¡@ ¡@
¡¹¡¹    Taiwanese  LOVE   or  MONEY ?  
sex, divorce, love styles in Taiwan
 ¡¹  world No.1 rankings :  2020~24,  2017~19,  2016 2015,  2014,  2013 2010~12     ¡¹   Top rankings since 1998   ¡¹ 

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  click:     Love OR. Money    divorce rate     SEX     8 love styles     Chinese version ()
marriage for LOVE or for money ??
USA Taiwan
Pew Research Org., 2019-2-13, 2013-2-13: Love tops the list of Americans' reasons to marry Americans ( 88% Americans and  93% married people) are more inclined to choose "love" as a reason for marriage than any other factor. (pewresearch.org/social-trends/2013/02/13/love-and-marriage/) Business Insider (businessinsider.com/love-and-money-what-statistics-say-2012-2) ForbesWoman survey  found "most marry more for love than for money "  An American Express survey found that only 43 percent of the general population talked money before marriage.  In MarketWatch (2019-2-14), Randy Kessler , author of a book about divorce says:  "people marry more for romance than for finance. However, for a second or third marriage, people may be looking for financial security".   CNA, Taiwan (台灣中央社), China News (¤¤·sºô) reported:  65% Taiwanese chose "bread" (moneyinstead of "love", and 44% admitted they dream all the time to marry a rich guy so as not to work for living. (news.sina.com.cn/o/2010-08-14/144117964604s.shtml)  Washington Post, 1-2-2017:  ..."83 percent chose bread over romance" (when it comes to Taiwan independence or reunification

How was Taiwanese marriage for money over love ?


South China Morning Post (2024-8-6) : according to Taiwan's SETN TV news report, a Taiwanese wife kept demanding cash from her husband each time he wanted sex; Before the husband filed for divorce, the wife promised to work on their relationship, so he registered their property in her name.  In 2014, a wife in Taiwan charged NT$2,000 (US$60) for sex with her husband, and also set a fee for chats and meals.  She said she did so because the husband, a truck driver, made no financial contribution to the family.   SCMP: The island has one of the highest divorce rates in Asia.   The divorce rate in Taiwan was 0.218 per cent last year, one of the highest in Asia.    Yamada Masahiro, a Japanese professor specializing in family sociology and gender issues says that in Asia, people place less importance on love. They tend to believe in money more than love;  in contrast, a British professor told him that women there don't choose men due to money but due to love.  (A Sociological Look at Japan and Taiwan, Jul. 1, 2022).



Pic.:  No.1 "Taiwanese love or money" on Yandex of Russia, 2024-8-8, 2024-3-17, 2024-2-14, 2024-1-1, 2023-11-11, 2023-9-9, 2023-8-8, 2023-6-22, 2023-3-29, 2023-2-14, 2023-1-21, 2023-1-1, 2022-12-24, 2022-11-29, 2022-11-1, 2022-10-10, 2022-9-26, 2022-9-18, 2022-9-9, 2022-8-16,2022-7-18, 2022-7-4,






No.1 "Taiwanese love or money" on Yandex,  2022-5-27, 2022-5-19, 2022-5-14, 2022-4-26, 2022-4-16, 2022-4-12,  2022-3-31, 2022-3-17, 2022-3-8, 2022-2-28, 2022-2-14, 2022-2-2, 2022-2-1, 2022-1-29,  2022-1-25, 2022-1-22, 2022-1-20, 2022-1-18, 2022-1-14, 2022-1-12, 2022-1-11, 2022-1-10, 2022-1-9, 2022-1-8





"Taiwanese love" (Chinese version) ranks No.1 on Microsoft Bing²Ä1, 2024-8-8, 2024-3-17, 2024-2-14, 2024-1-1, 2023-11-11, 2023-9-9, 2023-8-8, 2023-6-22, 2023-6-6, 2023-3-29, 2023-2-28, 2023-2-14, 2023-1-21, 2023-1-16, 2023-1-1, 2022-12-24, 2022-12-14, 2022-12-2, 2022-11-30, 2022-11-8, 2022-11-1, 2022-10-20, 2022-10-8, 2022-9-9, 2022-8-9 No.2 at 2022-11-29, 2022-10-2, 2022-9-26, 2022-9-18, 2022-9-5, 2022-8-26, 2022-8-19, 2022-8-16, 2022-7-22, 2022-7-18, 2022-5-7,2022-4-26, 2022-4-11, 2022-4-8




PIC. : The sites-group ranks No.1 "Taiwanese love or money"
US Yahoo, 2024-8-20, 2024-3-17, 2024-1-1, 2023-11-11, 2023-9-9, 2023-9-3, 2023-8-8, 2023-6-22, 2023-2-14, 2023-1-21, 2023-1-1, 2022-12-24, 2022-11-29, 2022-10-30, 2022-10-10, 2022-10-1, 2022-9-5, 2022-8-16, 2022-7-24, 2022-7-18,
2022-7-1, 2022-6-22, 2022-6-1, 2022-5-19, 2022-4-26, 2022-4-16, 2022-4-9, 2022-3-31, 2022-3-17, 2022-3-12, 2022-3-8, 2022-2-28, 2022-2-21, 2022-2-20; No.1"Taiwanese marry for love or money", 2022-10-30, 2022-7-1; No.2 "Taiwanese love" on US Yahoo, 2022-4-26, 2022-4-16, 2022-4-9, 2022-3-31, 2022-3-29, 2022-3-28






Pic.: No.1 "Taiwanese love or money" on US Google, 2024-3-17, 2024-2-14, 2024-1-1, 2023-11-11, 2023-9-9, 2023-9-3, 2023-8-8, 2023-6-22, 2023-6-6


New York Times,  2021-11-18 ("What makes people happy" ): Most world people in a Pew Research Center survey said that family made them the happiest, such as the Australians (56%), New Zealanders (55%), Americans (49%), English(46%), Swedish, Italians, Canadians etc ranked family first, their percentages are about 3-4 times of that (15%) of Taiwanese, the % in Singapore and Japan is about 2 times of that in Taiwan.  Taiwanese ranked Material well-being above family.

According to Wikipedia (2022-7-11, 2022-1-23, 2021-11-28): The number of crude Divorce Rate in Taiwan is higher than that in most countries of Asia & Pacific, such as Vietnam, Mongolia, Thailand, Malaysia, Japan, Singapore, S. Korea, Sri Lanka, Australia, New Zealand,  etc. (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divorce_demography ).   Mainland China's divorce rate was worse than Taiwan's.  Telegraph (UK, telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/china/8714097/China-tries-to-stop-women-marrying-for-money-rather-than-love.html) reported that in mainland China, "Most pretty girls now try to trade on their beauty. It is an unhealthy trend", With divorce rates soaring, and widespread worries about a new culture of hyper-materialism, the Chinese government is now trying to stop women marrying for money.p


PIC. : "Taiwanese love" ranks No.1 on  Yandex , 2024-8-8, 2024-3-17, 2024-2-14, 2024-1-1, 2023-11-11, 2023-9-9, 2023-9-3, 2023-6-6, 2023-4-30
(Chinese version)



pic.:   No.1 "Taiwanese love" on Microsoft Bing, 2024-1-1, 2023-11-11, 2023-9-9, 2023-8-8, 2023-7-8, 2023-4-30, 2023-3-29, 2023-2-14, 2023-1-21, 2023-1-1, 2022-12-24, 2022-7-24, 2022-6-22, 2022-4-26, 2022-4-16, 2022-4-9, 2022-4-3, 2022-3-31, 2022-3-29, 2022-3-28; No.2 "Taiwanese love" on Microsoft Bing at 2022-12-14, 2022-11-29,2022-11-1, 2022-10-21,2022-10-11, 2022-9-18, 2022-9-9, 2022-8-16, 2022-7-18, 2022-7-1, 2022-5-31; No.1 "Taiwanese love or money" on Bing, 2022-8-19, 2022-8-10; No.1 "Taiwanese love or money" on Ecosia of Germany, 2022-10-30, 2022-8-19


