Taiwanese Privacy     
abuse of power by state machine - "Restoration of secret police"
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 strictly monitored by Intelligence... the law is behind


top rankings on Yahoo, Bing, Google (USA), MetaGER (Europe), Yandex (Russia), Baidu (China)



pic. :  No.1 "Taiwanese privacy" on Yandex of Russia, 2024-10-7, 2024-5-13, 2024-3-1, 2023-11-27, 2023-8-5, 2023-5-9, 2022-6-12, 2022-3-23, 2021-9-12, 2021-6-24, 2021-5-4, 2021-4-24, 12-1-2019, 11-09-2019




 pic. left : top 2  "Taiwanese privacy" (" 台灣人隱私") on Microsoft Bing, 2024-10-7;   No.1 "Taiwanese privacy" (" 台灣人隱私") on Microsoft Bing , 2024-5-13, 2024-3-1, 2023-11-23, 2023-5-9, 2023-1-11, 2022-12-31, 2022-10-11, 11-8-2020, 11-10-2019,  11-28-2018; No.2 at 2022-6-12, 2022-3-23, 2021-4-12, 1-6-202, 2020-8-25 (Chinese version)

  pic. right :   top 2  "Taiwanese privacy" (" 台灣人隱私") on US Yahoo and Taiwan Yahoo, 2024-10-7;   No.1 "Taiwanese privacy" (" 台灣人隱私") on  Yahoo Taiwan, 11-8-2020, 11-10-2019; No.2 at 2024-5-13, 2023-1-11, 2022-6-12, 2022-3-23, 2021-4-12, 1-6-2021,  No.3 at 2023-11-23, 2022-10-11

(Chinese version)




pic. left : No.1 "Taiwanese privacy" on Bing, 2023-5-9, 2022-12-31, 2022-10-11, 2022-6-12, 2022-3-23, 2021-9-12, 2021-8-9, 2021-6-24, 2021-5-4, 2021-4-24, 11-8-2020; pic. right:  No.1 "Taiwanese privacy" on Yahoo, 2022-12-31, 2022-10-11, 2022-6-12, 2022-3-23, 2021-8-9, 2021-6-24, 2021-5-4, 2021-4-24,11-8-2020, 3-16-2019


pic.: No.1 "Taiwanese privacy" (" 台灣人隱私") on Yahoo search engine, 2023-11-23, 2023-1-11, 2022-12-31, 2022-10-11, 2022-3-23, 11-10-2019
(Chinese version)




 pic. : The websites group was  ranked No.1 by "Taiwanese privacy" on Baidu of China , 2021-9-12, 2021-8-9, 2021-6-24, 2021-5-4, 2021-4-24,12-2-2019, 8-3-2019



pic." No.1 "Taiwanese privacy" on US Google, 2021-8-9, 2021-4-24, 1-6-2021, 11-8-2020, 8-25-2020, 7-31-2020, 3-16-2019



Bloomberg,2024-2-29: Taiwan's military said hackers took sensitive information from Chunghwa Telecom Co. and Taiwanese national security units and sold them on the internet msn.com/en-us/money/other/taiwan-military-says-hackers-sold-telecom-giant-s-data-on-web/ar-BB1j667G   Cindy Wang

United Daily (聯合報), 2024-6-2: Lai Ching-te government has been monitoring the whole population by cell-phone signaling. udn.com/news/story/7338/8003898?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2

United Daily (聯合報), 2024-5-30:  Taiwan's parliament should make some achievements in preventing the abuse of power by state machine and the surveillance of people by political parties.  Don't disappoint the public.KMT :  It turns out that our country has been quietly performing "The Truman Show (1998)" and illegally grasping people's personal information.   王義川 eventually honestly spoke out the long-standing secret of the ruling party DPP - they secretly conducted "Green Terror" by using State apparatus in the past 8 years. WaterGate scandal;  It turns out that "Big Brother" has always been there.  The DPP has set Taiwan's democracy back 30 years.


