freedom of expression 
¡@ ¡@
                 ¥xÆW  ¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ & ·s»D¦Û¥Ñ                   
¡¹  ¥»ºô¯¸¥@¬É±Æ¦W No.1 :   2020~25,  2017~19,  2016 2015,  2014,  2013 2010~12    ¡¹  Top  since 1998   ¡¹       

fights for rights

home   µû½×°ê¬OOPinion  ¸£±±¤H¥Á  µû½×¥xÆW  ªZ²Î¥xÆW  «ÊÂê¥xÆW  ®È¹C  À\ÆU  ÂåÀø  ©]¥«  ¥Á¥D¦Û¥Ñ  ¥xÆW  ¿à²M¼w  ½²­^¤å  ¥Á±Ú©Ê  ¥~¥æ  ¤j¾Ç  À˹î©x  Äµ¹î  ³g»G  ³g¦Ã  ¤kÅv  ¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ  ¥~³Ò   ¦º¦D   ³n¹ê¤O  Áô¨p  ¶B´Û   µû½×¬ü°ê  ¹qºÏªi¤j¾Ô  ºô­x  ºô§ð  ¥Á¨¾  ¬ü°ê±Ï´©  ©~¦í  ©¯ºÖ  ¤HÅv  ¥@¬É¤HÅv   Â૬¥¿¸q  ¥qªk  ­¢®`  ³c¬r  ·R±¡  ±¡ºq  ­µ¼Ö  ¦è¬v¦Ñºq  ¦è¬v·sºq  ¹q¼v  ­¹¦w  buffet  ¶W¥«  ½æ³õ  «ö¼¯  ¹â§²  §Î¶H  ¤å¤Æ  ®ø»º°Æ¥Z   µû¤é¥»º©µe   ¬Fªvº©µeµû½×   µû¬ü°ê³]­p   µû¬ü°êº©µe  ¤å³Ð&º©µe  µû¤W®ü¥@³Õ   µû¥_¨Ê¶ø¹B   ¤G¾Ôº©µe  CovID  FB  ­¸¦w  ¥æ³q  °k¶h¥~³Ò






pic. :  "¥xÆW ¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ"(freedom of speech in Taiwan)­^¤åª© ±Æ¦W«Xù´µYandex²Ä1 ,2025-1-5, 2024-9-3, 2024-5-15, 2024-4-8, 2024-3-13, 2024-1-4, 2023-12-14, 2023-10-13, 2023-6-21, 2023-4-2, 2023-2-5





pic. :  "¥xÆW¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ"±Æ¦WYandex of Russia²Ä1 ,2025-1-5; "¥xÆW¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ"±Æ¦WYandex of Russia²Ä2 ,2024-9-4,  2024-5-15, 2024-1-4





   pic. :  "¥xÆW ¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ"­^¤åª© ±Æ¦W«Xù´µYandex²Ä1 ,2025-1-5, 2024-9-4, 2024-5-15, 2024-4-8, 2024-3-13, 2024-1-4, 2023-12-14, 2023-10-13, 2023-6-21, 2023-4-2, 2023-2-5, 2022-5-29;No.2 "freedom of speech in Taiwan" at 2022-8-22

pic. :  "¥xÆW  ¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ"­^¤åª© ±Æ¦W«Xù´µYandex²Ä1 , 2025-2-4, 2024-9-4, 2024-5-15, 2024-3-13, 2024-1-4, 2023-10-13, 2023-6-21, 2023-4-2, 2023-2-5, 1-25-2020; No.1 "free expression in Taiwan", 2024-4-9 



    pic. :  "¥xÆW ¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ"­^¤åª© ±Æ¦WMicrosoft Bing²Ä1, 2023-10-13, 2023-6-21, 2023-2-5, 2022-8-22, 2022-2-7,2021-6-24, 2021-4-22, 1-1-2021, 12-2-2020;No.2 at 2022-5-29  






¡¹  »OÆW³B³B¶Ã¦©¬õ´U¤l¡A¶K¡uºÃ¬ü½×¡v¼ÐÅÒ
¬ü°ê Newsweek, 2025-1-3 對中国採取強硬態度的川普表示,他不會保衛台灣免受中的侵害  Trump, who positioned himself as being tough on China, has suggested he would not defend Taiwan from China.


¡¹ ªk°êReporters Without Borders (RSF) Director General Thibaut Bruttin ©IÆ~´CÅé§ï­²¡A¸Ñ¨M·s»D½s¿è¯Ê¥F¿W¥ß©Êªº°ÝÃD¡A³o·l®`¤F´CÅ骺¥i«H«×¡C­^°ê¸ô³zªÀ·s»D¬ã¨s©Ò( the Digital News Report issued by the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism.) ³ø§iºÙ¡A¨â·¥¤Æ©M¬Fªv¤Æªº´CÅé(The polarized and politicized media) ¾É­P¤F¥xÆW·s»Dªº¥i«H«×¦M¾÷¡C  2024 ¦~ªº³ø§iÅã¥Ü¡A¦b¥xÆW¡A¥u¦³ 33% ªº¨ü³XªÌªí¥Ü¥L­Ì¤j¦h¼Æ®É­Ô³£¬Û«H¤j¦h¼Æ·s»D¡C     RSF Director General ªí¥Ü¡§¥i«H«×¨ª¦r¡¨¬O¥xÆW¥Á¥Dªº¡§¯u¥¿ªº­P©R®zÂI¡¨( "ªü°ò¨½´µ¸x a real Achilles heel" ); ¦Û¥Ñ¤£¤@©w¯àÁ`µ²·s»D·~ ("freedom is not necessarily something that sums up what journalism is") ;¥xÆW¥²¶·§V¤O¨¾¤î¨ä·s»D·~³Q¡uªZ¾¹¤Æ¡v®³¨Ó¤Ï¥Á¥D¡A¨Ãĵ§i¥xÆW´CÅ餣­n¡uªA±q¬J±o§Q¯qªº±Ô­z¡AµL½×¬O°Ó·~ªº¡B·NÃѧκAªºÁÙ¬O¦a½t¬Fªvªº¡v¡C   by CNA (2024-10-20).


¡¹ Council on Foreign Relations,  2024-5-13 ®Ú¾Ú Reuters Institute survey, ¥u¦³ 27% ªº¥xÆW¨ü³XªÌ¤j³¡¤À®É¶¡³£«H¥ô¤j¦h¼Æ·s»D´CÅé¡A¦b¨È¤Ó¦a°Ï±Æ¦W¹Ô©³  (only 27 percent of Taiwanese respondents trust most news media most of the time, ranking it last in the Asia-Pacific region).


¡¹ ¬ü°ê¬F©²¤HÅv³ø§i Country Reports on Human Rights Practices  - Taiwan , 2024-4-22:  °OªÌ¦b°õ·~®É¤´­±Á{¤@¨ÇÅv§Q¨ü­­©M«Â¯Ùªº±¡ªp¡C¤HÅv¹ÎÅ餴©IÆ~¡AÀ³±N½ÚÁ½®×§¹¥þÂk©ó¥Á¨Æ¶D³^¡A¥H§K«ÂÀ~´CÅ骺¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ¡C¤µ¦~§ó¦³¹H¾ËÁn®ö¡A½èºÃ½ÚÁ½¸o¬O§_«I¥Ç¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ¡C¾Ëªkªk°|ºû«ù¤F ¤½µM«V°d¦Dªkªº¦X¾Ë©Ê¡C7¤ë¤@¦W¤Ï¹ïÄÒÁ`²ÎÄv¿ï­t³d¤H¹ï¤T¥ß¹qµø¥xÁ`µô¤Î¨ä¨â¦W°OªÌ´£°_¦D¨Æ½ÚÁ½¶D³^¡C

¥xÆW²Ä¤T¤j¬FÄÒ¥Á²³ÄÒ  ¥D®u¬_¤å­õ   «ü³d¥xÆW¬F©²

Council on Foreign Relations, 2024-9-5


Asia Nikkei (Japan), 2024-9-5
¬_¤å­õ指責政府政治迫害("Ây§Å") (Taiwan's Ko Wen-je accuses government of witch hunt )... ¥qªk¸ò´CÅé¬O¬Fªv¤u¨ã, Å¥±q¿à²M¼wªº¥Á¶iÄÒ (and launched broadsides against the legal system and the press, accusing them of doing the bidding of President Lai Ching-te's Democratic Progressive Party..."the judiciary and the media being the government's political tools" ; the KMT's most powerful lawmaker, that most legal professionals only listen to the DPP)
¤¤¤Ñ·s»D video, 2024-9-3
¬_¤å­õªí¥Ü :¬F©²°Ê¥Î"©Ò¦³°ê®a¤O¶q"!"¤w¸gÅܦ¨·sÄÒ°êÅé¨î"¡C ¤£¬O¶Ü

¡¹ Áp¦X³ø , 2024-5-15: 蔡英文動輒指控對政府的批評是「假訊息」及「認知作戰」。蔡政府更將《社會秩序維護法》的「謠言罪」用到極致,因此被調查懲處者,多達過去的數十、數百倍,產生違反民主真諦的寒蟬效應   ¡¹ Áp¦X³ø , 2024-5-13: 輿論呈現一言堂民粹現象,正義和言論自由所剩幾希?¡¹ Áp¦X³ø , 2024-5-18:因執法機關淪為執政黨附庸,警政署配合成立「查緝假訊息專責小組」,調查局配合成立「認知戰研究中心」,將批評政策或異議人士當成打擊對象,連尋常民眾都不放過¡C


¡¹ Áp¦X³ø , 2024-4-28: ¾Ëªkªk®x«Å§i¤½µM«V°d¸o¦X¾Ë¡A¦ý¤j´T­­ÁY¾A¥Î½d³ò¡A¨Ã­q¥X¼f°uªí·N¯ßµ¸¡BÅv¿Å¬O§_¼vÅT­Ó¤H¦WÅAÅv©ÎÄÝ¥¿­±»ù­Èªº¼f¬d¼Ð·Ç¡C 


¡¹ ªk°ê Reporters Without Borders (RSF) , 2023-12-13: ¥xÆW是民主國家中媒體信任率最低的國家之一(28%),而且媒體界經常因忽視媒體·s»D¹D¼w而受到批評。記者們卻面臨著一個兩極分化的媒體環境,以追求轟動效應和以犧牲新聞品質為代價追求利潤¡CRSF­«¥Ó¨ä«Øij¡G

(1) »s定有效保護編輯部ªº法規¡F¥[±j°ê®a³q°T©e­û·|ªº¿W¥ß©Ê


¡¹ ¤¤°ê®É³ø , 2024-4-7: ¿à²M¼wÁÙ¨S¤W¥ô´N¥ý®£À~¤H¥Á­n­­ÁY¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ¡A¬Æ¦Ü±N¤Ï¹ï¬F©²ªº¨¥½×¶ì³y¦¨»{ª¾§@¾Ô¡C¥ô¦ó°T®§¡B¨¥½×¥u­n¹ï¬F©²¤£§Q¡A¹ï¼Ä¹ïªÌ¦³§Q¡A´N·|³Qµø¬°¬O»{ª¾§@¾Ôªº¡u¦b¦a¨ó¤OªÌ¡v¡A¾D¨ì©Ù¬õ¡B©Ù¶Â¡C³Ìªñ¥ßªk°|ªøÁú°ê·ìÁy®Ñµo¤å´£¨ì"¥xÆW¦a°Ï"¡A¾DºñÀç§åµûÁúªþ©M¤¤¦@ªº¤@¤¤¥~«Å¡C

¡¹ ¤¤°ê®É³ø , 2024-3-12: ½²¬F©²¤j¥´¤¤¦@»{ª¾¾Ô¡A°ê¨¾³¡ªøªô°ê¥¿ª½±µ©w¸q¡A¡u¥ô¦ó°T®§¡B¨¥½×¹ï§Ú¤£§Q¡A¹ï¹ï¤è¦³§Q¡Aªì¨B´N»{¬°¬O¦b¦a¨ó¤OªÌ¡v¡C¥i¹w¨£¡A¥¼¨Ó¥u­n¬O§åµû¬F©²ªº¨¥½×¡A´N«Ü¥i¯à³Q¶K¤W¤¤¦@¡u¦b¦a¨ó¤OªÌ¡vªº¼ÐÅÒ¡A§Î¦¨´HÂÍ®ÄÀ³¡C³o³»¤j´U¤l¦©¤U¨Ó¡A´X¥G©Ò¦³§åµû¬F©²ªº¨¥½×³£±N²[»\¦b¤º¡C

¡¹ Áp¦X³ø , 2024-3-14: °ê¨¾³¡ªø»¡¥ô¦ó°T®§¡u¹ï§Ú¤£§Q¡B¹ï¹ï¤è¦³§Q¡v¡A´N·|³Q»{¬°¬O¡u¦b¦a¨ó¤OªÌ¡v¡C¡u¶WĶ¡v±oÂ÷ÃСC­º¥ý¡A Ãø¹D³s½TÆwªº¨Æ¹ê³£¤£¯à»¡¡H¨ä¦¸¡A¡u¥ô¦ó°T®§¡v¤£À³¥]¬Aµû½×¡C

¡¹ Áp¦X³ø , 2024-3-17:  °ê¨¾³¡ªø»¡¬O¤£¬O¦b¦a¨ó¤OªÌ¡A­n¥ÑÀ˽սլd»{©w¡C¬Ý¦üÁקK¶Ë¤ÎµL¶d¡A¦ý¥u­n啟動檢調警國家機器,就足以收震懾威嚇之效;再經司法程序一路折騰,即使還其清白,也已被剥掉幾層皮¡C只准報喜不許唱憂,正是統治者要的寒蟬效應!


¡¹ µû½×¥xÆW´CÅé

»¯¤Ö±dµû½× ´CÅé­·®ð·d±o³oÃa¡A¦]¬°¥Á¶iÄÒªº´Î¤l¸ò­JÅÚ½³   ¢w¢w   ¤£Å¥¸Üªº¦p¤¤¤Ñ´N·F±¼¡A ³ßÅwªº´CÅé´Nµ¹¿ú   ¢w¢w   ´X»õ´X¤Q»õ³o¼Ëµ¹  ©Ò¥H²{¦b´X¥G80%³£¬Oºñ´C¡AÀ°¥Á¶iÄҫŶǡAXX®É³ø´N¬Oºñ´C  ¬F©²¾i¤F¤@°ïªººô¬õ ºô¥Á¡Aº©¤Ñªº¦¾öG¹ï¤è


Áp¦X³ø  (2024-1-3) »Ê¶Ç¤j¾Ç¼s¹q¨t¥D¥ô§ù¸tÁo»¡¡A´CÅ馬¶R·U¨Ó·U­«¡A´HÂÍ®ÄÀ³·U¨Ó·U¤j¡Aºô­x¤½µM¶i¤J¬F©²³¡ªù¡A¥H¾÷­n¤H­û¥d¦ì¡A¦¨¬°¡u¶°Åé¤ü¾§¯g­Ô¸s¡v¡A¥Á²³·U¨Ó·UÃø¬Ý¨ì«ÈÆ[¤½¥¿ªº¯u¬Û


 ¡¹ Reporters sans frontieres  2024
World Press Freedom Index  -  ¨È¤Ó¥D­n°ê®a¤§·s»D´CÅé¦Û¥Ñ
The press freedom situation has worsened in the Asia-Pacific region

Country Index Global Score Country Index Global Score
Australia 39 73.42 Malaysia 107 52.07
Bangladesh 165 27.64 New Zealand 19 79.72
Myanmar 171 24.41 Philippines 134 43.36
China 172 23.36 Samoa 22 78.41
S. Korea 62 64.87 Singapore 126 47.19
India 159 31.28 Taiwan 27 76.13
Indonesia 111 51.15 Thailand 87 58.12
Japan 70 62.12 Timor-Leste 20 78.92
/ Vietnam 174 22.31


¡¹ ¤¤°ê®É³ø , 2024-3-15: ´_¹@ªk¦è´µ §Æ¯S°Çªºªk¦è´µ¥ý²Õ¶Â­m­x¡A¥H¥Á¶¡¼É¤O¹Îªº¤è¦¡¹ï¥I²§Ä³ªÌ¡A¬Æ¦Ü·j¯Á§@®aªº®Ñ©Ð»P¤å½Z¡F´N¬O±q¨¥½×À£¨î¡A§â²§Ä³ªÌ³£»¡¦¨¬O¼Ä¤Hªº¡u¦b¦a¨ó¤OªÌ¡v¶}©lªº¡C½²¬F©²¤W¥x«á¤@¤âÂÇÂ૬¥¿¸q¤§¦W¥´À£¦b³¥¬FÄÒ¡A¨î©w¤@¨Ç«ÂÄà©Êªºªk¥O¦p¡m¤Ïº¯³zªk¡n¡AÅý«ÂÅv¥D¸q´_¹@¡A¥H¾d©T¨ä¬FÅv brief


¡¹ ¬ü°ê°ê°È°|¤HÅv³ø§i US Country Reports on Human Rights Practices released at 2023-3-20 (
誹謗和公開羞辱是刑事犯罪。根據自由誹謗法,記者面臨法律訴訟的威脅。¦ý記者很少因誹謗罪被定罪¡C ¥xÆW°OªÌ³ø§i»¡Ãø¥Hµo¥¬§åµû¤¤µØ¤H¥Á¦@©M°ê¡]PRC¡^ªº¤º®e¡AÁnºÙ¤¤国·í§½¦V¦b¤j³°¶}®i·~°Èªº¥xÆW¥ø·~¬IÀ£¡C