No.1 "Taiwanese love" on Yandex of Russia, 2024-2-14, 2024-1-1, 2023-11-11, 2023-9-9, 2023-8-8, 2023-6-6, 2023-4-30





No.1  "Taiwanese  love or money" on Yahoo Japan, 2024-3-17, 2024-2-14, 2024-1-1, 2023-11-11, 2023-9-9, 2023-8-8, 2023-6-22, 2023-4-30, 2023-2-14, 2023-1-16, 2023-1-1, 2022-12-24, 2022-12-14, 2022-12-11, 2022-9-8; No.1  "Taiwanese marry for love or money" on Yahoo Japan (largest search engine in Japan), 2022-12-14;  No.1 "Taiwan love or money", 2022-6-2; No.1 "Taiwanese marry for love or money", "Taiwanese marriage for love or money" ,  2022-5-19, 2022-4-9; No.2 at 2023-2-14, 2022-7-22, 2022-7-7, 2022-6-17, 2022-6-7


marriage for LOVE
or for money ??


 Taiwanese girls
their bodies
for living resource
 and certain personality

   Marrying for LOVE  or Money

Abby Rodman, a psychotherapist said in MarketWatch (2019):¡§Marrying for love is the only good reason to marry. The beauty is most of us (Americans) have the freedom to do that".  

Are Taiwanese poor so as to choose money over love ?  According to Credit Suisse, Research Institute (2023), Taiwanese' "Median wealth per adult", USD 108,250, is higher than Americans' USD107,740 (ubs.com/global/en/family-office-uhnw/reports/global-wealth-report-2023.html);  In Sept., 2022, Taiwanese USD 113,940, Americans USD93,270 (credit-suisse.com/about-us/en/reports-research/global-wealth-report.html).  In June 2021, Taiwanese USD 93,044, Americans USD79,274  On the report of IMF (International Monetary Fund , 2022,  2021), GDP per capita (PPP) of Taiwan is higher than that of Canada.  imf.org/external/datamapper/PPPPC@WEO/POL/GRC/ITA   en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_(PPP)_per_capita )  Allianz Global Wealth Report (Oct. 12, 2022 allianz.com/content/dam/onemarketing/azcom/Allianz_com/economic-research/publications/specials/en/2022/october/12-10-2022-GlobalWealthReport.pdf) : With net financial assets per capita of 138,220 euros (US$134,364), Taiwan ranked first in Asia, and higher than Canada.   Furthermore, the percentage of college degree Taiwanese is more than that of Americans.   But a study (2021-10-21, cardus.ca/research/family/reports/for-love-or-money/) found only 3.7% young adult Canadians aged 25~34 who are married or intend to marry choose legal protection/financial security.

Or Taiwanese are lazy ? greedy?  or social value systems, culture, national policy, women rights status ... made them to choose all those bourgeois things     ?  ......

An academic paper of National Chung-Hsing University ( ¤¤¿³¤j¾Ç, July 2018,  "Flows between the Mainstream and the verge - transmutation of the sex industry in Taichung", ¼B¨|¥Á, §d¬F¾Ë±Ð±Â ) pointed out: marriage in today's Taiwan, to some degree, retains the logic of exchange in ancient China -  women trade their bodies for living resource and certain personality (¬YºØµ{«×"«O¯d¤F¥j¦Ñªº¥æ´«ÅÞ¿è" ―― ¤k¤H¥H"¨­Åé´«¨ú¥Í¦s¸ê·½»P¤@©w¤H®æ"...).   By contrast, CNN, 2016-10-7 (edition.cnn.com/2016/10/07/health/infidelity-breadwinners-cheat-husband-wife/index.html) reported that in the US in four out of 10 households with children, women are the sole or primary breadwinners, based on a 2013 report by the Pew Research Center... more and more women become the sole or primary breadwinners ...

A very famous Chinese writer, Eileen Chang (±i·R¬Â), has a saying : "Marrying for financial security is nothing but being a prostitute for long term".  However,  <the China Times >, Taiwan, Oct. 30, 2010 :   "Sneering at the poor instead of the prostitutes" (¡u¯º³h¤£¯º±@¡v) is Taiwan's social value system .  The Liberty Times, 2015-5-15 ,  talk.ltn.com.tw/article/breakingnews/1318118   "Welcome to the times" ¢w  "Laughing at the poor instead of the prostitutes" ¡C

The 'gold-diggers' or pretty swindlers back to the future to barter with the rich guys ¢w each takes what he/she needs and gains what he/she worths ¢w  huge money or a green-card (permanent residency in the US worths about USD 1 ~ 1.5+ millions)......  Those "high-end" materialistic girls at heart are similar to "low-end" mail-order brides Wikipedia (2021-12-21, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mail-order_bride) "Motivations and stories" reported that most of Asian mail-order brides come from 5 countries including Taiwan.   They are sleeping with 'a carefully calculated set of venal choices'.

Medium (US, 2017) said "Often, people who do not marry for love are judged for their decision".   Daily Mail (UK), 2021-10-21: A British woman is accused of 'teaching her daughters to be gold diggers' after admitting she'll advise them that wealth and earning potential is more important than marrying for love... some took it as far as comparing it to 'sex work'.  

Money matters in marriage But money can't buy you love (Wall Street Journal at 2020-11-21, Brigham Young University, 2012).   Friedrich Engels (German philosopher, critic of political economy) : marriages based on love are moral  New York Times, 2014-3-9: "In the days of old, the economic basis of marriage was made explicit... Now it has been replaced by romantic love".    Pew research Center, 2013-2-13: Americans believe that love is the main foundation of marriage. (pewresearch.org/social-trends/2013/02/13/love-and-marriage/ Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, 2016-6-10: "marriage is regarded as strictly for those who've declared their romantic love"'¡C People's Daily online (China), 2012-10-29: According to mainstream values, true love is a precondition for good marriages...money marriage is the "hell of soul" worse than the "tomb of love".   Rodman (MarketWatch, 2019):  "when life gets tough ¡X and it always does ¡X it's the love that will sustain you, not the cash". 





