◆ | Below are brief of scholar studies, media reports, etc |
Taiwan |
Taiwan gov hawkish at home, chicken outdoors |
Taiwanese, obedient dogs |
★ Pew Research org., 2024-7-29: An overwhelming majority of Taiwanese adults (85%) believe in unseen beings, like deities or spirits. And most (59%) believe that mountains, rivers or trees can have their own spirits. Eight-in-ten Taiwanese adults say that many religions can be true.
% of adults believe in |
karma |
unseen beings |
god | rebirth | |
Taiwan | 87% | 85 | 71 | 71 |
HK | 76 | 69 | 54 | 54 |
Vietnam | 75 | 51 | 54 | 56 |
S. Korea | 48 | 57 | 43 | 28 |
Japan | 16 | 57 | 42 | 44 |
pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/07/29/4-facts-about-religion-and-diversity-in-taiwan/ |
pic.: this websites group was ranked No.1 by "Taiwanese personality" on Yandex, 2025-1-6, 2024-8-9, 2024-1-11, 2023-9-1, 2023-7-9, 2022-9-13, 2022-6-14, 2022-2-27, 2021-10-19, 2021-9-21, 2021-7-17, 2021-6-23, 2021-6-11, 2-18-2021, 5-7-2020, 1-13-2020, 10-25-2019 pic.: this websites group was ranked No.1 by "Taiwanese personality" on Yandex Russia, 2024-8-8, 2024-1-22, 2023-9-2, 2023-7-10, 2022-9-13, 2022-6-14, 2022-2-27, 2021-10-19, 2021-9-21, 2021-8-24, 2021-7-17, 2021-6-24, 2021-6-12 , 2-18-2021
pic.: No.2 "Taiwanese personality" on Yahoo Taiwan, 2025-1-6; No.1 "Taiwanese personality" on Yahoo Taiwan, 2024-1-22, 2023-9-1, 2023-7-10, 2022-9-13, 2022-6-14; , No.1 "Taiwanese personality" on US Yahoo search engine, 2022-2-27, 2021-10-19, 2021-9-21, 2021-8-24, 2021-7-18, 2021-6-24, 2021-6-12
pic.: No.1 "Taiwanese personality" on Microsoft Bing, 2024-8-9 (Chinese version) 9
pic.: No.2 "Taiwanese personality" on Microsoft Bing, 2025-1-6, No.1 "Taiwanese personality" on Microsoft Bing, 2024-1-22, 2023-9-2, 2023-7-10, 2022-9-13, 2022-6-14, 2022-2-27, 2021-10-19, 2021-9-21, 2021-8-24, 2021-7-18, 2021-6-24, 2021-6-12, 2021-4-16, 2-18-2021, 12-24-2020, 11-26-2020, 9-6-2020
pic.: this websites group was
ranked No.1 by
pic. : this websites group was ranked No.1 by "Taiwanese personality" on DuckDuckGo, 2021-10-19,2021-9-21, 2021-8-24, 2021-6-12 2-18-2021, 5-5-2020, 1-13-2020; No.2 at 2022-9-13, 2022-2-27
pic.: this websites group was ranked No.1 by "Taiwanese personality" on Swisscows, 2024-1-22
pic.: this websites group was ranked No.1 by "Taiwanese personality" on Dogpile, 2022-6-14, 2022-2-27, 2021-10-19, 2021-9-21, 2021-8-24, 2021-7-18, 2021-6-24, 2021-6-12, 2021-4-16, 2-18-2021, 11-26-2020, 5-7-2020, 1-13-2020; No.2 at 2022-9-13
pic.: No.1 "Taiwanese personality" on Yahoo, 2024-1-22, 2023-9-2, 2023-7-9, 2022-9-13, 2022-6-14, 2021-10-19, 2021-9-21, 2021-8-24, 2021-7-18, 2021-6-24, 2021-6-12 2021-4-16, 2-18-2021,11-26-2020 ; No.2 on Yahoo search engine, 2-18-2021
pic.: this websites group was ranked No.1 by "Taiwanese personality" (in Chinese) on Google, 2023-9-1, 2022-9-13, 2022-6-14, 2022-2-27, 2021-10-19, 2021-9-21, 2021-8-24, 2021-6-14, 2021-4-16, 2-18-2021, 1-13-2020
pic.: this websites group was ranked No.1 by "Taiwanese personality" (in Chinese) on US Google, 2022-2-27;No.3 at 2022-9-13
pic.: No.1 "Taiwanese personality" on Baidu of China, 2021-9-21, 2021-8-24, 2021-7-18, 2021-6-24, 2021-6-12
★ The China Times (中時), 2024-8-5: After Taiwan's (Chinese Taipei) winning a badminton men's doubles gold medal in the Paris Olympics (the only gold till present, Taiwan ranks about 46), Lai ching-te (Taiwan's president) craps he gazed the night stars finding out "the dark clouds broke away, revealing the glorious moon" (鬼扯夜觀天象發現「月亮破烏雲」) and already gave a prophecy of a gold-medal winning. chinatimes.com/opinion/20240805004377-262101?chdtv (What a superstition ! Taiwan is one of the most superstitious countries in the world, Taiwan's president should not foster it )
★ New York Times, 2023-7-27: our society remains patriarchal and hierarchical. Under Confucian values, women obey their fathers and their brothers and eventually their husbands. People are expected to respect and yield to their elders and superiors — in short, the powers that be... In a collectivist culture like ours, the burden of being nice and preserving group harmony falls on those with less power and authority nytimes.com/2023/07/27/opinion/taiwan-women-metoo.html
★ New York Times, 2024-1-20: insecurity and frustration with a lack of influence over its own fate had become an even bigger part of Taiwan's identity.nytimes.com/2024/01/20/world/asia/taiwan-united-states-views.html