Taiwan Culture      Chinese culture in (on) Taiwan
   world No. 1 in   2020~25,  2017~19,  2016 2015,  2014,  2013 2010~12       Top  since 1998     


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Taiwan has cultural heritage ?

The American Conservative, 2024-10-11: A critical but underused asset in Taiwan's soft power arsenal is its claim to authentic Chinese identity. The Taiwanese use traditional Chinese characters, which were the norm for thousands of years of Chinese history.   But CCP altered the depth and meaning of the written language.  This linguistic distinction gives Taiwan a cultural edge over the CCP, especially in terms of preserving China's rich literary and cultural heritage. promoting Taiwan's cultural legitimacy  avoids stoking Taiwanese nationalism to the point of independence.theamericanconservative.com/the-u-s-should-promote-taiwan-as-the-authentic-china/

New York Times, 2023-8-8:
For the most part, Taiwanese people seem to be at ease with their Chinese heritage. In the political debate, Taiwanese nationalists often emphasize the existence of the Indigenous groups as evidence that Taiwan has its unique origins, of which the Chinese culture is only a part... Even though the Indigenous groups make up only 2 percent of Taiwan's population, they’re an important part in the narrative of Taiwanese nationhood. nytimes.com/2023/08/08/business/taiwan-cuisine.html


China Daily, 2024-12-24: Chinese culture seen as 'root', 'soul' of mainland, Taiwan compatriots


New York Times, 2022-8-9:  With a culture forged by eras of Indigenous people, hundreds of years of Chinese immigration, Japanese colonial occupation and a harsh period of martial law, Taiwan is not monolithic. During its three decades as a democracy, conflicting allegiances have dominated its politics, with debates over whether to accommodate or oppose China's claims to the island breaking down along the lines of age, identity and geography.


   Economist, 2023-12-27:  Teacher Ou criticism:“Taiwanese culture is Chinese culture”, she says, noting that Taiwan preserved this shared heritage in its “purest form” while it was being destroyed on the mainland during the Cultural Revolution. She accuses the DPP of undermining young people’s confidence in their culture: “They will think everything about us is backwards, and that our values must come from the West.” economist.com/asia/2023/12/27/china-is-stoking-a-controversy-in-order-to-influence-taiwans-election   
  le Monde (2023-12-29) comments that it's the government's desire to assert Taiwanese identity. lemonde.fr/en/international/article/2023/12/29/taiwan-questions-the-role-of-chinese-literature-and-history-in-education_6384023_4.html 


 ♦ BBC, 2024-1-7: something fundamental in the Taiwanese psyche: a decades-long insecurity about their relationship with America.   This stems from Taiwan's "orphan mentality", Taiwan was a colony of many empires, transferred again and again by its previous rulers. That historical perspective has always resided in the collective memory.   the diplomatic break-up planted the notion "that Taiwan could be abandoned by the US again.   msn.com/en-xl/news/other/china-sows-taiwan-doubt-about-us-with-disinformation/ar-AA1mAZ0k


 ♦   The Liberty Times (自由時報), 2024-2-20: Under the hype of the media, there are too many superstitions, taboos and customs shrouding Taiwan's society for many years. Traditionally, Taiwanese people need to worship on 110 of the 365 days in a year, which is equivalent to one-third of the entire year. (媒體的炒作之下,迷信、禁忌多如牛毛的習俗,長年籠罩社會。傳統上台灣人一年三百六十五天有一百一十天需要祭拜,相當於全年三分之一的日子。在台灣過一個春節,有許多禁忌;如果不照辦而犯忌,就會有破財、衰困、災厄…諸多惡果厄運降臨。這些禁忌和迷信,透過各種媒體以「民俗」、「命理」、「星象」之名傳播渲染)   talk.ltn.com.tw/article/paper/1631494


No.1 "Taiwan's culture" on Yandex, 2024-2-20; No.2 "Chinese culture in Taiwan" on Yandex, 2024-10-12; top ranks "Taiwan culture" on Yandex, 2024-12-24, 2024-11-25

   SCMP, 2023-12-29: The opposition parties have called cuts to classical Chinese content (學校削減文言文) part of a government 'de-sinicisation' campaign Ko Wen-je, the head of Taiwan People's Party (TPP) said "Taiwan and mainland China came from the same race, same history, religion and culture. Though their political systems and ways of life are different today, there is no need to cut the link because of the competition between the two sides"   msn.com/en-xl/news/other/shameless-controversy-over-cuts-to-classical-chinese-content-in-taiwan-s-schools-heats-up-presidential-race/ar-AA1mdmYV  Lawrence Chung


  The Hill, 2023-12-28  : Long a melting pot of Asian and European cultures, Taiwan was a Japanese colony for 50 years until 1945.


  The Liberty Times (Taiwan), 2024-4-2  : The native languages of various ethnic groups in Taiwan are gradually facing the crisis of disappearing.  Only 45% of Taiwanese aged 20-34 can speak their native language.   talk.ltn.com.tw/article/paper/1638720

culture about women, sex

New York Times, 2023-7-27: our society remains patriarchal and hierarchical. Under Confucian values, women obey their fathers and their brothers and eventually their husbands. People are expected to respect and yield to their elders and superiors — in short, the powers that be... In a collectivist culture like ours, the burden of being nice and preserving group harmony falls on those with less power and authority  nytimes.com/2023/07/27/opinion/taiwan-women-metoo.html 

Reuters, 2023-7-28: Despite Taiwan's reputation as a progressive bastion in a conservative region - the first place in Asia to legalise same-sex marriage...to confront a problem long shrouded in shame and silence.   Victims of abuse often stay silent due to what experts say is a tradition of victim-blaming, cultural pressure, and unequal power relationships.   .reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/years-after-metoo-first-swept-world-taiwan-races-respond-2023-07-28/   Sarah Wu   
 DW (Germany), 2023-6-13:  Taiwan's culture remains conservative, and chauvinism still exists in workplaces and politics. # MeToo victims may be "judged" by the public for sharing details....they may not be treated justly, ...the existing mechanisms are inadequate, which prompts the victims to reveal their experiences online  dw.com/en/metoo-in-taiwan-exposes-a-hidden-culture-of-harassment/a-65903757  William Yang
Economist, 2023-6-22: 
Taiwanese women who are abused convince themselves “that it’s no big deal”. A survey in 2021 found that 82% of women sexually harassed in the workplace did not make formal complaints.  Nearly half of those who kept quiet had “brushed it off as a joke”.  economist.com/culture/2023/06/22/a-tv-drama-about-taiwanese-politics-has-sparked-a-social-reckoning
 ABC Australia, 2023-6-24: Young women, since they were children, they are already taught to protect themselves, or try to tolerate this kind of inconvenience (accept harassment).  Sexual harassment and sexual assault are prevalent in all kinds of power relationships.  abc.net.au/news/2023-06-24/taiwan-metoo-movement-triggered-by-netflix-show-wave-makers/102505174 
 The Guardian (UK), 2023-6-8:  the deeply patriarchal norms that still govern Taiwanese society.  #MeToo victims in the dark and perpetrators enjoying impunity”.  In formal legal proceedings they were unlikely to succeed. "  theguardian.com/world/2023/jun/08/taiwan-ruling-party-rocked-sexual-harassment-claims-metoo AmyHawk



MSN, 2022-11-1: Taiwan's cultural legacy is a combination of Chinese, Japanese, aboriginal, Dutch, and contemporary influences.   msn.com/en-sg/travel/news/post-restrictions-travel-guide-to-taiwan/ar-AA13z1Bl   


SCMP, 2022-8-23: Beijing's sorties across the median line responded to Taiwan's "diplomatic salami" ; Taiwan was also inching away from the status quo with its history textbooks for schoolchildren downplaying a China-centric view of history on the island

XinHua, 2022-9-10: The series of cross-Strait intangible cultural heritage exchange activities were first held in 2009. Since then, various cultural treasures from several provincial-level regions, including Inner Mongolia, Shanxi and Hunan, have been introduced to Taiwan people through this platform 


cultural artifacts of Taiwan's National Palace Museum

nThe Guardian, WION, 2022-11-1: the National Palace Museum  is home to the world’s largest collection of Chinese artefacts.  NPM admits breaking artefacts worth over $70 milliomsn.com/en-in/news/world/taiwan-national-palace-museum-admits-breaking-artefacts-worth-over-70-million/ar-AA13APIG

nGlobal Times, 2022-10-31: Those cultural treasures in NPM have become the cultural link and historical bonds that cannot be cut off between the Taiwan island and the Chinese mainland. Signs indicate that it's no accident that such incidents have happened one after another in recent years. The root cause is that the DPP authorities' promotion of "de-Sinicization" in the Taiwan island has seriously affected the protection and management of cultural relics  globaltimes.cn/page/202210/1278338.shtml
nChina Times, 2022-10-30, editorial:  NPM was questioned bad-management or even stealing & selling some artifacts  chinatimes.com/opinion/20221029003036-262101?chdtv
nUK's Telegraph at 3-13-2015 :  "Curiously, one of the world’s greatest collections of Chinese antiquities is not in China – but across the Strait in Taiwan.".

DW (Germany), 2022-8-17 Taiwan considers evacuating cultural artifacts amid China tensions; National Palace Museum denied these rumors in a statement  dw.com/en/taiwan-considers-evacuating-cultural-artifacts-amid-china-tensions/a-62836646
Global Times, 2022-8-9  CNN on July 30 revealed that "in the event of an evacuation, the museum said it would focus on saving around 90,000 relics from its 700,000-strong collection, prioritizing artifacts of higher value and those that take up less space...  to the US and Japan....it hard to dispel public concerns....The relics are  cultural heritage of the 5,000 years of Chinese history, and once sent abroad, it will be difficult to get them back,  The museum's collection will be better off if it remains where it is in the event of an "attack from the Chinese mainland," suggested Feng Ming-chu, former curator of the museum   globaltimes.cn/page/202208/1272494.shtml
China Times, 2022-8-13  "真正的護國神山在故宮" / according to world scholars' opinions, China won't attack Taiwan by nuclear bomb as long as those cultural artifacts remain in Taiwan.   chinatimes.com/opinion/20220813002769-262101?chdtv   

  abc news (Australia), 2022-9-8: Amid China's military and diplomatic isolation, Taiwan turns to films and games to reconnect with the world.  Taiwan was still "in its early days" of building soft power.  While Taiwan's government had been aware of investing in soft power for a long time, there was a lack of coordinated strategy between different ministerial departments. "The DPP did put more of a focus on things like multiculturalism and democracy, whereas the KMT focuses a little bit more on the Chinese base to Taiwanese culture" ; In 2020, Taiwan reported $44.7 billion in revenue from its creative industry, with a 9.83 per cent increase in overseas sales on the previous year.  msn.com/en-au/news/australia/amid-chinas-military-and-diplomatic-isolation-taiwan-turns-to-films-and-games-to-reconnect-with-the-world/ar-AA11zOGi


   UNESCO’s list of intangible cultural heritage  /    https://ich.unesco.org/en/lists


Asian country heritage items selected
1 China 40
2 Korea 24
3 Japan 20
4 Mongolia 15
5 India 13
6 Indonesia 10
7 Saudi Arabia 8
8 Cambodia 5
9 Philippines 4
10 Qatar 3
10 Malaysia 3
10 Pakistan 3
13  Thai 2
14 Singapore 1
14 Sri Lanka 1
14 Vietnam 1
14 UAE 1


Myanmar, Laos, Nepal 0
  Taiwan 0
  Taiwan has been doing De-sinicization (getting rid of Chinese culture) , and has not been included in UNESCO’s list of intangible cultural heritage.   The culture of Taiwan is a blend of Confucian Chinese and indigenous Taiwanese cultures.  Politics continues to play a role in the conception and development of a Taiwanese cultural identity. (Jan. 2021, wiki)

 sg.news.yahoo.com/singapore-hawker-culture-gets-nod-included-unesco-intangible-cultural-heritage-list-140941296.html  12-16-2020: Singapore’s hawker culture was officially approved on Wednesday (16 December) to be inscribed into UNESCO’s list of intangible cultural heritage of humanity.  The biggest thanks must go to the generations of hawkers for nourishing a nation’s stomach and spirits.   Taiwan is proud of its night market culture, but was not selected.

