¡@ ¡@

»G¡B³g¦Ã (¦¾)»G ±Ñ   

¥»ºô¯¸¥@¬É±Æ¦W No.1 :  
2020~25,  2017~19,  2016 2015,  2014,  2013 2010~12    ¡¹  Top rankings since 1998   ¡¹

fights for rights

  home   µû½×°ê¬OOPinion  ¸£±±¤H¥Á  µû½×¥xÆW  ªZ²Î¥xÆW  «ÊÂê¥xÆW  ®È¹C  À\ÆU  ÂåÀø  ©]¥«  ¥Á¥D¦Û¥Ñ  ¥xÆW  ¿à²M¼w  ½²­^¤å  ¥Á±Ú©Ê  ¥~¥æ  ¤j¾Ç  À˹î©x  Äµ¹î  ³g»G  ³g¦Ã  ¤kÅv  ¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ  ¥~³Ò   ¦º¦D   ³n¹ê¤O  Áô¨p  ¶B´Û   µû½×¬ü°ê  ¹qºÏªi¤j¾Ô   ºô­x   ºô§ð  ¥Á¨¾  ¬ü°ê±Ï´©  ©~¦í  ©¯ºÖ  ¤HÅv  ¥@¬É¤HÅv   Â૬¥¿¸q  ¥qªk  ­¢®`  ³c¬r  ·R±¡  ±¡ºq  ­µ¼Ö  ¦è¬v¦Ñºq  ¦è¬v·sºq  ¹q¼v  ­¹¦w  buffet  ¶W¥«  ½æ³õ  «ö¼¯  ¹â§²  §Î¶H  ¤å¤Æ  ®ø»º°Æ¥Z   µû¤é¥»º©µe   ¬Fªvº©µeµû½×   µû¬ü°ê³]­p   µû¬ü°êº©µe  ¤å³Ð&º©µe  µû¤W®ü¥@³Õ   µû¥_¨Ê¶ø¹B   ¤G¾Ôº©µe  CovID  FB  ­¸¦w  ¥æ³q  °k¶h¥~³Ò

¡¹  The Diplomat (US), 2024-9-11: °w¹ï«eÁ`²Î­Ô¿ï¤H¬_¤å­õªº«ü±±引發了¹ï各級政府普遍³g¦Ã»G±Ñ的質疑; ³g¦¾»G±Ñ和庇護是地方政治的「基因」¡C(Corruption and patronage are "in the DNA" of local politics)  ¡u所有洗錢之類的事情都可以由地方官員為他們立法°|的大哥做」 ¡A因為¦a¤è政客不需要公開他們的財²£。  ´X¥G©Ò¦³[°ª¼h]¬Fªv¤Hª«³£¨Ó¦Û¦a¤è¬Fªv由此形成了一種¥Ñ¤U¦Ó¤Wªº¤ÀÅBÅé¨t ( a bottom-up spoils system is thus cultivated).  thediplomat.com/2024/09/the-ko-wen-je-case-points-to-deeper-problems-in-taiwan-politics/


¡¹  ­^°êFinancial Times, 2024-9-6: ²Ä¤T¤jÄÒ¥Á²³ÄÒ¥D®u¬_¤å­õ³Q®·¦A¦¸¤Þµo¥xÆW¼sªx³g¦Ã»G±Ñ©M¥qªk¿W¥ßªºª§½× ¤Ï¹ïÄÒ«ü¥Á¶iÄÒ©x­ûÀÝÅv»G±Ñ¾É­P¿à²M¼w¦bÁ`²ÎÄv¿ï¤¤Àò±o24¦~¨Ó³Ì§Cªº±o²¼²v¡A ¥Á¶iÄÒ¤]¥¢¥h¤F¥ßªkij·|¦h¼Æ®u¦ì¡C¥xÆW¦b Transparency Internationalªº¥þ²y»G±Ñ»{ª¾«ü¼Æ¤U·Æ¡A³o¬O¦Û¥Á¶iÄÒ½²­^¤å2016 ¦~¤W¥x¥H¨Óªº­º¦¸¡CÀˤè¹ï¾G¤åÀé©M¬_¤å­õªº¨³³t¦æ°Ê«P¨Ï¥xÆWµû½×¤H¤h½èºÃ¿à²M¼w¬O§_¬O¦b¡u²M²z¡v¬Fªv¹ï¤â¡A§í©Î±À°Ê¤Ï»G±Ñ¥´À»¥Hűo¥Á²³¤ä«ù(¦P®ÉÂಾ¤H­Ì¹ï°ê¤º²V¶Ã§½¶Õªºª`·N¤O)¡C¥qªk°|©x­ûªí¥Ü¡AÀ˽ճq±`¦b¼f²z­«¤j®×¥ó¤§«e·|¦V¤W¯Å¼x¨D·N¨£¡A¯S§O¬O¯A¤Î¬J±o§Q¯q©Î¬F«Èªº®×¥ó¡C¡§¦bÅù©ã©ë¯d¤§«e¡A¤W­±·|µo¥X«H¸¹" ft.com/content/65c8f0f5-de31-4f10-89cb-b2f5acfddc2b


