75.07% Taiwanese people think corruption in Taiwan is actually worse than GCB's report.


    ( Corruption Barometer 2013)  


Percentage(%) of respondents who felt these institutions were corrupt/extremely corrupt in this country/territory
75%  of respondents in Taiwan who felt that parliament/legislature( the Legislative Yuan) were corrupt/extremely corrupt ;
74%  political parties;    62%   media;  57%   judiciary;
56%  police
were corrupt/extremely corrupt ;  56%   military;   56%  public officials and servants;
47% medical and health services;  45% educational systems; 
44%   business;   33% religious bodies;  31%  NGOs( non-governmental organizations)

To what extent do you think corruption is a problem in the public sector in this country/territory?
7%: not really a problem;    27%: a slight problem;    35%: it's a problem;  31%: serious problem

(3) Have you or anyone in your household paid a bribe to one of these 8 services in the last 12 months?
35%  judiciary;   21% medical and health services;    16% educational systems;  16%   police; 
15% tax revenue;    15%   registry & permit services;  17%   utility;    11%  land service;   


ps: For accurate translation pls. refer to Chinese version


★  <Apple Daily News>  (蘋果日報)  editorial,  1.11.2014


★ <The Liberty Times>, Taiwan, 1.13.2014   林鈺雄 Dr. Lin, NTU professor
Taiwan turns to a "privacy hell" because prosecutors and police abuse the right/power of retrieval of Taiwanese communication records... Taiwan's police access the most number of Taiwanese communication records (nearly 80% occupied)... Taiwan's total number of retrieval equals more than 200 times the number of records-retrieval in Germany ...  Taiwan's prosecutors (or police , investigation units) by themselves approve and issue approval of application for retrieval of communication records, without Taiwan judges' objective approval......   Taiwan's prosecutors and police want it quick and energy-saving, judges want to get rid of burden, so, Taiwan's constitution and Taiwanese human rights are not their (police, prosecutors, etc) concerns eventually?......

★  <Apple Daily News> 1.14.2014
 Taiwan's Court hard to control abusing of power by prosecutors & police (法院難管檢警濫權」author:  錢建榮, Taiwan's court judge)
Taiwan's prosecutors and police do wiretapping by using serious crime felony to cover up misdemeanors(重罪掩飾輕罪監聽), Taiwan's judges don't question their evidences/proofs...... the biggest problem is we don't have full-duty prosecutor's order court ( 專責的「強制處分專庭」), judges take turns to do the job, and don't care too much about those application for prosecutor's order... Taiwan's judiciary practice makes no difference between "judge for investigation" and "judge for judgment"... so Taiwan's Judiciary Yuan fails to reach the basic :
to evade/side step the issue of dividing applications (「分案迴避」), e.g.,   those judges during investigation proceedings approve detention of accused, will they think the accused is innocent during judiciary proceedings? .... Taiwan judges fail to reach the goal of professional quality and neutrality ...!wiretapping harms the most Taiwanese privacy, but till now Taiwan fails to send a formal notice to those people being listened... Taiwanese people won't know being listened until they were prosecuted, as for those people not being indicted, they will never know about this ....  Taiwanese people can not do anything about this nation's most serious - mandatory punishment, no one can help them, they are rejected by Taiwan's judiciary systems...

 <Apple Daily News> 1.15.2014

Taiwan's Legislature passed wiretap restrictions yesterday, but vice secretary general of the Judicial Reform Foundation expressed that this amendment works nothing for Taiwanese privacy protection in advance and remedy afterwards (該修正案對人民隱私權的事先保障與事後救濟都是空的), Taiwan should learn "four-eyes-principle" (sync. wiretapping by prosecutors and police with judge's approval together with telephone-service staff inside the machinery/equipment room, Chinese namely "同步監聽") of USA or Japan, Taiwan's current way to do it seriously harms Taiwanese privacy.