¡¹  Áp¦X³ø ªÀ½× , 2022-10-28:  ªñ´X¦~¡A¦]µo¨¥½èºÃ¬F©²¬Fµ¦©Î§@¬°¡A¤£½×¬O¤½²³¤Hª«¡Bºô¬õ¡B©Î¨ü®`ªÌ®aÄÝ¡A¤Þ¨Óºô­x§ðÀ»ªº±¡ªp¹ð¨£¤£ÂA¡C·U¨Ó·U¦h¤H·P¨ü¨ì¡A¥Ñ©óºô­x¡B°¼Álªº²s¼û¡A¤µ¤Ñ¦b¥xÆW°Q½×¦U¶µ¤½¦@ijÃD¡A®e³\¦h¤¸½×ÂIªºªÅ¶¡³vº¥¨ü¨ì­­ÁY¡C


¡¹ ¤¤®É 2023-10-12: ¥Á¶iÄÒ¤£­ã¤H¥ÁÃhºÃ¬F©²¡A°Ê»³µo°Êºô­x°¼Ál¡Aµ¹§åµû¥Á¶iÄÒªº¤HÀ¹¡u¬õ´U¤l¡v¡A¥ÎÀËĵ½Õ¤½Åv¤O«Â¯Ù¥Á²³¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ¡A²×·¥¥Øªº¦b¥´³y¡u¤@¨¥°ó¡v


¡¹  ¤¤°ê®É³ø, ªÀ½×, 2023-11-25: ¬F©²¥Î¹wºâ¦¬¶R´CÅé¡A¨Ã¹B¥Î°ê®a³q¶Ç·|¥´À»²§¤v¡AÃö±¼¤¤¤Ñ¹qµø¥x¡C¦Ó¥B¦b¥ßªk°|­×­q¡u°ê¦w¤­ªk¡v¡A°w¹ï¬F¼Ä¥þ­±¥´À»¡C©Ò¦³ªº§@¬°³£»P¥Á¥D­I¹D¦Ó¹£  


¡¹ ¤¤®É 2023-12-11: ¬F©²µo°Ê¸ê°T¾Þ§Ë¦M¾÷: (1) 網軍側翼¡A逆我者諸多抹黑 (2) 總統¡B閣員、民代¡A選擇性揭露並巧妙挪用特定資訊, ¨Æ¹ê拼湊起來卻是被扭曲的真相或謊言¡A¤ñ¤è跳電不是缺電¡F不是走私是超買¡F©ñµLÁ~°²ÄÀ¬°´î¯Z¥ð®§¡F ±Æ©ñ®Ö¦¾¤ôºÙÆg·L¶q¤¸¯À¦³¯q°·±d  brief


¡¹  ¤¤°ê®É³ø, ªÀ½×, 2023-4-10:  民進黨同樣豢養了大批側翼和網軍,在網上顛倒黑白喊殺喊打,讓社會上敢於發出異議者遭受霸凌迫害,為「數位中介法」捲土重來創造聲勢。長期下來,寒蟬效應益加明顯,台灣的言論自由出現嚴重的倒退。¡¹

¡¹ Reuters Report (
Pay for online news : 13%;  ·s»DÁ`Åé«H¥ô«×(Trust in news overall): 28%; ¨ü³XªÌ¹ï¨Ï¥Îªº·s»D´CÅ骺«H¥ô«×(Trust in news I use): 35%; ·s»D«H¥ô«×¤À¼Æ Trust score in 2017/2018: 31%, score in 2022/2023: 28%.  ¥xÆW·s»D´CÅ骺«H¥ô«×¦b¥»½Õ¬d¤¤¤À¼Æ³Ì§C Due to the intense competition in the media market and the interventions of owners, trust in news (28%) remains among the lowest in our survey. In the polarised media landscape, many brands with political colours are less trusted, whereas business publications tend to have higher levels of trust. PTS (55%) remains one of the most trusted brands this year, after internal improvements.

¡¹  RSF, <Reporters Sans Frontieres>, France, 2023: Taiwan's World Press Freedom Index - score 75.54, rank 35.

¡¹ RSF, <Reporters Sans Frontieres>, France, 2022-5-3

¥xÆWªº¥­­±´CÅé®ø¶O¶qÅãµÛ¤U­°¡A¦Ó¶®ªê¡BEtoday Online ©M Line News µ¥¦b½u´CÅé©MªÀ¥æ´CÅé³Q¼sªx¨Ï¥Î¡C¹qµø¬O²Ä¤G¤j¨Ï¥Î³Ì¦hªº·s»D¨Ó·½¡ATVBS ·s»D¡BETTV ©M¤T¥ß·s»D (SET News) ¬O¸Ó°ê¦¬µø²v³Ì°ªªºÀW¹D¡C¿W¥ßªº¤½¦@¼s¼½¤½¥q¤½¦@¹qµø¾¨ºÞ¹wºâ©MÆ[²³³£«Ü¤Ö¡A«o¬O¥xÆW³Ì­È±o«H¿àªº´CÅé¡C



Reuters Institute survey 2021 ¦~ªº¤@¶µ½Õ¬dÅã¥Ü¡A¥xÆW¤H¹ï´CÅ骺«H¥ô«×¬O¥Á¥D°ê®a¤¤³Ì§Cªº°ê®a¤§¤@¡A¦b¨È¤Ó¦a°Ï±Æ¦W¹Ô©³¡A«H¥ô²v¶È¬° 33%¡C¥xÆW´CÅ骺µ²ºc©Ê®zÂI¾É­P¥L­Ì¯S§O®e©ö¨ü¨ìµê°²«H®§§ðÀ»¡A¤×¨ä¬O¨Ó¦Û¤¤°ê¤j³°¬FÅvªº§ðÀ»



nRSF ªF¨È§½§½ªø Cédric Alviani µû½×: ·s»D¦Û¥Ñª¬ªp¨ü¨ì¤@¨Ç¡§ÄY­«°ÝÃD¡¨ªº¡§·l®`¡¨¡C¥xÆW´CÅ骺¬Fªv¨â·¥¤À¤Æ¥H¤Î¥xÆW´CÅé¹ï¬Y¨Ç·s»D±Ä¨úÁq¤HÅ¥»Dªº³ø¾É¤è¦¡¡A¹ï¤½²³Àò¨ú¨Æ¹ê©M«ÈÆ[«H®§ºc¦¨¤F¡§»Ùꡨ¡C¦h¦¸©IÆ~¥xÆW¬F©²±Ä¨ú¤@¨Ç±¹¬I¨Ó¸Ñ¨M³o¨Ç°ÝÃD¡A¡§¨ì¥Ø«e¬°¤î¡AÁÙ¨S¦³±Ä¨ú¥ô¦ó¯u¥¿¶¯¤ß«k«kªºÁ|±¹¡C[¬F©²]¥D­n¬O¦bµo¨¥©Î¤ä«ù¤@¨Ç¤p³W¼ÒªºÁ|±¹¡C¦ý³oÁÙ¤£°÷¡A¡¨

n Taiwan got No. 38 place in Press Freedom Index 2022.  brief

¡¹ Foreign Policy (
nTaiwan, Cedric Alviani ( director, Reporters Without Borders)希望看到台灣改善自己的媒體環境,而不是將矛頭指向中國。¥xÆW·s»D¦Û¥Ñ«ü¼Æ¤¤¸g±`©~¨È¬w°ê®a«e¦C¡X¡X¦ý³o¡§並不是因為台灣媒體如此出色。¡¨相反,這是¡§因為整個亞洲¤j都由強人統治,由獨裁統治".
n coordinator for the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ): ·í¬F©²¯à°÷«Å¥¬¬Y¨Ç¬O¡¥°²·s»D¡¦®É¡A¥¦¥u·|¬°ÀݥΥ´¶}¤jªù¡C.
nRSF: ¡§³q¹L´M§ä´À¸o¦Ï¡B«ü³d¤¤°ê¦Ó¤£¸Ñ¨M°ÝÃD¡A¥xÆW¹ê»Ú¤W¬O¦bÁY¤p»P¤¤°êªº®t¶Z¡C¥xÆWªø´Á¥H¨Ó¤@ª½¬O·s»D¼Ð·Ç§C¤Uªº·Å§É.¡¨NCC ¥Ã»·¤£À³¸Ó¤¶¤J


½èºÃ¬G®c¤å¤Æ¬Fµ¦ 恐怖經歷

­¢®` ¥x¤j±Ð±Â

nÁp¦X³ø (2023-6-4): 二○一八年他在臉書質疑故宮文化政策,一年後卻被政府「查水表」,蘇宏達仍對這段恐怖經歷´n¹Ä
nForeign Policy, 2020-1-10 : ¥x¤j±Ð±Â¥H¼v¤ù±±¶D¬F©²¸Õ¹Ï¯}ÃaÂæ³³\¦h¤¤°ê¤åª«ªº¬G®c³Õª«°|«á±µ¨ìĵ¤è³qª¾¡A¤Ï¹ïÄÒºÙ¤§¯}Ãa¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ»PÁô¨pªººñ¦â®£©Æ the university professor Su Hung-dah said he received a police notice after posting a video this past November accusing the DPP of trying to destroy Taiwan¡¦s National Palace Museum, which contains Chinese artifacts...The KMT ...said the DPP was curtailing ¡§freedom of speech and freedom of privacy,¡¨ while a KMT spokeswoman referred to reports of citizens being summoned by police as a ¡§green terror.¡¨

¾Ç­Û ®×


news (2023-6-3) :  台大社會科學院長蘇宏達昨天公開爆料,指審議過程中遭遇許多威脅、謾罵,甚至有°ê¦w§½找上門,稱「局裡都看得到你的LINE。」 ( the predominant texting on-line app. in Japan and Taiwan, similar to FB message) "  蘇宏達´¿°Ñ»P¾Ç­Û¼fij·|ªº±Ðµû·|¡B »{©w新竹市前市長¡B®ç¶é¥«ªø­Ô¿ï¤HªL´¼°í (Lin Chih-chien, Lîm Tì-kian), ¥H¤Î行政院副院長¾G¤åÀé  (Cheng wen-Tsan) 台大°êµo©ÒºÓ¤h½×¤å抄襲,  國安局National Security Bureau (NSB) 前局長陳明通¤]¾DÀËÁ|¡C




Áp¦X³ø (2023-6-4): °£¤F網路上被罵,還有人專程到台大警告「不要一意孤行」,甚至收到提醒稱「有大哥不高興」。政治的手伸入校園之深,¥O¤HÀb²§


ªk°êAFP (2011-12-1), ·s¥[©YYahoo Singapore (Nov. 30, 2011) and media in Australia, Ireland, Thailand (®õ°êBangkok Post) etc reported National Taiwan university professor Ruey-shiung Lin (ªL·ç¶¯) claimed magnetic attacks by Taiwan's intelligence


¡¹, Focus Taiwan, Taipei Times, etc, 2022-5-13: Invited by Taiwan's government, an international human rights experts panel conducted a five-day review from May 9-13 in Taipei of the country's implementation of two United Nations' human rights-related covenants, namely the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR).
freedom of speech and of peaceful protest continues to be unduly restricted.



¡¹ US Country Reports on Human Rights Practices released at 2022-4-12 (
nCTi News(¤¤¤Ñ) ³Q­¢°±¼½¡C¤Ï¹ïÄÒ¬F«È©M¤@¨Ç¾ÇªÌ©Mµû½×­ûÁnºÙ¡A³o¤@¨M©w¬O¥X©ó¬Fªv°Ê¾÷³ø´_ CTi News ¹ï°õ¬FÄÒªº§åµû.
n ­«¤jªº¤HÅv°ÝÃD¥]¬A¦D¨Æ½ÚÁ½ªkªº¦s¦b¡C°OªÌ­±Á{ºô¸ôÅQ­â©Mªk«ß¶D³^ªº«Â¯Ù¡A¤×¨ä¬O¦b½ÚÁ½ªk¤U¡C
n³Ì°ªªk°|»é¦^¤F§õ®a·ìªº¤W¶D¡A¥L¦b 2020 ¦~³Q§Pº´°Ê­Ó¤HµI¿N¤¤µØ¥Á°ê°êºX¡C


¡¹ Taiwan News, 2023-2-26: Taiwan defense ministry  announced  that it submitted a revised draft of the ¡§All-out Defense Mobilization Readiness Act." for tighter controls over media and communications ( China Times (¤¤°ê®É³ø), editorial, 2023-2-27: ¡m¥þ¥Á¨¾½Ã°Ê­ûªk¡nÅkµMĵÁ`´_¹@¡A¨è·N©ñ¤j¨â©¤ºò±iÃö«Y¦¨¡u·Ç¾Ôª§¡vª¬ºA,合理化¡m¥þ°Êªk¡n¡A¹ê«h¬O­n恣意扮演「老大哥」,以隨時隨地監控全民思想與新聞自由。 (    United Daily, 2023-2-26: ¤°»ò¬O¤£¹ê°T®§¡AÁÙ¤£¬O¥Á¶iÄÒ¬F©²»¡¤Fºâ¡A²³æ§Î®e´N¬Oª½±µ¥Î¡u­xºÞ¡v¨â­Ó¦r (


¡¹  ¤¤°ê®É³ø, ªÀ½×, 2023-2-3:  ¦b·í«e¡u§Ü¤¤«O¥x¡vªº°ò½Õ¤§¤U¡A¥Á¶iÄÒ¥²µM¥[±j¤õ¤O§å°«¦b³¥ÄÒ¡B¥Á¶¡¹ÎÅé¤Î反獨人士,將他們打為親中、疑美、賣台, 在認知作戰的戰場上,美國也勢將火力支援,...。萬變不離其宗,就是將異議者抹紅¡C


¡¹  ¤¤°ê®É³ø, ªÀ½×, 2022-12-12: ¤¤¤Ñ´N¹³²Ä¤@±i°©µP¡A­Ë¤U¤§«á¡A¥xÆWªº·s»D¦Û¥Ñ´N¤@¸ô¦V¤U¨I²_¡C因為要繼續掌權吃香喝辣¡A民進黨政府的一貫作法是扶持「友好」媒體,消滅無法控制的媒體,消滅不了的話,就用綠媒、側翼、網軍進行抹黑或抹紅,以摧毀其對民眾的影響力¡ANCC甘願成為替當權者整肅異議媒體的打手 brief


¡¹  ¤¤°ê®É³ø, editorial, 2022-10-3:  台灣政治還保有民主的理想嗎?從政府機構開始,上自總統府,下到行政院、立法院、監察院、司法院、各部會,再到作為第四權,應具有獨立地位的新聞媒體,哪一個不是為政治服務的儡傀?在這種情勢下,台灣的民主淪落到什麼地步了?


¡¹  United Daily, editorial, 2022-6-5: ¥Á¶iÄÒ¡A¥þ­±°õ¬F«á¡A«o¤@¦A¯d¤U½î½ñ¤HÅvªº¬ö¿ý¡A¤£ºÞ¬O¹ï¤H¥Á¨¥½×¦Û¥ÑªºÀ£¨î¡A©Î¥H°ê¦w¤§¦W¹ï¤H¨­¦Û¥Ñªº­­¨î¡A¤â¬q¸û¤§¥L­Ì«ü³dªº«ÂÅv®É´Á²@¤£»¹¦â¡C


¡¹  Áp¦X³ø , 2022-10-13: °ê¥ÁÄÒ¥D®u½²Á`²Î¥ô¥Ñºô­x§ðÀ»©Ò¦³¥Á²³¡B¥ô¥Ñ¥Á¶iÄÒ¾Þ±±¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ¡A¬Æ¦Ü­­¨î¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ


¡¹  Áp¦X³ø United Daily, editorial, 2022-9-30:  Ãè¹qµø¨ú±o°õ·Ó¾DÃz®Æ¬O¨Ó¦Û¡uÁ`²Îªº¦®·N¡v...¨â¦~¨Ó¡A·s»D¥x¤w¦¨ºñÀ笣¨t¼Ð°t¡A¬Fª§µL§Ð¤£»P¡A·s»D¥x¶Àª÷ÀW¬q¬°ºñÀ礤±`©e¹qµø¥xÂX¤j...¤E¦¨¥H¤W·s»D¥x¬Oºñ¤Í¤Í¡A...«oÁp¤â¬°°õ¬FÄÒ³ø³ß¤£³ø¼~¡A¦PÁn¾Ø¥ï©Ù¬õ¦b³¥ÄÒ


¡¹  ¤¤°ê®É³ø, editorial, 2022-9-30: ¦bÄÒ¬F«ü¥O¤UNCCªº´CÅé¤z¹w¡A½Ñ¦pÃö³¬¤¤¤Ñ¡B²¾°ÊÀW¹D¡A¤£¶È¯}Ãa´CÅé±M·~¦Û¥D¡B¹H¤Ï¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ¡A§ó¬O¹H¤Ï¤@­Ó¥Á¥D°ê®aªº°ò¥»­ì«h¡C


¡¹  ¤¤°ê®É³ø, editorial, 2022-9-29: ¦h¼Æ¥Á·N­n¨DNCCÃöªù½²­^¤å¬F©²ºÞ±±´CÅ骺¶Â¤â±i¤ú»R¤ö¡C±qÃö¤¤¤Ñ¨ìÃè¹qµø¹LÃö¡A...½²¬F©²¸æ¾iªº³o¨Ç´CÅé¡B¦W¼L¡Bºô­x¤D¦ÜNCC¡A¥¿³v¨B¤Ï¾½¥Á¥D®Ú°ò¡


¡¹  Áp¦X³ø, editorial, 2022-9-13: 「認知作戰」一詞,在台灣已被濫用到無以復加;所有對蔡政府或民進黨的批評與監督,都可被化約成認知作戰¡


¡¹ Reuters Report 2022

¡@ proportion that trusts
 most news
most of the time
proportion who
mostly read news
 in text
proportion who
think news org.s
in their market
are politically
 far apart
proportion who
accessed news
via email in
the last week
Thailand®õ°ê 53 56 48 16
Japan¤é¥» 44 67 26 13
Singapore ·s¥[©Y 43 65 16 16
Australia¿D 41 61 29 17
Hong Kong´ä 41 60 36 14
India¦L«× 41 58 33 ¡@
Indonesia¦L¥§ 39 69 18 13
Philippinesµá 37 47 32 18
Malaysia°¨¨Ó¦è¨È 36 63 23 15
S. Korea«nÁú 30 58 15 10
Taiwan¥xÆW 27 54 38 12


¡¹ Reuters Report, 2022
weekly reach off line and online


TV, radio, print news on-line
TVBS News 45 Yahoo News 40
Eastern Broadcasting News 38 ETtoday 38
SanLih E-television News 32 TVBS online 34
¦b¥h¦~ COVID-19 ªº±À°Ê¤U¡A¹ï·s»Dªº«H¥ô«× (27%) ¦³©Ò¦^¸¨¡A¨Ã¥B¦b


¡¹ Reuters Report, 2022
Brand trust in Taiwan
«~µP«H¥ô«× ±Æ¦W

No.1 CommonWealth ¤Ñ¤U , No.2 Business Weekly°Ó·~©P¥Z, No.3 Economic Daily¸gÀÙ¤é³ø, No. 4 PTS¤½µø, No.5 TVBS,
No.6 UDN Áp¦X³ø, No.7
ªF´Ë, No.8 EBCªF´Ë·s»D , No.9 TTV¥xµø , No.10 CTSµØµø,
No.11 Apple Daily, No.12 LTN, No.13 Formosa TV



Trust in news ?   Reuters Institute, 2021

Trust in news overall    31% Trust in news I used   38%
Trust in news  in search 29% Trust in social media   21%
Public service television remains the most trusted in our survey, followed by the economic news media (CommonWealth and Business Weekly). The rest of the news brands in the polarised media landscape are trusted by one group, but distrusted by another.