¡¹  Transparency Org., 2024 Corruption Perception Index   (transparency.org/en/countries/taiwan)  : 90%¥xÆW¤H»{¬°¬F©²³g¦¾ÄY­« (90% of people who think government corruption is a big problem).  17%¥xÆW¤H¦b¹L¥h¤@¦~´¿¦V¤½®a³¡ªù¦æ¸ì (17% of public service users paid a bribe in the previous 12 months).

Transparency Org., 2024 Corruption Perception Index
Asia rank country score
1 Singapore·s¥[©Y 84
2 NZ¯Ã¦èÄõ 83
3 Australia¿D¬w 77
4 Hong Kong­»´ä 74
5 Bhutan 72
6 Japan¤é¥» 71
7 UAE 68
Palenstine  ¤Ú°Ç´µ©Z : 62% ¥Á²³»{¬°¬F©²³g¦¾ÄY­«  (¥xÆW¬O 90%)
9 Taiwan¥xÆW 67
10 USA¬ü°ê 65


¡¹  美國War On The Rocks (2024-9-20):  華盛頓正在悄悄關注賴清德如何利用司法起訴前副閣揆&桃園市長鄭文燦的 貪汙腐敗指控以鞏固權力,鄭文燦的被捕反映了對手間的長期政治鬥爭。 至於台灣民眾黨主席、前台北市長柯文哲因貪汙腐敗指控遭到羈押等案件,賴清德也遭到批評與抗議在利用司法迫害對手。華盛頓觀察家很可能擔心賴清德正在破壞司法系統的獨立 (Washington observers might worry that Lai is undermining the independence of the judicial system)...


¡¹  Asia Times (2025-2-8): 抵制改革ªº例子¤§¤@是軍方«ùÄò§ë¸êÁʶR對稱戰ªZ¾¹裝備。縱觀歷屆國防部長的歷史,退休或現役將軍往往ÂÇ投資戰鬥機、潛艇等大型武器來為自己的'¤ä¨t'謀取利益。Throughout the history of the ROC¡¦s past defense ministers, retired or active generals tended to benefit their own branches by investing in large weapons such as fighter jets, submarines, and more.



pic. :  "¥xÆW³g»G" ±Æ¦WMicrosoft Bing ²Ä1 ,  2025-2-15, 2024-9-10, 2024-7-13, 2024-5-17, 2024-3-11, 2024-1-8, 2023-12-24


"台灣貪汙"排名Microsoft Bing第一, 2025-2-15, 2024-9-29, 2024-9-28, 2024-9-23, 2024-9-19, 9-16