◆  Washington Post, 2-17-2021:Today, 98 % of Taiwanese are ethnic Han Chinese... 

there has been a shift among younger generations who increasingly do not feel China’s emotional pull but rather embrace their home island’s history, and its Indigenous culture, as an expression of being distinctly Taiwanese.
Indigenous artists (
related to the Austronesian peoples) shine as Taiwan’s mainstream embraces its island identity.




No. 1  "Taiwan cultural creativity" on Google, 2021-4-18, 2-18-2021, 2-11-2021, 1-1-2021, Dec. 3, 2020



  BBC, 2-10-2021, "Why Taiwan has 'luck-improvement services' ": There’s a pervasive idea running through Chinese culture that things aren’t random, Stevan Harrell, emeritus anthropology professor at the University of Washington said, “There’s a belief in order: there’s some sort of order behind everything.” Many people believed in a simple maxim: “tian zhuding” (“heaven decides”). 

Some higher power has plans for each person on Earth, traditional Chinese belief also holds that “heaven never seals off all the exits” – there is always a way out.  “We call [this attitude of openness] ‘youbai youbaoyou’,” (有拜有保庇)“, It doesn’t matter if you believe in gods. If you pray, you’ll be blessed.” So, even the upscale Eslite Bookstore has a cosmological self-help section chock full of do-it-yourself fate-improvement guides. 

People in the Chinese-speaking world seem particularly preoccupied with luck, from boarding gates to high-stakes baccarat tables and school exams to political races, (Even politicians are compelled to publicly try their luck, visiting temples to draw fortune sticks ...) Yet while many countries have their own superstitions and rituals.   brief http://www.bbc.com/travel/story/20210210-chinas-enduring-obsession-with-luck  

 BBC, 2021-4-14, Crisps have a sacred role in Taiwan's office culture.  ‘Kuai Kuai’,  this savoury product  end up assuming near-mythical protective properties... on or around vital machines in many of the island’s laboratories, banks and even hospitals to ensure the machines continue to do their jobs.   the crisps, whose name means ‘listen to me’ or ‘obey’, ‘behave’ or ‘be good’ in both Mandarin and Taiwanese...The bags also cannot be used as amulets beyond their expiration date, so...usually swapped twice a year –  Lunar New Year, and the Ghost Festival . Those in the tech world say the snack shouldn’t be consumed, otherwise you technically void its protective warranty.  Kuai Kuai can even be found at Academia Sinica, Taiwan’s premier research institute. bbc.com/worklife/article/20210414-the-good-luck-snack-that-makes-taiwans-technology-behave


 US News & World Report 2021,  Asian countries' world influence top 30 rankings  

Cultural Influence No.5  Japan   No. 7  S Korea   11. China  12. UAE   15. Singapore  16. Australia   19. NZ  22. Thailand    25. India Cutting-edge centers of art, entertainment and fashion
Quality of Life 6. Australia  10. NZ   13. Japan  16. Singapore  18. S Korea   23. China   24. UAE    28. Malaysia   29. Thailand Through all phases of life, these countries treat their citizens well
Heritage 6. India   7. Thailand    10. Japan   12 China   23. Australia  25. Vietnam  26. Indonesia   28. NZ A deep vein of history courses through these countries
Adventure 5. Thailand   7. NZ   8. Australia  17. Philippines   18. Singapore  25. Malaysia  28. Japan popular travel destinations to fulfill your wanderlust
Agility 2. Australia   5. Singapore  6. S Korea   7. Japan   9. NZ  13. China  21. UAE   27. Qatar  30. India adaptable, dynamic, modern, progressive, responsive
Open for business 6. NZ   11. Malaysia  12. Australia  14. Singapore   17. Thailand   20. Sri Lanka   21. Vietnam   22. Indonesia   25. Philippines  26. Japan market-oriented countries

  The China Times 12-24-2017 headline & focus news:  Taiwan's culture like a mouse in circles still stay in same place,   Taiwan's De-Sinicization policy gave up rich Chinese cultural background and history ... so as to lose advantage in cultural-creativity battlefield.   


pic.1 Taiwan VS Korea, in Publications, Movies, TV, Ads., Pop music , CTN 12-24-2017 (Korea -red bar, Taiwan - blue bar )

CTN comments that Taiwan's cultural & creative industry has nothing but slogans and many argues.  The total value of Taiwan's cultural & creative production was far behind of that of Korea, Korea's value in publication is about 6 times larger than Taiwan's,  Film industry 6 times, TV 3.5 times, Advertising 3 times, Pop-music 6 times bigger than Taiwan's, according to statistics by Taiwan government and reports by headline news of the China Times at 12-24-2017.    CTN comments that Taiwan lacks of updated related laws and policy no focus, no direction, no institute, original creativity is not encouraged, the industry field is divided, without integrated marketing.   Taiwan's De-Sinicization policy gave up rich Chinese cultural background and history ......   

The output value of Taiwan's cultural & creative production in '12 - '13 declined 9.28%, in contrast, Taiwan's neighbor countries increased, China 14.27%, Malaysia, Philippines 8+%, Korea 0.65% ... Taiwan's cultural & creative industry even failed to create a "bubble", the reason is lacking of original creativity. / The China Times, 8-15-2017 


 Taiwan's soft power  vs.  Asia's soft power

Till 2020, Taiwan has not been included in Monocle's Soft Power survey top 25 ranking list and Top 30 Soft Power by Portland, etc,  Taiwan's soft power is behind Asian's "world top 20" nations , including Japan, South Korea, Australia, Singapore, New Zealand, China, India, UAE. 
   for details : click Soft Power

world best surveys Taiwan's rankings
in top 25~30 list
comparison with
other Asia & Pacific countries
Brand Finance -  Global soft power Index 2022 failed top 10 1. US, 2. UK, 3. Germany, 4. China, 5. Japan, 6. France, 7. Canada, 8. Swiss, 9. Russia, 10. Italy
ISSF's World Soft Power 2022 failed top 10 1. US 2. France, 3. Germany, 4. Japan, 5. UK, 6. Swiss, 7. Italy, 8. S. Korea, 9. Spain, 10. China,11.India,12. Sweden, 13. Canada, 14. Australia, 15. Denmark
Brand Finance -  Global soft power Index 2021 failed 1. Germany,  2. Japan, 3. UK, 4. Canada, 5. Swiss, 6. US, 7 France, 8. China, 9. Sweden, 10. Australia, 11. Korea, 12 Holland, 13.  Russia, 14. Norway, 15. Denmark, 16 NZ, 17. UAE, 18. Iceland,    19. Italia, 20. Singapore
US News: 2021 Best Countries Overall failed top 10 2. Japan,  5. Australia   7. New Zealand
2020 Brand Finance -  Global soft power Index ,
 top 60
n/c https://brandirectory.com  No. 4 Japan, 5 China, 13 Aus,  14 Korea,  18 UAE,  20 Singapore,  22 NZ,  26 SA 27 India
Top 30 SOFT POWER by Portland
 not included No. 8 Japan, No.9  Australia, No. 17 New Zealand,  No. 19  S Korea, No. 21 Singapore, No. 27 China
US News: 2020 Best Countries Overall
The Best Countries in the World
n/c No.3 Japan, No.5  Australia, No. 11 New Zealand,
No. 15 China, No. 16 Singapore , No. 20  Korea,
No.22 UAE , No.25  India,  No. 26  Thailand,
No. 30  Qatar
2018/2019 Monocle's Soft Power survey  not included No. 3 Japan, No.8  Australia, No. 11 New Zealand, No.15 Korea, No. 19 China,  No. 21  Singapore,  No. 25 India
2018/2019 Soft Power 30 Study by USC Center on Public Diplomacy  not included No.5 Japan, No. 10 Australia, No. 18 NZ, No. 20 S. Korea, No. 21 Singapore, No. 27 China
2017/2018 Monocle's Soft Power survey  not included No. 4 Japan, No.9 Australia, No. 13 New Zealand, No.17 Korea, No. 19 China,  No. 22 Singapore, No. 24 India
2017/2018 Soft Power 30 Study by USC Center on Public Diplomacy  not included No.6. Japan,  No. 8. Australia,  18. NZ,  No. 20 Singapore, No. 21 S. Korea,  No. 25.  China
2016/2017 Monocle's
Soft Power survey
 not included No. 3 Japan, No.6 Australia, No. 13 New Zealand, No.17 Korea, No. 20 China,  No. 23 Singapore, No. 24 India
2015/2016 Monocle's
 Soft Power survey
 not included No. 4 Japan, No.6 Australia, No. 13 New Zealand, No.15 Korea, No. 21 China,  No. 23 Singapore



  According to a survey of 2020, Singapore ranks No.1, Japan No.7, Korea No. 9 on "enterprise",  Japan ranks No. 5, China No.10 on "engagement", Korea ranks No. 5 on "digital", Japan ranks No.6, China No. 8 on "culture", No any Asian country ranks top 10 on "education" and "govt."

Best Countries overall in 2020:  1 Swiss 2 Canada 3 Japan  4 Germany  5  Australia  6  UK  7 USA  8 Sweden  9 Nederland  10  Norway  11 NZ  12 France  13 Denmark  14  Finland  15 China  16 Singapore  17  Italy  18  Austria  19 Spain  20  Korea  21  Luxembourg   22 UAE  23  Russia  24 Portugal  25  India  26  Thailand  27  Greece  28  Brazil  29  Israel  30  Qatar  31  Saudi Arabia   32 Malaysia   33 Mexico  34  Poland  35  Turkey



world's most livable cities  ... includes Taiwan ?