pic. left:
No.1 "Taiwanese love or money" on Duckduckgo, 2024-8-20, 2024-1-1, 2023-11-11, 2023-6-22, 2022-11-29, 2022-10-30, 2022-10-1, 2022-9-5, 2022-8-16, 2022-7-18, 2022-7-7,  2022-6-16, 2022-5-19, 2022-4-26, 2022-4-9, 2022-3-28, 2022-3-17, 2022-3-12;
pic. : No.1 "Taiwanese love or money" on AOL, 2024-8-20, 2024-1-1, 2023-11-11, 2023-6-22, 2023-1-16, 2023-1-1, 2022-11-29, 2022-10-30, 2022-10-1,2022-9-5, 2022-8-16, 2022-7-18, 2022-6-16, 2022-5-19, 2022-4-26, 2022-4-16, 2022-4-9, 2022-4-1, 2022-3-28,  2022-3-20, 2022-3-12;
No. 2
"Taiwanese love" on AOL, 2022-4-26, 2022-4-6, 2022-3-28


without bread,
love might
 starve to illness;

without love,
difficult to swallow;

without extreme luck,
you won't have
plenty of both


Debts might bring unhappiness to marriage, but a research
( 2014 ) in Emory University found that wealthier couples don't necessarily last longer than those who earn less, and the more you spend on a wedding ceremony, the shorter the marriage.  Many marriages of the celebrities in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and mainland China are short -  such as Alexander¡BLeehom Wang (¤ý¤O§»): 8 years˴ Barbie Hsu(¤jS) 10 yrs.˴  Gillian Chung (ªü¼b, ÁéªY¼à¡^1 yr.˴ Huang Xiao Ming (黄晓©ú) 5+ yrs.˴ Cynthia Wu (Shin Kong Life Insurance  vice president)   Jhih-Yan Lin (Hua Nan Financial Holdings  Vice President ) 2 yrs. ˴ Chang Chia-Chen (ºÂ¬Ã) Patrick Tse Ka Yuk (Á½å) 2 yrs. ˴   Chin Han  (¯³º~ Sun Siang-chong) ,  Shao Chiao-Ying  9 yrs. ˴  Stella Chang (±i²MªÚ) 15 yrs.˴ Steven Liu (¼B®a©÷) Chiang Ching (¦¿«C) 4 years ˴ Steven Liu (¼B®a©÷) Chang Chia-Chen (ºÂ¬Ã) 9 years ˴ Winnie Ho (¦ó§±ª³) 8 yrs. ˴Belle Yu (于美人)15 yrs.˴ Fukuhara Ai (ºÖ­ì·R) 4+ years. ˴ Kao Kuo-hua, Tsai Yu-hsuan (°ª°êµØ, ½²­§æ¢) 8 yrs. ˴  Brigitte Lin / Lin Ching-Hsia (ªL«CÁø) , Charlie Chin (fiancé) 4 yrs. ˴  Annie Yi (¥ì¯àÀR) , Harlem Yu 8 yrs. ...  (They may divorced for different reasons)  ;  They may had both bread and romance, but money can't save marriage.  China Times, editorial, 2021-12-30 (chinatimes.com/opinion/20211229004676-262101?chdtv): Politician ·¨¬î¿³ said 80-90% of Taiwan's lawmakers have affair (or sex scandal, "ãn»D").  Taipei Times (2015-8-6) calls Taiwan "Infidelity Island",  Panorama (Taiwan), Aug. 2002 ("Screwing things up - adultery"): A study on extramarital affairs in Taiwan conducted by the TVBS survey center estimates one Taiwanese woman in four suspects her husband of having an affair.

In  Science Daily (Feb. 8, 2012), Brigham Young University noted : "Couples where both spouses are materialistic were worse off on nearly every measure.  When both partners are materialistic, they are better off financially ¡V but money is a bigger source of conflict for them".   Telegraph (UK, 2011-8-21), says: In China, "almost half of all divorces see a court squabble over the family assets".

One of biggest marriage-conflicts in Taiwan in recent years is the couple of Belle Yu, she claimed that love is the
tomb of marriage, money is the paradise of marriage. ( ref. to tw.news.yahoo.com/愛情和婚姻是兩條平行線!于美人催淚「離婚-10-金句」:愛的成分很少,婚姻才能維繫下去-154300092.html ; star.ettoday.net/news/186529; ns2.doctorvoice.org/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=82864)  American-Taiwanese super star Leehom Wang is another case, his wife Lee Jinglei was trying to "destroy" him by accusing that Wang has multiple mistresses, cataloged prostitutes, had affair with married woman, and used her as a "chess piece" and had controlled her throughout the marriage (South China Morning Post, 2021-12-20), monitored her private life by rvs remote video surveillance to be a semi "Truman Show"  (UDN, 2021-12-26,  udn.com/news/story/121823/5988620?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2), etc. The serious war of words between the couple became a public trial in which every Taiwanese takes a part (udn.com/news/story/11091/5998228?from=udn_ch2cate6643sub11091_pulldownmenu_v2 2022-1-2;   udn.com/news/story/7340/5992453?from=udn_ch2cate6643sub7340_pulldownmenu_v2   2021-12-28) , and lit up the internet across Asia, made Taiwan's media to collectively lose a sense of responsibility (UDN, editorial, 2021-12-27  udn.com/news/story/7338/5989905?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2) , and seemingly made enough noises to attract the Communist Party's attention - Chinese leader Xi Jinping warned the industry to "pay attention to morals". (ref. to scmp.com/news/people-culture/china-personalities/article/3160443/wang-leehom-scandal-communist-party-warns?module=hard_link&pgtype=article  Dec 20;  taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/4380609 taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/4382124   2021/12/20 , chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20211221003957-260404?chdtv  2021-12-21

Wall Street Journal, 2020-11-21: 'getting and losing money activates the same pleasure and pain centers in the brain, respectively, as falling in love and having your heart broken'. 


Education should be a better means for "poverty alleviation" or getting money.


According to Wikipedia (Dec. 25, 2021), 45 percent of Taiwanese aged 25 to 64 hold a bachelor's degree or higher.  By contrast, the percentage of Americans is only 37.5% in 2020  ( statista.com/statistics/184260/educational-attainment-in-the-us/#:~:text=In%202020%2C%20about%2037.5%20percent,population%20had%20graduated%20from%20college.   en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_in_Taiwan#:~:text=Due%20to%20its%20role%20in,a%20bachelor's%20degree%20or%20higher. )  


But it appears lots more Taiwanese than Americans try to bet money by using marriage, although some do need a marriage to be wealthy in modern Taiwan.




pic. :
No.1 "Taiwanese love or money" on Ecosia of Germany, 2024-2-14; No.1 "Taiwanese love" on Ecosia of Germany, 2022-4-26, 2022-4-21, 2022-4-16, 2022-4-9, 2022-4-4, 2022-3-31, 2022-3-29, 2022-3-28  ;
No.2  at  2024-1-1, 2022-6-16 ¡@

No.1 "Taiwanese love" on Yandex of Russia, 2024-2-14
(Chinese version)



No.1 "Taiwanese love or money" on Startpage of Neitherland EU, 2024-2-14, 2024-1-1, 2023-6-26




    Studies on marriage &  divorce

STATISTA, 2021-11-24 (statista.com/statistics/1078824/taiwan-crude-divorce-rate/): The crude divorce rate of Taiwan stood at 2.19 couples per 1,000 population in 2020. The divorce rate peaked at 2.51 couples per 1,000 population in 2010. The total number of divorce registrations in Taiwan decreased to around 51.7 thousand in 2020    (STATISTA:  In 2020, the resident crude divorce rate in Singapore was 1.7 ) ; Statistical Handbook of Japan 2021: the divorce rate (per 1,000 population) in Japan was 1.57 ;  World Population Review.: S. Korea 2.1, Mongolia 1.3, Qatar 0.4 (Divorce Rates by Country 2021   worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/divorce-rates-by-country))
n TAIWANnews, 2020-7-11:   One-third of Taiwanese divorces take place within 5 years of marriage, setting a new decade high,  The average duration of the marriages of the couples divorcing last year was 8.17 years, (taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/3964637)  
TAIWANnews, 2019-6-23: An average of 149 couples file for divorce per day in Taiwan in 2018   (taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/3730261)

¡¹ Wikipedia , 2022-7-11
Divorce statistics by country/region (per 1,000 population / year)