¡¹  ¥xÆW  ¼sªx³g¦¾»G±Ñ

¬ü°ê Council on Foreign Relations, 2024-9-5 ¥Á²³ÄÒ³ÐÄÒ¥D®u¬_¤å­õ«ü³d¬F©²¸Õ¹Ï¡uÂíÀ£¡v(suppress)¤Ï¹ï¬£¡A´CÅé©M¥qªk¡u¦¨¬°¬F©²ªº¬Fªv¤u¨ã¡v¡C
Áp¦X³ø ,  2024-9-7 «e®ç¶é¥«ªø¾G¤åÀé¯A³g¡Aº©ªøªº¤C¦~¡A¶È¿ì¤F¤@­Ó¯A¤Î¤­¦Ê¸U¸ì´Úªº¤p®×¡C¬Û§Î¤§¤U¡A¬_¤å­õµuµu¥b¦~´N³Qù´¤F¤»¡B¤C­Ó®×¥ó¡A¦Ó¥B¦h®×¦P®É³QÅͦb¤@°_¬d¿ì¡C¨â®×¹ï¤ñ¡A¤£¶È¦³©úÅ㪺¿ï¾Ü²ª¸ñ¡A¿ì®×¤O¹D¤]¤j¤£¬Û¦P¡C
Áp¦X³ø ,  2024-9-7
  ¤¤°ê®É³ø,  2024-9-8 ÀË·G²ÊÁW¿ì®×¯h³Ò°»°T¤Î¤£Â_³z¹Lºñ´C©ñ¥X¤£§Q¬_¤å­õªº®ø®§¡A©úÅ㬪ÅS¥X­I«á¦³¤@°¦¬Ý¤£¨£ªº¬Fªv¶Â¤â¡C©M°ªºÝ¬Ì­]µ¥½Ñ¦h¹ú®×ªº»´»´©ñ¹L¤@¹ï·Ó¡AÃø©Ç¤p¯ó­Ì°í«H³o¤£¹L¬O¤@³õ¬Fªv°l±þ¡C
 Áp¦X³ø, 2024-9-7 賴清德¤@¤â¥qªk¡A¤@¤â°¼Ál...¡A效法習近平打貪殲滅政敵的賴清德,不待定讞,就急著藉司法剿滅民眾黨¡C


¡¹  ­^°êThe Guardian, 2024-1-7: ¥xÆW¡ubig deal¡vÁ`²Î¤j¿ï¿E¯PÄvª§ - ³g¦Ã腐敗和生活成本ªºÃö¤ß壓倒了¤¤国¾Ôª§的擔憂...³g¦Ã腐敗是大多數台灣選民面臨的另一個主要問題。政治腐敗往往是「台灣選舉中最受關注的議題¡A¤]¬O³\¦h¦a¤è©M¥þ°ê¿ïÁ|¤¤³Ì¨ã¼vÅT¤OªºÄ³ÃD¡v¡C  ¥xÆW¤Ï³g»PÁ|³ø¤H«OÅ@¨ó·|ªº¼Æ¾ÚÅã¥Ü¡A2022 ¦~ 1,677 ¦W¥«Ä³­û­Ô¿ï¤H¤¤¡A11.6% ¦³¥Ç¸o°O¿ý theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/07/taiwan-braces-for-big-deal-presidential-election-as-chinas-shadow-looms    Helen Davidson and Chi Hui Lin


¡¹  Washington Post, 2024-5-20:  °õ¬FÄÒ­±Á{³g»GÁà»D¡CThe ruling party (DPP)  has faced corruption scandals.   msn.com/en-us/news/world/taiwan-swears-in-new-president-stands-up-to-chinese-aggression/ar-BB1mFMmO?ocid=BingNewsSearch    Michelle Lee, Vic Chiang


¡¹ ¬ü°ê¬F©²¤HÅv³ø§i Country Reports on Human Rights Practices  - Taiwan , 2024-4-22 :·s¦Ë¥«ªø¯A¶û®¿¥Î¤½´Ú³Q¥x¥_¦aÀ˸p°_¶D¡A¦~¤º¡A¦³ 19 ¦W°ª¯Å©x­û¡B41 ¦W¤¤¶¥©x­û¡B114 ¦W§C¶¥©x­û©M 9 ¦W¥Á¿ï©x­û¦]³g»G³Q°_¶D¡C


¡¹ ¬ü°êNew York Times, 2024-1-10: ¥xÆW³g¦Ã»G±Ñ the frustration voters feel about out-of-control Taiwan housing prices and government corruption.


¡» °õ¬FÄÒ«e°Æ»Õ´}  ¾G¤åÀé¯A­«¸o©ë¯d


¥xÆW¶Âª÷³g»GÄY­«  /   ¤£¶ÈÄÒ¤º¡u«D«H¿àÁp·ù¡v¤H¤ß´q´q¡AÂÅ¥Õ°}ÀçÀ³¸Ó¤]¬O´£¤ß¦QÁx (UDN, 2024-7-10)¡C...派系人物,都應該開始合縱連橫或向賴清德交心表忠,以尋求自保。(UDN, 2024-7-13)udn.com/news/story/7338/8092107?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2