Till 2020, Taiwan has not been included in the top ranking list of the world's most livable cities  

world's most livable cities
world best surveys Taiwan's rankings
in top list
comparison with
other Asia & Pacific countries
EIU's Global Liveability Ranking 2022 failed top 10 1. Vienna 2. Copenhagen 3. Zurich 4. Calgary 5. Vancouver 6. Geneva 7. Frankfurt 8. Toronto 9. Amsterdam 10. Osaka
The World's Best Cities to Live In 2022 failed top 10 1. London, 2. Tokyo, 3. Shanghai, 4. Singapore, 5. Melbourne, 6. Sydney, 7. Paris, 8. Beijing, 9. NY, 10. Amsterdam
The EIU's Global Livability Index Ranking   2021 failed top 10  
The World's Best Cities to Live In 2020 failed top 10 1. Tokyo Japan, 3. Singapore, 5. Melbourne Australia, 8 Seoul Korea, 10. Sydney Australia
Monocle's Quality of Life survey 2021 9 Taipei 1. Denmark, 2. Swiss, 3. Helsinki, Finland, 4. Stockholm Sweden, 5. Tokyo, Japan, 6. Vienna  7 Lisbon, 8. Auckland, 9 Taipei, 10. Sydney
 The EIU's Global Livability Index Ranking   2019  failed in the top 50 No.2  Melbourne,  No.3  Sydney,  No.4 Osaka (Japan), No. 7 Tokyo,  No.10  Adelaide,  No.12 Auckland (NZ),   No.15 Wellington (NZ),   18 Brisbane  (Aus) ,    No. 38 Hong Kong,  No. 40 Singapore,   No.57  Seoul (Korea),  Taipei behind   
Safe Cities Index (SCI)  2019,   EIU (Economist UK), NEC failed in the top 20 No.1  Tokyo, No.2  Singapore, No.3 Osaka (Japan),  No.5 Sydney (Aus), No. 8 Seoul (Korea), No10 Melbourne, No. 20 Hong Kong  
ArchDaily / The World's Most Livable Cities in 2019 failed in the top 20 No. 3. Auckland, New Zealand, 11. Sydney, Australia,  No.15. Wellington, New Zealand , No.17. Melbourne, Australia  
 The EIU's Global Livability Index Ranking   2018  failed in the top 50 No.2 Melbourne (Australia),  No.3  Osaka (Japan),  No. 7  Tokyo (Japan) ,  No.10       Adelaide  (Australia),   No.12 Auckland (NZ)    Wellington (NZ) ... ... (omitted),  Taipei 58
 The EIU's Global Liveability Index Ranking   2017  failed in the top 50  No.1  Melbourne,  No. 5  Adelaide,  No. 7  Perth,
No. 8 Auckland (NZ),  No.11 Sydney,  No.13  Tokyo,  No.  14  Osaka,  No.16 Brisbane,   No. 20 Wellington (NZ),  No. 35 Singapore,  No.45  Hong Kong,  No.58  Seoul (Korea),  No.60   Taipei  

EIU (Economist UK)'s  Global Liveability Index evaluates stability, healthcare, culture&environment,  education,   Infrastructure








No. 1 "comment Taiwan culture" on US Bing, 10-1-2018

Food culture - Taiwan's cultural creativity on food

pic.: In World's Best Restaurants list, In Asia area, Australia, Singapore, Japan, India, Thailand, China, Korea are winners 





According to Taiwan's government, Taiwan's cultures include 12 categories ―    some are not today's Taiwanese cultures.


Taiwan cultures

Official views by
Taiwan's Government (GIO)

this website's view

The Aesthetics of Architecture  Major architectures of Taiwan :
◎ Taipei 101
◎ Taoyuan Int'l Airport (not GIO's rpt. )
◎ Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall,
◎ the Grand Hotel
◎ Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall
◎ Main Stadium for the Kaohsiung
   World Games
have all taken their place in Taiwan's skyline.
◎ Taipei 101's appearance is not exquisite enough, was commented by western experts as an ugly building.
◎ Taoyuan Int'l Airport looks like US Washington Dulles int'l airport.  (ps: modified already, not reconstructed)
◎ Main Stadium for the Kaohsiung World Games is conceived of by Japan's Toyo Ito.
◎  Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall,  the Grand Hotel and Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall are ancient Chinese style works
Popular Food Taiwan's cuisine includes eight main categories:

(1)Holo (also called “Minnanese,” or simply “Taiwanese”),
(2) Hakka, and vegetarian foods,
(3) the various cooking styles with long histories from the length and breadth of mainland China such as northern style, and below :
(4)  the province of Hunan
(5)  the province of Jiangsu
(6)  the province of Zhejiang
(7)  the province of Sichuan.
(8)  Hong Kong (Cantonese)

According to Discovery US, Taiwanese cuisine is endowed with some of the best culinary skills from mainland Chinese, Japanese, aboriginal food, etc, and has developed horizontally (more diversity), but not developed upward to make exquisite food.

Taiwan's night markets street/road snacks are very popular to Taiwanese and red Chinese tourists.  
Best-known night markets & popular stall-snacks include : 
(1) Taipei
Shilin (Deep fried chicken fillet stall, etc) night market
(2) Taipei
NingXia (best oyster omelet in taiwan )
(3) Kaohsiung
city ― LioHo  (seafood soft-rice, etc)
(4) TaiChung
city― FengChia (creative snacks)
(5) Taipei
HuaHsi Street ('Snake Alley' sometimes serves bizarre : snake blood & meat, deer penis wine, turtle etc )
(6) Keelung
city ― MiaoKou
(7) ILAN
(Perhaps some of them are not
trans-fat-free ...till now middle 2011)

Taiwan's Chinese-cuisine restaurants:
(1) DinTaiFung(鼎泰豐) - but they admitted at May 9, 2012 that using MSG, as far as I know lots of Westerners don't like MSG.
(2) YinYih(銀翼): HuaiYang cuisines, 1951 till present
(3) Celestial (天廚): Beijing cuisine like roast duck (tel 02-25632380)
(4) PengYuan(彭園) : HuNan province cuisine (tel 02-25519157)
(5) ChinYuan(黔園) : Sichuan province cuisine (addr: 39 Ln.25, HunDin Rd.)
(6) RoonGi (隆記) : Shanghai cuisine 1952 till present (tel 02-23315078)
(7) Chili House restaurant (四川吳炒手) : Sichuan province cuisine (tel 02-27216088)
(8) BeefNoodle master(永康牛肉麵) (tel 02-23892369)
(9) 人和園 : YunNan, GuiZhou area cuisine
(10) ycyf.com.tw(億長御坊) - traditional cuisines (02-23930383)
(11) 5 star hotels usually have high class Chinese-cuisine restaurants.

Taiwan's "Pig's blood cake" was selected as "world's Top 10 weird food" by UK's <Virtual Tourist> in 2009.

Other widely known cuisines are stinky tofu (Western people think it tastes like athletic feet or some stinky cheese ), oyster omelet (so called Viagra for Taiwanese by Discovery TV program ), bubble tea/pearl milk tea (one store is popular in some city in Germany but bubble tea in Taiwan maybe too much sugar and ... top professor advised not drinking it )...

2015: 政府經歷最大的選舉挫敗後不痛改前非根據 商業周刊No.1436(June 2015)評論: 「奇怪耶食安只管金針乾、菜脯與蜜餞」台大教授認為「完全沒有抓到重點」「三項都是非常低風險產品」。
2014: 國際主要媒體,如美國紐約時報與英國經濟學人雜誌,紛紛報導 一再出包的食安風暴,是導致國民黨政府自1949年退守台灣以來,最大的選舉挫敗原因之一Major world media like The New York Times and The Economist (11.29.2014) comment a series of food safety scandals is one of few main factors causing the KMT, Taiwan's ruling party, has suffered one of its worst electoral defeats since Chiang Kai-shek and his forces fled to the island at the end of Chinese civil war in 1949.The New York Times (9.8.2014): the new scandal  (Taiwan food-safety scare) shows that there is still not enough being done to eliminate lawbreaking production lines.  TIME  ( 9.8.2014): Gutter Oil' Scandal Raises Food-Safety Fears Once Again in Greater China.


Folk Beliefs Folk beliefs in Taiwan are a positive reflection of the people's wish for harmonious interaction, coexistence, and co-prosperity among heaven, earth, and mankind.
They also reflect Taiwan’s reverence for the basic social virtues of loyalty, piety, fidelity, and justice. These ideas are the most valuable assets enabling people to live on this earth.
(1) Taiwan's national CNA  (Central News Agency) reported an university's survey:
◎ 87.7% university students believe ghosts
◎ 64.7% believe : it's unlucky to swim in July (Lunar)
◎ 37% : Will encounter ghosts if whistling after sunset
◎ 32% : pregnant woman touching scissors will give birth to an abnormal baby
◎ 28.3% : Ears will be cut off if pointing to moon by one/two finger
◎ 31.9% : Chopstick plugging in bowl's rice will gather ghosts
◎ 22.3% : Will become a beggar if knocking the bowl

70% college students believe in religion, 35% of them are Buddhists.

(2)  According to <The Ugly Side of Taiwanese>  ( book author : G. Lee, published in 1988 & 1993 ) -  details ref to publisher in USA : 714-8631618  

    One of Taiwanese character/traits :   In bribery Taiwanese believe.    Taiwanese believe "money talks", and treat religion as trading or bribery, nothing to do with soul and spirits.

(3) Recently, one of best-selling products are Chinese-God (fortune god, etc) toys.


Chinese Medicine in Taiwan 

Chinese medicine, a set of medical theories and practices that originated and developed in China over several millennia, is an important aspect of Taiwanese culture.

It consistently proves efficacious in restoring and maintaining the health of countless millions of people over the ages.

Useful for health (at least, good for Chinese)

Music Taiwan’s popular music has been deeply influenced by the United States and Japan. Songs sung in Mandarin Chinese, Holo, English and Japanese comprise the mainstream of the pop music market today.

Musical styles today in Taiwan display an abundance of cultural diversity by incorporating not only local ethnic elements, but also musical elements from elsewhere in the world, such as rock ’n’ roll, hiphop and jazz.

An essay <China Tames Rebellious Side of Rock "n" Roll> in <New York Times>, likened today's Red Chinese pop music culture to the politically enforced conformity of the Cultural Revolution, the core of songs is "have fun", culture has become an empty vessel, there are few hints of angst, alienation , or any but the mildest expression of teenage rebellion.

Taiwan's pop music was tamed by political pressure in the past, the "opposition culture" in Taiwan's music field was almost eliminated.

Today's Taiwanese music environment is money-oriented.

The Art of Dance Taiwan’s myriad dance forms are intricately linked with the country’s ethnic composition and historical background, and each of the local dances draws their unique colors from the island’s rich cultural heritage.

