Taiwan tourism & travel  台湾の観光&旅行  
  The sites world No.1 :  2020~25,  2017~19,  2016 2015,  2014,  2013 2010~12      Top since 1998  ★


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            Taiwan's tourism & travel

 WEF ranks Taiwan 10th in Asia , STATISTA ranks Taiwan 13th

 2024  Michelin stars comparisons among main Asian countries

 Michelin cities

3 Star

2 Star

1  Star

total number

Tokyo (Japan) 12 33 138 183
 Hong Kong 7 12 60 79
Kyoto (Japan) 5 17 78 100
Osaka (Japan) 3 10 72 85
 Singapore 3 6 42 51
Shanghai (mainland China) 2 8 41 51
 Macau 2 6 8 16
Taipei (Taiwan) 2 5 30 37
Seoul (S. Korea) 1 9 23 33

  Yahoo News (2024-4-30): Taiwan's a number of restaurants including Michelin 3-star Le Palais Cantonese restaurant (君品頤宮) in Palais de Chine Hotel and Michelin one-star MiPon (米香), A-Cut, Tien Hsiang Lo (天香樓) repeatedly failed to pass public health inspections in recent 4 years.  Taipei city councilor questions that if Michelin restaurants got food safety issues, what can our people eat ?  tw.news.yahoo.com/米其林餐廳也不合格-議員揭-食安地雷-君品頤宮-天香樓都入列-095930855.html



Taiwan's earthquakes

CNBC, 2024-6-4 ‘Everyone is too scared to come’: Taiwan's earthquake deals a blow to top tourism hotspot - The brunt of the earthquake's damage occured in Hualien County, which attracts millions of visitors per year to the towering peaks and waterfalls of its main draw, Taroko Gorge;   cnbc.com/2024/06/04/taiwans-april-earthquake-deals-another-blow-to-its-tourism-industry.html  Jan Camenzind Broomby
The Straits Times (Singapore), 2024-5-6  Travelling to Taiwan? Aftershocks can last up to a year, so earthquake preparedness is key; If you are indoors during an earthquake, drop down onto your hands and knees and seek cover.



pic. : No.1 "comment Taiwan tour" on US Google, 2024-12-8;  This websites-group was ranked No.1 "comment Taiwan tour" and "comment Taiwan tourism" on US Google, 2024-10-3, 2024-8-31, 2024-8-8, 2024-5-1, 2024-2-24, 2024-1-1, 2023-11-11, 2023-10-31


CNN (2024-11-14): Taiwan
boasts 10 national parks and 19 national forest recreation areas covering a wide range of terrain;  More than 260 peaks over 3,000 meters (9,800 feet), hiking trails blazed by Indigenous people thousands of years ago, for outdoor adventure and wellness fans. msn.com/en-us/travel/tripideas/taiwan-is-fast-becoming-a-top-destination-for-outdoor-adventure-and-wellness-fans-it-s-easy-to-see-why/ar-AA1u7c09?ocid=BingNewsVerp

Daily Telegraph (2024-9-14):Taiwan has historically been a rare stop on the tourist trail– its appeal long limited by an association with geopolitical tension.  Where to go? 

The National Palace Museum holds hundreds of thousands of Chinese artifacts and artworks
, and the imposing Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, where a museum explores the complex legacy of the leader who imposed martial law for decades..At night, check out Zhongshan district's Japanese-style bars ... take the 30-minute train to Beitou in Yangmingshan National Park, where you can relax in sulphuric springs for just £15. For a more upmarket experience, head to Wulai; Kenting, on the southern tip of the island, is a go-to spot for snorkelling with green turtles, take the train from Taipei to Taroko Gorge National Park, where a bus will take you along the Qingshui Cliffs and up to dramatic views and beautiful hiking routes
full text:  telegraph.co.uk/travel/destinations/asia/taiwan/taiwan-deserves-place-on-your-wish-list/




pic.:No.1 "comment Taiwan tourism", "comment Taiwan tour" on US Google, 2024-10-3, 2024-8-31, 2024-8-8, 2024-5-1, 2024-2-24, 2024-1-1, 2023-11-11, 2023-9-15; No.2 "comment Taiwan tourism" on US Google, 2024-12-8