 <Apple Daily News> 1.16.2014 editorial
The legislature yesterday approved revisions to the Communication Security and Surveillance Act (通訊保障及監察法) to toughen the rules governing the use of wiretaps... previously, the prosecutors may keep listening someone even the legal case had already been closed, or the prosecutors may wiretap on a specific person and by the way listen other people in the same case... all these show their (prosecutors, police, investigation units) attitude of abusing power & playing the law.  This amendments immediately led to a rebound (opposition) by Taiwan's prosecutors, police, and investigation units...The Judicial Reform Foundation expressed : Taiwan's judiciary has not made any progress at all unless they avoid wiretapping mistakes by abolishing the watching center or attaching it to or under certain authority remaining neutral, and not allow accessing communication records unless they got the judges' approval...

USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices, April 8, 2011

       There were still problems with corruption ( police corruption's limited but still a problem ).

  <Transparency International>, Germany,   Dec. 10, 2010

     Taiwan's corruption sorting list:  worstPolice: 3.9,  Parliament/legislation: 3.8,  Public officials/civil servants :3.8,  Political parties : 3.5,  military: 3.4,  judiciary3.3 ,  Media , Education systems : 3.2

   ps: Taiwan's news media,  <United Daily News>,  <China times> , <Liberty Times> all reported the Police is the worst in corruption.


PTS TV (Public TV service), Taiwan,   2010.6.2   http://talk.news.pts.org.tw/2010/06/blog-post_02.html



  Taiwan police illegal, bad behavior

pic. above: No.3 ranking on Yahoo (Taiwan) by English keyword "Taiwan police",1-11-2015

  pic. : So many evil behavior done by Taiwan's police (see table below)
kidnapping for ransom 2 Taipei policemen kidnapped a prostitute for $100thousand 
bleed (cheat/deceit for money ) a detective set up for $1 million
asking 'authority' fee for shielding illegal gambling 3 detectives of Da-an district involved;
<China Times> 12.26.2013: video game industry suspiciously offers money, feast, sexual entertainment for cover-up...
asking paying bribery Tao-yuan police asks bribery from a prostitute's (being caught/arrested)husband
robbery Taipei police made a fake traffic accident for money
Investment in stocks /shares etc to cover up illegal business 5 police officials invest stocks to shelter Taipei porn tea-shop;  Kaohsiung city detective team run gambling business
run gambling business 7 policemen of 3 police precinets run 'baseball game gambling' business
sexual assault top police official in Hua-nien sexual assaults a massage girl and takes money from his police staffs for public relation
shielding porn/eroticism business for money <China Times>, 1.2.2014, 2 police in Kaohsiung city under arrest


Taiwan police colluding with Mafia, Gang, Mob
pic. above & right:
Taiwan police colluding with Mafia/Gang/Mob
(see table below)


Aug., 2007

Police together with gang (suspicious) broke in a civilian's house for debt (owing money) matter, this Taiwanese (house owner) reported this criminal case to police dept. but police refused to access this case because the defendant is inside his circle.  


Aug., 2007

A head of Da-an district detective team suspiciously colluded with gangsters, passed important information (regarding the plan that police combating against the gang) to  Mafia/Gang/Mob, sheltered "4-sea" gang, and run underground bank business.


May 2006

Tao-yuan police collude with Mafia/Gang/Mob and illegally let a very rich prisoner go...


May 2006

Police ignore and let 40-50 gangsters (rascals) go after they did battery to victims and destroyed a KTV shop.










latest news:   Taiwan police's prefect or ... problem  

  (1) Exclusive !!  police made a phony defendant's transcript document
 Songshan Precinet (松山分), Taipei City Police Department,
        detective Chen You-ren (
陳宥任) modified the defendant's report, by the detective's imagination, during initial questioning.



Criminal case doc. by Songshan police dept. to Taipei court, prosecutors office(2013.10.25)

Defendant's transcript report(2013.10.19)

Police's report changed suspect's (ps:defendant) words to be:

...(defendant) stated: ... I push her down by a chair... (故以椅子推倒被害人XXX)


Q (police asks): Have you ever held a chair against her chest and attacked her by your fist (椅子頂被害人胸口並以拳頭攻擊...)