Even Cloud-gate dancing shows are much less popular than Taiwan's heavy slapstick or funny actions in Taiwan's TV programs by funny actors/actresses.

An article in the United Daily News (Oct. 5, 2010) criticized Taiwan's TV programs  commercial, programs are not quite OK , news programs are astonishing low class ...   

Taiwanese people are rich (richer than Japan and Korea, according to IMF 2011) but spend very little on tasting arts,  a statistics a few years ago is attached as below :

  per person per year
movie NT470 (about US 15)
drama NT91 (US 3)
dancing show  NT65 (US 2) 


Chinese Calligraphy in Taiwan the gentle art of Chinese calligraphy can soothe the heart and mind.

calligraphy also exists in the “cultural circle of Chinese characters”—namely Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Singapore and Malaysia — but in fact each of these systems descended from ancient China.
Nomenclature aside, they all refer in essence to the same art form.

Taiwan remains the only place in the world to preserve classical Chinese characters

 (1) Most youngsters in Taiwan don't practice enough so that they can't have good calligraphy by a soft, flexible brush-pen.

 (2) Many Taiwanese people can't write excellent calligraphy by a pencil.

 (3) The calligraphy by Japanese or Korean looks wild (lacks elegance), most of which are worse than those by Taiwanese or Chinese.


Pottery and Porcelain During the 1960s, pottery and porcelain served as a channel for expressing creativity; and as artists poured their aesthetic viewpoints and original ideas into their products,

 Today, the art of pottery and porcelain has already become Taiwan’s most flourishing and developed craft,

 Taiwanese pottery and porcelain to possess rich and abundant connotations. Not only does it represent the continuation and development of the pottery culture of the Orient, but it is also a gateway into the pottery and porcelain culture of the world and a place where that global culture can be viewed in miniature.

(1) Pottery and Porcelain in InnGir city
 looks not as luxurious as those by artists in France or Russia, etc.

(2) In Taoyuan int'l airport or  National Palace Museum , I personally feel best pottery and porcelain are ancient China's style. 
  Maybe below is one example
of modern Taiwanese creativity  the present that ROC president Ma gave to Beijing China's envoy Chen Yunlin ( the most senior Chinese official visited Taiwan since the 1949 communist revolution).

Chinese Lunar New Year in Taiwan


“spring couplets” are paper scrolls and squares hung up around the house,   inscribed with blessings and auspicious words, such as “good fortune,” “wealth,” “longevity,” and “springtime.” The paper squares are usually pasted upside down, because the Mandarin word for “upside down,” dao, is a homonym of the word “arrival.”

For children, the most exciting part of the holiday comes when they receive their hong bao (紅包), red envelopes full of cash.

(1) Chinese Lunar New Year still excite today's Taiwanese, but the atmosphere wore off.

(2)  Today's children as well as gov. officials in both Taiwan and communist China receive lots of 'hong bao' (red envelopes full of cash) ―  bribery. 

Taiwanese Opera Singing songs (ge zi 歌仔) was the most important form of entertainment in Taiwan’s early agricultural society.

Taiwanese opera is part of daily life in Taiwan, reflecting the thoughts, feelings, and aesthetics of the people.

Not popular any more, perhaps its exotic flavor or new-formed version attracts western tourists, but not most Taiwanese any more.

The Art of Tea

 Aspects of the art of Taiwan tea—whether it’s the tea-flavor, tea water, tea sets, tea-serving techniques, tea connoisseurs, teahouses, tea refreshments, or tea feasts—have been developed to a consummate level in Taiwan. Thus, whether focusing on aesthetical theory or practice, every aspect of Taiwan tea can serve as a paradigm for both life and art.


(1) Having coffee is more popular than having tea in today's Taipei metro.  you can see coffee shops everywhere like US's Starbucks, as well as Japan's Ikari ... but tea shops are fewer. ( Taiwanese're still used to drink tea, various bottled tea and instant tea are available everywhere )

(2) Green tea is good for against some cancers... but too many tea were imported from Vietnam (US army dropped lots of poison-bombs in Vietnam War, poison may stay there for long long years) - may be dangerous ...


Glove Puppetry in the early 1960s, glove puppet shows were one of the island’s primary forms of entertainment. 

Glove puppet performances integrate various aspects of culture, including dialects, folk music, carving, color painting, embroidery, and puppet manipulation techniques. 

Taiwanese glove puppetry is constantly being reinvented.

... no longer Taiwan’s most important drama activity

Not popular any more in TV

Taiwan gov. info. (left column) are excerpt/extracts, you may read details from GIO website http://www.gio.gov.tw/taiwan-website/5-gp/culture/ ;  this page was updated Nov 10, '10

Taiwanese Opera,  Glove Puppetry, Chinese Calligraphy in Taiwan, and Taiwanese dance are not  popular to modern Taiwanese, so those stuffs are not today's Taiwanese mainstream cultures, their value probably lies in attracting international tourists by exotic flavors ( Taiwan needs to win world's heart by some real beef ).
Taiwan government's long-term strategy "focus on economy rather than culture" resulted in a "culture desert" status.





pic. above:  Zola Zu's article commenting Taiwan's creativity was printed in <United Daily News>  

: Taiwan's Creativity     comment Alessi Mr Chin & NPM of Taiwan printed in <United Daily News>, one of largest media in Taiwan, Aug. '08  :  Chinese language version




    Taiwanese culture in real life





Tourism        full analysis pls. click TaiwanTour & Travel

WEF <Travel and tourism competitiveness report> of 2019 shows Taiwan had the sub-region's largest decline in competitiveness,  Taiwan ranks 10th in Asia, Taiwan's prioritization of travel & tourism ranks world No.75 ;  World Economic Forum (WEF) 2017 <Travel and tourism competitiveness report> (released at 4-6-2017), Taiwan's most important indexes for promoting tourism, like "Attractiveness of Natural Assets" (parks, beaches, mountains, wildlife, etc) ranks world No.87, "Natural Resources" ranks No.55,   "Environmental Sustainability" ranks No.75 (No.69 in 2015), "Price Competitiveness" ranks No. 46, "Hotel Price Index" ranks No. 89 (82 in 2015), Taiwan got "n/a" on China's strong indexes such as "World heritage natural sites" as well as "World heritage cultural sites" (world top 5).   Taiwan has excellent scores on "Mobile Network coverage", "ATM", etc, but those least likely are main attractiveness to international sightseers that Taiwan needs most.






Food -    poisonous/ black hearted food in Taiwan for 20-30 years, click for details  


 best restaurants   click to see Taiwan restaurants (top rankings)

      . Luc Besson's movie "Lucy"  shooting in Taiwan particularly includes Din Tai Fung ―  which is not only the most famous Taiwanese restaurant but also even a landmark of Taiwan, however,             


(1) Din Tai Fung admitted at 5-9-2012 having used  Monosodium Glutamate / sodium glutamate (M.S.G.) as addictive in some foods there -  and they won't change this policy so as to keep major cuisine (e.g., steamed bun/bao (小籠包), chicken soup) delicious (according to United Daily News 5.9.2013).  According to  National Health Research Institutes and United Daily News (8-15-2015) "Horrible foods for dining out": Taiwan's food (in restaurants, cafeteria, etc) problems include using MSG.  Taiwan's 5 star restaurants like Sherwood Hotel announced any chefs using MSG will be fired.  According to int'l medical studies, using Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) is controversial. (ref to "The Dangers of MSG" : http://health.howstuffworks.com/wellness/food-nutrition/facts/the-dangers-of-monosodium-glutamate.htm)  Some claimed it may causes asthma, headache, even brain damage. )

(2) Din Tai Fung was suspicious of being involved in Taiwanese food scandal, Apple Daily (蘋果日報)10-10-2014 reported that one Taiwanese Dept. of Health found out Din Tai Fung imported some oil products from King's Cook which bought  lard oil (mixing animal feed with cooking oil) from Ting Hsin Int'l. ( http://www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews/article/new/20141010/485241/   台中市衛生局調查發現,鼎泰豐曾向購買頂新正義油品的台中金品調理(KingsCook) 公司進貨,恐中鏢。)

(3) Din Tai Fung admitted having used G.M.(genetic modified) soy material(豆類) for a long time (until July 2015).   The China Times, (3.29.2013) reported professor Kuo H. J. (National Taiwan University, Department of Agronomy) comments - Taiwan using G.M.(genetic modified) is "national scandal" (國家級醜聞」), French scholar Seralini found G.M. foods may cause cancer with higher probability,    BBC (6.6.2013)<Taiwan diet danger everywhere>: Taiwan is the only country eating cured products made by animal-feed, G.M.(genetic modified) soya beans.  (主妇联盟说台湾是世界上唯一直接食用饲料级基改黄豆加工 的豆制品国家。)  But Din Tai Fung still used the "scandalous" G.M. stuff for 2+ years after the news being spread island-wide Recently, CNN (7-24-2015) dropped Din Tai Fung down to No.20 position  in Taiwanese foods list.


The Brand Personality ?

Din Tai Fung's Hong Kong branches were just eliminated their Michelin star
 title at Oct. 31, 2014,  (lost again in Dec. 2015)
Taiwan's Din Tai Fung never won any Michelin star title, but it is advertising itself a Michelin star restaurant by posters at front of largest Japanese mall, Mitsukoshi Dpt. Store in Taipei. (photo Aug. 22 2015)

Din Tai Fung USA website (http://DinTaiFungusa.com) has also been advertising a similar one in its front-page. (tests till present at 9-17-2015)

ps: the China Times analyzed losing Michelin most likely it's because of inconsistent quality problem.  (http://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20141031001358-260405) 



    ◆  world awards 2019~2020:

pic.: In World's Best Restaurants list, In Asia area, Australia, Singapore, Japan, India, Thailand, China, Korea are winners 



pic.: In Asia's 50 Best Restaurants, Singapore, China, Japan, Thailand are big winners 



 pic. above: Taiwan's restaurants were loser or behind in EATER's "world best restaurants awards",  CNN "world's best new restaurants" and Economists EIU "Global Food Security Index".



     world awards ~  2019:
      Michelin Guide Taipei was released at 3-14-2018, Taiwanese cuisine was not valued high, The number of stars Taiwan obtained is much less than those of Shanghai, HK, Macao, and Singapore.   Furthermore, unlike those in Singapore, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Taiwan's night-market, street food failed to won any Michelin star.

          According to  "Asia's 50 Best Restaurants" (2018) , Thailand Bangkok's Gaggan consecutively got in the first place,  the number of Japanese restaurants selected is 11, Hong Kong & Macao 10,  Thailand 9Singapore 7 Korea and Taiwan both are 3, but Korea won the 11th grade, the best ever position that Taiwan got in this year is the 15th  (RAW, 18th MUME,  47th Shoun Ryugin),  China got the 8th position https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/asia-50-best-restaurants-2018/index.html

         According to The World's Best Restaurants (2017) , Taiwan is not included in the list, Thailand got No.7, Singapore No.14, Japan 18th, HK 24th, Shanghai 41th.  In total, 5 Japanese , 4 Chinese, 3 Singapore, 2 Thailand, 1 Korean, 1 India restaurant(s) entered top 100.   http://www.theworlds50best.com/list/1-50-winners#t51-100.