The China Times, 2024-8-24, editorial:  Taiwan's tourism & travel is still struggle to recover.  There is an unprecedented deficit of inbound to outbound tourists.  In the first year (2023) after lifting the lockdown, the number of outbound tourists (persons in time) is 1.8 times of the inbound tourists (persons in time).  In 2024 (till May), only 6.48 millions persons in time arrived Taiwan, by contrast, 11.79 millions persons in time traveled overseas.chinatimes.com/opinion/20240824003150-262101?chdtv

TIME, 2023-11-20:  Growth in Taiwan for 2023 is projected to be 1.61%—its slowest pace in eight years. Beijing only has to lift a ban on Chinese tourists to boost Taiwan's GDP by over 1%, according to Capital Economics.  time.com/6336441/taiwan-presidental-election-william-lai-profile/


World Economic Forum
Travel & Tourism Development Index 2024  (May 2024)

World Rank Rank in Asia score World rank change since 2019
3.  Japan 1 5.09 0
5. Australia 2 5.00 2
8. China 3 4.94 1
13. Singapore 4 4.76 -2
14. Korea Rep. 5 4.74 0
18. UAE 6 4.62 7
22. Indonesia 7 4.46 14
25 New Zealand 8 4.41 -5
35. Malaysia 9 4.28 -7
39. India 10 4.25 -10
41. Saudi Arabia,   47. Thailand,   48. Israel,   53. Qatar,   59. Vietnam

Taiwan is not included in the report, but according to STATISTA: Leading countries in the Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI), Taiwan ranks No.13 among Asian countries; According to World Economic Forum (WEF)  <Travel and tourism competitiveness report> released at 9-4-2019, Taiwan ranks No. 10 in Asian countries.

The Star, 2024-7-22: Taiwan wants to lure higher-spending travellers from South-East Asia as Chinese arrivals dwindle.

CNN (2022-12-6): Taiwan's 'living hell' traffic is a tourism problem.  Taiwan is notorious for its dangerous roads. Multiple countries, including Australia, Canada, Japan and the US, have specifically called out Taiwan's road conditions. "Many drivers do not respect the pedestrian's right of way,” the US State Department warns.  The Canadian government: "Motorcycles and scooter drivers don't respect traffic laws. They are extremely reckless.” Cities in Taiwan share a major issue – a lack of pavements and consistent walkways for pedestrians, ... Pedestrians are then often “forced” to walk onto car lanes...  The number of people lost their lives to traffic incidents in Taiwan is approximately six times higher than Japan and five times higher than the UK.  msn.com/en-us/travel/news/taiwans-living-hell-traffic-is-a-tourism-problem-say-critics/ar-AA14Xb2n  brief



This websites-group was ranked No.1 "comment Taiwan tourism" on Yandex, 2024-12-8, 2024-10-3, 2024-8-8, 2024-2-24, 2023-10-31, 2023-9-4, 2023-5-9, 2023-4-7;  No.1 "comment Taiwan tour" on Yandex, 2024-12-8, 2024-10-3, 2024-8-8,   No.1 "comment Taiwan tour" on Yandex at 2023-2-14, 2023-1-2 ;   No.2 "comment Taiwan tourism" on Yandex, 2023-2-14, 2023-1-2; This websites-group was ranked No.1   "comment Taiwan tourism " on Yandex of Russia at  2022-7-29, 2022-7-10, 2022-6-11



No.1 "comment Taiwan travel" on Yandex, 2024-12-12,  2024-12-8, 2024-1-1, 2023-11-11, 2023-10-31, 2023-9-4, 2023-5-9 






WP Travel -  World Tourism Ranking by Country 2024
World Rank Country Region Arrivals (million) Receipts (USD billion) Receipts per arrival (USD)
11 Thailand Asia Pacific 28.15 29.7 1,055
12 Saudi Arabia Middle East 27.42 36.0 1,312
13 Japan Asia Pacific 25.07 38.6 1,539
15 Malaysia Asia Pacific 20.14 14.8 735
18 Hong Kong (China) Asia Pacific 17.16 21.1 1,228
20 Macao (China) Asia Pacific 14.23 32.6 2,288
22 Vietnam Asia Pacific 12.60 9.2 730
23 Korea (ROK) Asia Pacific 11.03 15.3 1,388
30 Australia Asia Pacific 7.19 46.6 6,480
31 Uzbekistan Asia Pacific 6.63 2.2 327
32 Taiwan Asia Pacific 6.49 8.7 1,349
39 Philippines Asia Pacific 5.00 9.1 1,822
41 Qatar Middle East 4.05 8.8 2,183
45 Israel Middle East 3.01 6.0 1,987


