personality characteristics/national character
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Taiwan |
Taiwan gov hawkish at home, chicken outdoors |
Taiwanese, obedient dogs |
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Taiwanese people (including foreign citizens of Taiwanese/Chinese origin) may take lessons from local and international studies, news reports, black-heart examples as below:
★ Financial
Times, 2021-8-23: the government has done little to prepare the public
for war...Taiwan is avoiding ‘the underlying
reality, ... the Taiwanese public has no appetite
for militarising society or even discussing defence.
NY Times,
Taiwan's famous politician : “Taiwan can’t face the might of
China alone", ”We
can’t fight China on our own";
in spite of Economist, NY Times, and pro-Taiwan senator advised Taiwan not to
rely on the US
military to intervene ...;
aljazeera, 11-24-2020 notes again: the Pentagon has called
Taiwan’s military spending “insufficient”, ... one of many concerns,
include how willing it may be to reform internally and also raise the number and
quality of recruits ; Economist,10-9-2020: Taiwan’s preparedness and its
will to fight both look shaky. NewsWeek, 10-28-2020: As China Threatens War,
Nearly Everyone in Taiwan Wants Peace: Poll.
Taiwan's TV program about politics comments at 2021-5-1:
Any political party advocating
full conscription
will loss election / 寰宇全視界.
★ Are all Taiwanese obedient citizens ? "台灣只有順民?" The Liberty Times, 1-4-2016
Taipei city mayor Ko expressed Taiwanese have always been bullied and toyed, hence lost confidence and passion, Ko concluded that Taiwan only has obedient, docile citizens who surrendered to their "lord", because according to medical gene experiments, docile dogs mating give birth to docile dogs, those some of Taiwanese revolted, resisted or rebelled were all killed by their rulers, the rest of Taiwanese are docile citizens, their children or descendants are even more docile.
● Comment: According to Psychology, acquired environment is also important to shape personality. Good education and environment transform the evil element in people’s intrinsic nature and develop acquired nature of goodness. People who live in a bad environment tend to do bad things. In Taiwan, lousy judiciary and distorted value system could change personality, e.g., prefer prostitutes rather than the poor.
Taiwanese personality in
< Disease and society ― Taiwan
searches its
conscience from experiences during
SARS crisis>
(book title : <疫病與社會:台灣歷經SARS風暴之醫學與人文反省
>, author/
National Taiwan University, Medical School,
Sept. 2012
We to certain degree may see
Taiwanese personality through citizens' (governmental officials, legislators,
medical field workers, countrymen, etc) reacting to SARS during that fatal
period ... (Pls ref. to the book and
media during SARS , ps:
is severe acute respiratory syndrome)
Taiwanese people
scared the fatal disease (SARS) and scrambled to
buy masks, however, business men took this
opportunity to keep masks on warehouse and bull the market (forcing
up price) for making exorbitant high profits,
uncertain news pointed out some legislators (similar to Congressmen or Senators
in the US) intervened/meddled in and tried to benefit
themselves by using this national disaster or calamity
... all these led to insufficient supply of N95 masks,
hence medical personnel and public health workers like
M.D. and nurses in the front can not help but reuse their N95 masks ―
their lives therefore were in risk. (each N95 should be used for a short time,
then needs to be replaced )
Suspicious SARS infected people
intentionally lied their past medical history (seeking medical
advices in epidemic-area hospital) so that they will not be rejected by better
hospitals, this led to an outbreak and SARS spreading, and endangering or
harming medical workers.
Taiwanese people don't
abide by the principle of house quarantine
― some scholar just came back from Hong Kong suppose
comply with house quarantine for 10 days, but this
person went to school to teach lessons and then went overseas.
Mayor took
the lead to sabotage SARS patients' transfering to other
hospital ― 3 suspicious SARS patients were arranged by
the Health government for hospital transfer, but the destination's city
Mayor, Chair of city council, councilors and many
borough chiefs, gathering crowds blocked the street at
front of the emergency room by vehicles and their bodies, and forced the
ambulance back to original hospital, this conflict won't be stop if
this country's Minister of the Interior and 3 major political
parties' representatives had not mediated this conflict and Taiwan's leader on
Health did not promised SARS won't spread in that city.
Many medical school
students' parents scared SARS and ignored the situation that insufficient
numbers of doctors confronting SARS, hence, those parents
pressed the government to pull 300 intern students out of hospital by reporting
"something" to the Control Yuan that Educational government already
neglected its duty.
Some state hospital paused
emergency and regular medical services (門診),
about 1/3 clinics there stopped their services by all kinds of "reasons" you can
imagine. 124 nurses in a medical center in Southern Taiwan refused to take
care of SARS patients and then resigned, some M.D.s also resigned for the same
● Some medical center found hospital
infection and took "block & isolate " strategy, the next day more and more
patients at ward escaped from that hospital, Taiwanese government received
reports from all major medical centers in Northern, Central, Southern Taiwan, the
hospital president, and Infection Control directors concealed
SARS outbreak within the hospital to avoid losing face, avoid dropping
profit-performance, and/or avoid being sealed off the hospital, this
serious situations became major cause that Taiwan's SARS
continued to spread larger and larger.
The work ethics, concealing
SARS outbreak, delaying reporting to center government or rejecting SARS
patients to avoid profiting worse are the most important reasons resulting in
hospital onset of infection and spreading SARS from bad to worse in Taiwan.
ps: Chicago
Tribune 7.6.2003: Taiwan, the last country on a WHO list of SARS-infected
areas was removed from that list Sat. UDN, Jan. 2020:
Taiwanese medical staffs (M.D., nurse) suffered the most number of deaths and
wounds caused by SARS among all countries.
ps1: Chinese version
pls. ref. to the book or text at end of this page.
ps2: This book's co-author Dr. Jian (江宜樺)
was "prime minister" of Taiwanese government (行政院長).
★ see Taiwanese personality in CovID-19 flare-up
The Guardian, 2021-6-14:
refusing it is "entirely political”...“Pfizer and BioNTech have a
huge incentive to ensure that the Fosun product is equivalent, so I would think
there is no concern,”There's no reason not to take it....“It would be foolish to
say no".