 Food - night markets
●  Yahoo News, 12-16-2020: Singapore’s hawker culture was officially approved  (Dec.16, 2020) to be inscribed into UNESCO’s list of intangible cultural heritage of humanity.  But Taiwan's night market hawker culture was not selected  ●   China Times 7-15-2020,  till now the govt. only work on night market's toilet room, the rest is far behind the standard int'l metro's needs...    Taipei mayor Ko: Our night markets and markets are too dirty ! ●  The best-known expert in toxic study, professor Yen: Minimize the times of dining out to protect your health !

    The United Daily (3-1-2017): Many Taiwanese night markets closed down due to lacking of distinguishing feature or quality, and the number of Chinese tourists sudden decreasing.  Taiwan night market cuisines



 Food - scandals

      Taiwan's food  safety scandals   black hearted food in Taiwan 

Financial Times (UK), 8-28-2020: Taiwan eventually eases restrictions on US pork and beef imports.  Must bear in mind you may eat beef and pork with controversial Ractopamine from 2021 on,  the cost of local meat is much more expensive.   Reuters , 11-23-2020: Thousands of people took to Taipei's streets with much of the anger focused on the government's decision to ease restrictions on imports of U.S. pork. 
"Taiwanese pigs don't eat ractopamine and yet you are asking Taiwanese people to?"  
Associated Press, 11-23-2020: The drug is banned by the European Union, but is legal in the United States... “I feel these days many who do business are not ethical. If they mix the U.S. pork with Taiwan pork and then sell it to us average consumers, we as individuals have no way to know the source of the pork.”  https://apnews.com/article/global-trade-tsai-ing-wen-trade-agreements-taiwan-food-safety-cf76e2db33063462632bfd383e0b7dbf 

●  83% of Taiwan's Michelin 2~3 star restaurants, and 33% of Taiwan's Michelin star restaurants, failed to pass sanitary/health inspection (kitchen things/equipment not clean, food materials on the floor, without staffs' health examination proof ) , but they passed second inspection, such as 3 star restaurant Le Palais, 2 star restaurants RAW態芮-Tairroir、祥雲龍吟( RyuGin Taipei )、 鮨天本(Sushi Amamoto).   ref. to Liberty Times, 3-30-2020, Apple Daily 3-31-2020.    Chang Gung Mem. Hospital Toxicology expert professor   Yen Tzung-Hai M.D. (顏宗海, Doctor, Univ. of London ): Minimize the times of dining out to protect your health ! ( ref. to book <食品不安全的年代如何自保>("how to survive in this bad food-security time", April '16)) 

 Even Taiwan's Michelin 3 star winner Le Palais was found snacks containing Hydrogen peroxide (過氧化氫) and Benzoic acid (苯甲酸),  besides, many tourism hotels / 5 star hotels were found food hygiene not up to standard, e.g.,  5 star hotels used expired no-good ingredients, such as HsinChu and Taipei's Ambassador Hotel,  The Grand Hotel, Regent Formosa, and so on, reported by CTV evening news, BCC , LTN (12-19-2019) https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/life/breakingnews/3014179   United Daily 1-20-2020:  Taipei mayor Ko: Our night markets and markets are too dirty !  Liberty Times , 1-6-2019 :  Taipei City Hall's "Model Night Markets" project, aims at " Japanese tourists are willing to sit down to eat "however, quite many stalls opposed, in that elevating the hygienic level and class increases their running costs... 


    ●  5 star hotel restaurants scandals - A book (Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital, Taiwan Veterans General Hospital's physician Jiang So-San M.D. 江守山 "食在安心" (10-2014)) said many 5 star hotel restaurants don't wash vegetables ...  some 5 star hotels made sashimi raw fish slices by using fresh-water fishes, this may increase the probability to get cancer  (for details 台灣餐廳  or  台灣美食Taiwan Night Markets ) ; Epoch Times (大紀元, 3-14-2017):Okura Prestige Tpe (大倉久和, a 5 star hotel) sold expired frozen shrimps, molded taro (vegetable 芋) etc;   SETN news ( 三立新聞 5-16-2016): Some 5 star hotels in northern Taiwan sold black-hearted expired seafoods ;  LTN (5-17-2016): 5 star hotels Ambassador and Howard (國賓福華) clarified this news;   Apple Daily (蘋果日報 6-7-2016): Sheraton (喜來登) 's white shrimps contained bleaching agent (漂白劑),4 times higher than the legal standard,Ranina (Spanner crabs 旭蟹) contained heavy medal Cadmium poisoning (重金屬镉) 14% higher than the standard...;  Apple Daily (蘋果日報 7-2-'13): Taiwan's tourist hotels' food ingredients expired 2 years,  only 3 out of 21 hotels passed the security check and sanitary examination etc conducting by Taiwan Administration, e.g., Shangri-La's (tnn) did not separate their cutting tools for cooked foods and raw foods;    FTV news, 5-18-2017: 13 ingredients / materials expired in a 5 star hotel in Taiwan;  CTI TV news (5-17-2017, 19:33): What can we eat in Taiwan? people are uneasy for food here...   

       ●  Taiwan administration's Dioxin ("poison of the century") control system crashed completely / FTV news, 4-22-2017.
        Major world media like The Economist
(11.29.2014) comment a series of food safety scandals is one of few main factors causing the KMT, Taiwan's ruling party, has suffered one of its worst electoral defeats since Chiang Kai-shek and his forces fled to the island at the end of Chinese civil war in 1949.

         Chang Gung Mem. Hospital professor Yin M.D. (殷宗海, Doctor, Univ. of London ): Minimize the times of dining out to protect your health ! ( ref. to book <食品不安全的年代如何自保>("how to survive in this bad food-security time", April 2016)

     ●  Dean of National Taiwan Normal University - graduate school of Chemistry,  Dr. Gaston J. C. Wu (化學所長吳家誠教授)'s book <Those black-heart products toxin-experts never buy ("毒物專家絕不買的黑心商品")> (Nov. 2013): Most of the time I eat at home, and has never dined out in street-side shops / small-eat markets (路邊攤), because those small-eat shops usually/always do not meet the minimum standards of cleanliness

      Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital, Taiwan Veterans General Hospital's physician Jiang So-San M.D. : Most 5 star hotel restaurants in Taiwan don't wash the vegetables ...  ref. to the book "食在安心"  

Taiwan's Food safety scandals
TW food

2015 :
Since its worst ever electoral defeats, Taiwanese government never does some soul searching and corrects the wrong,  "It's weirdo !!, Taiwanese government only focuses on 3 dried products - dried daylily, dried radish, and preserved fruits (snacks)", NTU professor Wu K.Y. stated "Completely evading the crucial point", "those 3 items are very low risky products".
Apple Daily 8-28-2015: The incidence rate of Taiwanese people suffering colon/rectal cancer was ranked world No.1 (2nd is Korea, 3rd Slovakia) , Taipei Medical University Hospital's director of surgeons expressed Taiwan's food scandals constantly happened in recent years, many black-heart tainted foods containing Carcinogen (cancer producer) is a factor causing high incidence rate.

2014 Taiwan food scandals
The New York times
(9.8.2014): The authorities in Taiwan are scrambling to control a tainted-cooking-oil scandal that has affected hundreds of manufacturers and raised fears about health risks posed in many commonly consumed food items... the new scandal shows that there is still not enough being done to eliminate lawbreaking production lines,” The Taipei Times said ...
          ● TIME (9.8.2014): Gutter Oil' Scandal Raises Food-Safety Fears Once Again in Greater China.  A Taiwanese food-safety scare has spread to Hong Kong...
          ● Bloomberg BusinessWeek  (9.8.2014): Tainted Lard: China's Latest Food-Safety Scare Comes From Taiwan       The case is the second major food-safety scandal by a Taiwan-based company in the past year,...The new gutter-oil scandal has “shocked local consumers” in Taiwan who expect more from their government, ...“I hope the law could be revised to impose tougher punishment on those who breach food safety regulations,”...   
The China Times (9.5.2014, head-page headline news): Disgusting ... Even pigs don't eat those tainted oil we Taiwanese ate !     

ps:  For full text pls. ref. to Taiwan food scandals.


Taiwan's Food safety scandals 2013, 2014





Advertisement     a long time loser


My article in <the United Daily News> (Oct. 2007) mentions Taiwan's ad. creativity has been lousy for a long time,  In the past 10 years, Taiwan is about in the last place in Cannes Ad. festival, world best ad. contest.  (Even Vietnam, Philippines, red China are bit better than Taiwan)  Till 2020, Taiwan still only has small number of winnings in int'l ads & creativity contests. 



Taiwan's most important ad.

 Take Taiwan's national ads : "UN for Taiwan" (Taiwan to join the UN ) , as an example :


who said ?

 said what ?

This site's comment

2007Taiwan government :

UN for Taiwan ad. is "un-limited creativity"

(1) Those are quite old ideas.

(2) click to read details

National ChenChi University, ad. professor book

using puns in UN series is " very creative and witty idea"



Taiwan's int'l winning ads.

As for Taiwan's business ads. or TV commercials obtaining winning records in int'l ad. festivals, are not all so original,..... or/and not very sharp-witty,  e.g., making love with an insect symbolizes insecure sex, or stick out (very out) the tongue to make a funny face, ...... are student-level ideas.







Animation (comment Taiwan's best awards in world's best contests)


Taiwan's Top Institution(ps)


World's top contest, prize & honors, and university's opinions

This site's comments

National Taiwan University
of Science & Tech.
Cubic Tragedy

   People' Choice Award 

 Experts won't feel the idea, girl face-lifting resulting in Picasso's cubism a <weeping woman>, unexpected .  


National Yuan-lin University
of Science & Tech.
Cubic Tragedy

NYLU's graduate school paper concluded this animation as "Picasso-inspired idea ..... contrary to our expectation".

 experts suppose won't feel this idea "un-expected".
National Taiwan Univ. of arts A fish with a smile

Berlin international Film Festival, children's section, Special Prize of jury committee

 (1) it's just a story for children.
 (2) elegant drawing style, but those pictures don't look like any city in Taiwan.
National Tainan Univ. of arts After the rainy day

 winning in UK

 Just like most Taiwan's films,  boring obscure-meaning codes, hence most people are hard to understand or may make over-interpretation. 
National Palace Museum Adventures of NPM (1) grand prize, 2008 Tokyo International Anim. Fair.
(2) anim. goal : " bridging the gap  between ancient artworks and modern audiences.
 (1) it's a story for children, not for modern adults.
 (2) the film is showing in children's center of National Palace Museum, Taipei Taiwan.  