economist / The world's most liveable cities in 2023
City liveability index, Mar. 2023   -   Taipei ranks world No. 65, Asia's No.14


cities in Asia

90+ Melbourne, Sydney, Aucland, Adelaide, Osaka(Japan), Perth, Tokyo(Japan), Brisbane, Wellington, Singapore
 80-90 Seoul(Korea), Hong Kong(Chn),  Busan(Korea), Taipei (Taiwan), Kaohsiung, Taichung
60-80 Noumea, Nantong, SuZhou, Beijing, ShenYang, Shanghai, etc
top 5 cities: Vienna 98.4,  Copenhagen, Melbourne, Sydney, Vancouver ... No.10 Osaka, Auckland 96
Score out of 100*  five categories: stability, health care, culture and environment, education and infrastructure.


  Yahoo News (2024-4-30): Taiwan's a number of restaurants including Michelin 3-star Le Palais Cantonese restaurant (君品頤宮) in Palais de Chine Hotel and Michelin one-star MiPon (米香), A-Cut, Tien Hsiang Lo (天香樓) repeatedly failed to pass public health inspections in recent 4 years.  Taipei city councilor questions that   if Michelin restaurants got food safety issues, what can our people eat ?  tw.news.yahoo.com/米其林餐廳也不合格-議員揭-食安地雷-君品頤宮-天香樓都入列-095930855.html


2023  Michelin stars comparisons among Asian countries

 Michelin cities

total number of stars

Green Star

3 Star

2 Star

1 Star

Tokyo (Japan) 202 12 12 39 139
Kyoto (Japan) 104 6 6 19 73
Osaka (Japan) 97 3 3 10 81
Hong Kong 81 3 7 13 58
Singapore 65 1 3 6 55
 Shanghai (China) 51 1 2 9 39
Seoul (S. Korea) 38 3 2 8 25
Taipei (Taiwan) 29 2 2 5 20
 By highlighting eco-friendly pioneer restaurants with the MICHELIN Green Star, and spotlighting their virtuous initiatives, it stimulates awareness and actions both within the industry and by gourmets

 New York Times, 2023-3-16: Xia Hai City God Temple - managing to cram more than 600 statues of deities in just over 1,600 square feet. One in particular stands out: the Love God  (ps: but Taiwanese prefer bread to romance) Chifeng Street is a fashion-forward shopping street flush with vintage clothing stores... Dadaocheng is Taipei’s oldest neighborhood, famous for its dried goods   Yangmingshan National Park is home to wild hot springs and volcanic peaks.Qixing Mountain is a dormant volcano and the tallest mountain in Taipei.Because of gentrification and noise complaints, many of Taipei’s night markets aren’t as robust as they were decades ago. Ningxia Night Market is a distinguished exception nytimes.com/interactive/2023/03/16/travel/things-to-do-taipei.html






"comment Taiwan travel"  ranks No.1 on Bing,  2024-10-3, 2024-8-31, 8-4 (Chinese version);  
"comment Taiwan tourism"  ranks No.1 on Bing, 2024-8-31, 2024-5-1, 2024-2-24, 2023-11-11, 2023-10-31, 2023-9-2, 2023-5-9, 2022-11-23, 2022-11-13, 2022-10-8; No.2 at 2024-10-3 (Chinese version)






pic. : No.1  "comment Taiwan travel" on Bing, 2024-8-8,  No.1  "comment Taiwan travel", "comment Taiwan tour" on Bing, 2024-5-1, 2023-11-11, 2023-9-4, 2023-5-9, 2023-4-7;  No.1  "comment Taiwan tourism", "comment Taiwan tour" on Bing, 2023-9-4, 2023-2-14; No.1 "comment Taiwan travel " on Bing at  2023-1-2, 2022-12-17, 2022-11-30, 2022-11-13, 2022-10-23, 2022-10-13, 2022-9-23 , 2022-1-4, 2021-8-8, 2021-7-23, 2021-5-30, 2021-5-13, 2021-5-4, 2021-4-22, 2021-3-17, 2-11-2021 ,12-11-2020, 10-31-2020, 8-2-2020, 7-7-2020, 5-16-2020, 7-11-2019, 3-7-2019, 9-4-2018, 6-22-2018 



pic. : No.1   "comment Taiwan tour" on Bing, 2024-5-1, 2024-2-24, 2023-11-11, 2023-10-31;  No.1  "comment Taiwan tourism" on Bing, 2024-5-1, 2023-11-11, 2023-10-31



