台北聽障奧運 & 高雄世運  (World Games  & Deaflympics Taipei)  
政治判決  全民公審               
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<高雄世運>與<台北聽奧>是台灣難得舉行的國際級盛會,國人自然會關注與<北京奧運> <上海世博>與 < 廣州亞運>的比較




<高雄世運>與<台北聽奧>的文化創意表演,根據<聯合報>(Sept 7, '09)引述論戰 :

(1) <高雄世運>電音三太子顯得低俗較可惜...

(2) <台北聽奧>是「國小運動會加強版自以為高尚歧視台灣本土文化」...

 當然不只如此,i.e., 各媒體大為讚美的 「好吃在台北」 (或閉幕台灣美食辦桌)  創意 ,可謂是誇大之詞 :

   (1)  與海外的戶外廣告「鍋爐設計(生猛鮮活紅蝦在大熱鍋中蹦跳掙扎, 謎底原來是著蝦衣的滑板skateboarding game好手在鍋內圓弧跑道內上下特技衝浪)相比,聽奧的確像是園遊會的小孩玩意(玩溜滑梯),與台灣絕大多數創意靈活不足 (國際廣告比賽台灣作品全是如此)的弊病相同

   (2)  商業氣氛瀰漫    ―   並非體育行銷台灣不妥,而是意圖太過明顯,不見弱勢關懷的強調或放眼全球的境界

   (3)  小籠包究竟是否台灣的icon? 或「台灣本土文化?    獲得<米其林>一星評價的是香港<鼎泰豐>小籠包而非台灣

   (4) 「豔而不驚」: 聽奧似乎特別著重電視轉播的舞台效果,如取鏡角度繽紛色彩搭配,但創意普遍貧乏僵化

   (5)   台灣文化符號如電音三太子、神明公仔、布袋戲等上場晃晃聊備一格與漢城奧運大堆神像搖晃上場的無聊類似。
在北市東區飆行路人偶爾看看或許好奇有趣但那些只是簡單拼貼 (collage)。 台灣是有獨自文化,但這些異國風味 沒甚創意可讓老外佩服

台灣目前只有走務實路線較可行, 比方京奧李寧吊鋼絲太粗,台灣改良成細鋼絲,使視覺美化,大幅改良了中共京奧的缺點,台灣近年來工業設計的優勝通常都是這種以技術服務生活的實際路線。

至於想像的翅膀(意料之外 合理之中 的巧妙機智)似乎大多折翼了。

pic : 台北聽奧好吃在台北是簡單的點子


 體育 裁判  ―  政治 判決 

政治一旦與國際事件連結,除了風光也有複雜風險的。(註 :  2011年 5月  ―  楊淑君事件以向國際跆拳道單位賠款、7.2011楊淑君撤告收場)

<高雄世運>與<台北聽奧>盛會後,發生一件裁判公正與否的爭議事件,台灣裁判在國際比賽判自己人敗北後,似乎成為台灣人民公敵,這些台灣人民是否完全了解全貌後才決定態度?  還是盲目的民粹呢 ??

◎  台灣<聯合報>全民公審了一名跆拳裁判之後        2010年5月15日

    §  跆拳協會 對
鄭大為停權三年的處份所持理由,不在判決過失,而是 他「煽惑群眾」「不當言論」造成社會負面觀感 ... 是一種「政治判決
§  台灣民眾對公共議題 ...... 明顯流於主觀化及情緒化

◎  台灣<蘋果日報> : 頭版標題    "鄭大為裁判風波擴大 亞盟警告", "我跆拳恐遭停權"    2010年5月11日



◎  <United Daily News> : Punishing a Taekwondo referee  (台灣<聯合報> 英文版  標題: "懲罰一名跆拳道裁判")     2010/05/15 16:17:11

The Asian Taekwondo Union (ATU) recently sent a letter to the Chinese Taipei Amateur Taekwondo Association asking it to lift a penalty imposed on international referee Cheng Ta-wei.

... Cheng was blamed by some Taiwan people for making a judgment unfavorable to Taiwan's athlete.

...  This incident reflects growing populism in Taiwan and gives us a chance for self-reflection. In recent years, discussions about public issues in Taiwan are usually dominated by emotional and subjective rhetoric due to a fundamental political divergence.

... We wonder if, in a civilized society, it is tolerable to use the verdict of public critics to punish a Taekwondo coach?

... We strongly believe that now is the time for local society to conduct a deep examination of its conceit and shallow culture.  (By Flor Wang)

PS: 全文請上網搜索 by 標題 keywords on google, etc

◎  <Taiwan Post >: Taiwanese Taekwondo referee turns public enemy in controversy  (大標題: 台灣跆拳道裁判成台灣'全民公敵'之爭議 )   Dec. 10, 2009

KAOHSIUNG, Taiwan -- Tseng Ching-hsiang, the Taekwondo player who stirred controversy ...  the Hong Kong 2009 East Asian Games is in the center of media attention when he lost gold to the Korean opponent Jihoon Song - who allegedly struck Tseng's throat and caused Tseng to drop to the floor unconsciously during the game. Instead of calling a foul, the group of judges declared Song as the winner.

...  The Taiwanese judge, Chen Ta-wei, who did not call a foul for the reported attack but instead gave the final winning points to the Korean player, has apparently become a public enemy in Taiwan.