Rank in Asia main country in Asia Crude Divorce Rate
1 Kazakhstan 4.6
2 China 3.2
3 Taiwan 2.3
4 S. Korea 2.2
5 Kuwait 2.2
6 Cyprus 2.2
7 Saudi Arabia 2.1
¡@ NZ (Asia & Pacific) 2.0
¡@ Australia  (Asia & Pacific) 2.0
8 Singapore 1.9
9 Jordan 1.8
10 Israel 1.8
11 Japan 1.7
12 Lebanon 1.6
13 Kyrgyzatan 1.6
14 Iran 1.6
15 Malaysia 1.6
16 Azerbaijan 1.5
17 Tajikistan 1.4
18 Thailand 1.4
19 Syria 1.3
20 Qatar 1.1
21 Mongolia 1.1
22 UAE 0.7
23 Vietnam 0.4
24 Sri Lanka 0.15


According to Wikipedia (2021-11-28): The number of crude Divorce Rate in Taiwan is higher than that in most countries in Asia & Pacific, such as Vietnam, Mongolia, Thailand, Malaysia, Japan, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand etc. (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divorce_demography ).    United Daily (聯合報), 2021-11-29:  Since 2016, Taiwan became the most "youngsters Never-Marry" or "young peopele marriagefree" countryudn.com/news/story/7340/5923528?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2

Taiwanese females like to marry a rich guy  Apple Daily (Ä«ªG¤é³ø),  2015.1.26 

ideal monthly income (NT$) girls in
Northern TW
girls in
middle of TW
girls in
Southern TW
a stable job will be fine 15% 26% 26%
20,000~30,000 3% 8% 11%
30,000~50,000 13% 21% 26%
50,000~70,000 48% 31% 27%
70,000~100,000 14% 11% 8%
100,000 (about USD3,300)~above 7% 3% 2%

¡¹ United Daily, 2022-3-8: According to Academia Sinica, 56% husbands feel very happy, 45% wives feel very happy; Gov data: nearly half of young people, , particularly female, born between 1981 and 1990 are still single.    udn.com/news/story/7339/6147653?from=udn_ch2cate6643sub7339_pulldownmenu_v2
¡¹ United Daily, 2022-4-4:  The non-marriage rate of Taiwan's young people is the highest in the world, with 80% of  females between the ages of 25 and 29 unmarried, and more than half of females aged between 30 and 34  unmarried; the males's rate is about the same. Besides, Taiwan's fertility rate is the lowest in the world.  udn.com/news/story/7340/6213572?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2 ·¨§Ó¨} (former chief Health Gov., Taiwan)


¡¹ Housing & marriage

n United Daily (<Áp¦X³ø>), 2021-6-17:  udn.com/news/story/7340/5537697?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2   medical expert ·¨§Ó¨}'s project found out:  under the circumstances of low salary and high housing price, it will be less and less marriage and child born¡C(·¨§Ó¨}¬ã¨s­pµeÅã¥Ü:  ¦b¥xÆW´¶¹M§CÁ~¤Î©Ð»ù¹L°ªªº±¡ªp¤U¡A¥¼¨Ó¤£±B¤£¨|ªº±¡¶Õ¡A¥u·|§ó¥[ÄY®m¡Cªñ¼Æ¤Q¦~¨Ó¡A¤k©Ê¨ü±Ð¨|¤Î´N·~¤ñ²v¤w¤j´T´£¤É¡AªÀ·|¦a¦ì¤]¬O¦p¦¹¡A¦ý¦]©Ê§O¤À¤u¡A¨k©Ê»Ý©Ó¾á¾i®a¬¡¤fªºªÀ·|»{ª¾¤´²`´Ó¤H¤ß¡C¤k¤£¶ù¡A´M¨D¦Û¥Ñ¬O¥D¦]¡A¦ýµL©Ð¡BµL ¤O¾i®a¡A¨k¤£°ù¡A¤~¬O¤£±B¡B¤£¨|ªº­º­n­ì¦]¡C)
Apple Daily (Ä«ªG¤é³ø), 2021-3-6,
tw.appledaily.com/headline/20210306/HJMLA6LWAJGABED753Y4ZNFOHU/, ªÀ·|¾Ç¬ã¨s«ü¥X¡G¤k©Ê©Ó¾á¸gÀÙ¥ô°È¡A¨ã³Æ¿W¥ßµo®iªºª«½è±ø¥ó¡A«Ü®e©ö±Ã²æ®a®x¯Ã±a¡A°l¨D¦Û§Úªº¹ê²{...

n  finance.yahoo , 12-30-2020, (finance.yahoo.com/news/retire-taiwan-costs-visas-more-215449948.html), SmartAsset  (smartasset.com/retirement/retire-in-taiwan

Purchasing an apartment in Taiwan, is significantly more expensive than in the U.S. An apartment in a city center in the U.S. will cost an average of $292 per square foot, according to Numbeo. In Taiwan, it costs an average of $761 per square foot to purchase an apartment in a city center.   When it comes to renting, Taiwan is still significantly cheaper than in the U.S. In the average city center in America, a one-bedroom apartment costs an average of $1,346 per month. In Taiwan, the same apartment costs about $485 per month. If you were to choose a three-bedroom apartment, it would cost $2,156 in the U.S. and $1,132 in Taiwan.

: Taiwan housing ,

more in the following pages ...






pic.: No.1 "Taiwanese love" on Yahoo Taiwan, 2024-2-14, 2024-1-1, 2022-4-26, 2022-4-16, 2022-4-6, 2022-4-4;

 "Taiwanese love" on Swisscows of Switzerland, 2024-2-14

¡@ ¡@


pic.: No.1 "Taiwanese love or money" on Microsoft Bing, 2024-2-14, 2024-1-1, 2023-6-22, 2023-2-14, 2022-8-19, 2022-7-24, 2022-6-22,
2022-5-19, 2022-5-7, 2022-4-8, 2022-4-3, 2022-3-28, 2022-3-20, 2022-3-19;  No.1 "Taiwanese marry for love or money" on Yandex of Russia, 2024-2-14, 2024-1-1, 2023-2-14, 2022-8-16, 2022-8-9, 2022-7-24, 2022-6-16, 2022-6-1, 2022-5-19, 2022-5-7, 2022-4-8, 2022-4-3; No.1 "Taiwanese marry for love or money" on Ecosia at 2022-5-19, 2022-5-7, 2022-4-8,  2022-3-28, 2022-3-8, 2022-2-28, 2022-2-27; No.1 "Taiwanese love or money" on Ecosia of Germany (Berlin), 2022-5-19, 2022-5-7, 2022-4-8,  2022-3-28, 2022-3-20, 2022-3-17,2022-2-28, 2022-2-22, 2022-2-20, 2022-1-14 

pic.: The website group was ranked No.1 "Taiwanese marry for love or money" on Yandex of Russia, 2022-3-28, 2022-2-22, 2022-1-31, 2022-1-25, 2022-1-20, 2022-1-15, 2022-1-14, 2022-1-12;
 No.1 "Taiwanese love or money" on Excite, 2022-3-28, 2022-3-12; No. 2 "Taiwanese love" on Excite,  2022-3-28



   Research on SEX

A great leap in Taiwan's sex activity According to au.lifestyle.yahoo.com/virginity-map-average-age-people-first-have-sex-by-country-33094921.html (nov. 3, '16) , Durex survey found that  average age
Taiwanese people first have sex, 18.9,  was ranked
No.1 in Asia , compared with Japanese 19.4 ˴ Vietnamese 19.7  ˴ Hong Kongers 20.2 ˴  Thai people 20.5  ˴ mainland Chinese 22.1  ˴ Singaporeans 22.8  ˴  Indians  22.9  ˴ Malaysians 23

 ¡¹ A great leap in Taiwan's sex activity                bed you ?  wed you ?   inside you ?  into you ?