 SCMP, 2024-4-28: Cross-strait tourism has typically mirrored the ups and downs in relations between the island and mainland China.

New York Times, (nytimes.com/interactive/2021/world/covid-cases.html) 2023-2-23 : Taiwan's CovID death rate (deaths per 100,000) ranks world No.1.   The ranks of other Asian countries : No.6 Australia, No. 7 Japan, No. 23 New Zealand, No. 27 Hong Kong, 35 Korea, 64 Malaysia, 66 Thailand, 68 Indonesia, 72 India, about 170 Singapore, about 200 China.

CNN: Taiwan will pay tourist to visit.  full details 

New York Times (2023-1-12): In the Times Travel section's 52 places to go in 2023, Taipei ranks No. 36, other Asia's selections include No.2 Morioka Japan, No. 5 Auckland NZ,  7 kangaroo island Australia, 12 Bhutan,  13 Kerala India,  19 Fukuoka Japan,  20  Flores Indonesia,  25 Ha Giang Vietnam,  27 U-K Tjuta National Park, Australia nytimes.com/interactive/2023/travel/52-places-travel-2023.html?campaign_id=7&emc=edit_mbae_20230113&instance_id=82548&nl=morning-briefing%3A-asia-pacific-edition&regi_id=93861781&segment_id=122347&te=1&user_id=4a9594d616730fc2c1567d65a316b5f1


pic.Google doodle celebrates Taiwan's sweet and tangy drink bubble tea
India Today, 2023-1-29:The unique drink that is sweet and tangy was popularised back in 2020. Countries like Singapore, Japan and South Korea have taken this drink to the next level with an ample amount of experiments msn.com/en-in/foodanddrink/foodnews/google-doodle-celebrates-taiwans-sweet-and-tangy-drink-bubble-tea/ar-AA16R1Tq
SCMP, 2023-5-6 the bigger handouts!! Taiwan doubles down on stimulus to halt recession with tourist handouts, cash for citizens; Taipei has rolled out a series of stimulus, including a lucky draw to give away spending vouchers and stored-value cards to inbound tourists msn.com/en-xl/travel/other/taiwan-doubles-down-on-stimulus-to-halt-recession-with-tourist-handouts-cash-for-citizens/ar-AA1aNR0v


Michelin 2024 /  Street Food Comparisons

Taipei (台北)
nguide.michelin.com/us/en/taipei-region/taipei/restaurants/bib-gourmand: The number of Taipei's Michelin "Bib Gourmand" street food is 9;
nguide.michelin.com/en/tw/restaurants/street-food: 12 street food in Taipei on the list


公館夜市/ Hsiung Chi Scallion Pancake (Gongguan Night Market, 2, Lane 108, Section 4, Luosifu Road)

饒河街夜市/ A Kuo Lu Wei (Raohe Street Night Market, 226 Raohe Street,

南機場夜市/ Unnamed Clay Oven Roll (Nanjichang Night Market, Stall 74, Lane 311, Section 2, Zhonghua Road)   

南機場夜市/   Wu Wang Tsai Chi (Nanjichang Night Market, 29, Lane 313, Section 2, Zhonghua Road)  

延三夜市/ Cabbage Rice and Pork Rib Soup (Yansan Night Market, 2, Lane 17, Section 3,)

華西街夜市/ Yuan Fang Guabao  (Huaxi Street Night Market, Stall 161, 17-2 Huaxi Street)

士林夜市/ Chung Chia Sheng Jian Bao (Shilin Night Market, 38 Xiaodong Street)   

華西街夜市/ Wang's Broth (Huaxi Street Night Market, Stall 153, 17-4 Huaxi Street,)  

士林夜市/ Good Friend Cold Noodle (Shilin Night Market, 31 Danan Road)


Singapore (新加坡) nThe number of Singapore's Michelin "Bib Gourmand" street food and hawker stalls is 65

nmothership.sg (2024-6-18): 7 new hawker stalls added to S'pore Michelin Bib Gourmand list 2024

nmothership.sg (2023-6-15):  the international director of the Michelin Guide, said the 79 Bib Gourmand locations include 21 restaurants, 53 hawker centre stalls, and five street food establishments
nJetStar : Hawker centres are hubs of hawker stalls – small stands selling street food.