... Chen insisted that he had made a fair call according to the video footage which captured the hitting point at Tseng's headgear instead of on his throat.

... The Taiwanese committee on Taekwondo said...  will no longer be employing Chen as a judge. ...   

PS: 全文請上網搜索   http://www.chinapost.com.tw/taiwan/national/national-news/2009/12/10/235885/Taiwanese-Taekwondo.htm

◎  <Taipei Times  >:   SAC says Taiwan's status in taekwondo unclear,    2010年 5月 12日   By Shelley Shan

... Zheng Dawei (鄭大為), ... was one of the referees for a 72kg-level championship match where Taiwanese athlete Tseng Ching-hsiang (曾敬翔) was scheduled to compete against a South Korean opponent. ...

Minister without Portfolio Ovid Tseng , ..., protested against what he saw as an unfair ruling as soon as the match was over.

...  Zheng said in a television interview that Ovid Tseng had no right to protest and may be seen as intending to cause riots. Because of the comment, the CTTA's disciplinary committee suspended Zheng from coaching taekwondo and refereeing for three years. The committee later decided to reinstate his right to be a referee, but his right to coach remained suspended.

...  local media as saying that the penalty was perceived as an outright challenge to the ATU's authority....


<Taiwan Post > Taekwondo meeting will not discuss Taiwan ban    2010年 5月 14日

... The controversy began at the 2009 East Asian Games in Hong Kong, where Cheng ruled in favor of a South Korea taekwondo participant, even though he attacked Taiwan's participant, Tseng Chin-hsiang, in the throat, knocking him out.

Taiwan's Minister Without Portfolio Ovid Tseng, who attended the event, rebuked Cheng from the sidelines in an irate, emotional manner.

Cheng later criticized Tseng's action, saying it was tantamount to stirring a mutiny at the scene. His remarks deeply angered the CTTA, which subsequently suspended Cheng for three years. The ruling was upheld during a disciplinary meeting of the association on May 6.



◎  <Taipei Times > Taekwondo union suggests lifting ban on referee,  2010年 5月 13日

By Shelley Shan  /  STAFF REPORTER
The Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee (CTOC) confirmed yesterday it had received a letter from the Asian Taekwondo Union (ATU) suggesting it lift a ban imposed on referee Zheng Dawei (鄭大為).

... The Chinese Taipei Taekwondo Association’s (CTTA) disciplinary committee suspended Zheng from coaching and refereeing for three years following comments he made upon his return from the tournament.

...... Taiwan’s right to compete in international games could also be suspended because of the ruling, Lee said.

The letter, however, did not mention anything about suspending Taiwan’s right to participate in international competitions. The CTTA ruled last week to reinstate Zheng’s referee status, but upheld his three-year suspension from coaching.







國內外媒體報導  <高雄世運 World Games> , <台北聽障奧運 Deaflympics>

 美國  <紐約時報>   New York Times 

July 15, 2009
Stadium Where Worlds Collide, Humanely

For some of us, entering a vast sports stadium is always an anxious pleasure. Behind the electrifying anticipation of the game there’s the nagging feeling that every stadium contains the seeds of mass hysteria — that it can, in extreme times, become a place of terrifying intensity....

July 12, 2009
Architecture: Inside His Exteriors      Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Designed by the Japanese architect Toyo Ito, the World Games’ main stadium, which will be unveiled at an opening ceremony here on Thursday, is shaped by a sensitivity to those conflicting sensations. ... It reflects his longstanding belief that architecture, to be human, must somehow embrace seemingly contradictory values. Instead of a self-contained utopia, he offers us multiple worlds, drifting in and out of focus like a dream.

 July 17, 2009

Beijing, in Snub to Taipei, Boycotts a Sports Ceremony

TAIPEI — China boycotted the opening of the 2009 World Games on Thursday night, apparently as a snub of the host, Taiwan.

.... Some 4,800 athletes from 105 nations will compete,

...   mainland athletes were in Taiwan but that they did not register to take part in the opening ceremony.

Beijing sees Taiwan as part of its territory and protests any suggestion that the self-ruled island is a separate state. But the ceremony Thursday night was held in accordance with past practice at the Olympic Games and other international sporting events, under which Taiwan competes as “Chinese Taipei” and cannot fly its national flag.

Antonio Chiang, a media commentator and former government official, speculated that Beijing’s no-show may have been related to the appearance by President Ma Ying-jeou of Taiwan, who opened the World Games.

“It makes a very bad impression on Taiwan,” ...  it’s a mockery of Ma Ying-jeou’s policy.”


   鳳凰衛視   Hong Kong,  July 17, 2009  

 ... ... 按照慣例,世界運動會主辦方的領導人不會宣佈開幕,但馬英九還是來了,儘管沒有致詞,更沒有像陳菊那樣,使用閩南語,仍然招致大陸選手缺席開幕式.而比賽第一天也沒出現在賽龍舟現場。





PC Home, 台灣,   Oct 23, 2009

Theme:  台北聽障奧運 國際行銷只對中國宣傳 

新聞摘要:   台北只花台幣一百萬在香港對國際宣傳,  但花費一億五千萬在國內宣傳,  因此連日本韓國都不知道我們在舉辦聽奧