A (defendant's answer-statement): ...I pull her by my hand... ( 我有用手拉她手臂請她離去...)


The police department changed both the detective's expression and the defendant's transcript report created a phony story.






  (2) Conceal transcript report (隱匿筆錄) !   detective Chen You-ren (陳宥任) again, and again ?!


  Liberty Times,  Nov. 8, '12, ETtoday    http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/2012/new/nov/8/today-so5.htm

Detective Chen suspiciously concealed 2 models' transcript (daze rape by "wolf" Lee 李宗瑞) and even asked them to ignore prosecutor's subpoenas by phrases "it's hard for you to prove it's a sexual assaulting case, it's useless to attend prosecutors office, you don't need to be there !" , that leads to police investigation trouble, and more sexual assaults on innocent girls by that "wolf" Lee...... detective Chen explained he did not do this by intention, it's his faineancy and neglect of the duty.......     

(Chinese version: ...據週刊報導,警方最初追查李宗瑞被控迷姦小模姊妹花時,解姓目擊證人指證,曾見李把小模姊姊抬上計程車,他為此還和李打架;但北市刑大承辦偵查佐陳宥任製作筆錄後,卻未將筆錄移送檢方,法官因而無法收押李宗瑞。更扯的是,提告的小模姊妹花事後居然都不願出庭,檢方拘提兩女,妹妹還埋怨,當初不到庭,是因陳宥任說「妳這很難證明是性侵啦,去了也沒有(用),不用去啦!」檢方將徹查陳宥任員。


China Times 中國時報     Lee's embarrassing/compromising/erotic photo external-lost case

detective Chen you-ren and other 5 policemen attended on the court of Taipei prosecutors office and denied that they have something to do with  Lee's dirty photo external-lost case (media doubt those photo came from Taipei Criminal Investigation Division of Taipei City Police Dept. because photo background looks like its place...... )
Chinese version:
去年爆發富少李宗瑞涉嫌迷姦、偷拍淫照案後,網路一度流傳從電腦螢幕翻拍李宗瑞性愛淫照,由於拍攝地點疑為公部門辦公室,外界懷疑是承辦的台北市刑大流出,北檢主動分案偵辦。......   台北地檢署偵辦...以證人身分傳喚前台北市刑大偵五隊副隊長林宏銘、承辦警員陳宥任等5名警員到案,據了解,5人均...否認淫照外流與警方有關,檢方訊後請回。

China media :  Beijing Sina 9.2.2013 & 中新網, Apple Daily 8.23.2013, http://news.sina.com.tw/article/20130902/10558677.html

Singapore media  http://www.zaobao.com.sg/wencui/social/story20130823-244469



   (3) Police leave some cases behind (吃案) !

  The China Times 中時電子報】  華夏經緯網  03/27/2007

All tricky ways Taiwan police leave cases behind (台灣警察吃案手法 大公開)

Former Taiwan vice Prime Minister (行政院副院長葉菊蘭)'s girl-cousin was abused/tortured several days by Taiwan's Mafia/Gang/Mob, this victim twice came to police dept. for help, but receive rejection for reason "personal debt problem"... Taiwan police attitude leads to bad guys' act in foolhardy manner '    


Police golden rule for survival is "foolish police don't ignore cases ", because performance evaluation will kill those "foolish" police, inspite of that heads of police reiterated they are strongly against this ...


There're too many tricky ways for police leaving cases behind ... e.g., police may accepts cases like robbery by motorbike, but they won't really access the case, or some police may try all means to persuade victims to ignore their cases, or even give some money by themselves to victims as compensation...