TasteAtlas Best Rated Street Foods - July 15, 2024
comparisons among Asian countries -  Taiwan is not included in top 25

Indonesia world No.1  Siomay,  No.4 Pempek, No.16 Batagor
China world No.3  Guotie,   No.14 Pan-fried pork buns,  No. 24 Baozi
Vietnam world No.7  Banh mi
Malaysia world No.12 Roti Cannai
India world No.20  Amritsari Kulcha


Taiwan's cuisines rank No.78 in 100 Best Cuisines in the world    tasteatlas.com/best/cuisines  


Taste Atlas Nov. 2023 /  best rated street foods in the world

 Top 50 - Asian countries comparison - number of street foods selected
Taiwan - no any street foods was selected in world top 50

ISSF's Global Tourism 2023

ranks countries
1 Spain
2 France
4 Italy
5 Thailand
6 Swiss
7 Turkey
8 China
9 Germany
10 Australia


Taipei Times, 2023-10-27: The gov LACK Of VISION Some visitors can be loud very early in the morning, to the annoyance of residents...Kenting (墾丁) and Sun Moon Lake (日月潭) are the two places in Taiwan which have suffered most from overtourism...If Taiwan welcomes evermore tourists, “locals will get priced out of hotels and traffic congestion will get worse. Some roads can barely handle the traffic, even in tourist lulls, so spending on infrastructure upgrades will probably be needed,”  taipeitimes.com/News/feat/archives/2023/10/27/2003808282
SCMP, 2023-1-22: Taiwan's tourism industry misses mainlanders. Chinese used to be a major source of tourism for Taiwan's hotels and local businesses, but travellers from across the strait are still restricted from coming..."They are willing to spend money. Their spending habits are not the same as others." msn.com/en-xl/travel/other/taiwan-s-tourism-industry-misses-mainlanders-as-ban-prevents-it-from-returning-to-pre-covid-levels/ar-AA16Cjl3

Taiwan's travel & tourism - 13th in Asia

STATISTA: Leading countries in the Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI)



Asia Rank



world Rank

1 Japan 5.4 4
2 Australia 5.1 7
3 China 4.9 13
4 Korea Rep. 4.8 15
5 Hong Kong 4.8 16
6 Singapore 4.8 17
7 New Zealand 4.7 18
8 Malaysia 4.5 25
9 Thailand 4.5 29
10 UAE 4.4 33
11 India 4.4 34
12 Indonesia 4.3 36
13 Taiwan 4.3 37



pic. :   No.1 "comment Taiwan tourism" on US Google, 2023-12-31, 2023-11-10, 2023-10-31




pic. :  No.1 "comment Taiwan tour" on Swisscows, 2024-2-24, 2024-1-1; No.1 "comment Taiwan travel"  on Swisscows, 2024-1-1




pic. :
 No.1 "comment Taiwan tour" on Yandex, 2024-2-24, 2024-1-1, 2023-11-11, 2023-10-31, 2023-9-4, 2023-5-9, 2023-4-7




New York Times, 2023-1-5: The Nuclear waste dump on Lanyu island created a generation of indigenous activists. "The government deceived us" the pastor said , "They didn't care that the nuclear waste would kill us, that the Tao people would go extinct".  Despite the government's repeated promises to relocate the site, the dump remains. Now, some residents run inns and restaurants on Lanyu. the focus these days is on tourism




pic. : This websites-group was ranked No.1 "comment Taiwan tour" on US Google at 2023-12-31, 2023-9-15, 2023-9-4



pic. : No.1  "comment Taiwan tour"  on Swisscows of Switzerland,  2024-1-1, 2023-9-4, No.2 at 2023-6-22; No.2 "comment Taiwan travel", 2023-9-4




pic. : This websites-group was ranked No.1 "comment Taiwan tour" on US Google at 2023-12-31, 2021-2-18; No.4  "comment Taiwan tour"
on US Google