 Da-Hua evening news (¤jµØ±ß³ø), Nov. 1979:  male college students having sex:  18%,  female students:  3.3% nSETN (¤T¥ß·s»D), 2019-12-23: 90% girls had sex by aged 16¡F40% by aged 15¡C(setn.com/News.aspx?NewsID=658816#:~:text=¥xÆW¦~»´¤H¹ï©Ê·R,ªº«CÀ߰ꤤ®É´Á)

nUnited Daily (Áp¦X³ø), 2020-12-1: 4/10 students aged under 15 have sex¡A nearly 50¢H college students have sex experience (health.udn.com/health/story/6050/5056551)

¡¹ the Peking University Social Survey Research Center and Joint Institute for Marriage:  People from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan have sex the earliest, at 19.2 years old on average.  thebeijinger.com/blog/2016/01/11/beijings-youth-average-age-lose-virignity-lower-rest-china-chinas-2015-love-and

Durex survey,   Japan toyokeizai.net/articles/-/56360   December 19, 2014  

intercourse frequency


Sex satisfaction

country (41 in total) times per year world rank country satisfaction % world rank
Greece 138 1 Belgium 57 1
China 96 32 US 52 4
Taiwan 88 34 (the 8th to last) Taiwan 37 34 (the 8th to last)
Malaysia 83 36 HK 30 39
HK 78 37 Japan 24 40
Singapore 73 40 China 22 41
Japan 45 41 ¡@ ¡@ ¡@



¡¹¡·  Apple daily <Ä«ªG¤é³ø>  ¡A According to survey ¡u¥xÆW¤k©Ê©Ê¥Í¬¡º¡·N«×½Õ¬d¡v¡Anearly 40% Taiwanese women were dissatisfied with their sexual lives, among them unmarried female are up to 80%.


¡¹¡·  No orgasm experience,    44% Taiwanese females are thinking of breaking up (good-bye) ,   Apple Daily (<Ä«ªG¤é³ø>) ,  2010-11-12

¡·    77% : never or once in a while reach orgasm

¡·    78% : fake  orgasm

¡·    most disturbed issue : (1) 41% - hard to  orgasm (2) 38% - worry being pregnant  (3)  31% -  fail to Glafenberg



¡¹¡·Apple Daily (<Ä«ªG¤é³ø>) ¡A   2011-12-1
 Dure survey¡u¥þ²yÀu½è©Ê¥Í¬¡¡v, the number of sexual partners, statistics :

global women  Taiwanese women  global male   Taiwanese male






next to last


next to last


¡¹¡·SETN (<¤T¥ß·s»D>), 2018-5-30A survey by TENGA Japan found ¡ATaiwanese ¡usexual satisfaction¡vis global the fourth to last.   setn.com/News.aspx?NewsID=386037


¡¹¡· China Times ( <¤¤°ê®É³ø>)  ¡Aonly 1/4 unmarried women interviewee were satisfied with their sex life¡Cchinatimes.com/realtimenews/20140903004659-260405?chdtv



¡¹¡·2011 DPP party survey  <Liberty Times, ¦Û¥Ñ®É³ø>, 2011-5-8 
Mother's Day special report

¡· 54.9% Taiwanese mothers were unhappy

¡· aged 20-49 women:

    (1) Taiwanese mothers ¡ubit unhappy (¦³ÂI¤£©¯ºÖ)¡v: 34.5%
 Taiwanese mothers ¡uvery unhappy («D±`¤£©¯ºÖ)¡v: 20.4%
 Taiwanese mothers ¡ubit happy (¦³ÂI©¯ºÖ)¡v: 33.9%
 Taiwanese mothers ¡uvery happy («D±`©¯ºÖ)¡v: 7.4%
currently not willing to be pregnant  (¡u¨S¦³¥Í¨|·NÄ@¡v): 87.3%


¡¹¡·<Áp¦X³ø>  udn.com/news/story/12674/5579545¡A4only 49¢Hheterosexual women¡B47¢H homosexual women and 49¢H bisexual women are satisfied with their sexual lives¡C Only 51¢H bisexual men are satisfied with their sexual lives¡C

¡¹ Penis Size by Country 2021       worlddata.info      worldpopulationreview.com

country Erect length Body size
Ecuador 17.61cm 167cm
Taiwan  (the 3rd to last) 10.78cm 173cm
Cambodia  (last) 10.04cm 165cm
ps: If size matters , African elephants are most attractive to women;       <This is 40> (2012 film):  "I don't want a turbo penis. I like your medium soft one"

BJU International, by King's College London,  UK,  Dr. David Veale

global avg.  13.12 cm
Taiwan 10.6 cm
bjuinternational.com/bjui-blog/normal-review-analyzes-data-flaccid-erect-penis-lengths-men/;  LTN  Mar. 4, '15

¡¹ Daily Mail (UK)   dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-3748444/Erect-penis-sizes-compared-world.html
Average cup sizes for women :   A-cup countries -  e.g., China , Japan ,  N. Korea, S. Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, Indonesia

¡¹ China Times (Taiwan), editorial, 2022-7-16: In the past, the government officials having extramarital affairs must step down, but nowadays Taiwanese government treat it as a minor matter.      chinatimes.com/opinion/20220716002635-262101?chdtv

¡¹ United Dailys (Taiwan), editorial, 2022-7-20:

The senior officialsin the government (the Ministry of Health and Welfare)  are accustomed to have all kinds of extramarital affairs, but the stereotype, women's right or female consciousness , inside their mind remains in ancient times,  their wives can only choose to keep silent and forgive... The promotion does not take officials' sex scandals into account.       udn.com/news/story/7338/6473558?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2



   research in LOVE

(¥_¨Ê¤j¾Ç)  the Peking University Social Survey Research Center and Joint Institute for Marriage

survey on Taiwan, HK, Macau, mainland

51.1% of Chinese people had been in love before the age of 18¡C

n Those from divorced or separated parents experienced their first love earlier, especially if their parents did not remarry. This category experienced their first love at 15.2 years old. Trends differ with age: those born before 1970 first experienced love later, around 19.2 years old, while those who were born after 1995 first experienced it around 12.7 years.

n Those with a Ph.D, experience love more than those without a PhD on average 6.9 times in their life.  Those who are college-educated experience it an average of 3.2 times



Tainan University, academic paper:   "¤j¾Ç¥Íºô¸ô¥æ¤Í¤§¦Û§Ú´¦ÅS¡B·R±¡­·®æ»P·R±¡Ãö«Yº¡·N«×¬ÛÃö¬ã¨s"

   by §dÄR¶³Ph.D˴ ¬x³eÞ±¬ã¨s¥Í     July 2020

There are 8 LOVE styles in Taiwan, according to univ. professor's (¨ô¯¾§g, §dÄR¶³) researches
chickensoupfamily.com/2019/08/22/臺灣人的愛情風格/) :

"marriage-purposely" style (「婚姻目的」): marriage is their ultimate objective 

"sincerely devoting" style (「真情投入」  ): they believe equal love can overcome all difficulties to keep a long term relationship

"romantically expressed" style ( 「浪漫表達」):  they believe the key to keep love is surprise and romantic atmosphere

"vagrant and strategic" style (「游移手段」) low loyalty to love, they usually take strategy or tactics to deal with romance