Tamkang Univ.'s paper concludes Taiwan animation's 1st problem is "short of creativity".    Very few Taiwan's researches 're working on this subject - creativity. (Taiwan  animation currently is only expertise at drawing tech.)

◎   comment Taiwan's international winning animation films in 2011.


  Picasso cartoon Cubism       Picasso cartoon Cubism

2 examples (pic. above) let us learn Picasso-Cubism inspired cartoons already having existed long time ago
(<The World encyclopedia Cartoons>,中國戲劇出版社)

More clever Picasso-inspired  ideas have already been developed years ago, please click to see!









An essay <China Tames Rebellious Side of Rock "n" Roll> in <New York Times>, likened today's Red Chinese pop music culture to the politically enforced conformity  of the Cultural Revolution, the core of songs is "have fun", culture has become an empty vessel, there are few hints of angst, alienation , or any but the mildest expression of teenage rebellion.


Washington Post,  5-29-2020: On mainland singing competition shows, contestants often perform songs by Hong Kong or Taiwanese artists.


Taiwan's pop music was tamed by political pressure in the past, the "opposition culture" in Taiwan's music field was almost eliminated.

Today's music is in a money-oriented environment.

Very few people notes an usual case :  two most popular singers, Wu-bai and S.H.E. (hottest in China too) sing 2 same-name songs, namely all the same as Chinese translation of "Brave New World" - a classic literature regarding man-handled white-terror tyranny.   S.H.E. seems so happy and exciting while singing this song.

In contrast, Apple Computer's famous commercial <1984> comes from another white-terror literature  "1984" written by Orwellian.   Ad. research papers mention one reason it succeeds ( the most remarkable US ad campaign, although aired only once ) is that people are curious about the mystery/puzzle -  a tyranny in a free country.

Certainly, the <1984> despises human-controlled tyranny.


 Apple <1984> TV commercial

 <Brave New World>

 <Brave New World> Chinese translation book

1984, Apple TV commercial

Brave New World, Chinese translation book

everybody in a blue-smog (mock IBM CIS color) "jail" are under control by big-brother in a big screen . try http://Youtube.com !

 (1) A literature by A. Huxley

book cover








United Daily 10-31-2019: Plagiarism again in Taiwanese design field !!  an art-work in Tai-Nan art festival copied UK's, another art-work on train (government's project) copied Russian's ...... All Taiwanese designers should respect themselves and take these cases as a lesson. 

Apple Daily, opinion, 7-20-2018 :  Taiwan ( Taiwanese everywhere) lacks of aesthetics accomplishments,  particularly those in power can allocate resources have "really turn me off" taste (倒盡胃口),  Taiwan's public art works are too vulgar to be endured (俗不可耐), and some are sort of cheap-copy works (仿冒竊).

Critics in UDN (10-24-2019) :  Design field thinks culture & arts are nothing but decorative, fine arts belittle commercial arts, etc ... the arts should take the lead for the fusion of tech. and culture ( for details pls. read https://udn.com/news/story/11321/4122342 ) .


Dec. 8, 2012 : To everyone's surprise, 2 out of 3 artists in Taiwan government's selection for participating Italia Venice Biennale are foreigners !  This means Taiwan does not have talented artists??

Many Asian countries have great ambition to do city-marketing by arts expo.,  there're 8 arts biennales will be taken place in Sept. 2008.

Taiwan is one of them -   <Asia Arts Biennale > was held till Feb. 2008.

Taiwan's largest news introduced (with a large-sized picture) an expo.  artwork  -  world brand's logos are spread on human bodies, this work seems to symbolize "Globalizing" phenomenon.

However, the idea "logo body" already appeared a number of times in,  i.e., <Your Logo Here, photos from S. Cal. 2004-2006>, and some logo tattoo works .......

More sharp-witty and more difficult ideas appeared in cartooning field at least 13 years ago, i.e., Japanese Yomiuri international cartoon contest.


  logos body     

pic. left: "number" logos on athletes,  pic. right: similar idea intro. by Taiwan's major newspaper






Architecture   no aesthetical & creative astonishment



◆   Taipei Performing Arts Center was selected as one among "the transformative buildings set to shape the world" in 2021, in that the eye-catching building has a planet-like sphere protruding from one side - will undoubtedly serve as a contemporary landmark for the Taiwanese capital;  however, some look-alike sphere buildings were already designed earlier  ― all "plug" into a central cube


 Taipei Performing Arts Center





Taiwanese architects were forced to be "construction supervisors" instead of "designers" by the government's policy,  this  finally rouse architects' angers after enduring 10 + years,  most major public architecture projects went to international architects for "unjust treaties" made by the administration. / head-line news of The United Daily, 7-17-2017


  pic. United Daily : Taiwanese architects protest "unequal treaty" which benefits foreigners


  United Daily  8-8-2020, editorial: Taiwanese government most welcomes international architecture works, but its double standard angers local architects who criticizing foreigners are not familiar at Taiwan's history and geo. culture.
Chinese text: 國際競圖原意是希望帶動台灣建築師創作力,但後來在執行面出現不少問題,最普遍的就是國外建築師不熟悉台灣歷史、地理,就把既有想法塞進來尤其,國際競圖機制往往埋著國內建築師與國外相比的兩大不平等條約。各級政府國際競圖時,為吸引國外建築師,將設計費率提高二、三倍至百分之十三起跳,更可議的是,近年又冒出「變相國際標」,鼓勵國內建築師事務所找國外建築師設計,若獲選,設計費就可從原一般造價費的百分之四到五,略增到百分之六點二,評分總分還可加分。建築界痛批把國內建築師當「文化買辦、仲介」)

UDN (聯合報) 10-23-2019: Taiwan is far behind in urban construction, in contrast, some metro in Asia always have astonishing architectures ...  (brief)



◆  below are Taiwan's "Face" buildings :


This site's comment

Taipei 101 building

Ugliest skyscraper in the world :  NOT very exquisite & aesthetic  appearance 

Tao-yuan international airport

  1st Hall : copied U.S. airport.
  2nd Hall :  shortage of spirit breadth and arts

An article by VIP professor in Taiwan major newspaper (2002) asserted  :  " Copy is humanism spirits" 、 " How can we bear and even enjoy those original designed architecture by Taiwanese, our own people !? "

ps1:  Taiwan's Pavilion at Shanghai's World Expo. 2010 (China)  ―   an ordinary architecture, far worse than UK's Pavilion (based on same construction cost and same land-space).

ps2:  another contrast


 Can you tell which is US  Washington Dulles int'l airport, or Taiwan Taoyuan int'l airport ?

US Washington Dulles international airport

Taiwan Taoyuan international airport

US Washington Dulles international airport

Taiwan Taoyuan international airport

      ps: Taiwan eventually was ashamed of this stealing and modified its look recently ... already after many many years






Visual Communication


Taiwan government logo, UN for Taiwan logo, state-run enterprises logo, Taiwan's universities annual event logo ......  etc,  suspiciously are cheap-copy works.  Similar visual designs're everywhere in Taiwan.

Some examples are listed as below:

 (1)     (2)  

Central Reinsurance Co.

Taiwan's government, Central Reinsurance Co.  logo

Korea Seoul's official  logo

Logo by National ChungCheng university Taiwan
world logo appeared earlier logo of
Taiwan's government
Korea metro's logo
(appeared earlier) 
design by Taiwan's best university 





Pic. left is the logo of Taiwan government, since 11-9-1993, next 3 are logo of Canadian Pacific Rail, since 1968.

In addition to cheap-copy suspect, Taiwan's official document states their logo "easy to identify and associate with Taiwan's brand ... a simple shape and modernized & internationalized, aesthetic design " ; but, exactly on the contrary, it's neither modernized, nor as aesthetical simple as CPR's logo... 



     (3)   Taiwan's cultural landmark

  knife as tree, lawn, mountain   knife as tree, lawn, mountain

left : Silk Cut ad. in UK, appeared earlier    right:  poster for Taiwan's cultural government and Eslite book store (ps)

ps:  Both use same ideas "sharp knife tree, dangerous gear-wheel lawn"   
       Pic. at right side is an ad. for <Creative Ideas Exhibition of Taiwan Cultural Industry, Taiwan>, Eslite bookstore ( Taiwan's pride, a cultural landmark of Taiwan)


pic. left above: logo and emblem of KMT
presidential election 2019/2020 

pic. left blow: a design for FCCLA (USA)
(ps: appeared earlier)


KMT denied it's a cheap-copying work,
but ROC design association
expressed "UP" is an obvious Plagiarism !

besides, Taiwan's head was cut out

 ref. to LTN, 11-15-2019








Film/movie    Taiwan's film almost dead


●  New York Times, 5-29-2020 "Looking for an Introduction to Taiwan’s Greatest Filmmaker?"

      NY Times introduces Hou Hsiao-Hsien’s work :  “Millennium Mambo”(千年曼波), ,“The Assassin”(刺客) , “The Time to Live and the Time to Die” and “Dust in the Wind”(風中的塵埃), etc.  "Much of the acclaim for Hou rests on the implicit challenge that his movies pose to conventional narrative filmmaking. They are less rooted in story than in motion, space and time — the fundamentals of cinema. "
      Cinephiles scoffed: Maybe Hou was simply too challenging, too singular and too uncommercial for any distributor here to touch...  But scholar Emilie Yueh-yu Yeh noted that Hou himself likened his style to liubai 留白, the Chinese ink-painting technique of leaving space blank.    full details pls. read


●   Washington Post,  5-29-2020
Even today, Hong Kong artists and Taiwanese celebrities hold considerable cultural clout, working in the mainland and appearing and performing on variety shows and television dramas.


●  France 24, 11-21-2020:  Chinese cinematic talents used to dominate the Golden Horse nominations but China boycotted the event last year after a Taiwanese director called for the island's independence during an award acceptance speech. ref to:  france24.com/en/live-news/20201121-two-hong-kong-political-films-win-at-taiwan-golden-horse-awards


●  Till now 2020, Taiwan has submitted 46 films for Oscar consideration. Three Taiwanese films (The Wedding Banquet (1993), Eat Drink Man Woman(1994), and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000)) have been nominated for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film  all were directed by Ang Lee


● Taiwan's film industry got 3 major troubles :

(1)   Taiwan government used to do political propaganda/comm. by using movies, till now Taiwan's government still thinks highly of things helpful to win political elections, besides, Taiwan government's movie policy already gave up to WTO, U.S., Hollywood.

(2)   Taiwan likes to 'create'  some abstract/obscure symbols attracting very very few people.  Using Eastern exotic flavor was another very useful strategy for attending world film contest.   Lacking witty & creative idea led to Taiwan film industry's death.