Independent, 2024-7-12 台灣因貪腐調查拘留執政黨前副»Õ´}¡A³Qµø¬°潛在的總​​統競爭者¡A¥H¹ï¥xÆW»P中國大陸關係採取溫和立場並倡導正常交往而聞名。yahoo.com/news/taiwan-detains-former-vice-premier-103340005.html
Bloomberg, 2024-7-12 ¾G®×»P¤Ï¹ïÄÒµo°_¥ßªk°|½Õ¬dµLÃö¡C¤µ¦~µy¦­°ê¥ÁÄÒ©M¥Á²³ÄÒ±À°Ê¤F­×ªk½á¤©¥ß©e§ó¤jªºÅv¤O¨Ó½Õ¬d¬F©²©x­ûµ¥yahoo.com/news/taiwan-detains-former-vice-premier-011805411.html


¡¹ ¬ü°êVOA News, 2024-1-3: 北京注意到台灣2024年競選的重點是³g¦Ã腐敗醜聞,而不是兩岸關係


¡¹ ¬ü°êWashington Post, 2023-11-24:  ¤£¯à«OÃÒ¥Á¶iÄÒ¦bÁ`²Î¤j¿ï¤¤Àò³Ó。¦]在蔡英文擔任總統期間,¥Á²³¹ï°õ¬FÄÒªº¤£º¡±¡ºü¤£Â_°ªº¦¡A½²­^¤å¨ü¨ì³g¦Ã»G±ÑÁà»D¥H¤Î¥xÆW¥ø·~¹ï¥¢¥h»P¤¤°ê¤j³°ªº¶T©öªº©ê«èªº¥´À»  A win is not guaranteed. Public grievances against the ruling party have bubbled up during Tsai's presidency, which has been hit by corruption scandals and grumbling from Taiwanese businesses about lost trade with China  Christian Shepherd    washingtonpost.com/world/2023/11/24/taiwan-presidential-election-2024-china/ 

¡¹ ­»´ä SCMP, 2024-1-5: °õ¬Fªº¥Á¶iÄÒ¨ü³Ð©ó³g¦Ã»G±ÑÁà»D The DPP has suffered corruption scandals.

¡¹ ¿D¬w Sky News Australia, 2023-12-31: °õ¬Fªº¥Á¶iÄÒ¨ü¨ì³g¦Ã»G±ÑÁà»Dªº¥´À»  the DPP has experienced several political scandals including corruption, alleged crime links, plagiarism, and separate physical harassment and sexual harassment controversies involving female members.

¡¹  VOA News, 2023-11-24  »È¦æ®a¦b¹q¸Ü¤¤¹ï¬ü°ê¤§­µ»¡:¡§§Ú·|§ë²¼µ¹柯文哲,因為我認為他可以幫助解決長期困擾台灣政治的³g腐問題(the issue of corruption that has long plagued Taiwan's politics.¡¨)。¡¨ voanews.com/a/taiwan-presidential-election-heats-up-after-opposition-parties-announce-vp-candidates/7369189.html William Yang 
¡¹  ¿D¬w Australia InsideStory.org.au, 2023-11-24 民眾支持更換政府。 ¨Æ¹ê¤W¡A¤Ï¹ïÄÒ¤w¸gµo²{¤F³\¦h攻擊目標:政府對新冠疫情的處理;立法ij­û的³g腐行為(corruption)......  insidestory.org.au/taiwans-cat-warrior-to-the-rescue/





 "¥xÆW³g»G" ±Æ¦W«Xù´µ Yandex of Russia ²Ä1 , 2025-2-15; "¥xÆW³g¦¾" ±Æ¦W«Xù´µ Yandex of Russia ²Ä1 ,  2025-2-15


"台灣貪汙腐敗"排名Microsoft Bing第一, 2025-2-15, 2024-10-10, 2024-10-1, 2024-9-30, 2024-9-29, 2024-9-28, 2024-9-23, 2024-9-19, 9-16