Daily Mail (UK), 2023-4-28: Young Australian student on his dream overseas exchange program is fighting for his life in Taiwan after eating food laced with rat poison.  His Doctor father said: "He had been misdiagnosed in Taiwan with an immune disorder".  Alex is at the Taipei Medical University Hospital ..."The medical services in Taiwan don't currently have the right treatments or drugs to stabilise his condition, Alex's condition has grown worse and he needs to be flown to the Royal Prince Albert Hospital in Sydney via a specialised medical flight retrieval service". dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12023841/Toowoomba-student-exchange-Taiwan-fighting-life-eating-food-laced-rat-poison.html
The Travel (2023-5-26): The eclectic and lively Taipei City - top things to do Wander Through The National Palace Museum - over 700,000 artifacts spanning millennia of Chinese history. The museum showcases delicate paintings, fine china, calligraphy, and sculptures The Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall Soak In The Beitou Hot SpringsThe Raohe Night Market Longshan Temple Breathtaking Sights Await Atop Taipei 101Soar Above Tea Plantations On The Maokong Gondola Be Mesmerized By Ximending Square etc Some exceptional dishes to try in Taipei include: Niu Rou Mian: Braised Beef Noodle Soup, Pork Intestine & Oyster Noodle   msn.com/en-us/travel/tripideas/10-things-to-do-in-taipei-city-complete-guide-to-taiwans-cultural-capital/ar-AA1bHqwp

New York Times (2022-11-15), Taiwan's CovID-19 death rate is worst among Asia's main countries.  detail

According to New York Times (2022-10-25), Taiwan's CovID-19 cases per 100,000 and deaths per 100,000 both are the worst among main Asian countries.

The Liberty Times (自由時報), editorial (2022-12-13): Statistics show that 12.67 persons per 100 thousands died for traffic accidents in Taiwan, which ranks latter among developed countries, in Taipei city, about 950 thousands of motorcycles run reckless, hurting our image and making air pollution and noise, should be the first thing to be improved.  Probably we can take a lesson from Vietnam's capital city 河內。  talk.ltn.com.tw/article/paper/1556742  brief
MSN,  (2022-12-5): Where is the foreign tourists ?  why they are apathetic? /  Taiwan's tourism association (中華民國旅行業品質保障協會) leader points out "We lack of marketing", "we don't have a normal tourism environment yet". Besides, the current expense for is accommodation and transport too high for our main tourists - Japanese    msn.com/zh-tw/news/living/觀光客呢-老外對台灣無感原因曝光/ar-AA14UKmw?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=ce121db490c54bf285d0800fbfe32b17

China Times, editorial, 2023-5-9: 

Glowth of numbeof visitor arrivals   2015 ~ 2019 chinatimes.com/opinion/20230509005070-262101?chdtv

Taiwan Singapore S. Korea Japan Vietnam Thailand
14% 26% 33% 62% 128% 33%



US News & World Report  -  These Countries Are the Best for Tourism (2023-4-13)
These are the top countries viewed as good for tourism by global survey respondents.


world rank Asia rank countries
3 1 Australia
7 2 New Zealand
8 3 Thailand
12 4 Japan
18 5 Singapore
31 6 Philippines
33 7 UAE
34 8 Malaysia
35 9 Indonesia


World Population Review - Most Visited Countries 2023
comparisons among Asian countries
Taiwan ranks about No.13

Asia's rank

Asian country

International Tourist Arrivals

No.1 (world No.4)



No.2 (world No.8)










Hong Kong









S. Korea












Saudi Arabia









pic. : This websites-group was ranked No.1  "comment Taiwan tour"
on Yahoo Taiwan
2023-9-4, 2023-4-7, 2023-1-2, 2022-12-17, 2022-11-30, 2022-10-23,  2022-9-2



pic. : This websites-group was ranked No.1  by "comment Taiwan travel "  
on Yahoo Taiwan
 2023-1-2, 2022-12-17, 2022-11-30,  
2022-10-23,  2022-9-24