Some police may persuade victims to just put some case on record first, and promise do investigation soon, hence this case will not be in statistics report at that day, hence higher ranking officials won't give pressure to the police to investigate the case ...(事後再補辦正式報案手續後,被害人也取得報案三聯單)

 As for some cases like Traffic accidents Causing Bodily Harm, police may nicely persuade victims to reach an amicable settlement, or to back home first for a second thought ―  if they really want a suit-case in court? ... so that this case may not be in statistics within 3-5 months... 


 If victims of relatives-missing fail to bring direct evidence of being killed or kidnapped to police, they usually treat this kind of case as people missing, this way caused a female teacher's death by killing.   


Most police report cases of stolen motorbike as "license plate missing", if Taiwanese people encounter stealing cases or young kids hand in their cell-phones for bad-guys' threaten behavior, police usually will persuade victims "are you sure it's stolen? or you lost it by yourself?", "you may be accused by serious crime namely "Malicious Accusation"... so these cases won't be listed in police statistics.  


Many companies received bad-guy's threaten-letters a lot, most police will promise they will give warnings to bad guys, they definitely don't dare to touch you .... 

The Liberty Times   Oct. 3,   Police dept. ignore police's death case  

DPP legislator (吳宜臻) hold a press conference to accuse police officials don't want to access pension matter for his detective police who  "sudden died from overwork" (work 15 hour per day, 100 hours overtime one month before his sudden death), just because this matter may affect official's (樹林分局長官) promotion ...

 CTS (華視TV news)     

Police ignoring a case caused a 17 yrs old girl being killed 

A victim's father in Tainan accused police dept. ignored his report (his age 17 daughter experienced "abduct to kidnap" & being sexual assaulted 7 years ago), lead to his daughter's death by killing and sexual assaults, if police accessed his report at once, his daughter may have chance to be alive ....  

PS: exclusive news
National Police Agency's Anti-defraud police division (165.gov.tw) gives no response about 1 month after reporting a crime of defraud-money by using relative's email at Dec 4, 2013.


★  Liberty Times  2013. 9. 30

  "Abuse the right of monitoring, what's the difference between Taiwan and "Police State" ! (濫權監聽 台灣與警察國家何異 )

   It's a major scandal in Taiwan's democracy history that the Special Prosecutors Unit listens Taiwan's parliament ....(特偵組監聽國會,成為台灣民主史上的重大醜聞)

★    Panorama  (光華)   June, 1999   page006

   "The Problem of Policing Taiwan - Police Story"


... Till now many Taiwanese people still think Taiwan's police have prefect problem, corruption problem, "ignore cases (吃案)" problem, "colluding with Mafia/Gang interest groups" problem ...

    Last June a "police image" survey conducted by women foundation (<現代婦女基金會>), less than 10% people think Taiwan's police did a good job on "cracking criminal cases", "Eradicating vice", "defend crime in advance", 20% people totally dissatisfy Taiwan's police performance.

    The image of Taiwan's police:  38% - police prefect,  12% - cracking criminal cases , 25% - defend crimes in advance, 20% - attitude, obviously, police corruption, police shielding illegal cases, this kind of matters are Taiwanese people's first concern. 

   Besides, Taiwanese people don't accept police act against the law, there should be a clear line between police and bad guys.


  <Transparency International>, Germany,  July 9, 2013


Police in each country  ( Corruption Barometer 2013)

Rank Country


1 Finland 1.8
2 Denmark 2
24 South Korea 3.2
32 USA 3.3
44 Taiwan 3.7
90 Indonesia 4.5
99 Mexico 4.6


<Transparency International>, Germany,     Dec 9, '05

Percentage(%) of respondents who felt these institutions were corrupt/extremely corrupt in this country/territory
   Parliament78%, political parties 69%, Custom 61%,
   Military 48%,
   Police 45%,

   Legislative  43%,
   Power & Water 41%,
   Taxes 35%,
   Medical  32%,
   Education 25%,
   Media  19%,
   Religion 16%, etc  (Taiwan corruption is lousy, Gallup 2006, Transparency Org. 2007  )