United Daily (聯合報),2024-5-31:  柯文哲 (Ko W.J.), the chief of 民眾黨 party said this issue is "Restoration of secret police" (「警總復辟」).ˉ

The China Times (中時),editorial , 2024-5-30: After taking full power, the Democratic Progressive Party monitors the people by using modern network telecommunications technology - the terror of the surveillance is even worse than KMT's records.  chinatimes.com/opinion/20240530004757-262101?chdtv 

The China Times (中時),editorial , 2024-5-31:  The 1st priority of parliament reform should be aimed at "Big Brother" in the government !   Must root it out even shake the country.
The issue of watching "Blue Birds"(青鳥) campaign and participants' age group tells us three things -
through your mobile phone  (1) the ruling party can know who you are, how old you are, and where you are (2) "Skynet" still dominates (3)  Big Brother is using another way to monitor you and me. This surveillance storm not only crosses the red line of political morality, but also illegal and unconstitutional probably, which completely destroy Taiwan's brand of democracy

United Daily (聯合報),2023-12-11: Taiwanese government's sensitive data have been hacked and under sales on the net , including the data monitored by Taiwan's secret police this time.   It's almost been a consensus among all the people that our government can not protect our privacy and national security.  Furthermore, many diplomats and offices of foreign countries (including Japan, Canada, S. Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia, Denmark, etc) in Taiwan were suspect to be eavesdropped by national security unites, which may triggers diplomatic issues. brief udn.com/news/story/7338/7631855?from=udn_ch2_menu_v2_main_cate

The China Times (中時) , editorial , 2023-5-23: 23 millions of Taiwanese household administration data and 28 millions of labor insurance data have been leaked and were sold to fraud groups - all personal data of Taiwanese were sold out, Taiwan government looked the other way as its citizens were in fraud for leakage of their personal data.    chinatimes.com/opinion/20230521002651-262101?chdtv


  CTV News (中) ,  2023-5-8:  Governmental officials stole and sold Taiwanese people's health insurance data; 240,000 data of public officials including the spies managed by the Ministry of Civil Service have been on sale on international internet.  Unlike Singapore, Taiwan fails to make digital personal ID, because civil communities, scholars, even Academia Sinica all opposed it, for worrying Taiwanese personal data might be lost.   youtube.com/watch?v=9bJZQUY0SCY 庶民大頭家


The China Times (中時) , editorial , 2023-5-5: Endless fraud cases in Taiwan!  it is undeniable that those crimes are indeed related to Taiwan police discipline。Public comments had no idea at all that it's an inside job. (「內神通外鬼」)。The "Social security net" is proved to be broken -  they fail to protect citizens' personal basic data/information  chinatimes.com/opinion/20230505004211-262101?chdtv

horrible experience after questioning NPM policy

United Daily
(2023-6-4): Dr. Su Hung-dah (蘇宏達) questioned National Palace Museum's cultural policy in 2018, one year later he was investigated with no reason and was given troubles (「查水表」) by the governmentSu deplores with sighs for the horrible experience

top politicians plagiarism

  computer wave

Su Hung-dah (蘇宏達), dean of the College of Social Sciences, National Taiwan University, reveals he was threatened by National Security Bureau ( state machine ) that "we can watch your LINE (
the predominant texting on-line app. in Japan and Taiwan, similar to FB message) "  during the review process to examine major politicians' theses.  Eventually, NTU Evaluation Committee said 林智堅 (Lin Chih-chien), HsinChu ex-mayor and the ruling party's candidate for TaoYuan mayor copied thesis, and vice premier 鄭文燦  (Cheng wen-Tsan) was found plagiarism, besides, ex-chief of National Security Bureau, an advisor of both politicians was reported joining the cheating scandal.  udn.com/news/story/6656/7209585?from=udn_ch2cate6638sub6656_pulldownmenu_v2  taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2022/08/10/2003783288 udn.com/news/story/6656/7209585?from=udn_ch2cate6638sub6656_pulldownmenu_v2  taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2022/08/10/2003783288


Law maker (2023-6-2) criticized :What an authoritarian era ? (「這是什麼威權時代嗎」)

United Daily (2023-6-4): In addition to be scolded on the net, prof. Su was warned "Don't go your own way !"  (「不要一意孤行」), "some mafia big-brother is not happy" (「有大哥不高興」)  udn.com/news/story/7338/7211162?from=udn_ch2cate6643sub7338_pulldownmenu_v2


AFP (2011-12-1), Yahoo Singapore (Nov. 30, 2011) and media in Australia, Ireland, Thailand (Bangkok Post) etc reported National Taiwan university professor Ruey-shiung Lin (林瑞雄) claimed magnetic attacks by Taiwan's intelligence


Liberty Times (自由時報),  2023-1-13: The leakage of Taiwanese personal information is an issue of national security  talk.ltn.com.tw/article/paper/1562388

United Daily, 2023-1-11: