Taiwan cyber bullying |
Taiwan |
Taiwan internet army |
underhanded hit-man |
Find out the truth ◆ News ◆ UN's WHO chief claims attacks from Taiwan ◆ Corona Virus: WHO chief hits back
★ Global Times (2025-3-17): Mainland (China) discloses four members of cyber force (ICEFCOM) by posting the pictures, dates of birth and Taiwan local ID numbers as a "stern warning" against Taiwan secessionist forces. The common tactics of ICEFCOM's cyberattack forces include infiltrating key information infrastructure in the mainland, such as water, electricity, gas, heating, communication and networked cameras. Also, they have targeted key units of the Party, government, military and enterprises in the mainland by sending phishing and propaganda emails. Meanwhile, after they gained control of network livestreaming platforms, networked electronic displays, IP network intercom systems and portal websites by stealing login credentials, they inserted audios, videos or images. Besides, "Poison Vine group" (APT-Q-20), a Taiwan-based group, as actively targeting government, military and defense authorities, and scientific research institutions in the Chinese mainland. This group employs spear-phishing emails and watering hole attacks, among other methods, to carry out APT attacks. the APT-Q-20 also has engaged in large-scale imitation of the most used social media, email systems, as well as government agency websites, military websites, and university websites on the Chinese mainland, so as to amass personal data for subsequent intelligence theft. globaltimes.cn/page/202503/1330285.shtml
★ United Daily (Taiwan, 2025-3-17): Experts say Taiwan's government needs to do some arrangements such as giving them new identity to protect them and their families, because there were a large number of similar precedent cases have all been hunted down (chased) and retaliated by China.
Space News (2024-9-16): In the war game,
Taiwan experienced disruptions to its satellite communications via
jamming and cyberattacks. Taiwan also learned that several of
its key undersea communications cables were cut. China also locally launched
strikes against Taiwan's microwave stations, electrical supply system and cell
towers, as well as additional jamming of OneWeb signals, lead to widespread
communication outages and public panic. At this point, the Eutelsat OneWeb
team refused to offer additional communications support to Taiwan beyond
existing contracts. The Taiwan team urgently asked Washington for
additional immediate military and communications support. Washington
could not meet this request...The game spotlighted how vulnerable
Taiwan's current communication systems are to military assaults.
China could conceivably absorb Taiwan in a relatively bloodless war.
spacenews.com/war-game-chinese-attacks-communications-paralyze-taiwan/ ★ Politico (2024-9-11): China's strategy to annex Taiwan is more about Cyber Power than Firepower. ★ Voice of America (2024-9-23): China's national security ministry said a Taiwan military-backed hacking group called Anonymous 64 has sought to upload and broadcast "content that denigrates the mainland's political system and major policies," on websites, outdoor screens and network TV stations, but many of the websites Anonymous 64 claimed to have accessed were fake or had little no traffic. ★ Radio Free Asia (2024-9-23): The Chinese state security ministry said it had filed a case against three active members of the Taiwanese military's cyberwarfare command, known as the Information, Communications, and Electronic Force, or ICEFCOM, who are directly involved with Anonymous 64. ★ Al Jazeera (2022-4-4): Taiwan's cyber warfare unit, while small, staffed by 2,400 specialists, it is dwarfed by the PLA’s hackers which could be as many as 100,000. The Taiwanese would stand little chance as PLA hackers unleashed a wide spectrum of attacks crippling everything from electricity grids, internet providers and telecommunications, effectively blinding the Taiwanese population. Electronic banking would be shut down, airports and military airfields paralysed. This is one of the key strategic weapons of the Chinese military and would be used in the opening phase of an attack. Their troops are highly trained and extremely effective in offensive cyber warfare techniques.aljazeera.com/features/2022/4/4/how-difficult-would-it-be-for-china-to-invade-taiwan ★ Global Times (2024-12-10): Lai Ching-te administration publicly claims to desire peaceful development across the Taiwan Straits, yet behind the scenes, it directs and manipulates the island's military and intelligence agencies to carry out cyberattacks against the mainland, Hong Kong and Macao. The hacker group has written over 82 posts on platforms like X in English or Chinese about their attacks. The "Information, Communications and Electronic Force Command (ICEFC)" of the "defense department" has a size of approximately 6,000 personnel... Three key methods : spreading rumors or sensational topics to incite social conflict; hacking into institutions to steal confidential information; and recruiting or training individuals for espionage activities. They are Military-backed organization with Deep US connection. ★ Global Times (2024-9-23): Investigations into three perpetrators related to Taiwan's ‘internet army’ launched - The organization behind "Anonymous 64" is a cyber-environment analysis center under the "Information, Communications and Electronic Force Command (ICEFC)." This center is specifically responsible for conducting cyber cognitive warfare and public opinion warfare against the mainland. The ICEFC was established in June 2017 as the "fourth military branch" of the Taiwan authorities and was restructured in 2022 as a direct agency of the "defense department" of the island. It primarily handles electronic warfare, information warfare, cyber warfare, and military line maintenance, serving as the main force for the island of Taiwan's cyber operations against the mainland.
pic. : No.1 "Taiwan internet army" on Yandex of Russia, 2024-9-15, 2023-9-3; No.2 at 2025-3-20, 2024-12-12, 2024-5-15
pic. : No.1 "Taiwan cyber force" (Chinese version) on Yandex , 2025-3-20, 2024-12-12, 2024-9-15
United Daily
( |
United Daily
( |
★ China Times, 2024-5-18: The incoming deputy secretary-general to the president Ho, Mark Chih Wei admitted he was one member of Taiwan's "Internet Army", which was criticized as making fake news to mislead the public, untrue propaganda to attack the opposition, and creating media framing effect. chinatimes.com/opinion/20240518003392-262114?chdtv |
No.1 "Taiwan internet army"
on Microsoft Bing, 2024-5-15, 2023-9-3, 2023-7-8, 2022-9-17, 2022-7-10, 2022-2-7, 2021-12-6,
2021-8-9, 2021-6-17, 2021-6-8, 2021-3-29,12-1-2020, 11-13-2020, 9-5-2020;
"Taiwan internet army" on
Microsoft Bing,
at 2024-12-12, 2022-5-31
pic.: The site was ranked No.1
"Taiwan internet army" on Ecosia of Germany at
2023-7-8, 2022-7-10, 2021-8-9, 2021-6-8, 2021-3-30, 7-6-2020, 5-17-2020;
top at 2024-12-12, 2022-9-17
pic.: The site was ranked No.1 "Taiwan internet army" on Yahoo search engine (USA), 2022-2-6, 2021-12-6, 2021-8-9, 2021-6-17, 2021-6-8, 2021-3-29, 12-1-2020, 11-13-2020, 8-15-2020, 7-6-2020, 5-31-2020; No.2 at 2022-7-10; among top ranks at 2023-7-8, 2022-9-17
pic.: No.1 "Taiwan
cyber bullying" on Yahoo, 2022-7-10, 2021-6-8, 2021-3-29, 12-1-2020, 11-13-2020, |
pic.: No.1 "Taiwan cyber bullying" on Bing, 2022-7-10, 2021-6-8, 2021-3-29, 12-1-2020, 11-13-2020, 7-6-2020, 4-25-2020, 5-31-2020; pic.: No.1 "Taiwan cyber bullying" on Dogpile, 2021-6-8, 2021-3-29, 7-6-2020, 4-27-2020 ;pic.: The site was ranked No.1 "Taiwan cyber bullying" on Excite, 2021-6-8, 2021-3-29, 7-6-2020, 4-25-2020
pic.: The site was ranked No.1 "Taiwan internet army" on AOL,2021-3-29,11-13-2020, 7-6-2020, 6-4-2020;No.2 at 2022-7-10 ;The site was ranked No.1 "Taiwan cyber bullying" on ECOSIA of Berlin Germany ,2021-6-8, 2021-3-29, 7-6-2020, 4-27-2020
pic. : No.1 "Taiwan internet army"( Chinese version"台灣網軍") on Yahoo search engine, 2022-2-7, 2021-3-30; No.2 at 2022-7-10
WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
claims in a press conference that personal attacks from Taiwan have been going
on for more than two or three months...
★ Global
Times 2021-3-29
: At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the infamous "online army"
masterminded an attack against the World Health Organization (WHO),
the DPP's "online army" which
manipulated and meddled in an online public opinion field of more than
20 million people on the island. GT
found out that the departments affiliated
to the DPP administration and relevant foundations are the
financial supporters and "base camp" for these online "army" forces.
"The DPP can collude
with social media such as PTT, Facebook, print media, electronic media,
and TV programs". globaltimes.cn/page/202103/1219763.shtml
★ CNBC 4-10-20: “The DPP (Taiwan's ruling party - Democratic Progressive Party) authorities ... venomously attacking the WHO and its responsible people, conniving with the green internet army to wantonly spread racist comments,” it said. “We (China’s Taiwan Affairs Office) strongly condemn this.” (ps: most media in Taiwan such as CNA, SETN, TVBS, CTN, UDN reported at 4-14-2020 that Taiwanese prime minister Su asked those internet people to stop "making negative speech" against Singapore's 1st lady because she already changed her words "Errrr" responding to Taiwan's face-mask diplomacy, but a number of days ago I only heard someone said attacking WHO is actions on their own or spontaneous, therefore so called "conniving" may be a fact. Consider some factors like why that politician first crossing mind is Taiwanese netizens, and which country got strongest motive, etc . )
★ CNBC 4-8-20: WHO chief addresses death threats, racist insults... FOXnews 4-9-2020, Washington Post 4-9-2020, ABC 4-9-2020 (brief) : WHO chief claims he was racially targeted by Taiwan, They (Taiwan’s foreign ministry ) didn’t disassociate themselves. They even started criticizing me in the middle of all that insult and slur ... said Tedros, “I say it today because it’s enough.”
★ businessinsider.com 4-8-2020:
"I can tell you personal attacks that have been going on for more than two or three months — abuses or racist comments, giving me names, black or Negro, [and] — for the first time I would make this public — even death threats," Tedros said.
★ Guardian (UK), 11-13-2020: WHO says some countries’ names had been blocked on their Facebook page because of an ‘onslaught’ of cyber attacks, after the block was lifted the WHO’s page was flooded with pro-Taiwan and anti-China messages. ◆ Reuters, 11-12-2020: WHO says faces 'onslaught' of cyberattacks as Taiwan complains of being censored by the WHO and blocked ... ◆ who did cyber-attacks against WHO ? China Times, 11-13-2020 reports: lots of Taiwanese left messages because Taiwan was not invited by WHO ...
★ The China Times, 4-9-2020 editorial
中時社論》台灣的網路霸凌揚威國際 ( Cyber Bullying from
Taiwan came out top in international )
The phenomenon of cyber bullying in
Taiwan is very serious, a huge number of internet army, cyber worriers (netizens) run wild
against law and reason, some are founded by politicians etc, some others
just followed suit, or were misled by certain groups, took turns to attack
They have two powerful weapons - (1) violent language (2) fake news.
楊蕙如, a leader of internet army related to the ruling party (DPP) used these two
weapons to successfully force an excellent Taiwanese diplomat in Japan to kill
himself not long ago.
After Presidential election, the internet army/cyber force even attacked
international people, therefore became vanguard for Taiwanese government, the
latest case is personal attacking WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who counterattacked Taiwan in a
press conference at 4-8-2020. NHK of Japan reported recently about Taiwan's
cyber violence, the "braveness" behavior of Taiwanese netizens are
now formidable renown worldwide .
WHO's performance on the CoronaVirus event has discussion space, but Taiwan's officials, internet army, and pan-Green media worked together to do personal attacks and cyber bullying, showing their true color and ugly face to the entire world. (台灣官方、網軍、親綠媒體聯手攻擊,完全超越理性討論問題的範疇,淪為人身攻擊與網絡霸凌,真的是「讓世界看到台灣」)
Taiwan's "political roaches" are really too many and are fierce and antagonistic vengeful. Both pan-Blue and pan-Green founded cyber force of their own.
The sadness thing is internet army
members don't feel
shamed about whatever they did, instead, regarded it as an honour, and was
happy to repeatedly make fake news and cyber bullying. The authority used all means
to support or cover up 楊蕙如, without conducting investigations after the whole thing
were explored. There are lots more 'hit-man' out there in Taiwan.
Translation above is briefing, Full text in Chinese version pls. click :
★ Apple Daily (Taiwan) 12-4-2019 editorial : All political parties and many politicians found their internet army/cyber-forces to secretly attack targets... , the dark force are mean, base, cruel, dark terror-assassinators to destroy target's image and reputation, they executed missions without moral bottom line and good military discipline (brief 台灣各政黨與政客豢養網軍 , 網軍往往是恐怖殺手 毀人形象與名譽的殺傷力怵目驚心... 攻防手段與時俱進,但也更暗黑卑劣.. 狠毒.. 沒有道德底線 人性最卑劣的一面,在網軍世界裡盡現 .... for full text pls. read the newspaper).
★ United daily 聯合報 (Taiwan) 1-8-2020 editorial: The ruling party gradually normalizes (make it a routine work) 『cyber assassination (網路暗殺)』, even Taiwanese army, police, national security systems (國安軍警體系) have to participate in "cyber warriors" to infiltrate in internet communities to monitor public opinions (brief).
★ United Daily 聯合報 1-6-2020 : internet army/Cyber force ('楊蕙如們') still have been doing media-framing by fake messages, getting along with the authorities to do all kinds of cyber-bullying, verbal-bullying ... trying to make a white by lots of blacks, to damage judicial systems, democracy, and to degrade nice social morality ... (brief / 聯合筆記陳言喬)
United daily
11-18-2020 editorial:
ministry becomes bullet ( propaganda
graphics and
articles) supply center for internet army to attack political
opponents (行政院竟成網軍攻擊政敵的中央廚房)
violating the principle of administrative neutrality and principle
separation of the party from the government.
It is a low & mean operation of democratic politics.
。 (brief) udn.com/news/story/7340/5031942?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2政政大傳播學院兼任教授蘇蘅
Taiwan denied what WHO chief
claimed |
Taiwan foreign ministry spokeswoman Joanne Ou said the
comments were "irresponsible" and the accusations
"imaginary". WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said he had been subjected to racist comments and death threats for months. "Giving me names, black or negro,... the abuse had originated from Taiwan, and the foreign ministry didn't disassociate" itself from it". |
The answer seems simple to me,
can sue or not sue those mainstream media for fake news, etc, either way the truth
might come out ! just like "Trump campaign sues Wisconsin TV station over critical ad" (New York Times, 4-13-2020 news ), and some French politician planed to sue Chinese govt. to make clear CoronaVirus issue ... But, till July 4, 2020, a long time passed, Taiwan govt. has not brought any lawsuit against any media, therefore, it's within reason to conclude Taiwan engaged in attacking WHO chief . |
◆ Who insulted WHO chief ? More important thing is Taiwanese govt. should take responsibility for cyber force's (internet army, or netizens) being cruel, mean and dark for a long time ― they even threatened or scared some nurses working very hard to save confirmed Corona-virus patients (壹電視 Next TV news).
news quoted Taiwan president Tsai I. W.'s words "For years, we have been
excluded from international organisations, and we know better than
anyone else what it feels like to be discriminated against and isolated"
. However, Taiwan's local discrimination or isolation has
existed for a long time, according to Western study & report and the
site. More articles recently about Taiwan's discrimination : Voice of America 7-6-2020: Why Hong Kongers Who Fear China Won’t Flood Into Nearby, Democratic Taiwan) then this society — friendly but not that friendly. If the overseas workers want to compete [for] a job, these people will be heavily discriminated 。LA Times 4-10-2020: (Taiwanese fear discrimination at home) Taiwan’s government itself treats returnees from Hubei more rigorously than it does people flying back from heavily infected Western countries...... like hundreds of other returnees to Taiwan from mainland China, she fears she’ll be the victim of a damaging social stigma that also has the island’s government concerned. United Daily 5-7-2020, editorial : "疫情指揮中心則以防疫為藉口,不斷配合執政者採雙重標準歧視特定對象"
Everyone can understand Taiwan
wants to join WHO, but Taiwanese should try to work it out by reputable way,
not low class way. It worsens if Taiwan government lied
about it.
Taiwan warned WHO in the first place?
( WHO should be responsible for so many death ?? )
pic.: CTV news, 5-21-2020 :
According to Washington Post, Taiwan learned
TAIPEI (Reuters)
4-11-2020 : Taiwan, WHO spar again over coronavirus information sharing
★ Apple Daily (蘋果日報, Taiwan), 5-29-2020, headline : Taiwan was used by Trump to attack WHO ( 川普用台灣打擊WHO,台灣明明沒有隻字警告世衛新冠肺炎會人傳人,卻硬要替川普強辯說有,台灣為美國做了半天馬前卒 ...) / 趙少康 https://tw.appledaily.com/headline/20200529/RNVNKIN42DTKV35F2DR4KTAZUY/
Taiwan's official News Release at 1-6-2020 expressed if CoronaVirus can be spread by person-to-person will be a "Observation focus" in the future. Besides, Taiwanese experts returned fom WuHan China said at 1-16-2020 that it is still unclear if CovID-19 can be transmitted via Human-to-human ... full text pls read https://udn.com/news/story/7338/4489752
( brief: 台灣是否曾在去年底通報新冠肺炎「人傳人」。陳時中秀出當初的電子郵件,內文其實未提到人傳人;但他稱確曾「強烈暗示」。
★ United Daily of Taiwan, 4-15-2020 editorial
A query or a warning from
Taiwanese government's email ?? UDN's editorial comments
it's a query, instead of a warning ! (那封信是根據大陸媒體報導的武漢疫情,向世衛詢問進一步資訊,所述疫情正是武漢衛健委通報世衛的訊息。台灣拿同一通報內容徵詢世衛組織,卻聲稱是「預警」,陳時中的說法恐站不住腳)
★ White House (whitehouse.gov) said at 4-15-2020 that Taiwan contacted the WHO on Dec. 31 after seeing reports of "Human-to-human transmission" of CoronaVirus, but the WHO kept it from the public.
Other related news
★ Telegraph.co.uk 4-9-2020 :
Social media accounts of Mr Tedros have consistently been flooded with angry comments, some derogatory, and many accusing him ......“Taiwan, the foreign ministry also, they know the campaign. They didn’t disassociate themselves,” Mr Tedros said. “They even started criticising me in the middle of all that insult and slur, but I didn’t care.”
York Post 4-10-2020:
WHO head cries racism ...
internet army in CovID-19
● China Times, editorial, 2021-6-26: Taipei mayor Ko (柯文哲) and New Taipei city mayor performing better than central government in epidemic prevention, as well as top scholars like Chen (陳培哲) revealing officials' mistakes, all were under "terror attacks" by internet army. (https://www.chinatimes.com/opinion/20210625005286-262101?chdtv ) ● United Daily, editorial, 2021-6-18: Many members of online army have been trained to be killing machines, they will eliminate all those not on the same side "with no mercy." (許多網軍已經被訓練成殺人機器,看到非我族類一律出草「殺無赦」。udn.com/news/story/7338/5540265?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2) ● China Times, editorial, 2021-6-17: In the past one year, local media and experts, scholars repeatedly reminded gov. by those advices given by int'l media, but CDC ignored them and internet army "violently attacks" to make everyone be silent. (專家學者早已再三提醒(國際媒體批評台灣防疫之缺失),...綠營1450網軍粗暴「出征」,令眾人噤聲 chinatimes.com/opinion/20210616005523-262101?chdtv) ● China Times,
editorial, 2021-6-16: The government seems to firmly believe that
through the brainwashing war by pro-green media and the Internet
army , together with incitement of enmity, DPP remains the only
choice for the people no matter how poor the administration is . So they
either covered up their mistakes or discredited the critics
) ● United Daily, editorial, 2021-6-23: As soon as epidemic prevention collapses, the internet army made a big move, to bully TV celebrity 張小燕、賈永婕、黃光芹 who donates lots of medical equipments, and attacked top scholar 陳培哲who worries about local made vaccines, Taipei city mayor's wife 陳佩琪 MD who questions gov. opposing full-scale corona-virus test ... / by NCCU law professor 蘇蘅