"sexual & sensible" style (「肉體感官」):  they love physical pleasure, not commitment or  code of ethics

"adherent & sacrificing" style (「執守奉獻」): devoting oneself to love

"pessimism & mental reservation " style (「悲觀保留」 ):  they font believe eternal affection and take a passive attitude¡K toward love

"uneasiness & possessiveness"style ( 「不安佔有」 ): anxious about  his partner's   unfaithfulness , being possessive in his or her feelings and behaviour

nHigher tendencies of "romantically expressed" style was found among College students in online relationship, next are (2) "sincerely devoting" style ˴(3) "sexual & sensible" style˴ (4)"uneasiness & possessiveness"style˴ (5) "marriage-purposely" style˴ (6) "pessimism & mental reservation " style˴ (7) "adherent & sacrificing" style¡A the last is  "vagrant and strategic" style¡C

nHigher tendencies of "vagrant and strategic" style,   "adherent & sacrificing" style,   "sexual & sensible" style  were found among male college students¡C

nHigher tendencies of   "sexual & sensible" style  was found among college students from sophomore to senior, more than freshmen¡C

nLove satisfaction are middle to high status¡Chttps://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/



National Taiwan University (°ê立 ¥xÆW¤j¾Ç)

A Sociological Look at Japan and Taiwan
Love in Japan and Taiwan: Youth Perspectives on Marriage

prof. Yamada Masahiro, prof. Lan Pei-Chia (ÂŨعŠ³Õ¤h),2022-7-1


higher educated Taiwanese women's ideal partner¡Xsomeone
who would do an equal share of housework, respects women, and is in a similar economic position ...    
full txt: nippon.com/en/japan-topics/c11102/


National Chiao Tung University  (°ê立 ¥æ³q¤j¾Ç)

The Correlative Study of Romantic relational aggression, Romantic relationship satisfaction and Attachment style for College Students

by ¤èµµÁ¨ PhD ˴ 劉ª´­^¬ã¨s¥Í     Aug. 2011


nRomantic relational aggression among college students is prevalent, only 3.9% have never experienced any, 0.7% have never launched any "attacks"  (¤j¾Ç¥Í·R±¡Ãö«Y§ðÀ»ªº±¡§Î½T¹ê¬O´¶¹M¦s¦bªº,   ¶È¦³ 3.9¢Hªº¤j¾Ç¥Í±q¥¼¾D¨ü¥ô¦ó¤@ºØ·R±¡Ãö«Y§ðÀ»¡A¦Ó¶È¦³ 0.7¢Hªº¤j¾Ç¥Í»{¬°¦Û¤v±q¥¼µo°Ê¥ô¦ó¤@ºØ·R±¡Ãö«Y§ðÀ»¡C)

n "silent treatment" is the mostly-seen "romantic relational aggression" (¤j¾Ç¥Í¶i行·R±¡Ãö«Y§ðÀ»ªº¤è¦¡¥H¡u¨IÀq¹ï«Ý¡v³Ì°ª)¡Chttps://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/


some other papers

the conversation (Australia, 2023-2-24): The younger population is more inclined to adopt pro-independence views which in the past led to ¡§hostile¡¨ political attitudes toward China.The vast divide and emotions involved can even manifest in parents being against their children marrying people from ¡§across the divide¡¨.

ntandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01292986.2021.2022174  "Actual and perceived polarization on independence-unification views in Taiwan",  30 Mar 2022: both an individual's Chinese¡VTaiwanese identity and partisanship contribute most to higher levels of perceived polarization, which in turn penetrates into social life and is significantly associated with negative emotions toward child's potential interparty marriage.

n pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12069438/  "Young people's romantic attachment styles and their associations with well-being" by Susan Moore, Cynthia Leung,  2002.
pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7557353/    "Taiwanese love styles and their association with self-esteem and relationship quality" by W Cho, S.E. Cross,  1995

n pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20565171/  , 2010,  "Through the eyes of love: reality and illusion in intimate relationships"

LOVE in blockbuster Taiwanese movies   (Chinese version)

No.1 blockbuster /  <Cape No. 7> "®ü¨¤¤C¸¹" (²¼©ÐÁ`«a­x, https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/®ü¨¤¤C¸¹) :
¡ó ¾K°s¤§«á¡A¤Í¤l²×©ó§Ô¤£¦íªø¤éªº©e©}¡A¤@©]±¡¤§«á¡A¤Í¤l¯u¤Áªí¥Ü¦o·R¤W¤Fªü¹Å¡Aªü¹Å¤]©ê¦í¤F·Q¦^¤é¥»µo®iªº¤Í¤l»¡¡G¡u¯d¤U¨Ó ©ÎªÌ§Ú¸ò§A¨«¡v¡C (After one night stand, he told Tomoko who is leaving for Japan soon "stay or I go with you").
§Ú¤£ª¾¹D¥H«áÁÙ·|¤£·|¹J¨£§ó¦nªº¤H¡A¦ý¬O¹J¨£¤F§A¤§«á¡A«K»{©w¬O§A¡A¾l¥Í½Ð¦h«ü±Ð¡C(I don't know if I will meet someone better in the future, but since I met you, I decided it was you)
§Ú·Q¦A¦h¬Ý´X²´¬PªÅ¡A¦b这¤°»ò³£µ½Åܪº¤H¥@¸Ì¡A§Ú·Q¬Ý¤@¤U¥ÃùÚ¡C(everything is fickle on this planet, I want to stay here for bit longer to look at the starry sky which is eternity)

No.4 blockbuster /  <You Are the Apple of My Eye> "¨º¨Ç¦~ §Ú­Ì¤@°_°lªº¤k«Ä" ( https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/¨º¨Ç¦~¡A§Ú­Ì¤@°_°lªº¤k«Ä)
¡ó¡u§Ú¿ù¤F¡A­ì¨Ó¡A·í§A¯uªº«D±`«D±`³ßÅw¤@­Ó¤k«Ä¡A·í¦o¦³¤H¯k¡A¦³¤H·R¡A§A·|¯u¤ß¯u·N¦a¯¬ºÖ¦o¡A¥Ã»·©¯ºÖ¡A§Ö¼Ö¡C¡v(If you really, really love a girl, when she is in love with another one, you will sincerely wish her happiness and joy forever)

No.5 blockbuster / <Our Times>"§Úªº¤Ö¤k®É¥N" ( https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/§Úªº¤Ö¤k®É¥N)
¡ó ¹ï§A·UÃaªº¤H¡A¨ä¹ê¬O·Q¸ò§A©Ôªñ¶ZÂ÷! ¡ó ­ì¨Ó¡A¯uªº³ßÅw¤@­Ó¤H¡A·|¨S¦³«i®ð§i¶D¥L ¡ó «á¨Ó¤~µo²{¡A­ì¨Ó³ßÅw¤@­Ó¤H¡A¬O¤£ª¾¤£Ä±¡A·PÁ¨º½ø¨®¡A·f¦í¦oªÓªº¨º¤@¨è¡A§Ú²Ä¤@¦¸µo²{¡A¤ß¡A¥i¥H¸õ±o¨º»ò§Ö ¡ó ·R±¡ªº²ßÃD¡A¦Ò¸Õ¤£·|¦Ò¡A¦ý¹ï§A¤H¥Íªº¼vÅT«o¬O³Ì²` ¡ó «C¬KÁ`·|¦]¬°¤@­Ó¤H¡A¶}©l°{°{µo«G! ¡ó ¤é¤[²`±¡¡A¤µ¤Ñ¬O¤@°_¾iª¯¡A¥H«á´N¤@°_»¿ª¯¡Aª¯¤S¥Íª¯  ¡ó ¤k¥Í説¨S¨Æ¡A´N¬O¦³¨Æ; ¤k¥Í説¨SÃö«Y¡A´N¬O¦³Ãö«Y! (The person who treats you worse is actually trying to get closer to you! ¡ó if you really like someone, you will not have the courage to tell her. ¡ó At the moment I bent my arm round her shoulder, it was quite a  shock to feel my heart beat so fast ¡ó If the girl says it's okay, it means something)