WEF (World Economic Forum) , May 2022
world Travel and Tourism Development Index
Taiwan's rank -
n/a (last)

world rank Asia's rank economies/countries score (global average : 4.0)
1 1 Japan 5.2
2 2 USA 5.2
7 3 Australia 5.0
9 4 Singapore 5.0
12 5 China 4.9
15 6 S. Korea 4.8
19 7 Hong Kong 4.6
25 8 UAE 4.5
27 9 New Zealand 4.5
32 10 Indonesia 4.4
33 11 Saudi Arabia 4.3
36 12 Thailand 4.3
38 13 Malaysia 4.3
43 14 Qatar 4.3
52 15 Vietnam 4.1
54 16 India 4.1
74 17 Sri Lanka 3.7
75 18 Philippines 3.7
84 19 Mongolia 3.6
n/a n/a Taiwan n/a


2022  Michelin stars comparisons among Asian countries
Taipei ranks
last among main Asian cities

 Michelin cities

number of 3 stars

num. of 2 stars

number of 1 star

total num.

Tokyo (Japan) 12 41 150 203
Hong Kong 7 12 52 71
Kyoto (Japan) 6 19 83 108
Osaka (Japan) 3 11 82 96
Singapore 3 7 41 51
Macau 3 5 7 15
Seoul (Korea) 2 7 24 33
Shanghai (China) 2 8 37 47
Taipei (Taiwan) 1 6 24 31


guide.michelin.com/en/article/news-and-views/michelin-guide-tokyo-2022-eng     2021-11-29

World Economic Forum (WEF)  <Travel and tourism competitiveness report> released at 9-4-2019

   Taiwan's travel & tourism  -  ranks 10th in Asia    
category Taiwan's rankings and/or score comparison
prioritization of travel and tourism   No75  Singapore No.6 ,  Hong Kong No. 11
Natural & cultural resources No.58  score 2.6 China  No.1, score 6.0 , France No.2,  5.0,  Spain  No.3, 5.7,   Japan No.7, 5.3,   Indonesia No.18,  Thailand No.21,  Korea No.24,  Vietnam No.26,  Malaysia No.31,  HK No.40,  Philippines No.46,  Sri Lanka No.52,  Nepal No.56
Natural resources  No. 87 Hong Kong No. 42, Singapore No.120
cultural resources & business travel No. 36  score 2.6 China No1, score 7.0
price competitiveness No. 78 China 5.7
Health & Hygiene  No.43,  score 6 score worse than Korea, Japan, Mongolia
international openness No. 60 only better than China, Mongolia
Safety & security No. 26 human resource & labor market: Taiwan No.18

UNWTO  World Tourism Barometer
UNWTO Tourism Dashboard, updated 2022-9-25
Asia countries  -  tourism performance

  Arrivals (million) Receipts (USD bn) Receipts per arrival (USD)
Macau 3.7 15.4 4169
Indonesia 1.6 0.5 334
Korea(ROK) 1.0 10.5 10814
Thai 0.4 4.8 11247
Australia 0.2 17.0 68990
Japan 0.2 4.7 19239
New Zealand 0.2 2.9 13855
Cambodia 0.2 0.2 937
Sri Lanka 0.2 0.5 2606
Philippines 0.2 0.6 3663
Vietnam 0.2 0.1 947
Nepal 0.1 0.1 801
Taiwan 0.1 0.7 5298
China   11.3  


DW (Germany), 2022-10-22: Taiwan has reopened its borders to overseas visitors. However, the number of inbound travelers remains capped at 150,000 per week, and the government has banned tourists from mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau  dw.com/en/taiwan-now-open-to-visitors-without-quarantine/video-63527555
AFP (France), 2022-10-13: three days of hotel quarantine have been replaced with seven days of "self-monitoring" where tourists are expected to keep an eye on their health and wear face masks indoors and outdoors...tourists must submit to regular tests for a week after their arrival and cannot enter bars and restaurants for the first three days news.yahoo.com/taiwan-welcomes-foreign-tour-groups-035747205.html
SCMP (Hong Kong), 2022-10-1:  As Taiwan eases some of world’s oldest quarantine rules, ... but analysts say testing remains a 'deterrent to travel' ... Spending by inbound tourists in Taiwan in 2020, down by 87.51 per cent from 2019...