         ☉  Taiwan's movies fail to create better humour like "Lost in Beijing" ( red Chinese film banned by CHN gov.) .
         ☉  Taiwan's all-time grossing film, <Cape No.7>, is not a stylish witty comedy (some world best media positioned this film as comedy), but attracts lots of Taiwanese (particularly southern Taiwanese) by some simple ideas( i.e., sort of slapstick) and Taiwanese grass-roots culture elements.  
         ☉  Taiwan's <You are the Apple of My Eye> of 2011 was very popular in TW, HK and Chn, but most of it's boyish humors are not witty & stylish, this film attracts audiences by
stoking collective memory of their youngsters age.
         In 2012, Taiwan's films only won 2 awards in Taiwan's Golden Horse film festival (China and HK won most awards), which is the worst in latest 20 years.   In 2014, Taiwan was bit better, won 3 out of 23 awards in total.

(3)  Taiwanese are rich, but spent little on arts, and taste not too good - many people prefer real things, like money.    International Monetary Fund (IMF) reported 2010 Taiwanese GDP (USD 35,604) ranked world no. 21.(news 9/23/2011)


  per person per year (200X)
movie NT470 (about US 15)
drama NT91 (US 3)
dancing show  NT65 (US 2) 


TV soap opera series : Taiwan's TV opera series focus on "charming leading-actors/actress" (not giving importance to the content) to attract audiences, so, Korean, Japanese, red Chinese TV series are better & more popular.  United Daily (12-28-2014): Taiwan's TV opera are not original.  UDN (critique C2, 6-21-2015): Taiwan's drama crisis/ lacking of budge, passion, actor/actress.

Variety show/program of assorted entertainment: this sort of shows were very popular and was the reason or excuse that Taiwanese people don't like going to theater and watching movies, but till 2013, those stuffs were not fresh enough and already behind China's, some paper even questioned Taiwan's variety show/program of assorted entertainment : "Are they incurable?" (4/7/'13 UND).  United Daily (12-26-2014):  Taiwan needs creativity.  Apple Daily (8-31-2015) : Taiwan's entertainment show from bad to worse, the gap between Taiwan and China becomes bigger, Taiwan's TV field in risk !   BBC, 1-13-2013: Taiwan's pop culture leaps Chinese hurdles -   Millions in China watch the Taiwanese variety talk show Kang Xi Lai Le - but not on television.  it's not just a reluctance to embrace a different kind of TV humour. Chinese regulations forbid all types of Taiwanese talk shows from being aired in their original state.   BBC, UK, 1-13-2013: Taiwan's pop culture leaps Chinese hurdles -   Millions in China watch the Taiwanese variety talk show Kang Xi Lai Le - but not on television.  it's not just a reluctance to embrace a different kind of TV humour. Chinese regulations forbid all types of Taiwanese talk shows from being aired in their original state.







About 10 years ago, ROC on Taiwan government together with <The United News> system organized a Taiwanese team to participate in Euro's largest humour contest, <Kokke Heist Humour & Cartoon Festival >,only 3 artists (including Zola Zu) were selected.

Recently Taiwanese cartoon artists have shown little talents on Taiwan International Cartoon Contest sponsored by Taiwanese government,

Almost all juries withdrawn from <Courage World Cartoon Contest> (ranking world No. 1 for some years) , due to "seems political" reasons .   

Both animation and cartooning need creativity, but at present Taiwan doesn't have that environment.   

Taiwan youngsters like "Kuso" stuffs, however, formula/routine mind is not good enough for cartoon creativity.  


Japanese winning art in Knokke Heist, Belgium                1st prize work in contest held by MinSen Daily



pic. left:  Knokke Heist winner, appeared earlier.      
pic. right: Taiwan's 1st prize cartoon was sent to Knokke Heist and lost.


ps: Taiwan has (only a few) world class cartoonists : i.e., T.Y. Ju (Ron Chu)






Product Design


(1 )  Taiwan's best-selling cultural creativity :

Recently, Taiwan's best-selling & widely known product , "Chinese Fortune(or Rich) God figure toy", is based on Taiwanese superstition (Apple Daily: 88%of college students believe ghost existing ), and eagerness for money,

Taiwan's figure-toy design just simplified Chinese Gods' complicated appearance to little cute mascot, in contrast, int'l designs for gods are more witty, i.e.,

☉ Europe, Belgium rug Co.     installed a special compass in each product, its needle points to Islam's holy land instead of pointing South/North    this created a lot of business.
☉ Japan      made a watch converting 114 world major cities' time to Islam holy land's time, with time-alarm function for Muslims' prayer.


( 2 )  best-selling cultural products for int'l tourists

A major design periodical comments:  <National Palace Museum>'s rich treasures is the key to success of Taiwan's Cultural & Creative Industry.

However, <NPM> seems to look down upon the talent of Taiwanese designers.

<NPM>   product

short comments


Alessi "the Chin Family"

(1) <NPM> cooperates with Japan, Italy, hence, NPM's products are not purely Taiwanese or Chinese flavor.
(2)  Mr. Chin got  slant eye (or "raising eyebrows"), it's western view-point, the Oriental usually don't draw that way.

Chinese creativity vs Taiwan creativity
Taiwan's tourists guidebook/ pamphlets (pic. above)   
calls 5000 yrs treasures

  "Chinese Creativity" .

How about "Chinese Creativity" in today's Taiwan ??

"Jadeite Cabbage" tray-pillow for
 chop-sticks to rest on

(1) most products directly use antique-art shape.
(2) At least 20 years ago, various assorted dedicated vegetables and fruits  glass chopsticks tray-pillow already were made-in-Japan (best-sellers too) .

Don Dynasty ladies picture slippers

 just directly applied antique pictures on products.

<NPM> should designs Chinese treasures, and makes witty, humorous artworks  to represent Taiwan's modern arts.   Western tourists suppose like to buy souvenir with Chinese culture & flavor created by ourselves.    "Mercenaries" cannot represent Taiwan to Olympics.



slippers, mugs, etc with Don Dynasty Ladies Picture

Zola Zu's design :

(1) expo. in Europe like Holland, Turkey, and was printed in best-collection albums.
(2) printed in <the China Times>.

 directly use antique pictures(or simplify a little bit)

I choose the theme : When the East encounters the West,  Fine arts meets Cartooning, to integrate 2 major cultures.  

NPM slippers, National Palace Museum

art cartoon, slippers

ps: "tech. oriented" product design like <idea> contest, <if> contest is not discussed in here






Medical     full text: medical


 Guardian (UK), 10-31-2020: Now, Taipei's people browse, busk and greet each other with handshakes and hugs. It feels normal.  However, Taiwan has already "exported" dozens COVID-19 infected cases to a number of foreign countries, not sure yet who should be responsible for this, according to United Daily, editorial, 10-31-2020

New York Post  4-25-2020 : Taiwan deals with CovID-19 with "a lot more authoritarian.", "almost everyone is tracked.".  Taiwanese govt. responded at 4-28-2020 that Taiwanese would like to cooperate with our policy.  But the truth is Taiwan's "Big Brother" already sneaked into numerous families in the name of  Epidemic Prevention, by an injunction violating Tort Law and domineering over Constitution (凌駕憲法的侵權禁令) , without having noticed all nationals, in accordance with United Daily, editorial at 5-7-2020.   The ironic thing is after lifting Coronavirus Lockdown, Japan doesn't trust Taiwan's Epidemic Prevention, and has not put "democratic" Taiwan on their welcome list, many other countries did same thing to Taiwan.  The China Times, editorial (6-6-2020, 6-25-2020) analyzed one main reason is Taiwan rejects mass testing, even small-scale testing, the number of test per million people is 3000+, ranked world No. 138, about same level as that of African countries, even African Luanda tested double number of Taiwan's.  A famous National Taiwan University M.D. expert endorsed for Taiwan's policy :  there's no any CovID-19 in Taiwan, 3 weeks later, a Japanese girl staying Taiwan for 4 months was detected positive in Japan's airport.   Therefore, those free flow of information can be suspicious  and may endanger the world people According to Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, USA, "somewhere between 25% and 50%" of people infected with the new coronavirus may never show symptoms or fall ill — but can still transmit the illness to others (4-15-2020, Business Insider). Bill Gates in the New England Journal of Medicine: The prevalence of asymptomatic transmission doesn't bode well for global containment efforts.  All studies (CNBC 5-7-2020, Singapore's Blackbox Research and Toluna, Forbes 6-5-2020, 4-16-2020: The Deep Knowledge Group) concluded China is better than Taiwan on CovID-19 safety countries rankings  The China Times 6-25-2020 editorial: Taiwan has no same capacity and experience as Beijing does to face something serious, it will be horrible in case CovID-19 epidemic break out.  https://www.chinatimes.com/opinion/20200624003961-262101?chdtv

●  According to WEF<Travel and tourism competitiveness report> (released at 9-4-2019), Taiwan's  Health & Hygiene score 6.0, is worse than that of Korea, Japan, Mongolia.   



Taiwan only ranks world 45th position in Lancet's Healthcare Access and Quality Index released in 2017

Taiwan ranks world 45th in Lancet's Healthcare Access and Quality Index released in 2017

FTV (4-16-2017) comments medical Doctors' social status is lower than before.  
The book "Exposing the truth of modern medical circle in Taiwan" ("誤診誤醫", published by the China Times, 2012; by Xu Da-Fu  ) criticizes : Taiwan's hospitals focus on profit/benefit and ignore patients' rights , The whole medical circle already went the wrong route...

Surgery / Taiwan's excellent surgeons perform many operations simultaneously - happened quite often in Taiwan...
Medicines /
 the quality of prescription medicines in Taiwan is from bad to worse...
Bribery /
the institution needed to be paid bribery most is judiciary system, second is Taiwan's medical and health services ...
◎ full text pls. ref. to Taiwan Medical services  or  http://Courageworld.ch/TaiwanHospitalsMD.htm





Women's rights     full text: women 

US Country Reports on Human Rights Practices released at 3-11-2020 : In the new legislature, a record 38 percent of lawmakers were women.  ABC Radio National, Australia, 2- 27-2020: 42 per cent of Taiwan's legislators (law makers) are women;  it's the only Asian nation to have legislated same-sex marriage.

  US Country Reports on Human Rights Practices released at 3-13-2019 pointed out that Victims of rape and domestic violence did not report the crime for fear of social stigmatization, and various nongovernmental organization (NGO) and academic studies estimated the total number of sexual assaults was seven to 10 times higher than the number reported to police.   Some abused women chose not to report incidents to police due to social pressure not to disgrace their families.    <The United Daily >,  3-16-2018: Taiwan's gender equality - A long long way to go !  Taiwan passed (United Nations already passed 30+ years ago at 1979) the Convention on the Elimination of All forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) , valid from Jan. 1, 2012, but, Taiwan's women rights status is still similar according to the US report released in 2013 ~ 2018, In 2015, the number of reporting for rape or sexual assault  is only 850 less than that in previous year.     The Gov. study showed (3-2-2019) the number of  Domestic Violence in 2018 is 138637, which increases about 1% compared to previous year. 