¡@ Harvard, love actually(2017):  "love makes us dumb" ¡Csitn.hms.harvard.edu/flash/2017/love-actually-science-behind-lust-attraction-companionship/




Washington Post, 2017-1-2:
 ...83 percent
of Taiwanese
 chose bread
 over romance


Simulation Bread Shape Pillow / 





¡@ pic.: Zola Zu's visual parody of "The Storm" (by Cot) printed in the China Times, the leading newspaper at that time, 1997.
  A couple are using free umbrella covers to shelter from a horrible storm ahead.
Shortly after my work was printed in the China Times, Taiwan holds an exhibition in the Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall to introduce "The Storm"  from the West, causing lots of Taiwanese people in a long queue everyday to see that fine-art.   
Cot's art-works in NY  

LOVE definition

n Oxford dictionary (oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/us/definition/english/love_1): a strong feeling of romantic attraction for somebody

n Cambridge dictionary : the feeling of liking another adult very much and being romantically and sexually attracted to

nen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love : The triangular theory of love suggests "intimacy, passion and commitment" are core components of love. Love has additional religious or spiritual meaning.

nHarvard, love actually  sitn.hms.harvard.edu/flash/2017/love-actually-science-behind-lust-attraction-companionship/ : The science behind lust attraction and companionship  : romantic love can be broken down into three categories: lust, attraction, and attachment. 

Testosterone and estrogen drive lust; dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin create attraction; and oxytocin and vasopressin mediate attachment.

nHarvard, 2018-2-13:  Love also turns on the neurotransmitter dopamine, which is known to stimulate the brain¡¦s pleasure centers. Couple that with a drop in levels of serotonin ¡X which adds a dash of obsession ¡X and you have the crazy, pleasing, stupefied, urgent love of infatuation.¡Cnews.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2018/02/scientists-find-a-few-surprises-in-their-study-of-love/

nmerriam-webster.com/dictionary/love : 
·R  ¬O±j¯P©Î«ùÄòªº·P±¡¡B¥]§t©Ê¼¤ªº§l¤Þ¤O



No.1  "Taiwanese love or money" on Swisscows of Switzerland, 2024-2-14, 2024-1-1, 2023-11-11, 2023-9-9, 2023-8-8, 2023-6-22





pic.: No.1" Taiwanese love or money" on Google, 2023-9-1, 2023-2-14, 2023-1-16, 2022-8-16, 2022-8-9 (Chinese version)

pic. : No.1 "Taiwanese love" on Yandex of Russia,
2024-1-1, 2022-1-16,
; No.3 at 2022-1-27



  same-sex LOVE in Taiwan

"love is love¡¨,    Love is Politics too, in Taiwan

Taiwan became the first in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage. 


same-gender love in Taiwan

Bloomberg, 2024-9-20 Taiwan said it would recognize same-sex marriages between Chinese and Taiwanese people, a move that could benefit hundreds of couples in the democratically run archipelago.
CNN, 2023-5-16 Taiwan grants right of adoption to same-sex couples in latest move toward full equality   edition.cnn.com/2023/05/16/asia/taiwan-same-sex-adoption-marriage-equality-lgbtq-intl-hnk/index.html
Washington Post, 2022-11-5 That casual blend of sexual identity, liberal values and local politics would have been unusual until recently, deepening the self-governing island¡¦s sense of separation from China.    msn.com/en-us/news/world/in-taiwan-pride-is-a-potent-mix-of-lgbtq-and-democratic-rights/ar-AA13L1yj 
Reuters, 2022-10-29  Taiwan celebrates diversity, equality in east Asia's largest Pride march; some  carried flags and banners in support of Tibet, Hong Kong and Ukraine. several senior members of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), including former Vice President Chen Chien-jen and the party's Taipei mayoral candidate Chen Shih-chung  march behind a banner reading "democracy supports gays".    news.yahoo.com/taiwan-celebrates-diversity-equality-east-083523277.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYmluZy5jb20v&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAA3_5o73eNCjUbyl9wpbE6d14PGEAkGJBeA7oR8HXIyQvV8LmHcg7U2By9DAAFNcXUBcOxTNk66UGoSWs-zEvO_p5_zo5zsCQI1AUi_nnw8MNG01dYIzg-xenZHiMmnG2m2tOrbN_sD6qFnvXvFrXS9WkwgSPMxI4bs0sKlr64-N
Washington Post, 2019-6-26 In both form and content, the whole process was political, aimed to show Taiwanese as promoting equality and human rights in direct contrast to the Chinese government, which has notably intensified crackdowns on homosexuality in recent years.  With its legalization of same-sex marriages, Taiwan seeks to set itself apart from the mainland and assert its own brand. washingtonpost.com/outlook/2019/06/26/how-taiwan-is-using-same-sex-marriage-assert-its-national-identity/
CNN, 2022-7-1  "We were treated like second-class citizens."
 the island has a long way to go before same-sex couples have true equality... the legal change stopped short of granting full rights of adoption to homosexual couples... foreign spouses are recognized only if same-sex marriage is also legal in their home jurisdiction.
Taiwan law maker: "we are often regarded as the first line of defense against authoritarianism", "then we must recognize and solve injustices ... LGBTQ rights ".


France24, 2022-4-29 Taiwan launches Asian Pride Games despite spike in Covid cases.

For the Asian Pride Games, Taiwanese athletes will be able to compete under the name "Taiwan".   Last year AFP revealed the Taiwan Gay Sports and Movement Association had decided not to send a team to the Gay Games in Hong Kong because of fears their athletes and staff could be arrested if they waved the island's flag or used its name  ("Chinese Taipei" is Taiwan's name in Olympics.  New York Times, 2022-02-04 (nytimes.com/2022/02/04/sports/olympics/taiwan-chinese-taipei-republic-china.html); France24.com/en/live-news/20220429-taiwan-launches-asian-pride-games-despite-spike-in-covid-cases

AFP, 2022-2-14 LGBTQ activists in Taiwan say the island's same-sex marriage law has unfairly separated international couples news.yahoo.com/taiwan-lgbtq-activists-hold-valentines-085309786.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall
AFP, 2022-5-19 Taiwan's gay couples seek foreign marriage equality / Taiwan was the first in Asia to legalise same-sex marriages, but certain transnational couples are still unable to wed - some 470 transnational same-sex couples currently wish to get married but are unable.
Malaysian Tan Bee Guat has been living in Taipei on a student visa for six years in order to be with her Taiwanese partner Lai Kai-li, Tan as a foreign student is only allowed to work a maximum of 20 hours a week. The couple is struggling financially. news.yahoo.com/forbidden-love-taiwans-gay-couples-043405648.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall    AFP
Kyodo News (Japan),
Taiwan OKs same-sex marriage of transnational couples, but the new rule does not cover same-sex marriages involving people from mainland China ...
The Diplomat, 2021-6-23 Despite recent progress, same-sex couples still face legal barriers that deny them eligibility to adopt children and have access to artificial insemination, significantly impeding their familial rights. 
#MeToo in Taiwan the ruling party really supports gender equality ??