¡¹  Áp¦X³ø, editorial, 2022-9-20:    Ä~¤¤¤Ñ·s»D¥x³QºM·Ó«á¡A¤jÂ×¢w¢â¢Ð¢ÑÁp·ùªñ¤é¦V¢Ü¢Ñ¢Ñ´£¥X¥Ó½Ð¡A±N¤­¤Q¤­¥xªº¢â¢ä¢Ð¢á¡u²¾ÀW¡vµo°tÃäæ¡C¨ú¦Ó¥N¤§ªº¡A¬O»P¥Á¶iÄÒÃö«Y±K¤Áªº¡uÃè¹qµø¡v¡C­n»¡³o¤£¬O¬Fªv¾Þ§@¡A®£µL¤H¬Û«H¡C¢â¢ä¢Ð¢á¤@¥¹³Q²¾ÀW¡A¸ò¡uª½±µ¤U¬[¡v¤]®t¤£¦h¡C¶Àª÷¦a¬q´N¥u³Ñ¡uµ¦²¤Áp·ù¡vªº³ü¹qµø¡B¦~¥N¡B¤T¥ß¡AªL¤å²WªºªF´Ë¹qµø


¡¹ Áp¦X³ø , 2022-5-9 ªÀ½×  (




¡¹ Áp¦X³ø ,  ¤¤®É,  ªÀµû,  2022-7-1: NCC在內的蔡政府長期以來素行不良¡A過去幾年,NCC早已拋棄自己作為「獨立機關」的本分,在中天撤照等事件上展露無疑;而蔡政府上下挾權力對於其認定的「不實訊息」濫訴、濫訟、濫罰情況,更是數不勝數  ...¡]NCC¡^¤½§i¡m¼Æ¦ì¤¤¤¶ªA°Èªk¡n¯ó®×¡A¤@¤f®ð¯ÇºÞÁy®Ñ»PYoutube等5大類有效使用者超過230萬人的大型平台¡AµLºÃ¬O箝制言論自由的尚方寶劍¡A«ê¦n»°¤W¦~©³¤E¦X¤@¤j¿ï...在2024的總統、立委大選派上用場,也毫無問題。


¡¹ Áp¦X³ø , 2022-8-22 :¡]NCC¡^´£¥X¡u¼Æ¦ì¤¤¤¶ªA°Èªk¡v¯ó®×¡A¤Þµoºã¨î¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñªºª§Ä³¡A¹G±oºô¸ôªÀ¸s¥­¥x¥²¶·¡uÃö¯¸¡v¡C³o¼Ëªº¨¥½×¦Û¥ÑÁٳѡu¦Ê¤À¤§´X¡v¡   ¤¤®É , 2022-8-22 :NCC¸¹ºÙ¿W¥ß¾÷ºc¡A¦ý½²¬F©²¤W¥x«á´N¦¨¬°±s¥Î¤u¨ã¡A¥Á¶iÄÒ°õ¬F«á¡A°ê®a¯Åºô­x¾î¦æ¡ANCCµø¦Ó¤£¨£


¡¹ Áp¦X³ø ,  2022-5-30, 2022-5-29: 藝人郭彥均在臉書分享醫護敘述「看到這麼多孩子,就這樣走」,行政院長蘇貞昌斥責是「不實ÁÁ¨¥¡v¡A±N¨s³d¬d¿ì¡A...  ·s¥[©Y¥i¥H°µ¨ì¨àµ£¦º¤`0¡A我國的兒童死亡率是日本10倍、南韓8倍,這不叫¡u多 ¡v嗎?¤@«h反映人民心聲的貼文,遭到政府上下嚴刑伺候,真虧蔡政府還自稱「民主政府」¡A¤j®a更對政府肆無忌憚打壓言論自由感到厭惡、憤怒與無法容忍¡C;


¡¹ RSF, <Reporters Sans Frontieres>, France, April 20,  2021 2021 World Press Freedom Index ¥xÆW±Æ¦WNo. 43
Political interference is rare and less tolerated, but Taiwan¡¦s journalists are suffering from a very polarised media environment dominated by sensationalism and the pursuit of profit. Although President Tsai Ing-wen has said she wants to continue developing press freedom in Taiwan, few concrete measures have been taken to improve journalists¡¦ editorial independence and encourage media to raise the quality of the public debate. Beijing is exploiting this weakness by putting pressure on Taiwanese media owners, who often have business interests on the mainland. Beijing is also suspected of orchestrating online disinformation campaigns ¡V a threat that could lead to questionable retaliatory measures by Taiwan such as refusing visas to Chinese journalists regarded as hostile   ¬Fªv¤z¹w¤Ö¨£¡AµM®e§Ô«×¸û§C¡A¦ý¬O¥xÆWªº°OªÌ¥¿¾D¨ü¨â·¥¤À¤Æªº´CÅéÀô¹Òªº§xÂZ¡A³oºØÀô¹Ò¥ÑÄ묹¥¿½T©ÊªºÁq¤HÅ¥»D Ãϲ³¨úÃd©M°l¨D§Q¼í©Ò¥D¾É¡C¾¨ºÞ½²­^¤åÁ`²Îªí¥Ü­n¦b¥xÆWÄ~Äòµo®i·s»D¦Û¥Ñ¡A¦ý´X¥G¨S¦³±Ä¨ú¥ô¦ó¨ãÅé±¹¬I¨Ó§ïµ½°OªÌªº½s¿è¿W¥ß©Ê¡A¨Ã¹ªÀy´CÅé´£°ª¤½²³ÅG½×¯u¬Ûªº½è¶q¡





    pic. :  "¥xÆW ¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ"­^¤åª© ±Æ¦Wyahoo²Ä1, 2023-2-5, 2021-6-24, 2021-4-22, 1-1-2021, 12-2-2020, 11-19-2020, 3-29-2019; No.2 "freedom of speech in Taiwan" at 2022-8-22, 2022-2-7



    pic. :  "¥xÆW ¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ"­^¤åª© ±Æ¦WBing²Ä1 ,2023-2-5, 2022-5-29, 2022-2-7, 2021-6-24, 2021-4-22, 1-1-2021, 12-2-2020



    pic. :  The website was ranked No.1 by "Taiwan freedom of speech"
on Microsoft Bing, 2023-2-5,
2022-2-7, 2021-6-23, 12-2-2020, 11-19-2020, 9-5-2020;The website was ranked No.1 by "Taiwan freedom of expression"
on Microsoft Bing,
2022-2-7,  2021-6-23, 12-2-2020, 11-19-2020, 9-5-2020




pic. :  "¥xÆW  ¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ"­^¤åª© ±Æ¦WGoogle²Ä1 , 3-11-2020, 7-23-2019;²Ä2 , 1-25-2020 ; No.3 at 2021-6-24;





¡¹ Global Times,  2021-3-29 : ¥xÆW¥Á¶iÄÒªº·t¶Â¡§ºô­x¡¨¦b°²°T®§«Å¶Ç¬¡°Ê¤¤¦ù¥X¤@°¦µL§Îªº¤â /  ¯ä¦W¬LµÛªº¥xÆW¡§ºô­x¡¨µ¦¹º¤F¹ï¥@¬É½Ã¥Í²Õ´¡]WHO¡^ªº§ðÀ», ¥xÆW¡§ºô­x¡¨¤]¹ï¥xÆW2000¦h¸U¤Hªººô¸ôÁֽ׶i¦æ¾ÞÁa©M¤z¹w¡C¥Á¶iÄÒ¦æ¬F³¡ªù©M¬ÛÃö°òª÷·|¬O³o¨Ç¦b½u¡§ºô­x¡¨³¡¶¤ªº°]¤O¤ä«ùªÌ©M¡§¤j¥»À硨¡C¦¹¥~¡G¡§¥Á¶iÄÒ¥i¥H»PªÀ¥æ´CÅé¦p PTT¡BFacebook¡A¥H¤Î¥­­±¦L¨ê´CÅé¡A¹q¤l´CÅé©M¹qµø¸`¥Øµ¥¬Û¤Äµ²¡C full text:


¡¹ ¦b¥»ºô¯¸, ±z¥i¥Hµo²{¤£¤Ö¦rÅé©Î½s±Æ,  ³Q°Ê¤F¤â¸}, §e²{¤£¤@­P©Î²V¶Ãª¬ªp , ½Ö¦³°Ê¾÷§ðÀ»¤½¥¿¥B¨ü°ê»Ú°ªµû»ùªººô¯¸©O?   for example, Taiwan judiciary, Judicial/legal system ( Comment Taiwan CovID CovID-19 booster policy was deleted by hackers  Feb. 7, 2022


¡¹ US  Country Reports on Human Rights Practices , 2021-3-30

¤¤¤ÑºM·Ó¨Æ¥ó¡A¦b¥xÆW¤º³¡¤Þ°_ª§Ä³¡A¤Ï¹ï¬£¥H¤Î¤@¨Ç¾ÇªÌ©Mµû½×±M®aÁnºÙ¡AºÙ³o¬O³ø´_¤¤¤Ñ§å§P°õ¬FÄÒªº¬Fªv¨M©w¡A¤ä«ùªÌ±±¤¤¤Ñ¨ü¤¤¦@«ü´§¡C¤@¶µ·sªk«ß±N±µ¨ü¨Ó¦Û¤¤°ê¤j³°¨Ó·½ªº«ü¥Ü©Î¸êª÷¥H¶i¦æ¬Fªv¬¡°Ê©w¬°¥Ç¸o ¤Ï¹ï¬£©M¤@¨Ç´CÅé§åµû³o¨Ç³W©w¹L©ó¼eªx¡A¨Ã¦³¥i¯à·l®`¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ¡C¬ü°ê«ü¤j³°³z¹L´CÅé¥À¤½¥q¥H¦b¤j³°ªº°Ó·~§Q¯q¸Õ¹Ï¼vÅT³ø¾É¨«¦V¡A¤¤¦@¼f¬d¥xÆW´CÅé¡A­­¨î¨ä¶i¤J¤j³°¡F¹L©ó§å§P¤¤¦@¬Fµ¦©Î¦æ°ÊªÌ­u³°±Ä³X·|¨ü¨ìÄY®æ¼f¬d¡B©Î³Q©Úµ´¤J¹Ò¡CCensorship or Content Restrictions: Officials in the People¡¦s Republic of China (PRC) influenced Taiwan media outlets through pressure on the business interests of their parent companies in the PRC. Taiwan journalists reported difficulty publishing content critical of the PRC, alleging that PRC authorities had pressured Taiwan businesses with operations in China to refrain from advertising with Taiwan media outlets which published such material. To punish Taiwan media outlets deemed too critical of PRC policies or actions, the PRC would subject their journalists to heightened scrutiny at Chinese ports of entry or deny them entry to China. PRC actors also targeted the computers and mobile phones of Taiwan journalists for cyberattacks.
Opposition politicians and some media outlets criticized these provisions (a new law criminalized receiving direction or funding from prohibited Chinese sources to conduct political activities) as overly broad and potentially detrimental to freedom of expression, including for the press.
Opposition politicians and some academics and commentators claimed NCC¡¦s decision not to renew the license was politically motivated retaliation for CTi News¡¦ criticism of the ruling party.


¡¹ International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, 2021 Global State of Democracy


PANDEMIC AND MEDIA INTEGRIT   /   social media, which arguably plays an even more important role in official messaging than its mainstream media counterparts  ªÀ¥æ´CÅé¦b©x¤è®ø®§¶Ç»¼¤¤¤ñ¥D¬y´CÅé§êºtµÛ§ó­«­nªº¨¤¦â


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¡¹   South China Morning Post (Hong Kong), 1-3-2021: ¥Á¶iÄÒ¦@¦P³Ð¿ì¤H»¡¥xÆWªº"«ä·Qĵ¹î"¸T¤¤国µ£®Ñ¡B ¸T¥xÆW·s»DÀW¹D; §Ñ¤F¦b³¥®É´¿¾Ä¾Ô100¢Hªº·s»D»P¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ

¡¹  Voice of America, 11-26-2020 :¥xÆWºM¾P¤F¤¤¤Ñ·s»D³\¥iÃÒ¡A¦]¥¦¤½¶}¼½¥X¤£·Ç½Tªº³ø¾É(¤ñ¤è¹A¥Á±N¬c¤l¥á±ó¦b¤ô®w)¡A¨Ã©¿²¤§ï¶iªºÄµ§i¡C¤¤¤Ñ¼½¥X¤F¿Ë¤¤°êªº¤º®e¡A¥H¤Î¹ï°õ¬F¥Á¶iÄÒªº§åµû¡CµL°ê¬É°OªÌ²Õ´(Reporters Without Borders)Án©ú¿ò¾Ñ¡A¦]¬°¼vÅT¤F·s»D¤u§@¤H­û¡C¥¦­n¨D©e­û·|©ÜÅS©Ò¦³ÃÒ¾Ú¡AÃÒ©úÄò¼½±N¦M¤Î¤½²³¡C´CÅéÀ³¸Ó§êºt¬F©²ªººÊ·þªÌ¨¤¦â¡A¦Ó¤£¶È¶È¬Oµo¥¬"¾A¦X²Å¦X¥L­Ì§Q¯q"¤º®e ¡§¡A±z¤£§Æ±æ[¬F©²©x­û]ÀÝ¥ÎÅv¤O¡A¦Ó­n°l¨s¥L­Ìªº³d¥ô¡A³o´N¬O·s»D¦Û¥Ñ; ¦P®É¡A©e­û·|ªºÁ|°Ê¨Ã¥¼«I¥Ç·s»D¦Û¥Ñ¡C ¤¤¤ÑºÙ¦Q¾P³\¥iÃÒ¬O¡§«Dªkªº¡¨¡A¨ÃºÙ¨ä¯Ê¥F¡§¥¿·íµ{§Ç¡¨¤Î¡§µê°²±À²z¡¨¡C  National Policy Foundation ±N³o¤@¨M©wÂk¦]©ó¬Fªv¡A ¾¨ºÞNCC¤£·|±N¡§¬Fªv¼f¬d¡¨§@¬°Ãö³¬CTiªº¥D­n²z¥Ñ¡A¦ý³o¹ï¨C­Ó¤H³£¬O¤½¶}ªº¯µ±K¡C¡¨ (Taiwan Killed a TV News Broadcasting License Despite Legal Freedom of Speech because the openly pro-China outlet had aired inaccurate reports (such as  a report that farmers had discarded pomelo fruit in a reservoir ) and ignored warnings to reform.  CTi News broadcasts pro-China material ¡V unpopular with much of the island¡¦s population ¡V as well as criticism of Taiwan¡¦s ruling Democratic Progressive Party.  Reporters Without Borders said in a statement that it ¡§regrets¡¨ the license revocation because it affects the CTi News staff. It asked the commission to disclose all evidence that renewing CTi's license would have endangered the public.  The media should take a government watchdog role but not just put out content that suits in-house agendas, At the same time, the commission¡¦s move doesn¡¦t violate press freedom. CTi  called the license revocation ¡§illegal¡¨ and cited lack of ¡§due process¡¨ as well as ¡§flimsy reasoning.¡¨  The National PolicyFoundation, attributed the decision to politics. "Although the National Communications Commission will never put 'political censorship' as their main reason to shut down CTi, it's an open secret to everyone".   (brief)   )


¡¹ ¥xÆWÃö³¬¿Ë¤¤¹qµø¥x VS. ·s»D¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ¤§¾Ô   ~¥O¤H¿ò¾Ñ



 NCC ¤è

­^°êReuters 11-18-2020, ¬ü°êUS News & World Report Ãö³¬¤¤¤Ñ¡A²z¥Ñ¬O¾á¤ß¤¤°êª§¨ú¥xÆW¥Á¤ß¤ä«ù¡A¦Ó¿Ë¥_¨Êªº¤¤¤Ñ¦ÑÁ󦳤z¹w¤¤¤Ñ·s»Dªº¸ñ¶H¡C¦ý¨S¦³ÃÒ¾Úªí©úCTi¤w¸gÀò±o¤F¤¤°ê¬F©²ªº¸ê§U  ¥B¥D­nªÑªF½²¡]Tsai¡^¦¹«e¤w§_»{¤F¦³Ãö¤z¯A·s»Dªº«ü±±¡C



¬ü°êBloomberg 11-18-2020 ¹qµø¥xªí¥ÜÃö³¬¬O¥X©ó¬Fªv°Ê¾÷  ¦b¥xÆW¦¬µø²v³Ì°ªªº¦³½u·s»D¥x¤¤¡A¡§¤¤¤Ñ·s»D¡¨³Q¼sªxµø¬°¥D­n¹qµø·s»D ¤¤³Ì°í©w¤ä«ù²Î¤@ªÌ¡C¤¤¤Ñ±`±`±j¯P§åµû»O¿W·NÃѪº½²­^¤å

³o¬O·s»D¦Û¥Ñ »P ´CÅé¿E¯PÄvª§®æ§½¤¤¹ï¤¤°ê¼vÅT¤Oªº¾á¼~ ¤§¶¡  ¸g±`¦s¦bºò±iÃö«Yªº³Ì·s¨ÒÃÒ¡C

NCCªí¥Ü¤¤¤Ñ¹H¤Ï¤F¼s¼½ªk³W¡AÃöÁä¬O³Ì¤jªºªÑªF½²¡]Tsai Eng-meng¡^ª½±µ©M¶¡±µ°Ñ»P·s»D¸`¥Øªº»s§@
­^°êGuardian, 11-18-2020 ¡@




ªk°êAFP, ¿D¬wYahoo News Australia, 11-18-2020 ³\¦h¤j«¬´CÅé³£¤½¶}¤ä«ùÄÒ¬£¡A¤ä«ù¤Í¦nªº¥_¨Ê¬F«È©Î¨ä¤Ï¹ïªÌ


°ê¥ÁÄÒ¥D®uJohnny Chiang¦b±À¯S¤W»¡¡G¡§¬F©²¥u¦³¦b²Å¦X¨äijµ{®É ¤~¦æ¨Ï·s»D¦Û¥Ñ¬O§¹¥þ¡A¨º¬O§¹¥þµê°°ªº 



¦L«×Times of India, 11-18-2020 ¤¤¤ÑÀW¹D»}¨¥­n¤Wªk®x§Üª§¡CºÙ¥xÆW¬F©²¥¿³]ªkÅý¨º¨Ç¤£¤ä«ù¨ä¬Fµ¦ªº¤H³¬¼L ¥xÆW¬F©²¤@¦Aªí¥Ü¡A¤¤°ê¤w¥[ºò¶}®iº¯³z´CÅé¡A¥HÀò±o¼vÅT¤O¡C
­»´äSCMP, 11-18-2020 ³o¶µ¨M©w¿E°_¤Fcti©M¥xÆW¥D­n¤Ï¹ïÄÒªº¥ß§Y¼««ã¡AºÙ³o¬O¹ï´CÅé¦Û¥Ñªº§ðÀ»
·s¥[©YThe Straits Times, CNA, 11-18-2020
Focus on Taiwan, 11-18-2020
¾¨ºÞCTi News¦b¼f¬d¹Lµ{¤¤´£¥æ¤F¤K¶µ±¹¬I¨Ó§ïµ½³oºØ±¡ªp¡A¦ýNCCÅGºÙ¡A³o¨Ç±¹¬I³£µLªk®ø°£¤jªÑªF¹ï·s»Dªº¤zÂZ


¤¤®ÉªÀ½×,11-19-2020 ·s»D¦Û¥Ñ¤w¦º !

Áp¦X³øªÀµû, 11-19-2020 NCC¡uµL²§Ä³¡v³q¹L®ø·À¤¤¤Ñ·s»D¥x¡A¥t¤@¶H¼x·N¸q¬O¡G³o¬O¹ï¥xÆW¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñªº¡u±Ù­º¡v¡A¦]¬°¥Á¶iÄÒ¬F©²¤w¤£®e³\¡u²§Ä³¡vªº¦s¦b  ¨«¨ì³o­Ó¦a¨B¡A¤j®a´N¤£¥²¦A»¡NCC¬O¡u¿W¥ß¾÷ºc¡v¤F


Ä«ªG¤é³øªÀ½× , 11-19-2020

Áp¦X³øªÀ½× 11-20-2020 À˵ø¢Ü¢Ñ¢Ñ§_¨M¤¤¤Ñ´«·Óªº¥|¤j²z¥Ñ¡A¤£¶È§¡Äݧ޳N©Ê°ÝÃD¡A½×­z¤]¤í¯Ê±M·~¡A¥H­P¥~¬É¬Ý¨ìªº¥þ¬O¡u±ý¥[¤§¸o¡v ²Ê¼É½î½ñ¤F¥xÆWªº·s»D¦Û¥Ñ¡C¤@­Ó¨S¦³²§Ä³ªºªÀ·|¡A¬O¤£°tºÙ¥Á¥Dªº¡C
¦Û¥Ñ®É³øªÀ½× 11-19~20-2020 µL¬ÛÃöµû½× ¡@
PS ¯u¥O¤H¿ò¾Ñ   ¥M¥´¤£Ä¹¤¤°ê¤j³°   Ãø¹D¤ñÁ¿ªº¤]¤£¦æ¶Ü? (´Nºâ¤¤¤Ñ¬O¤¤¦@)  ­Y¤¤¤Ñµo¥¬°²·s»D  ¥i¥H­«»@   »@´Ú¥Î©ó«Ø­x   ¥xÆW¤£¬O¥¿¯Ê¿ú¶Ü?
 ¨â©¤¬F«ÈÀ³¸Ó¨Ó³õ¤jÅG½×   ¥Hµo±¸¯u¹ê   ¨Ñ¤H¥Á°Ñ¦Ò

¡¹ Digital News Report (2020) by Oxford university (UK) Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism:  ¥xÆW¤H«H¿à·s»D´CÅ骺¤ñ¨Ò¶È24¢H (LTN 6-25-2020  ) ¡A¬O¤û¬z¤j¾Ç½Õ¬d³Ì§C°ê®a¤§¤@ ¡C
¡CÄ«ªG¤é³ø ( ªÀ½×, 6-16-2020 ): ¬Fªv¨Ì¤z¹w´CÅé¡B¬F´C¤£¤À ¡C

¡¹ RSF, <Reporters Sans Frontieres>, France, (Christophe Deloire, µL°ê¬É°OªÌ²Õ´¡]RSF¡^¯µ®Ñªø ) , LTN, 5-16-2020,  Reporters Without Borders (RSF, Cedric Alviani ),  Taipei Times, 12-17-2019

       ¥xÆW´CÅé¬É§ï­²ªº¤­¶µ±¹¬I¡G1¡^³z¹L¥[±j½s±Ä¿W¥ß©Ê¨Ó¤ä«ù·s»D·~¡F 2¡^«Ø¥ß¤£¨ü¦æ¬FÅé¨t¤z¹w¡B¿W¥ß©M³z©ú¥qªkµ{§Ç¥H¹ï§Ü¤£¹ê¸ê°T¡F 3¡^¤j´T¼W¥[¤½¦@´CÅé¸ê·½¨Ã¥[±j«O»Ù¨ä¿W¥ß©Ê¡F 4¡^¦b¸gÀÙ¤W¤ä«ù¿í´`·s»D­Û²zªº·s»D²£»s¡F 5¡^±N´CÅé¯À¾i¯Ç¤J±Ð¨|Åé¨t¡Cbrief


¡¹ New York Times, 1-10-2020: Scholars say that Taiwan has been the target of a Russian-style social media disinformation campaign by China, designed to exploit social divisions and undermine democracy.  A study by the V-Dem Institute at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden found that Taiwan was the territory most exposed to foreign disinformation, based on weighted ratings by experts.  <Áp¦X³ø> 1-8-2020 ªÀ½×: °õ¬FÄÒÅý¡yºô¸ô·t±þ¡zº¥¦¨¤é±`  ³s¥¿³W°ê¦w­xĵÅé¨t¤]±o°Ñ»Pºô­x º¯¤JªÀ¸sºÊ±±¥Á·N (brief)¡C <Áp¦X³ø> 1-6-2020 : ºô­x(·¨¿·¦p­Ì)¤´¥H¤£¹ê¨¥½×¡A ¨S¦³¬O«Dªº±a­·¦V¡A  °t¦X·í§½°õ¦æ¦UºØºô¸ôÅQ­â¡B¨¥½×ÅQ­â¡A  §@ªk¬O¿n«D¦¨¬O¡B ¯}Ãaªkªv¡B ¥Á¥D¡B ­ì¦³µ½¨}­·®ð... (brief / Áp¦Xµ§°O³¯¨¥³ì)


¡¹ Áp¦X³ø ªÀ½×12-5-2020

¤¤°êµ£®Ñ¡uµ¥ª¨ª¨¦^®a¡v¦]¤º®e¥X²{ªZº~¥[ªo¡B¤¤°ê¥[ªoªº¼Ð»y¡AÁÙ¦³¸Ñ©ñ­x¹B¿é¾÷´¡¹Ï¡AÅý¤@¨Ç¡u¤j¤H¡v·P¨ì¤£¦w ¡C©ó¬O¡A¥²¶·Ý³¦í¨àµ£Æ[¬Ý¥@¬Éªº²´·ú¡C½²¬F©²¤£¥u¦^¨ì¤F¸T®Ñ(official banned books)®É¥N¡A¤]¦^¨ì«ÂÅv®É¥N

¤¤®ÉªÀ½×¡n12-4-2020, ÁÚ¦V¥xÆW¯S¦â¿ïÁ|«Ò¤ý¨î
2016¦~¥Á¶iÄÒ¤W¥x«á¡A¶i¦æ: ²Ä¤@¡A­×­q¡u°ê¦w¤­ªk¡v¡A­­¨î¤H¥Á¨¥½×»P¦æ°Ê¦Û¥Ñ¡A¯}Ãa¾Ë¬F¥D¸qºë¯«¡C²Ä¤G¡A¥H¡uÂ૬¥¿¸q¡v¤§¦W¥´À£¦b³¥ÄÒ¡C²Ä¤T¡A¸vµL§Ò¼ª¯}Ãa¿W¥ß¾÷Ãö(e.g., NCC)ªº¤¤¥ß©Ê   ²Ä¥|¡B¯}Ãa°ê®a¤å©x¥ô¥ÎÅé¨î¡A¤j¶}¤è«K¤§ªù¥ô¥Î¨p¤H²Ä¤­¡B¦¬½s¦a¤è¦Ûªv¹ÎÅé¡A¯}Ãa¦a¤è¦ÛªvÅé¨î¡C²Ä¤»¡A±±¨îÁֽסG§Q¥ÎNCC¥´À£²§¨£´CÅé¡AÀݥΰê®a¸ê·½¸æ¾iºô­x±a­·¦V¡B»s³y´HÂÍ®ÄÀ³¡C
Áp¦X³øªÀ½× 12-4-2020,
½²¬F©²°õ·N¶}©ñµÜ½Þ¡AĬ¤º»Õ¬°À£¨î¤Ï¹ï·N¨£µL©Ò¤£¥Î¨ä·¥¡AÁÀÄF¤H¥Á¡B§ð°P¦b³¥ÄÒ¡AÁÙ§â°ê®a¾÷¾¹±À¦VµL¶d°Ó®a¡A±j­¢¥L­Ì¬°¬Fµ¦­I®Ñ¡C¡uµÜ½Þ¤§¶Ã¡v¤wºt¦¨¡uµÜ½Þ®£©Æ¡v ¡C

¡¹ USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices (¬ü°ê°ê°È°|¤HÅv³ø§i), 3-11-2020


¦¹¥~¡A­^°êª÷¿Ä®É³ø¡]Financial Times¡^¦]´¦µo¤¤°ê°ê¥x¿ì«ü¥Ü©ô©ôºX¤U´CÅ骺³ø¾É¤º®e¡A¥H¤Î¤¤¥¡ªÀ½Ķ³ø¾É¤º®e¡A©ó¥h¦~¾D©ô¤¤¶°¹Î´£§i¡C  ­^¤å¥þ¤å click !

¡¹ New York Times,  12-3-2019:  Social media platforms are another key battleground (Chn-TW): Nearly 90 percent of Taiwan¡¦s population is active on them, and traditional news outlets have been known to republish fake posts without fact-checking. According to Reuters, Chinese government agencies have paid Taiwanese news outlets to publish pro-Beijing content.  ªÀ¸s´CÅ饭¥x¬O ¨â©¤¥t¤@ÃöÁä¾Ô³õ¡G¥xÆWªñ90%ªº¤H¤f¬¡ÅD¦bªÀ¸s´CÅ饭¥x¤W¡A¶Ç²Î·s»D´CÅé´¿¦b¨S¦³®Ö¹êªº±¡ªp¤UÂàµo¹L°²°T®§(©«¤l)¡C¾Ú¸ô³zªÀ³ø¾É¡A¤¤°ê¬F©²¤w¦V¥xÆW·s»D¾÷ºc¥I¶O¡AÅý¥¦­Ìµo¥¬¿Ë¥_¨Êªº¤º®e



¡¹ µL°ê¬É°OªÌ²Õ´ (ªk°ê RSF, <Reporters Sans Frontieres> ) , 12-16-2019, <µLæ¬É°OªÌ­PÁ`²Î­Ô¿ï¤Hªº¤½¶}«H>: 



Ä«ªG¤é³ø 12-16-2019 ºK­n


¥xÆW´CÅéªø´Á³Q¸{û¦â»P°²·s»D¯u¼s§i¦Ã¬V, ¥H¤Î«DÂŧYºñ¨â·¥¤Æ, ªýê¤F¨î¿Å¤O¶q, ·s»D¤u§@ªÌ­±¹ïªø©x¤Ï·s»D¹D¼w©R¥O®É, ¤£¯à´Á±æªk«ß«OÅ@ ......



¡@ by Cedrie Alviani , RSF ¥xÆW¤À·|²z¨Æªø



¡¹  <¤¤®ÉªÀ½×> , ¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ±q¦¹¡u¬Ì¡vÃݤ£®¶¡H   3-9-2020

¤G¡B ºô­x·t¾¹ÅQ­â¡A¥O¨ü®`ªÌ¬dµL¹ê¾Ú¡C
¥|¡B¾Þ§@¡u°²·s»D¡vÄA­Ë¶Â¥Õ¡C°²·s»Dªº©w¸q¥Ñ©x¤è³æ¦V»{©w¡C²y­ûÁÙ²V¥Rµô§P¡C  brief ºô­x (No.1 rankings on the net, 2020)


¡¹  <United Daily Áp¦X³ø> ªÀµû "¥~¥æ³¡ªø¤£¥iºô¥Á¤Æ", 4-11-2020 : ¥¿·í¥xÆW«E±ý¥[¤J¥@½Ã²Õ´¡A¦¹¨è«o¤S©ñ¥ôºô¥Á¦VÃÓ¼w¶ëµo°Ê§ðÀ»¡A³Ì«áµ²ªG¥i¯à¨Æ»PÄ@¹H¡C... ¥xÆWºô¥Á¹ï¥Lªº§ðÀ»¡A¤]¦P¼Ë¥O¤H¤£´±®¥ºû¡C¦³¤H½|ÃÓ¼w¶ëNigger¡]¶Â°­¡^¡B¦º¶Â°­¡F¥L¦bºû°ò¦Ê¬ìªºµü±ø³Q¥[¤W¡u¤¤°ê½Þ¡v¦r²´¡A¦³¤H½|¥L¡u¥_¨Êª¯¡v¡A³£¨ì¤F¤³«ë¨¥½×ªº¦a¨B¡C


¡¹ The China Times, 4-9-2020 editorial  <¤¤®ÉªÀ½×>   ¥xÆWªººô¸ôÅQ­â´­«Â°ê»Ú 


¿ï«áºô¥Áªº§ðÀ»¹ï¶H±q°ê¤º©µ¦ù¨ì°ê»Ú¡A¦¨¬°ºñÀç¬F©²ªº¥~¥æ¦y§L¡A³Ì·s¨ÆÂݬO¹ï¥@¬É½Ã¥Í²Õ´¯¦®ÑªøÃÓ¼w¶ëªº¤H¨­§ðÀ»¡A¥L¤]¾×¤£¦íÀ£¤O¡AÂI¦W¥xÆW¤ÏÀ»¡C...¥xÆW©x¤è¡Bºô­x¡B¿Ëºñ´CÅéÁp¤â§ðÀ»¡A§¹¥þ¶W¶V²z©Ê°Q½×°ÝÃDªº½dÃ¥¡A²_¬°¤H¨­§ðÀ»»Pºôµ¸ÅQ­â¡A¯uªº¬O¡uÅý¥@¬É¬Ý¨ì¥xÆW¡v (brief)

¡¹ Ä«ªG¤é³ø  12-4-2019 Ä«½× : ¥xÆW¦U¬FÄÒ»P³\¦h¬F«È³£¸æ¾iºô­x ,  ºô­x©¹©¹¬O®£©Æ±þ¤â   ·´¤H§Î¶H»P¦WÅAªº±þ¶Ë¤O©Å¥ØÅå¤ß... §ð¨¾¤â¬q§ó·t¶Â¨õ¦H..  ¬½¬r.. ¡A¨S¦³¹D¼w©³½u¡A ¤H©Ê³Ì¨õ¦Hªº¤@­±¡A¦bºô­x¥@¬É¸ÌºÉ²{ ........  (brief ) 


¡¹ Washington Post µØ²±¹y¶l³ø,  ªÀ½× opinions,  3-28-2019

       "The United States must help Taiwan resist Chinese dominance"

       ¿Ë¥_¨Êªº§Q¯q¤w¸g¦¬ÁʤF¤j³¡¤À¥xÆW´CÅé¡A¨Ã»P¥_¨Ê¨ó½Õ¶Ç¼½«Å¶Ç©M°²·s»D¥H¤Î¾ÞÁaªÀ¥æ´CÅé¡C ¤¤°ê­x¶¤¤J«I¤£¦A¬O¥xÆW¤H³Ì®`©Èªº±¡´º¡C ¤¤°ê±µºÞ¥xÆWªº¾Ô²¤²{¦b¶°¤¤¦b²V¦X¾Ôª§¾Ô³N¤W¡A±M¨î¬FÅv¶V¨Ó¶V¦h¦a³¡¸p¦b¦Û¥ÑªÀ·|¤¤¡C ...¦b¥xÆW¡A¤¤°ê¦b¨C¦¸°Q½×¤¤³£¥e¥D¾É¦a¦ì...¦Ó¬ü°ê¦b«Ü¤jµ{«×¤W¯Ê®u¡C µØ²±¹y¥²¶··NÃѨ줤°ê¤j³W¼Òº¯³z¡A¯}Ãa¨Ã³Ì²×¼o°£¥xÆW¥Á¥Dªº¦MÀI¡C ... here in Taiwan, it¡¦s China that dominates every discussion. Beijing¡¦s malign influence is apparent everywhere, while the United States is seen as largely absent. Washington must wake up to the danger of China¡¦s massive effort to infiltrate, undermine and eventually abolish Taiwan¡¦s democracy ... a Chinese military invasion is no longer the scenario Taiwanese fear most. China¡¦s strategy to take over Taiwan is focused now on the hybrid warfare tactics authoritarian regimes increasingly deploy in free societies. Pro-Beijing interests have bought up a huge portion of Taiwanese media and coordinate with Beijing to spread propaganda and fake news and manipulate social media.
The Chinese government uses economic coercion to both recruit and punish Taiwanese leaders. Meanwhile, China is working overtime to strip Taiwan of its diplomatic allies and keep it out of multilateral institutions. Beijing is literally trying to erase the country from the map.


¡¹ µL°ê¬É°OªÌ²Õ´ (ªk°ê RSF, <Reporters Sans Frontieres> ) , 4-18-2019:  ¥xÆWªº World Press Freedom Index±Æ¦W²Ä42¡A  ÁöµM«ÅºÙ­n«ùÄò±À°Ê¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ¡A¦ý«Ü¤Ö±Ä¥Î¨ãÅé¹ê½è§¹¾ãªº ±¹¬I»P¤èªk¨Ó§ïµ½°OªÌªº½s¿è¿W¥ß©Ê¨Ã¹ªÀy´CÅé´£ª@¤½¦@ijÃDªº«~½è¡A¥t¤@¤è­±¡A¥_¨Ê¥¿§Q¥Î¥xÆW´CÅé¦ÑÁó¦b¤¤°ê¦³°Ó·~¥ß§Q¯q³o­Ó®zÂI¬IÀ£¥xÆW´CÅé¡A ¤]¯A¶ûµ¦¹ººô¸ô°²°T®§­pµe¡A ³o­Ó«Â¯Ù±o¾É­P¥xÆW¥i¯à±Ä¨ú³ø´_¤â¬q...... (Taiwan¡¦s journalists are suffering from a very polarized media environment dominated by sensationalism and the pursuit of profit. Although President Tsai Ing-wen has said she wants to continue developing press freedom in Taiwan, few concrete measures have been taken to improve journalists¡¦ editorial independence and encourage media to raise the quality of the public debate. Beijing is exploiting this weakness by putting pressure on Taiwanese media owners, who often have business interests on the mainland. Beijing is also suspected of orchestrating online disinformation campaigns ¡V a threat that could lead to questionable retaliatory measures by Taiwan such as refusing visas to Chinese journalists regarded as hostile.)


¡¹¬ü°ê¤HÅv³ø§i (USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices) , 3-13-2019: ´CÅé©Ò¦³Åv¶°¤¤¹ï·s»D¦Û¥Ñªº¼vÅT¡A¯S§O¬O¦³¤¤¸ê§ë¸êªº¥ø·~¡F³ø§i¥t´£¤Î¥xÆW·s»D¸m¤J©Ê¦æ¾P±¡ªpÄY­«¡A«d®z¤½²³¹ï´CÅ骺«H¿à¡C


¡¹ <Apple Daily (Ä«ªG¤é³ø)>, 3-29-2019, ªÀ½× editorial opinion:


pic. left: ¤¤°ê®É³øChina Times 3-29-2019 ÀY±ø·s»D: ®Â½Ã100% ¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ!  ¤£®e¥´µÛ¥Á¥D©ÛµP¤Ï¥Á¥D, ¨«¦V¼Ú«Âº¸¦¡¿Wµô

pic. right: Ä«ªG¤é³ø 3-29-2019 ªÀ½×: ¥Á¥D¦Û¥Ñ¬OÂźñ¥Õ³£¤£¥i¥¢¦uªº©³½u, °õ¬FªÌ¤×¨ä¤£¸Ó´ý¤ôºN³½, »s³y´HÂÍ®ÄÀ³  (



¡¹ <China Times (¤¤°ê®É³ø)> 3-29-2019 head page: (

     ´CÅ馳¨M©wÃC¦âªº¦Û¥Ñ, ¦ýÃC¦â¨S¦³­­¨î´CÅ骺¦Û¥Ñ, ¤£®e¨«¦V¼Ú«Âº¸¦¡¿Wµô, ¶}¥Á¥D­Ë¨®.

¡¹ Taiwan News, Jun. 9, 2020

¡@ ¡@



¡@ pic.: ¥xÆW¤H¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ ? ¥xÆW¤Hªº¤ô·Ç!! 
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¡¹ <¯Ã¬ù®É³ø> (New York Times), 11-28-2018, Will Taiwan Be the First Domino to Fall to China?
 The research institute of NHK ( Japan's national broadcaster):  influential media conglomerates in Taiwan have become pro-Beijing; their major shareholders have been given greater business opportunities in China's vast market.  Major Taiwanese newspapers and TV stations regularly feature content that hardly differs from that in China or routinely heap praise on Chinese leaders...¤é¥»°ê®a¾÷ºcNHK«ü¥X¥xÆW¨ã¼vÅT¤Oªº´CÅé¿Ë¤¤...








pic. :  "¥xÆW¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ"­^¤åª©±Æ¦W
¥xÆWYahoo(¶®ªê©_¼¯)²Ä1 , 3-29-2019



¡¹ <Áp¦X³ø> 11-2-2018 ÀYª©ÀY±ø ³ø¾É
¡u°ê¦w§½Ãҹ갻»`Áy®Ñ¡v¡AºÊ±±ºô¸ôªÀ¸s ¤§ª§Ä³°T®§¡A¥]¬A¡u¼vÅT°ê¦w¡v
¡B¡u ¶C·´¤¸­º¡v(§ÙÄY®É¤§¸o¦W)¡B¡u ÂZ¶ÃªÀ·|¦w©w¡v¡B¡u §á¦±¬Fµ¦¡v ¡A¤Î¡u¤zÂZ°ê®a¾÷¨î¹B§@¡v¡B¡u ¥´À»¬F©²«Â«H¡vµ¥; ³øµû«ü¥X¥Øªº¥i¯à¬O§ùµ´¤¤°ê¶Õ¤O¼vÅT¤§¬F«Å¡A¦ý¡u ¦Ñ¤j­ô¥¿¬ÝµÛ§A¡v´X¥G½T©w¤Þ°_¡u´HÂÍ®ÄÀ³¡v¡C<Áp¦X³ø> 11-3-2018: Áy®Ñµ¥©Ò¦³¥­¥x·~ªÌ³Q­n¨D¥æ¥X¥Î¤á­Ó¸ê¡C ps: ¥»¯¸»{¬°¥xÆWºÊ±±¥i¯à¥]¬A»P¤¤¦@µLÃö¤§­«­nºô¯¸¡C


¡¹ <Ä«ªG¤é³ø> 11-7-2018 ªÀ½×: ¦w¥þ³¡ªùµL½×·í®É¦WºÙ¬OªF¼t¡BĵÁ`¡B©Î°ê¦w³¡ªù,¡u"¥L­Ì"·t¤¤°µªº ¥Ã»·¶W¹L¤½¶}©Ó»{ªº¡v


¡¹ <Ä«ªG¤é³ø> 11-25-2018 "¤E¦X¤@¿ïÁ|  ºñÀçÀË°Q":  ¡uªF¼t»¡¡v­«³Ð§Î¶H¡C(New York Times, 11-23-2018: °õ¬FÄÒ­«¤j®À±Ñ Taiwan's ruling party was handed a major defeat in local elections)


¡¹ <United Daily (Áp¦X³ø)> 11-3-2018, ªÀ½×, ÀYª©ÀY±ø, µJÂIª©




 11-3-2018, ÀYª©:


 (1) Facebook ,
 (2) Youtube 
(3) LINE




pic. left:¥xÆWÁ`²Î








 pic. left: The sites-group
 was ranked
No.1 on Google
"Facebook free expression",

¡¹ ¬ü°ê°ê°È°|¤HÅv³ø§i released at 2018¦~4¤ë20¤é


¡¹  breaking news


 ¯}Ãa¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ  ªñ 20¦~³ÌÁV !  dirty attacks   prime suspects are ... ?   11-22-'18

¥xÆW¥qªk  (e.g., page1, page2, etc). ·s«¬ºA§ðÀ» 11-20-2018: ¼W­×µû½×¥qªkºô­¶®É , Áä½L¨CºV¤@¦r¶·³\¤[¤~Åã¥Ü¿Ã¹õ, ¦p¦¹§ó·s¤@ºô­¶¯Ó®É¼Æ¤Q­¿®É¶¡ or more, µL¼Ý¤OªÌ±N¥´°h°ó¹ª  attacks last ...  
¬Fªv­¢®` ( Eng,  Chn. )  8-10-2018, 8-11-2018 (about 4:20pm) ¦A«×¾D¨ì§ðÀ», ½Ö®`©È¥»ºô­¶ªº¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ? ½Ö´N¬O¶û¥Ç !  ps2: ºô­¶«Ø¥ß«á, Àb«È§ðÀ»ÀW²v¼W¥[, ªñ¤G©P´N¤G¦¸ (9-28-2018)

backup sites: , if needed, 11-22-2018¡»¡»

¡¹ Ä«ªG¤é³ø 2018¦~7¤ë12¤é   ªÀ½×  ¡Ð  ¬F´CÃö«Y³Ì¤£³ôªº¤@­¶

        ¥xÆW¬F´CÃö«Y ¦V¨Ó¿ùºî½ÆÂø......¨ª»r»rÃÒ©ú³¡¤À´CÅé»P°ê¥ÁÄÒ§Q¯q¦@¥ÍÃö«Y......´CÅé¦ÑÁ󳺦¨¬°¥Á¶iÄÒ¤º¬£¨tªº¬F´C²{¶H


¡¹ ¤¤°ê®É³ø 2018¦~6¤ë19¤é   ªÀ½×¡Ð´CÅ餣À³¸Ó·íÂźñ´c°«ªº¥´¤â   (



¡¹ ¤¤°ê®É³ø 2018¦~6¤ë13¤é <§Ú¨£§Ú«ä>±MÄæ

        ³\¦h¥ß©e°Ê¤£°Ê´N¶ÃÁ¿, ³\¦h³¡·|­ºªø¤]±`±`´£¨Ñ¿ù»~®ø®§, ¤Ï¥¿²{¦b¬Fªv­·®ð¤£¨Î ...... brief  / professor Lai (¿à²»½«)  


¡¹ ¬ü°ê°ê°È°|¤HÅv³ø§i released at 2017¦~3¤ë3¤é

¡¹ µL°ê¬É°OªÌ²Õ´  Paris-based <Reporters Sans Frontieres> (RSF), 2017-04-27  

      ¡´ ¥xÆW·s»D¦Û¥Ñ²{ª¬¬°¡§media freedom on hold,¡¨ 2017¦~¥@¬É·s»D¦Û¥Ñ«ü¼Æ¡A¥xÆW±Æ¦W²Ä45
        ¡´ ¤¤°ê¼vÅT·s»D¦Û¥Ñ ¡§the main threat to media freedom comes from China, which has been exerting growing economic and political pressure on the Taiwanese media.¡¨

        ¡´ ·í¦a¬F©²¤z¹w°êÀç´CÅéLocal government officials are also directly interfering in the editorial policies of state-owned media,

        ¡´  RSF ¿ï¾Ü¦b¥x¥_¦¨¥ß²Õ´ªº­º¶¡¨È¬w¿ì¤½«Ç  ( Asia bureau headquarters in Taipei )


¡¹ ¥xÆW  ¤¤°ê®É³ø¡B Áp¦X³ø¡B Ä«ªG¤é³ø¡B ­»´ä»ñ°Äºô ¡B­»´ä¤¤µûªÀ¡B ¤¤国·s®öºô    7-27-2017, 7-28-2017    details pls click: ¥xÆWÁy®ÑFacebook

      ¥xÆWÃzµoÁy®Ñ(Facebook)±±¨î¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñªº­·ªi¡A°ê¥ÁÄÒ´¼®w«ü³d¥xÆWÁy®Ñ²_¬°¬Fªv°«ª§ªº®£©Æ³õ°ì¡A¨Ã©IÆ~¥Á²³¹Îµ² ¤@­P¦V°ê»Ú±±¶D


                                         breaking news

¡@  At 2-22-2018, the dark power (who is prime suspect ?? Taiwan ?) blocked my uploading brief file (in Chinese version) about UK's IISS study China's advanced military systems are challenging the global predominance of the United States and its allies ... to and ; however, uploading those info. in English version is fine.   There're many similar and evil things happened, but no evidence to prove who the darkness is.

 Nov. 18, 2017  The China Times : Taiwan president gave tacit (secretly) permission to Facebook (Taiwan) to restrict or block certain contents  ... brief;  Taiwan government did not deny or respond this.   Pls. note  that uploading got similar problems as above.  


¡¹ ¬ü°ê°ê°È°|¤HÅv³ø§i released at 2016¦~4¤ë13¤é

       ¡» ¥xÆW°OªÌ¨ó·|«ü³d¬F©²«IÅv¯}Ãa·s»D¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ¡A¹H¤Ï·s»D¤HÅv¡A¥B·N¹Ïªý¤î±Ä³X§Üij¨Æ¥óThe Association of Taiwan Journalists condemned the arrests, saying they infringed on freedom of the press, violated the journalists¡¦ human rights, and were meant to deter media coverage of protests. /  three journalists were arrested while covering a student protest against proposed changes to curriculum guidelines for high school textbooks (see section 2.b.). The journalists were arrested for allegedly trespassing(«I¤J) when they entered the Ministry of Education without a permit and joined a group of protesters who climbed over a fence and broke into Minister Wu Se-hwa¡¦s office. The journalists, who denied the accusation, were released without charge the next day. afterward, the Ministry of Education dropped its complaint against the journalists.

      ¡» ¼f¬d©Î¤º®e­­¨î¡A °ò©ó¬Fªv¦Ò¶q»P¿Ë¤¤¥ø·~¤§¼vÅT¡A¦Û§Ú¼f¬d«ùÄò Censorship or Content Restrictions: Local academics and media activists alleged that self-censorship continued as some media chose to present news stories in favor of the People¡¦s Republic of China (PRC) due to political considerations and the influence of local businesses with close ties to the PRC.

      ¡» concern about the impact of the increasing concentration of media ownership on freedom of the press.


¡¹ µL°ê¬É°OªÌ²Õ´  Paris-based <Reporters Sans Frontieres> (RSF), 2016-04-20  

2016¦~¥@¬É·s»D¦Û¥Ñ«ü¼Æ¡A¥xÆW±Æ¦W²Ä51¡A¤À¼Æ 24.37 - ¤ñ2015's 24.83°h¨B¡A¥xÆW·s»D¦Û¥Ñ¦³¨Ç¾á¼~¡A¾á¤ß¨ü¨ì¥_¨Ê¶V¨Ó¶V²`ªº¼vÅT¡A³¡¤À´CÅé¦b³Ìªñ³ø¾É¤w§ïÅܺA«×¡AÁÙ¦³´CÅé·|¨ü¨ì¦ÑÁó¥ß³õ¡A­­¨î·s»Dªº¶Ç¼½¡C(The main threat to media freedom comes from China, which has been exerting growing economic and political pressure on the Taiwanese media. The editorial line of some privately-owned media has changed radically and it is no longer rare to find media outlets taking a line similar to the Chinese Communist Party¡¦s propaganda. Journalistic independence is also threatened by Taiwanese officials who interfere directly in the editorial policies of the state-owned media.)

±Æ¦W«e5ªº¤À§O¬OªâÄõ¡B²üÄõ¡B®¿«Â¡B¤¦³Á»P¯Ã¦èÄõ¡C¬ü°ê²Ä41¦W(Freedom ends where national security begins) ¡B¤¤°ê²Ä176¡A­Ë¼Æ²Ä5 (Great Firewall and systematic imprisonment ) ¡C


¡¹ ¦Û¥Ñ¤§®a (Freedom House ¬ü°êµØ²±¹y´¼®w a Washington-based think tank , USA ),  2016¦~4¤ë27¤é 

³ø§iASIA-PACIFIC  Regional Rankings & Scores¡A¥xÆW·s»D¦Û¥Ñ(Global Rank)±Æ¦W¥þ²y²Ä46(44-46¦P¤À)¡A¨È¤Ó²Ä7¡A¤À¼Æ(press freedom score)¬°26¤À¡C legal environment(0-30)¬°9¤À  political environment(0-40)9  economic environment8(0-30)¡CTop score °ê®a¬°Norway, Belgium,  Finland, Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Andorra, Luxembourg, Switzerland , Liechtenstein, Iceland; ¥t Canada no. 22,  US 30,   Germany 25,  UK 41,  NZ 26, Aus 33,  Japan 45.

¦Û¥Ñ¤§®a 2-1-2017: Taiwan ªº¦Û¥Ñ«×(Freedom in the world)91(100: Most Free)¡A»P37~42¦WBahamas, Costa Rica, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, St Vincent & Grenadinesµ¥°ê¦P¤À, ¦ý¦C¦bªí®æ²Ä42¡C


¡¹ The China Times¤¤°ê®É³ø ªÀ½× ,  2-4-2017



¡¹ The United DailyÁp¦X³ø ªÀ½× ,  2-6-2017



¡¹ ¬ü°ê°ê°È°|¤HÅv³ø§i released at 2015¦~6¤ë26¤é
      The US Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2014,

 ¦æ¬F°|¤§§ÜijªÌ¬°Äµ¤è¥H¤ô¬W´Ò´Î(batons)ÅX³v¡A ¦Ü¤Ö174¤H¨ü¶Ë... ´CÅé¶Ç¥X°OªÌ¹J¼É¤O¨Æ¥ó ( Local media have reported incidents of police obstruction and violence directed at journalists who were covering protests against administration policies.)  ¤@¨Ç´CÅé¦]¤¤°ê¤j³°¦]¯À¦Û§Ú¼f¬d(Local academics and media activists alleged that self-censorship continued as some media chose to present news stories in favor of the PRC due to political considerations and the influence of local businesses with close ties to the PRC.)


¡¹ ¦Û¥Ñ¤§®a (Freedom House ¬ü°êµØ²±¹y´¼®w a Washington-based think tank , USA ),  2015¦~4¤ë30¤é
¥xÆWªº·s»D¦Û¥Ñ¤À¼Æ±q¥h¦~ªº¤G¤Q¥|¤À­°¬°¤G¤Q¤C¤À¡C¥xÆW¦ì¦C¥|¤Q¤K¦W¡A¸û¥h¦~°h¨B¤@¦W / ¦Û¥Ñ®É³ø 4-30-2015
¦ý¦]¬Fªv·¥¤Æ¡B¦Û§Ú¼f¬d¡A¥H¤Î¤¤°ê¶¡±µ¼vÅT¡A¨Ï¨£©ó¥D¬y´CÅ餧·N¨£¦h¼Ë©Ê¨ü·l()¡C¥Ñ©ó³\¦h´CÅé¦ÑÁó¦b¤¤°ê¦³¥ø·~§Q¯q¦s¦b¦Ó¤£·Q¶}¸o¥_¨Ê¡A¥xÆW°OªÌ°¸º¸¦b¤¤°ê¬ÛÃö­«­nijÃD¤W­±Á{¦Û§Ú¼f¬d¡C §åµû¤¤°ê¬F©²ªº´CÅé¥ç¾D¨ìºô¸ôÀb«È§ðÀ»¡A¥xÆWªº·s»D¦Û¥Ñ¤À¼Æ±q¥h¦~ªº¤G¤Q¥|¤À­°¬°¤G¤Q¤C¤À¡C
¡» §åµû¥xÆW¥qªk»P À˹î©xªººô­¶ ( ) ¦b¥xÆW¬F©²³æ¦ì´ú¸ÕµLªk¶}±Ò  -  °ê®a¹Ï®ÑÀ] ( test at 2-19-2016) and ¥_¥«©²¤j¦w°Ï¤½©Ò¤K¼Ó(test at 3-14-2016)... but non-gov. places may see them.   ps: test again in «H¸q°Ï¤½©Ò at 5-22-2017, it's not "banned" now. ¥Ñ®É¶¡ÂI¬Ý»á¦³¥i¯à¬O·s¬F©²¤W¥x©Ò­P


¡¹<Amnesty International> °ê»Ú¯S³j²Õ´ , ­^°ê¡B­Û´°, 2-25-2015

°ê»Ú¯S³j²Õ´¦b³ø§iÃö¤Á¥xÆWªº¶°·|¦Û¥Ñ¡B¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ...¡A¨Ã´£¨ì¤Ó¶§ªá¾Ç¹B(student-led Sunflower movement protest)¡A¥H¤Î200¦h¦W§ÜijªÌ³Q°T°Ý«á¡A­±Á{³Q°_¶D¡C


¡¹ Áp¦X³ø, 2-25-2016

      2015¦~¤U¥b¦~¼Æ¦ì¶×¬y¤j½Õ¬d: ¤C¦¨¤K»{¬°´CÅéÃbÂ_ÄY­«¡A6¦¨7¤]¾á¤ß¥¼¨Óªº´CÅéÃbÂ_¡C


¡¹<Amnesty International> °ê»Ú¯S³j²Õ´ , ­^°ê¡B­Û´°, 2-11-2015

¥x¥_¦aÀ˸p°w¹ï318¥e»â¥ßªk°|¡B323¥e»â¦æ¬F°|¡B411¸ô¹L¤¤¥¿¤@¤À§½¤T¤j®×°»µ²¡A¤À§O¨Ì§«®`¤½°Èµ¥¸o¶û¡A°_¶DªL­¸¦|¡B³¯¬°§Ê¡B¶À°ê©÷¡BÃQ´­¡B¬x±R®Ëµ¥118¦W¾Ç¹B¤H¤h¡C¹ï©ó¤W¦Ê¤H¦]°Ñ»P¤Ó¶§ªá¾Ç¹B¦Ó¾D¨ì°_¶D¡A°ê»Ú¯S³j²Õ´ªí¥Ü¡A¥xÆW·í§½¥²¶·ºM¾P°w¹ï©M¥­¥Ü«Â¹C¦æªÌªº°_¶D¡C °ê»Ú³q°TªÀ¡u¸ô³z¡v¤]Ãöª`¾Ç¹B¶D³^®×¡A¨Ã«ü¤Ó¶§ªá¾Ç¹B¬O¡u¥xÆW¦h¦~¨Ó¤Ï¤¤°ê±¡ºüªº³Ì¤j®i²{¡v¡C



¡¹ µL°ê(æ)¬É°OªÌ²Õ´ Paris-based <Reporters Sans Frontieres> (RSF), 2015¦~2¤ë13¤é

µLæ¬É°OªÌ²Õ´¡]Reporters Without Borders¡^¤µ¤Ñ¤½¥¬¡u2015¦~¥þ²y·s»D¦Û¥Ñ«ü¼Æ¡v(Press Freedom Index)¡A¥xÆW¦b180­Ó¨üµû°ê®a©Î¦a°Ï¤¤±Æ¦W²Ä51¦ì¡A¸û¥h¦~¤U·Æ1¦W¡CTop 8 : Finland, Norway, Denmark, Netherlands, Sweden, New Zealand, Austria, Canada.


¡¹ ¬ü°ê°ê°È°| 2013¦~¤HÅv³ø§i
The US Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2013, released at 2014¦~2¤ë27¤é


¥xÆW´CÅé¦]¬°¥ø·~§Q¯q©M¤¤°êªº¼vÅT¤w¥X²{¦Û§Ú¼f¬dªº²{¶H¡C¦Û§Ú¼f¬d³]­­ªº·s»D³ø¾É®×¨Ò: ¨â¤j³ø¦b³ø¾É¤¤°ê³X¥x©x­û®É¡A¸û°¾³R¤¤°ê©x­û¡A¤Î¤¤¥¡ªÀ¥¼³ø¾É»\¬¥´¶¹ï¥xÆWªº¥Í¬¡º¡·N«×½Õ¬d¥xÆW¤H¹ï¥Í¬¡·P¨ì´dÆ[(Gallup poll that found Taiwanese were pessimistic about their daily life.)¡C


¡¹ ¦Û¥Ñ¤§®a (Freedom House ¬ü°êµØ²±¹y´¼®w a Washington-based think tank , USA ),  2014¦~5¤ë2¤é

¥þ²y·s»D¦Û¥Ñ¡þ ¥xÆW¤S°h¨B ¶^¨ì48¦W
¬ü°ê«D¬F©²²Õ´ ¡u¦Û¥Ñ¤§®a¡v¬Qµo¥¬¡u¤G¡³¤@¥|¦~¥þ²y·s»D¦Û¥Ñ¡v³ø§i¡A¥xÆW¥H¤Ü¤C¤À³Q¦C¤J²Ä¥|¤Q¤K¦W¡A¸û¥h¦~·Æ¸¨¤@¦W¡F»P¹L¥h¥Á¶iÄÒ°õ¬F®É´Á¬Û¤ñ¡AµL½×±Æ¦W©Î¤À¼Æ³£¤j´T°h¨B¡AÅã¥Ü¥xÆW·s»D¦Û¥Ñ¥¿«ùÄò´c¤Æ¡C

¡¹ µØ²±¹y¶l³ø¡F¬ü°ê°ê°È°| 2014¦~3¤ë25¤é

¬ü°ê°ê°È°|µo¨¥¤H§Æ±æ¥xÆW¤H¹ï©óªA¶Tªº°Q½×¥i¥H¥­©M¥B¦³¤½¥Á¯´§Çªº¤å©ú¤è¦¡¶i¦æ (¡§peacefully and civilly.¡¨)
State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf said Monday the U.S. supports Taiwan¡¦s vibrant democracy, and hopes that its discussion over the trade agreement can be conducted ¡§peacefully and civilly.¡¨ (Political protests in Taiwan are common, but violent confrontations relatively rare, reflecting the high level of civil discourse resulting from the transition from one-party dictatorship to robust democracy in the mid-1990s.  The United States has welcomed steps taken by China and Taiwan to reduce tensions.)

¡¹ °ê»Ú°OªÌÁp·ùThe International Federation of Journalists , 2014¦~3¤ë26¤é
Journalists Obstructed as Police Use Force at Taiwan Student Demonstration

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Association of Taiwan Journalists (ATJ) in condemning the restraining of media reporting on a student-led demonstration in Taiwan which led to a violent confrontation between police and protestors earlier this week. This week, the ATJ issued a declaration on the infringement of coverage with calls for police education in the wake of the heavy-handed police response.


¡¹ ªk°ê¤Ú¾¤µLæ¬É°OªÌ²Õ´Paris-based <Reporters Sans Frontieres> (RSF), 2014¦~2¤ë13¤é

¥xÆW±q¥h¦~ªº¥|¤Q¤C¦W°h¨B¦Ü²Ä¤­¤Q¦W¡C¥x´ä¿D´CÅé¿W¥ß©Ê ³´ÀI¹Ò¡C
µLæ¬É°OªÌ²Õ´Paris-based <Reporters Sans Frontieres> (RSF), a press freedom watchdog body

Feb. 13, 2014


¡uµLæ¬É°OªÌ¡]RSF¡^¡v²Õ´¡A¤Q¤G¤é¦bÁ`³¡¤Ú¾¤¤½¥¬¡u2014¦~¥þ²y·s»D¦Û¥Ñ«×¡]Press Freedom Index¡^¡v³ø§i¡A¥xÆW±q¥h¦~ªº¥|¤Q¤C¦W°h¨B¦Ü²Ä¤­¤Q¦W¡F¨Ã«ü¤¤°ê§Q¥Î¨ä¸gÀÙ¼vÅT¤O¨Ó·l®`­»´ä¡B¿Dªù»P¥xÆW´CÅ骺¿W¥ß¦Û¥D¡C¥x´ä¿D´CÅé¿W¥ß©Ê ³´ÀI¹Ò¡C





¡¹ BBC , 5.1.2014

¥xÆW·í§½¦bªñ´Á¤@¨t¦C°w¹ï¬F©²ªº¥Ü«Â§Üij«á¦¬ºòºôµ¸¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ¡Cĵ¤è¬ù½Í¤F¤@¦Wºôµ¸¤W¶K¤åªÌ¡A¸Ó¶K¤å¤¤»¡¨ì¤F±NÅõºÈ¥x¥_¥«±¶¹B¡C ¸Ó¶K¤åªÌªº«ß®v»¡Âàµo¤å³¹¨Ã¨S¦³¹Hªk¡A§Y¨Ï¬O­ì©l¶K¤åªÌ¤]¤£ºc¦¨¥Ç¸o¡CÀËĵªº¤j°Ê§@©úÅã¬O­n¡u±þÂûäêµU¡v¡AÅý¤H­Ì®`©È¤Wµó¥Ü«Âªí¹F·N¨£¡C°£¤Fºôµ¸¤W¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñªº­­ÁY¥~¡A¥xÆW¤º¬F³¡«Å§G±N¹ï¥Ü«ÂªÌ¶i¦æ¡u¹w¨¾©ÊÅù©ã¡v¡A³Q·í§½»{©w¥i¯à°Ñ¥[¥Ü«ÂªÌªº¤H¨­¦Û¥Ñ±N¥i¯à¨ü¨ì­­¨î¡C


¡¹ <°ê®a³q°T¶Ç¼½©e­û·|>(NCC),  3.17.2014



¡¹<Freedom House>, Washington D.C., USA ( ¦Û¥Ñ¤§®a¡A¬ü°êµØ²±¹y´¼®w a Washington-based think tank ), USA, 2013¦~5¤ë1¤é

¥xÆW·s»D¦Û¥Ñ¤µ¦~¤À¼Æ¤ñ2012»P 2011¦~°h¨B 1¤À¡A±Æ¦W¥þ²y²Ä47¡A¨È¤Ó²Ä8¡A°h¨B 1¦ì¡C¡@

<Freedom House> 2013 report
the Freedom of the Press world survey)

May 1,  2013



 ¥xÆW¬Fªv¨â·¥¤Æ¡B´CÅé¦Û§Ú¼f¬d©M¤¤°ê¶¡±µ¼vÅT¡A¹ï¥D¬y´CÅ骺·N¨£¦h¤¸¤Æ¦³©Ò­­¨î¡C(Political polarization, self-censorship and indirect Chinese influence limit the diversity of opinions represented in Taiwan¡¦s mainstream media)
¥xÆW¥H¤G¤Q¤»¤À¦b¥þ²y±Æ¦W¤¤³Q¦C¤J²Ä¥|¤Q¤C, ¨È¤Ó¦a°Ï±Æ¦W«h»P¦R¥Ë¾|¦P¦C¬°²Ä¤K¡C

 Taiwan's rank : 2008 - 32nd , 2009 - 43rd , 2010 - 47th , 2011 - 48th, 2012 - 47th, 2013 - 47th

Ä«ªG¤é³ø5/3/2013: ¥xÆW¦bªk«ßÀô¹Ò¶µ¥Ø¥X²{ÅܤơA»P´CÅé¤jÀô¹Ò©M¸gÀçªÌ¦³Ãö¡A³ø§i©Ò«ü°ÝÃDªº½T¬O¥xÆWÀ³§ï¶i¤§³B¡A¹³´CÅéÃbÂ_©Î©ö¤âµ¥¨Æ¥ó³£ÁÙ¦b°Q½×¡A¥ßªk¤]¥¼§¹¥þ½T¥ß¡A§Æ±æ¥¼¨Óªk¥O¯à«Øºc¸û°·±dªº´CÅéÀô¹Ò¡A§OÅý¬Fªv©M°]¹Î¤zÂZ·s»D¦Û¥Ñ¡C Freedom House, a Washington-based non-governmental organization that supports the expansion of freedom around the world.


¡¹ <Freedom House>, Washington D.C., USA ( ¦Û¥Ñ¤§®a¡A¬ü°êµØ²±¹y´¼®w a Washington-based think tank ), USA, 2013¦~6¤ë1¤é

¥xÆW´CÅéÅã¥Ü±j¯P¬FÄҶɦV ³ø¾É¦³°¾»á ―  ¬ü°ê¦Û¥Ñ¤§®a©ó¬ü°ê®É¶¡¤­¤ë¤Ê¤é¡A¤½§G¦U§O°ê®a³ø§i«ü¥X¡A¥xÆW´CÅé¤Ï¬M¦h¤¸Æ[ÂI©M¹ï¬F©²¬Fµ¦»P³g»G¶Ç»Dªº¿n·¥³ø¾É¡C¤£¹L¥xÆW´CÅéÅã¥Ü±j¯Pªº¬FÄҶɦV¡A¹ï¦Û¤v´L­«ªº­Ô¿ï¤H¦³°¾»á³ø¾É¡C


¡¹ <Reporters Sans Frontieres> (µLæ¬É°OªÌ²Õ´ RSF, Reporters without Borders), ªk°ê¤Ú¾¤ France, 2013¦~1¤ë30¤é

2012-2013¦~¥þ²y·s»D¦Û¥Ñ«×±Æ¦W¡A¥xÆW±Æ¦W47¦W¡C¤ñ2012¦~±Æ¦W45°h¨B2¦ì  ¡Cthe watchdog was concerned about the protests in Taiwan last year against the Want Want China Times Group¡¦s (©ô©ô¤¤®É¶°¹Î) bid to buy into another media group


¡¹ <Amnesty International> °ê»Ú¯S³j²Õ´ , ­^°ê¡B­Û´°, 2013¦~report
 (  )

Concentration of ownership of media outlets raised concerns about freedom of expression and editorial independence. In July, the National Communications Commission (NCC) conditionally approved Want Want China Times Group¡¦s acquisition of a major cable television channel and, in November, acquisition of newspaper giant Next Media. In December, the Taipei High Administrative Court ruled that the NCC had the executive power to revoke the Group¡¦s acquisition of another cable television channel because the channel had failed to meet the conditions set by the NCC.

¡¹ <2013¥xÆW¥Á¥D°òª÷·|¥Á½Õ>, ¥@·s¤j¾Ç°õ¦æ, 2013¦~12¤ë10¤é (¦Û¥Ñ®É³ø¡BÁp¦X³ø¡BThe China Post¡BThe Taipei Times)
¡u«O»Ù¯µ±K³q°T¦Û¥Ñ¡v(communication privacy and freedom)ªºº¡·N«×ªí²{¡A±q«e¦~2011¦~ªº3.5¤À¤j´T«×·Æ¸¨¨ì¤µ¦~(2013)ªº2.4¤À(range 0.0~5.0)¡A³Ð¤U·s§C¡C

¡¹ <Freedom House> ( ¦Û¥Ñ¤§®a¡A¬ü°êµØ²±¹y´¼®w a Washington-based think tank ), USA, 2012¦~5¤ë1¤é


¥xÆWªºªk«ßÀô¹ÒÀò±o8¤À¡A¤ñ¥h¦~­°§C¤@¤À¡CTaiwan scored an 8 for its legal environment (1 point worse than in last year's survey), a 9 for its political environment (no change), and an 8 for its economic environment (1 point better than last year).



¡¹ <Amnesty International> °ê»Ú¯S³j²Õ´ , ­^°ê¡B­Û´°, 2012¦~5¤ë24¤é


¡¹ <Reporters Sans Frontieres> (µLæ¬É°OªÌ²Õ´ RSF, Reporters without Borders), ªk°ê¤Ú¾¤ France, 2012¦~1¤ë25¤é

2011-12¦~¥þ²y·s»D¦Û¥Ñ«×±Æ¦W¡A¥xÆW±Æ¦W45¦W¡C Taiwan's rank on Freedom of Press ( freedom of Information) : 45th.

 Press freedom Index : Finland No.1, Norway No.1

 New Zealand No.13,  Japan No. 22,  Australia No.30, South Korea No.44,
 Taiwan No.45, USA, No.47, HK No.54  US extra territorial No. 57,  China No.174
¡A¨È¤Ó¦a°Ï±Æ¦W: ¯Ã¦èÄõ¡]No. 13¡^¡B¿D¬w (30)¡B¤é¥»¡]22¡^¡B«nÁú¡]No. 44¡^¡B¬ü°ê(47)


Apple Daily News, Jan. 26, 2012
Taiwan's rank in 2011 : No.48


¡¹  <¦Û¥Ñ®É³ø>¡B<Epoch USA¬ü°ê¤j¬ö¤¸> ¡A  2012¦~12¤ë8¤é

2012¤HÅv½Õ¬d ¥x´CÅé¿W¥ß¦Û¥D³s3¦~¤U·Æ !


¤ñ¸û4¦~½Õ¬dµ²ªGµo²{¡A¦b¬F©²«O»Ù·s»D´CÅé¿W¥ß¦Û¥D¤£¨ü¤z¹w¤è­±¡A¦³³v¦~¤U·ÆÁͶÕ... ¦b²Ó¶µ½Õ¬d³¡¤À¡A¥Á²³¹ï¤HÅv«O»Ù³Ì¤£º¡·Nªº«e¤T¦W¡A¤À§O¬O¬F©²µL³g»Gµ{«×¡B¬F©²¦^À³¤H¥Á»Ý¨D¤ÎµL¥~¤O¤z¯A¥qªk±¡§Î¡F³Ìº¡·Nªº«h¬O©~¦í¤Î¾E±p¦Û¥Ñ¡B©v±Ð«H¥õ¦Û¥Ñ¤Î§ë²¼Åv§Q«O»Ù¦Û¥Ñ...


¡¹ <¤¤°ê®É³ø> ¡A2012¦~12¤ë11¤é
¥@¬É¤HÅv¤é  ―  Ĭ­s©÷§å¤HÅv­Ë°h¡B¥Á¥D¥X²{¦M¾÷¡A¤×¥H¥qªk¡B´CÅé(¥xÆW·s»D¦Û¥Ñ¥¿¾DÄY­««I»k¡A¥B¤¤°ê¤¶¤J¥xÆW¸m¤J¦æ¾P¤]¤éº¥ÄY­«)³ÌÄY­«¡A°ê¥ÁÄÒ¥¸«D¨Æ¹ê¡B§i¬vª¬ ...

¡¹ <Taipei Times>, Dec. 11 2012
The Democratic Progressive Party: The erosion of human rights under KMT's  administration, in particular regarding the judiciary and media, has placed Taiwan¡¦s proud democracy in jeopardy(¥Á¥D¥X²{¦M¾÷) and requires attention from the international community, ... applying a three-part strategy to monopolize local media (ÃbÂ_´CÅ骺µ¦²¤) by first ¡§paralyzing the public television system and controlling the Chinese Television System,¡¨ then following up with Want Want China Times Group¡¦s (©ô©ô¤¤®É¶°¹Î) ¡§vertical integration of a cable television service and horizontal integration of its pending merger of the Next Media Group.¡¨... Implementing the Assembly and Parade Act (¶°·|¹C¦æªk) was the most glaring example of Ma¡¦s noncompliance with the covenants,...  there were two major crises in Taiwan: first, people¡¦s suffering from the sluggish economy; second, the backsliding of human rights and the re-emergence of authoritarianism.


¡¹ <China Post>,  Dec. 11 2012
The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) chairman: Taiwan currently faces two major human rights crises: prosecutors that abuse their powers to persecute the people, and private interests that wield dangerous power over the media, Su said, pointing to China as one of the big players in the monopolization of Taiwan's media.
DPP's Policy Research Committee: a recent poll indicates that 62.3 % of Taiwanese are dissatisfied with the government's protection of human rights.
(¥Á¶iÄÒ¥Á½Õ: 62.3%¤£º¡·N¤HÅv«O»Ù¡A67%¤£º¡·N¥qªk¤HÅv«O»Ù¡A64.9%¤£º¡·N¬Fªv¤HÅv«O»Ù)


¡¹ <Ä«ªG¤é³ø>¡A
®Ú¾Ú "2012 ¥xÆW¤HÅv«ü¼Ð½Õ¬d" (conducted by ¤¤µØ¤HÅv¨ó·|)¡A 17.9% ¥xÆW¤H»{¬°¥xÆW¤HÅv¶i¨B¡A 36% »{¬°¥xÆW¤HÅv°h¨B¡A  76% ¥xÆW¤H¤£º¡¥xÆW¸gÀÙ¤HÅv

¡¹  <¦Û¥Ñ®É³ø>     ¡A  2012¦~4¤ë21¤é

µû°ê®a¤HÅv³ø§i®Ú¥»¬O¡u¦Û§j¦Û¾Ý¡v... ¥Á¶iÄÒ°õ¬F®É´Á¥xÆWªº·s»D¦Û¥Ñ±q¥þ²y±Æ¦W¤T¤Q¤­¦W¶i¨B¨ì¤T¤Q¤G¦W¡A¦ý°¨¬F©²°õ¬F«á¡A¥xÆW·s»D¦Û¥Ñ¤£¶i¤Ï°h¡A±q¥|¤Q¤T¦W­Ë°h¨ì¥|¤Q¤K¦W¡C


¡¹ <¬P®q¤é³ø> (Sing Tao Daily) ¡A  2012¦~12¤ë5¤é

²M¤j¾Ç¥Í³¯¬°§Ê¤é«e¦b¥ßªk°|«ü³d±Ð¨|³¡ªø½±°¶¹çªº¨¥¦æ¤Þ¦U¤èª§Ä³(§@®a±i¤j¬K:¦nÁx´N·d­²©R§a¡H¥MµÛ¥ß©e¼µ¸y¡A¨º¼LÁy¤]¤£¹L´N¬OÆN¤ö¤ü¤ú¦Ó¤w VS ¸Ö¤Hù·¶¹Å:³¡ªø¤½µM»¡ÁÀ¡A¬O¥¢¼w¡K¤£­È±o¥H§¬Û«Ý¡C)

¡¹<Ä«ªG¤é³ø>¡A Ä«½×¡G¥»®×ªº­«ÂI¤£¬O³¯ªººA«×§¤£Â§»ª¡A¦Ó¬O±Ðªø¡uÃö¤ß¡v¾Ç¥ÍªºªÀ¹B¬O§_¾A·íªº°ÝÃD¡C¤×¨ä¦b¸ÑÄY¨S¦h¤[...±Ð¨|³¡ªøªºÃö¤ß¤§»¡®æ¥~±Ó·P¡A·|¾É­P¹ï¥ß¤]¨ä¨Ó¦³¦Û¡C§ÙÄY®É´Á¡Aĵ³ÆÁ`³¡¬ù½Í¨Ã®£À~²§Ä³¤H¤h®É¤]¬O¨Ï¥Î¡uÃö¤ß¡v³o­Ó¦³©¶¥~¤§­µªº»yµü¡C


¡¹  <¤¤°ê®É³ø> ¡A  2012¦~3¤ë10¤é

(1) ¶°¹Cªk¤Ü¤E±ø©ú©ú¹H¤Ï¡m¤½¥Á¬FªvÅv§Q°ê»Ú¤½¬ù¡n¤Ü¤@±ø¡u°ê®a¤£±o­­¨î©M¥­¶°·|ªºÅv§Q¡v¡A¥h¦~©³´N¤w¥¢®Ä¡A¦ýªk©x«o¨S«i´±§@¥X§K¶Dµô¨M¡A......«e¤Ñ¡A½Þ¹A¦b¹A©e·|«e§Üij(½G¦×ºë¶i¤fµ¥)¡A«o³Qĵ¤è¥H¹H¤Ï¶°¹Cªk¶e®·ªk¿ì¡A°ªµh½|ĵ¤è®Ú¥»¬OÂƵø°ê»Ú¤HÅv¤½¬ù¡C ...
¡m¤½¥Á»P¬FªvÅv§Q¡n¤Î¡m¸gÀÙªÀ·|¤å¤ÆÅv§Q¡n¨â¤½¬ù¡A·~¸gÁ`²Î¤½¥¬¬I¦æ¡A¦ýºI¦Ü¥Ø«e¡A¤´¦³¶°¹Cªkµ¥¤C¤Q¤»«h¹H¤Ï¤½¬ùªºªk¥OÁÙ¨S¼o°£©Î­×¥¿ ¡F...¡A°ê»Ú¤½¬ùªºªk«ß¦ì¶¥¬O°ª©ó¥ô¦ó°ê¤ºªk¡A¦ý¦]¥ßªk³æ¦ì«å´k¡A¾É­P°õªkªÌ¤Þ¥Î¤£À³¾A¥Îªºªk¥O¡A°µ¥X¹H­I¤½¬ùºë¯«ªº§P¨M...

<¬ü°ê°ê°È°|USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices, issued April 8, 2011>    ¬ü°ê   -    2011¦~4¤ë8¤é

        ¬ü°ê°ê°È°|2011¦~¤HÅv³ø§i§åµû¥xÆW¬F©²¤§·s»D¸m¤J¦³¼WµL´î :  authorities increased their placement of advertisements packaged as news reports in local newspapers and television.

¡¹ <Freedom House>  ¦Û¥Ñ¤§®a  2010·s»D¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñsurvey³ø§i,   ¬ü°ê  µØ©² -    2011¦~5¤ë2¤é



 2008¦~²Ä 32 , 2009¦~²Ä 43 , 2010¦~²Ä 47 , 2011¦~ 48¦W



(1) ¥xÆW¤½µø¸³ºÊ¨Æª§Ä³

(2) ¼s§i°°¸Ë¬°·s»D¤§¸m¤J¦æ¾P«Â¯Ù·s»D¦Û¥Ñ©Ê



 Freedom House, a Washington-based non-governmental organization that supports the expansion of freedom around the world.


¡¹ <Freedom House>, Washington D.C., USA,  2012¦~1¤ë20¤é

(2) ¦D¨Æ·´Á½±ø´Ú«O¯d¡A¨Ã¥Î©ó°_¶D°OªÌ»P³¡¸¨«È¡A¹ï¥x·s»D¦Û¥Ñ§Î¦¨¬D¾Ô...
¡Ccomplaints about unfair competition and concerns about Beijing's interference were present throughout the presidential election campaign...  the Washington-based group pro-democracy watchdog highlighted Taiwan's presidential elections in its Freedom.  (Taipei Times, ¦Û¥Ñ®É³ø ÀYª©, 1/21/2012)


¡¹ <°ê»Ú¯S³j²Õ´ Amnesty International>    2011¦~5¤ë13¤é

Taiwan was criticized over issues to do with the death penalty, freedom of expression, justice and migrants' rights.(¥xÆW³Q§åµû¶µ¥Ø: ¦º¦D¡B¨¥½×ªí¹F¦Û¥Ñ¡B¥qªk¡B¥~ÄyÅv¯q) Amnesty International, London, UK,  annual report The State of the World's Human Rights 2011, 2011¦~5¤ë13¤é
¬F©²¥H¥xÆWµL¦@ÃѬ°¥ÑÄ~Äò°õ¦æ¦º¦DAmnesty International Taiwan deputy secretary-general Yang Tsung-li  criticized the government, saying it used a lack of public consensus as an excuse to uphold capital punishment.

The executions last year were carried out one day after a hearing on the issue, and the executions in March came less than one month after Ma offered an apology to the family of Chiang Kuo-ching (¦¿°ê¼y), who was found to have been wrongfully executed

¬F©²¥¼«H¦u©Ó¿Õ­×§ï(¶°·|¹C¦æªk)The report also criticized Taiwan¡¦s government for what it said was its failure to deliver on promises to amend the Assembly and Parade Act  that limits citizens¡¦ rights to assembly and free speech.

ªk©x¯A¶°Å馬¸ìÁà»DIt also voiced concerns over the slow progress to enact a judges¡¦ act to address corruption scandals involving high court judges and over the working conditions of migrant workers.¥~Äy³Ò¤u¦h¶µÅv¯q¨ü«I®`


also reported by Taiwan's media ― Apple Daily news (Chinese language) and Taipei Times (English)

¡¹ <Central Radio Station>, ¥xÆW ¤¤¥¡¼s¼½¹q¥x, 2012¦~8¤ë16¤é

¥xÆW¥~¥æ³¡ªí¥Ü­»´ä¤H¥ÁÄâ±a¤G©¤°êºXµn³¨³½¥x(³¨³½®q)ÄÝ©ó¡u¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ¡v¡C (ps: ¤é¥»¤w¶e®·©Ò¦³µn®qªÌ, «á¦b¤¤°ê§Üij¤U±N±j¨î¥X¹Ò)


No.1 "Taiwan freedom of speech" on English Yahoo, 2015¦~1 ¤ë7¤é´ú¸Õ, 2011¦~10 ¤ë10¤é´ú¸Õ
No.1 "Taiwan freedom of expression" on Google,
2012¦~12¤ë4¤é&1¤ë11¤é´ú¸Õ, No.2 at 1.11.2015


No.1 ! ºô¸ô±Æ¦W²Ä¤@¡A 2011¦~ 5 ¤ë14¤é´ú¸Õ, ; No.2 at 2012¦~ 1 ¤ë11¤é
Yahoo±Æ¦W²Ä¤@¡A©ó2015¦~ 1 ¤ë12¤é´ú¸Õ




¡¹  ¥xÆW  <Ä«ªG¤é³ø>  ÀYª©ÀY±ø    -    2012¦~1¤ë19¤é  (ºK­n)




 <the Christian Science Monitor °ò·þ¬ì¾Ç½e¨¥³ø>    ¬ü°ê   -    2011¦~1¤ë3¤é

For the past two years, Freedom House has downgraded Taiwan's rating in its annual report on global press freedom. Critics say it's common for government propaganda to masquerade as 'news.'



¡¿ ...many observers say that the glitter of the island republic¡¦s free press has been overrated, especially in a highly commercialized news culture that is both deeply partisan and prey to political favors.

¡¿The placement of advertising as news is only the ¡§tip of the iceberg,¡¨

¡¿One example of creeping government influence is the media's minimization of criticism of government policies and exaggeration of its achievements, says Guang, who teaches journalism at National Chung Cheng University.......¡§Taiwan¡¦s news media are not yet independent,¡¨ (¥xÆW·s»D´CÅé©|¥¼¿W¥ß)says Guang. ¡§Can the public really accept this?¡¨

 ¥xÆW Ä«ªG¤é³ø

<¦Û¥Ñ¤§®a Freedom House/IFEX> - ¬ü°ê µØ©² -    2010¦~9¤ë27¤é

 ¥xÆWªº·s»D¦Û¥Ñ«×«h¥X²{³s¨â¦~°I°h¡A... ¥h¦~...¥þ²y²Ä43¡A¤µ¦~«h¶^¬°...¥þ²y²Ä47¡A...¡C

 Freedom House expresses concern over public television integrity  ...
 "We encourage Taiwan's policy makers to ensure that the PTS does not become a casualty of political conflict."

ps : Freedom House pointed out
that Taiwan denied a visa to  Kadeer Rabiye Qadir, Uighur dissidents in Sept. 2009.


¡¹ <¦Û¥Ñ¤§®a Freedom House/IFEX> - ¬ü°ê µØ©²,  Jan 13, 2011

¦Û¥Ñ¤§®a : ¥xÆW´CÅéÀô¹Ò´c¤Æ

Freedom House 2011 report



 the report rated Taiwan's freedom of the media  lower than the previous year, on the basis of a controversy surrounding the country's Public Television Service (PTS).

The heads of PTS were removed in last September amid concerns about the independence of publicly-funded media.
Ä«ªG¤é³ø & ¦Û¥Ñ®É³ø
(1¤ë 14¤é, 2011¦~)³ø¾É


¡¹ <µLæ¬É°OªÌ²Õ´  Reporters Without Borders > ªk°ê¤Ú¾¤ ,  2010¦~ 10¤ë21¤é 

2010¦~¥þ²y·s»D¦Û¥Ñ«×±Æ¦W¡A¥xÆW±Æ¦W48¦W¡A¦b¨È¤Ó¦a°Ï¤´¸¨«á©ó¯Ã¦èÄõ¡]No. 8¡^¡B¤é¥»¡]No. 11¡^¡B­»´ä¡]No. 34¡^©M«nÁú¡]No. 42¡^¡C

±Æ¦W«e5¦Wªº°ê®a¤À§O¬OªâÄõ¡B¦B®q¡B²üÄõ¡B®¿«Â©M·ç¨å¡C¬ü°ê·s»D¦Û¥Ñ«×±Æ¦W²Ä20¡C ¥xÆW­È±oÆ[¹îªº°ÝÃD¡A¨Ò¦p°êÀç´CÅ骺¿W¥ß©Ê¡C

¾¨ºÞ¤¤°êªº´CÅé©Mºô¸ô¬¡ÅD¡A¦ý·s»D¼f¬d©MÀ£¨î¤£Â_¡C¤¤°ê¥H171¦W±Æ¦W­Ë¼Æ²Ä8¡A ¦b¥h¦~¤]¬O­Ë¼Æ²Ä8¡C


¡¹ <µLæ¬É°OªÌ²Õ´ > ªk°ê¤Ú¾¤ Paris, France,   2010¦~10¤ë1¤é

Reporters Without Borders believes that a democratic government should take pride in defending the state-owned media¡¦s independence. Protecting their independence is essential in order to guarantee a really democratic political system, one that allows all political parties and all sectors of society to make their voices heard.
We urge ... to ensure that PTS's (Taiwan's Public Television Service) editorial independence ...


¡¹  ¥xÆW  <Ä«ªG¤é³ø>   public    -    2011¦~10¤ë12¤é

   ¡u®Â½Ã§Ú­Ìªº¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ¡v¾G¨q¬Â:   ®µÃe¤j°]¤O»P¬Fªv¤Oªº°]¹Î¥¿±NIJ¤â¦ù¦V´CÅé... ³o¤@¤Á´N±q¦³½u¹qµø°Óªº°]¹Î¤Æ¶}©l...


¡¹  ¥xÆW <¦Û¥Ñ®É³ø> -    2010¦~9¤ë27¤é

¡m¬P´Á±M³X¡nºÞ¤¤²»¡G¬F©²¸m¤J¦æ¾P : ·s»D­Ë°h¥D¦]

°õ¬FÄÒ¤¶¤J¤½µø¤Ó²Ê¼É ...   ¦¹¦¸°ê¥ÁÄÒ§Q¥Î¤@ÄÒ¿W¤j¡A³z¹L¥ßªk°|­×ªk¤â¬q¡A¸Õ¹Ï¨ú±o¦Xªk¦W¸q¥h±±¨î´CÅé¡C... ·s»D§½±j¨îÂX¤j¤½µø¸³¨Æ®u¦ì...¨ú±o¥D¾ÉÅv¡C

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¬ü°ê¡u¦Û¥Ñ¤§®a¡v...³Ì·s³ø§i¡AÂI¥X¥xÆW¬F©²¦b´CÅé¸m¤J©Ê¦æ¾P¡B¬Fªv¤O¤¶¤J¤¤¥¡ªÀµ¥°ÝÃD¡C ... .. ¾ÇªÌ±j½Õ¤¤¥¡ªÀ¤£¸Ó³Q¬Fªv¤z¹w¡A¨ä¥\¯à¬O¹ï°ê»Ú«Å¶Ç¥xÆW¡B¦Ó«D¹ï°ê¤º«Å¶Ç¡A§ó¤£¯à¹B¥Î¤½³¡ªù¸ê·½¶i¦æ¬Fªv°«ª§¡C




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¡¹ <µLæ¬É°OªÌ²Õ´  Reporters Without Borders > ªk°ê¤Ú¾¤ ,    

   ¤j¼ÐÃD: ¥xÆW·s»D¦Û¥Ñ­Ë°h

   ®Ú¾Ú Press Freedom Index :  ¥xÆW·s»D¦Û¥Ñ«× 2009¦~±Æ¦W59 ( ¸¨«á²Ä 57ªº®ü¦aHaiti, ¤é¥» 17th ),  2008¦~±Æ¦W36.  ±¼¸¨¤F 23¦ì¤§¦h¡C


¡¹  ¥xÆW <Ä«ªG¤é³ø> -    2010¦~7¤ë7¤é  ¥x®v¤j³¯¬±§»

¤j¼ÐÃD : ¤½µø²_¬°¥xÆW¤§®¢


¡¹  ¥xÆW <¦Û¥Ñ®É³ø> -      2010-10-10

... ¯¸¦bºûÅ@¥xÆW¥Á¥D¦Û¥Ñ«~½è»P§Î¶Hªº¥ß³õ¡A°ê·|³dµL®Ç¶U¡AÀ³¸Ó­n¨D¥þ­±½Õ¾\¦æ¬F°|¦U³¡·|°õ¦æ¡u¸m¤J¦æ¾P¡vªº¹wºâªá¶O¡AÅý¥þÅé¯Çµ|¤H¶i¦æ¤½µû¡C

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.... ­n§¹¾ã´¦ÅS... ÆSÅƶ¹õ¡A¥²¶·¥Ñ¥ßªk°|¥X­±¡A... ±N¤@¤ÁÅu¦b¶§¥ú¤U¡AÅý¥xÆW¤½¥Á¬Ý¬Ý¡G... ª÷Åv¬FªvÁ¶Âp¥xÆWªº¥Á¥D¬Fªv»P·s»D¦Û¥Ñ¡C


¡¹ <¦Û¥Ñ¤§®a> - ¬ü°êµØ©²    2010¦~9¤ë27¤é   

<¦Û¥Ñ¤§®a>Ãö¤Á<¤½µø>»â¾É¶¥¼hªºÅܧó  Freedom House Expresses Concern over Public Television Integrity in Taiwan

Freedom House urges Taiwan to safeguard the integrity of the country's public broadcaster following the removal of its leadership.
On September 19, Taiwan¡¦s Public Television Service Foundation, the entity that oversees the Public Television Service (PTS), took the unusual step of removing the station¡¦s leadership, Sylvia Feng (President and CEO) and Chung Yu-yuan (Executive Vice President), just three months before their three-year terms were set to expire. The Public Broadcasting Foundation claimed that the firings were made on the basis of poor performance, an assertion that Feng and Chung reject and may challenge in court ...


¡¹  ¥xÆW  <Taipei Times> ,       2010¦~ 5¤ë1¤é  

¥xÆW·s»D¦Û¥Ñ¤U­° SELF-CENSORSHIP Freedom House cited softening criticism of Ma and China after the China Times Group was bought by a businessman with interests in China

¡· ¸m¤J¦æ¾P¤âªkªº¼vÅT : ..., a revival of ¡¥embedded marketing¡¦ amidst economic difficulties resulting from the global financial crisis, actions by media owners and government influence over the editorial content of publicly owned outlets posed challenges for media independence during the year.¡¨

¡· ¤½µø¸³¨Æ·|ª§Ä³ : ... a controversy concerning board members at the Public Television Service (PTS) and personnel changes the government made at state-owned media that ¡§have raised concerns that their aim is to influence the editorial content of the nonpartisan outlets.¡¨

¡· ¤¤¥¡ªÀ¨Ì«ü¥Ü­×§ï³ø¾É¤º®e:   .. 2009 that criticism of the government in the Central News Agency¡¦s [CNA] coverage appeared to have been markedly toned down since the end of 2008, ...  deputy president and CNA staff reported receiving editorial ­directives to alter certain content,¡¨ the report said.

¡· ³n¤Æ§åµû¥xÆW¬F©²»P¥_¨Ê: ... Tsai Eng-meng (½²­l©ú),... purchased the China Times Group...  softening criticism of the Ma administration, Beijing or improvements in cross-strait ties. This also raised concerns over the potential direct or indirect influence of the Chinese government on free expression in Taiwan,¡¨...


¡¹   ¥xÆW <Taiwan News PRC invades Taiwan with 'embedded' ads       2010 ¦~ 5¤ë18¤é

The quality and sustainability of Taiwan's hard-won democracy is now being increasingly threatened by invasive "embedded advertising" and "censorship without borders" from the authoritarian People's Republic of China.

... One of the reasons cited by Freedom House for the erosion has been the use by the Ma administration of huge amounts of taxpayer funds to engage in "embedded advertising" or promotion or propaganda of government policies packaged as "news" stories or features.

... As a result of embedded marketing and the frequent use of "news" stories to engage in marketing by public as well as private sector interests, the credibility of the Taiwan news media has fallen to its lowest level since ...  July 1987.


However, an even greater threat to news freedom, freedom of expression and the credibility of our news media is ... PRC, ... is now actively exploiting the opportunity posed by "cross-strait reconciliation" to buy influence in print and broadcast media in Taiwan.


¡¹ ¥xÆW <Taiwan News >   Taiwan: How ECFA threatens Taiwan news freedom,    2010¦~ 7¤ë30¤é

Taiwan will face greater challenges in defending existing hard-won levels of news freedom in the wake of the signing of the controversial ¡§Cross-Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement¡¨ with the authoritarian ... China. ...  a new report ...  on the impact of ECFA on Taiwan warned that Taiwan¡¦s government and citizens cannot ignore the ¡§contradictions¡¨ between the broadcasting and news media systems of Taiwan and the PRC ......


¡¹ <µLæ¬É°OªÌ²Õ´>, ªk°ê¤Ú¾¤    2008¦~12¤ë17¤é

¤½´CÅ骺¿W¥ß©Ê¨ü«Â¯Ù   ¾¨ºÞ¬F©²§_»{  (Public media independence threatened, despite government denials  )  
Reporters Without Borders urges President Ma Ying-jeou to keep his promises to us to respect public media independence.


¡¹ <µLæ¬É°OªÌ²Õ´ Reporters Without Borders>, ªk°ê¤Ú¾¤   2008¦~11¤ë8¤é  

¥xÆW10¦h¦W°OªÌ¦b§Üij¤¤¨ü¶Ë (More than 10 journalists injured during opposition protests against Chinese visit)
Reporters Without Borders deplores the violence against journalists in Taipei in the course of protests against a visit by a Chinese government representative during the past few days.

At least 10 journalists were injured during protests on 6 November by supporters of the opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) against the meeting in Taipei between President Ma Ying-jeou and Chen Yunlin,


¡¹ <°ê»Ú¯S³j²Õ´ Amnesty International>    2008¦~

¥xÆW¶°·|¹C¦æªk¤è­±ªº°Q½×   Freedom of Expression problem : The Assembly and Parade Law

the Assembly and Parade Law requires police permission to hold a public demonstration and is used to suppress protests


¡¹ <¦Û¥Ñ¤§®a> - ¬ü°êµØ©² - Washington -   2008¦~11¤ë20¤é 

Freedom House Calls for Inquiry into Taiwan Clashes

Freedom House urges Taiwan's government to create an independent commission to thoroughly investigate clashes between police and activists protesting Chinese envoy Chen Yunlin's historic visit and recommend needed reforms. ... The clashes reveal a need for police to undergo crowd control training that adheres to the standards used in other democracies. Likewise, demonstrators and political advocacy groups must recommit themselves to orderly protests that avoid violence under any circumstances.


¡¹  ¥xÆW <¦Û¥Ñ®É³ø> -   2010¦~
¼~¼{¤¤°ê¼vÅT¥xÆW¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ    ¦Û¥Ñ¤§®aÂI¦W©ô©ô¤¤®É¶°¹Î

¬ü°ê¡u¦Û¥Ñ¤§®a¡v...¤½¥¬¡u2010¦~¥@¬É¦U°ê·s»D¦Û¥Ñ«×½Õ¬d³ø§i¡v¡A¥xÆW... ³s¨â¦~±Æ¦W­Ë°h¡C¡u¦Û¥Ñ¤§®a¡v¨ÃÂI¦W©ô©ô¤¤®É¶°¹Î¡A...¡A¤@³s¦ê¬°°¨¬F©²ÅGÅ@ªºªÀ½×¡AÅý¤H¼~¼{¤¤°ê¬F©²¹ï¥xÆWªº´CÅé¦Û¥Ñ¥i¯àµ¹¤©ª½±µ©Î¶¡±µªº¼vÅT¤O¡C...

°£¤F¤¤®É¡A¦~¥N¹qµø¥x¡B¤¤¥¡ªÀ ©M¤½¦@¹qµø¤]³Q¡u¦Û¥Ñ¤§®a¡vÂI¦W§åµû¡C

ps: ¬ü°ê¡u¦Û¥Ñ¤§®a¡vµû½×©ô©ô¤¤®É¶°¹Îªº¤º®e

Also of note was the influence of owners over the editorial content of media they acquire. After Tsai Eng-Meng, a businessman with significant commercial interests in the PRC purchased the China Times Group in November 2008, a series of incidents in 2009¡Xincluding Tsai¡¦s own comments to the media¡Xpointed to a subsequent change in editorial policy in the direction of softening criticism of the Ma administration, Beijing, or improvements in cross-strait ties. This also raised concerns over the potential direct or indirect influence of the Chinese government on free expression in Taiwan.

¡¹  <BBC>,  <¤¤¼s>,  <UDN> etc -    2010¦~3¤ë18¤é

²§E®Ë´¦µo¥«©²·s»D...  ¥Î¥xÆW¯Çµ|¤H¿ú§@¡u¨Æ¥ý¼f®Ö·s»D¡v...°d·s»D±M·~ ...


¡¹  ¥xÆW <¦Û¥Ñ®É³ø> -    2010¦~7¤ë8¤é

... «ö·Ó¥ý¶i°ê®aªº´CÅé¸gÅç¡A°ê®a´CÅé©Î¤½¦@¶Ç´C³£­n³Ì¤jµ{«×Â\²æ¨Ó¦Û¬F©²©Î°õ¬FÄÒªº¤z¹w¡F¥xÆW³o´X¦~«h¤Ï¨ä¹D¦Ó¦æ¡A¤w¥O°ê»ÚÃö¤Á¡C

ªk°ê...ªk·sªÀAgence France Press¡A¬°ºû«ù¿W¥ß¹B§@¡A®Ú¥»´N¸T¤î¦V¬F©²¨ú±o¸É§U¡C...


... ¤£¿W¦Û¥Ñ¤§®a¡A¡uµLæ¬É²Õ´¡v¥h¦~¤½¥¬ªº¥xÆW·s»D¦Û¥Ñ«×¡A´N±q«e¤@¦~ªº¤T¤Q¤»¦W±¼¨ì¤­¤Q¤E¦W¡A³o¬O«ÈÆ[ªº¨Æ¹ê¡C°¨¬F©²¹ï¦¹À³­n²`¦ÛÀË°Q¡A¦Ó«D¤@¨ý·Q­n¤ÏÀ»¡C



to be continued

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   (July  '99)