 The US Country Reports on Human Rights Practices , released at 4-20-2018

        Rape and Domestic Violence: The law criminalizes rape, including spousal rape, and domestic violence. Many victims did not report the crime for fear of social stigmatization, and various NGO and academic studies estimated the total number of sexual assaults was seven to 10 times the number reported to police.
women work: Women were promoted less frequently, occupied fewer management positions, and worked for lower pay than men, earning on average 83 percent of their male counterparts’ income in 2015... a survey in 2016 showed 3.5 percent of women have been sexually harassed at work, yet 80 percent of these cases went unreported.

  <The United Daily 聯合報>,  3-16-2018 (prime news edition)

         Taiwan president Tsai I. W. : Taiwan still have a not short way to reach gender equality (台灣離性別平等  還有一段路要走)
         <The United Daily 聯合報>,  3-16-2018 (林志潔, professor and member of national judicial reform committee)
          The judge made mistakes again and again,
 Taiwan's gender equality
- A long long way to go !

The China Times <中國時報> 3-8-2018: according to investigation/survey, 80% female physicians met sexual harassment, ... a female physician of Cathy Hospital had different views and said the percentage of harassment to nurse probably higher because they are young and in lower status  (8成女醫曾遭性騷擾, 女醫反應兩極 ... brief)

 <Apple Daily>, 4-3-2018: According to a survey by Taiwanese government, 180 thousands of career women suffered sexual harassment, only 40-50 thousands reported to their company, others chose to keep silence... <蘋果日報> 4-7-2018: The number of sexual harassment on campus reported is up to 1400 per year.

  The US Country Reports on Human Rights Practices , released at 3-3-2017 (new report of 4-20-2018 is about same) :   Violence & discrimination against women is one of Taiwanese principal human rights problems for years.   In 2015, the number of reporting for rape or sexual assault  is only 850 less than that in previous year.      (12. 25. '14) reported that those Taiwanese male aged above 20 (2.33 million men per yr. ) The annual value of production of Taiwan's sex industry's is at least USD 200 million. Prostitution is violence against women / ref to <Prostitution : violence with no name>, "Prostitution et Societe", 2010, "Int'l Day for the Elimination of Violence against women", 11-25-2016 France.   Taiwan government is the main criminal to harm women's rights in large scale.

●   The US Country Reports on Human Rights Practices , released at 3-3-2017:   spousal rape, and domestic violence. Many victims did not report the crime for fear of social stigmatization, and various nongovernmental organization (NGO) and academic studies estimated that the total number of sexual assaults was seven to 10 times the number reported to police.  Women were promoted less frequently, occupied fewer management positions,...










●  According to Wikipedia (May 2020), Taiwan in Olympics (summer) has won 5 gold 7 silver, 12 bronze, was ranked world no. 66.


  In 2016 Rio Olympics medal tally statistics, Taiwan (Chinese Taipei) only got 1 gold, 2 bronze, ranks world No. 50, compare to previous years, 5 medals in 2000, 2004, 4 medals in 2008, 2 medals in 2012;Other Asian nations -  China ranks No.3, Japan No.6,  Korea No. 8,  Australia No 10,  N.Z. No.19,  Iran  25, North Korea No. 34, Thailand No. 35, Indonesia No. 46, Vietnam No.48, Taiwan No. 50.

●   Taiwanese baseball team lost all games in 1st round and was eliminated in World Baseball Classic 2017, the leader of Athletics government stepped down.    Expert comments the system weakness is obvious but we just can't improve it, patriotism is no longer working on this issue ...

●  Taiwan just held 2 world scaled athletic events that have ever seen in Taiwan's history :

World Games Kaohsiung Taiwan & Deaflympics Taipei : comments/critiques  click to see how they showed Taiwan's culture and creativity.










The number of new book publication keeps dropping to hit lowest in 18 years.   Some say "Taiwan's literature us dead !".









 Religious freedom is constitutionally guaranteed in Taiwan and the country is host to a diverse range of religions – 26 in total are officially recognized, but people are free to follow other religions if they choose. Government statistics show that Buddhism is the most popular religion, practiced by around 35.1% of Taiwanese, followed closely by Taoism (33.0%). Christianity and Yiguandao are the third and fourth most popular religions, followed by 3.9% and 3.5% respectively. Approximately 18.7% of Taiwanese are non-religious. (worldpopulationreview.com/countries/taiwan-population)







languages & dialects

Mandarin, Taiwanese Hokkien, and Hakka,  became the major languages of today's Taiwan.







Karaoke, termed KTV (karaoke television),  together with Pachinko, both are contemporary Japanese culture incredibly popular in Taiwan . 

Massage is another very popular recreation to ease Taiwanese stress.  Many Taiwanese like hot springs.




ps   Culture of Taiwan ―  Wikipedia

The Culture of Taiwan is a hybrid blend of Confucianist Han Chinese, Japanese, European, American, global, local and Taiwanese aborigines cultures, which are often perceived in both traditional and modern understandings. The common socio-political experience in Taiwan gradually developed into a sense of Taiwanese cultural identity and a feeling of Taiwanese cultural awareness, which has been widely debated domestically. Reflecting the continuing controversy surrounding the political status of Taiwan, politics continues to play a role in the conception and development of a Taiwanese cultural identity, especially in the prior dominant frame of a Taiwanese and Chinese dualism.

 Cultural heritage


      China's cultural heritage in UNESCO world heritage list:

  • Imperial Palaces of the Ming and Qing Dynasties in Beijing and Shenyang
  • Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor
  • Mogao Caves
  • Mount Taishan
  • Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian
  • The Great Wall
  • Mount Huangshan
  • Huanglong Scenic and Historic Interest Area
  • Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area
  • Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Interest Area
  • Ancient Building Complex in the Wudang Mountains
  • Historic Ensemble of the Potala Palace, Lhasa
  • Mountain Resort and its Outlying Temples, Chengde
  • Temple and Cemetery of Confucius and the Kong Family Mansion in Qufu
  • Lushan National Park
  • Mount Emei Scenic Area, including Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Area
  • Ancient City of Ping Yao
  • Classical Gardens of Suzhou
  • Old Town of Lijiang
  • Summer Palace, an Imperial Garden in Beijing
  • Temple of Heaven: an Imperial Sacrificial Altar in Beijing
  • Dazu Rock Carvings
  • Mount Wuyi
  • Ancient Villages in Southern Anhui – Xidi and Hongcun
  • Imperial Tombs of the Ming and Qing Dynasties
  • Longmen Grottoes
  • Mount Qingcheng and the Dujiangyan Irrigation System
  • Yungang Grottoes
  • Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan Protected Areas
  • Capital Cities and Tombs of the Ancient Koguryo Kingdom
  • Historic Centre of Macao
  • Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries - Wolong, Mt Siguniang and Jiajin Mountains
  • Yin Xu
  • Kaiping Diaolou and Villages
  • South China Karst
  • Fujian Tulou
  • Mount Sanqingshan National Park
  • Mount Wutai
  • China Danxia
  • Historic Monuments of Dengfeng in “The Centre of Heaven and Earth”

          News at Nov 16, 2010 - According to the Paris-based UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO),  a total of 13 traditional celebrations, healing techniques, crafts and culinary arts (i.e., The Chinese Peking Opera and acupuncture, Armenian cross-stone art, Colombian Marimba music and French gastronomic meal,  the traditional art of Azerbaijani carpet weaving, the Kirkpinar oil wrestling festival in Turkey, and Castells human towers built during festivals in Catalonia.) were newly inscribed into the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity List.



ps:  Taiwan's food scandals again and again ...  For full text pls. read Taiwan food !!

◎ 2015 Taiwan food scandals / Illegal import of banned (suspiciously polluted) food products to Taiwan from five prefectures in Japan (included in 2011 Fukushima nuclear power plant incident) prohibited by Taiwanese authorities.
 ● Taipei Times, 3-26-2015: Taiwan review Fukushima food ban under Japan's pressure
 ● Apple Daily 3-26-2015: already imported 4 yrs, Medical experiments were made on Taiwanese human beings as if they were guinea pigs. (輸台4年 "拿人民當實驗")
 ● Liberty Times 3-25-2015: Taiwan's member of the Legislative Yuan/ parliament: It's a premeditated murder, a willful murder!!

◎ 2014 Taiwan food scandals
The New York times (9.8.2014): The authorities in Taiwan are scrambling to control a tainted-cooking-oil scandal that has affected hundreds of manufacturers and raised fears about health risks posed in many commonly consumed food items... the new scandal shows that there is still not enough being done to eliminate lawbreaking production lines,” The Taipei Times said ...
          ● TIME (9.8.2014): Gutter Oil' Scandal Raises Food-Safety Fears Once Again in Greater China.  A Taiwanese food-safety scare has spread to Hong Kong...
          ● Bloomberg BusinessWeek  (9.8.2014): Tainted Lard: China's Latest Food-Safety Scare Comes From Taiwan       The case is the second major food-safety scandal by a Taiwan-based company in the past year,...The new gutter-oil scandal has “shocked local consumers” in Taiwan who expect more from their government, ...“I hope the law could be revised to impose tougher punishment on those who breach food safety regulations,”...   
The China Times (9.5.2014, head-page headline news): Disgusting ... Even pigs don't eat those tainted oil we Taiwanese ate !     

2013 Taiwan's food safety crisis or "poisonous food" panic
Taiwan's food were found some very bad materials, e.g., Cloudy Agents Contaminated by Plasticizer,
'Poisonous (toxic) starch',  maleic acid (an industrial material).
Cover story of some popular Taiwanese magazines (in 2013) :
(1) <Business Weekly> no. 1334 ― "Eating in Taiwan, needs latest common sense" ! ("吃飯  需要新常識" !)
(2) <Business Today> no. 856   ― "Fatal & horrible materials in Taiwan's food, the secret that restaurants' boss won't speak out" !("要命的恐怖食材, 餐廳老闆不敢說的秘密" ! "黑心醬油毒害全台  夜市、小吃、餐館幾近淪陷"!)
(3) <Common Health Magazine> no.36  ― "How to survive in
'Poisonous (toxic) starch' storm in Taiwan" ! ("毒澱粉風暴下的生存術" )
<Business Weekly> no. 1331 "Focus News" ―  "Watch Out ! You are eating 'Poisonous (toxic) starch' all 24 hours", "Black-Heart food products on all the streets in Taiwan". ( "小心  你 24小時都在吃毒澱粉", "...滿街黑心食品".)
Ref. 2
<Apple Daily News> editorial (6.1.2013) : "We grew up by eating
poisonous food" (辣蘋果: "我們吃毒長大!" ): Taiwan food safety storm ―  poisonous food with industrial materials,  expired preservatives... Taiwan food problem now is a national security issue... government needs more active ...