The Guardian, 2023-6-8: The belated #MeToo reckoning has exposed the deeply patriarchal norms that still govern Taiwanese society.  While these accusations had played out in the court of public opinion, in formal legal proceedings they were unlikely to succeed. theguardian.com/world/2023/jun/08/taiwan-ruling-party-rocked-sexual-harassment-claims-metoo AmyHawk
Washington Post, 2023-6-7:   the government has until now been slow to respond to reported cases of sexual harassment.  msn.com/en-us/news/world/hit-netflix-show-sparks-a-wave-of-metoo-allegations-in-taiwan/ar-AA1cefPH    Vic Chiang, Meaghan Tobin    
DW (Germany), 2023-6-13:  Taiwan's culture remains conservative, and chauvinism still exists in workplaces and politics.¡C victims may be "judged" by the public for sharing details....they may not be treated justly, ...the existing mechanisms are inadequate  dw.com/en/metoo-in-taiwan-exposes-a-hidden-culture-of-harassment/a-65903757  William Yang
  The China Project (New York based), 2023-6-8:  70% to 80% of respondents who said they had experienced sexual harassment in the workplace chose to remain silent.  thechinaproject.com/2023/06/08/taiwans-ruling-dpp-rocked-by-sexual-misconduct-allegations/  Jordyn Haime
CNN, 2023-6-10:  Most sexual harassment victims were told to "let it go" ... Such culture of self-sacrifice is deep rooted in Taiwan's political reality, where the "big picture" often comes above everything else.    edition.cnn.com/2023/06/10/asia/taiwan-metoo-netflix-wave-makers-intl-hnk/index.html
 SCMP, 2023-6-11:  NTU prof.  Tso Chen-dong: the ruling party DPP had long focused on LGBTQ equality, rather than women's rights. scmp.com/news/china/politics/article/3223609/wave-metoo-cases-threatens-engulf-taiwans-ruling-democratic-progressive-party   Lawance Chung
Bloomberg, 2023-6-7: Taiwan president Tsai Ing-wen: "¡§We¡¦ve also seen such cases are everywhere...".
Wall Street Journal, 2023-6-7: Sexual misconduct allegations roil Taiwan's U.S.-friendly ruling party.
 United Daily, editorial,  2023-6-4 : sexual harassment and bully become the ruling DPP's norms. udn.com/news/story/7338/7211152?from=udn_ch2_menu_v2_main_cate
 United Daily, editorial,  2023-6-6 : The ruling party DPP appears an ecology of collectively sexual harassment to the youth udn.com/news/story/11091/7213233?from=udn_ch2cate6643sub11091_pulldownmenu_v2
 United Daily, editorial,  2023-6-17 : The value of gender equality is still ignored  udn.com/news/story/7338/7241261?from=udn_ch2_menu_v2_main_cate


#MeToo in Taiwan

¡» New York Times, 2023-7-27 our society remains patriarchal and hierarchical. Under Confucian values, women obey their fathers and their brothers and eventually their husbands. People are expected to respect and yield to their elders and superiors ¡X in short, the powers that be... In a collectivist culture like ours, the burden of being nice and preserving group harmony falls on those with less power and authority nytimes.com/2023/07/27/opinion/taiwan-women-metoo.html 
¡» Reuters, 2023-7-28 Despite Taiwan's reputation as a progressive bastion in a conservative region - the first place in Asia to legalise same-sex marriage...to confront a problem long shrouded in shame and silence.   victims of abuse often stay silent due to what experts say is a tradition of victim-blaming, cultural pressure, and unequal power relationships.   .reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/years-after-metoo-first-swept-world-taiwan-races-respond-2023-07-28/   Sarah Wu   
¡» New York Times, 2023-6-25  torrent of sexual harassment accusations has prompted questions about the state of women's rights on an island democracy ... entrenched sexism that leaves women vulnerable at work, and a culture that is quick to blame victims and cover up accusations against powerful men.  nytimes.com/2023/06/25/world/asia/taiwan-harassment-metoo.html



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Taiwan's prostitution :  top rankings in China, Russia, etc ... click


¡¹ US Country Reports on Human Rights Practices released at 2022-4-12(state.gov/reports/2021-country-reports-on-human-rights-practices/taiwan/):  The legal minimum age of marriage is 18 years for men and 16 for girls.


 ¡¹ marriage age by country (Asia)
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marriageable_age   Jan. 17, 2022


Without parental or judicial consent

country Male Female
Yemen 15 15
Qatar 18 16
Afghanstan 18 16
East Timor 17 17
Kuwait 18 17
N Korea 18 17
Lebanon 18 17
Israel 18 18
Laos 18 18
Saudi Arabia 18 18
UAE 18 18
Bhutan 18 18
Cambodia 18 18
Macau 18 18
Palestine 18 18
Mongolia 18 18
Myanmar 18 18
Sri Lanka 18 18
Vietnam 20 18
Bangladesh 21 18
S Korea 19 19
Thai 20 20
Japan 20 20
Taiwan 20 20
China 22 20
Malaysia 21 21
India 21 21
HK 21 21
Singapore 21 21
Philippines 21 21

sort by female's age

"Taiwanese love" (Chinese version ) - top rankings

PIC. :
 No.1 "Taiwanese LOVE"
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            PIC. right: No.1 "Taiwanese LOVE" on Bing, 2023-2-14, 2023-1-16, 2022-9-9, 2022-8-9 (Chinese version)
PIC. left: No.1 "Taiwanese LOVE" , 2022-5-16, No.2
AOL,  etc , 2021-12-22, 2021-12-21, 2021-12-20, 2021-12-19 (Chinese version)


PIC.: No.1 "Taiwanese love" on Dogpile, 2022-10-10, No.2 at 2023-4-30


No.1 "Taiwanese love" on Yahoo Taiwan, 2023-4-30, 2022-10-8, 2022-10-2


No.1 "Taiwanese love" on Yahoo Taiwan, 2023-4-30


PIC.: No.1 "Taiwanese love" on Oscobo UK, 2023-4-30


PIC.: No.1 "Taiwanese love" on  US Yahoo , 2022-10-8



pic. :  No.1 "Taiwanese love or money" on Yahoo Japan (largest search engine in Japan), 2022-9-8, 2022-8-1, 2022-7-17, 2022-7-1, 2022-6-22, 2022-5-19, 2022-5-7, 2022-4-26, 2022-4-16, 2022-4-9, 2022-4-3; No.2 "Taiwanese marry for love or money" on Yahoo Japan at 2022-9-8, 2022-8-16, 2022-7-7, 2022-6-7;   No.1 "Taiwanese marry for love or money", "Taiwanese marriage for love or money" ,  on Yahoo Japan, 2022-5-19, 2022-4-9;





PIC. right: No.1 "Taiwanese love or money"

 on DuckDuckGO , 

2022-4-12, 2021-12-28, 2021-12-26,


2021-12-22, 2021-12-21, 2021-12-18, 2021-12-15, 2021-12-12  etc;


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2021-12-22, 2021-12-21, 2021-12-18,
2021-12-15, 2021-12-12
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¡@ ¡@

PIC. : No.2 "Taiwanese LOVE" on Swedish entireweb , 2022-2-14, 2022-1-29,

2022-1-22, 2022-1-15, 2022-1-12, 2022-1-11, 2022-1-8, 2022-1-6, 2022-1-3, 2022-1-1,

2021-12-31, 2021-12-29, 2021-12-27,


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