"台灣貪汙"排名Microsoft Bing第一, 2025-2-14, 2024-10-1, 2024-9-30, 2024-9-29, 2024-9-28



"台灣貪汙腐敗"排名Yahoo第一, 2025-2-15, 2024-10-10, 2024-9-30, 2024-9-27, 2024-9-24, 2024-9-22, 2024-9-17




pic. :  "¥xÆW³g»G" ±Æ¦W«Xù´µ Yandex of Russia ²Ä1 , 2025-2-15, 2024-9-7, 2024-7-14, 2024-5-17, 2024-3-11, 2024-1-8, 2023-12-24, 2023-11-26, 2023-4-2;  "¥xÆW³g¦Ã"­^¤åª©±Æ¦WYandex of Russia²Ä1 , 2025-2-15,  No.2 at 2022-7-17;  top 3 at 2022-1-30, 2021-8-9, 2021-5-9; No.2 "Taiwan's corruption" at 2022-1-30




 pic. : "¥xÆW³g¦Ã" ±Æ¦W«Xù´µ Yandex of Russia ²Ä1 , ´ú¸Õ©ó 2025-2-15, 2024-9-7, 2024-7-14, 2024-5-17, 2024-3-11, 2023-12-24, 2023-11-26,  2023-4-2, 2022-7-17, 2022-3-25, 3-12-2020No.2 at 9-13-2020, (­^¤å ª©)
pic. : "¥xÆW³g¦Ã"(Taiwan corruption) ±Æ¦W«Xù´µ Yandex of Russia ²Ä1 ,´ú¸Õ©ó 2024-9-7, 2024-7-14, 2024-5-17, 2024-3-11, 2023-12-24, 2023-4-2, 2022-3-25,  ±Æ¦W²Ä2 , ´ú¸Õ©ó 10-25-2019  (­^¤å ª©)




¡¹   In Transparency Org., 2023 Corruption Perception Index, ¥xÆW"³g¦Ã(³g»G)«ü¼Æ"±Æ¦W¥@¬É²Ä28, ¨È¬w²Ä9

Transparency Org., 2023 Corruption Perception Index
world rank Asia rank country score
3 1 NZ 85 down
5 2 Singapore 83
14 3 Australia 75
14 3 Hong Kong 75 down
16 5 Japan 73
24 6 USA 69
26 7 Bhutan 68
26 7 UAE 68
28 9 Taiwan 67 down
32 10 S Korea 63
33 11 Israel 62


¡¹  Áp¦X³ø, 2024-7-28: ¬F©²¤Å§â¡u¾÷±K¡v·í¦¨³g¦¾»G±Ñ«OÅ@³Ê¡B³WÁץߪk°|ªººÊ·þ¡A¬Æ¦Ü¦¨¬°¥´À»¦b³¥°}À窺¤u¨ãudn.com/news/story/7338/8123667?from=udn_ch2cate6643sub7338_pulldownmenu_v2


¡¹  Áp¦X³ø, 2024-5-17: ¦U¦â¸ì¸ïÁà»D¨Ï©x½eÀH¤§³­¸®¡C


¡¹  ¤¤®É, 2024-7-28: ¥qªkÂù¼Ð Ãø¥HºûÅ@ªÀ·|¤½¸q ·s¦Ë¥«ªø°ª­i¦w³g¦¾¸o³Q­«§P¡A¬O§_¨ÆÃÒ½TÆw¦Ó¨S¦³ª§Ä³¡B©Ò§P¦D«×¬O§_²Å¦X¤ñ¨Ò­ì«h¡A¹ê¦b¤j¦³°Q½×ªÅ¶¡  chinatimes.com/opinion/20240728002901-262101?chdtv


¡¹ ¦Û¥Ñ®É³ø, 2024-7-29: 期待大肅貪時代來了 /  «eÁ`²Î½²­^¤å¤K¦~司法改革的進度與績效未有重大進展。  talk.ltn.com.tw/article/paper/165888


¡¹  ¬ü°ê°ê°È°|¤HÅv³ø§i US Country Reports on Human Rights Practices released at 2023-3-20 (state.gov/reports/2022-country-reports-on-human-rights-practices/taiwan/):

¦b2020年的¥xÆW總統和立法©e­û¿ïÁ|¡A兩 ¤j政黨的候選人和支持者¾D指控¶R票 §@¹ú。
截至 5 月的一年中,21 名高官、38 名中級官員、83 名低級官員和 18 名民選官員因³g腐 ¾D¨ì起訴。


¡¹ Denmark's Democracy Perception Index 2023: Most people view corruption as a threat to democracy in their country ³g»G¹ï¥Á¥Dªº«Â¯Ùµ{«× -  ¥xÆW±Æ¦W²Ä 17, ¸¨«á©ó¨ä¥L¨È¤Ó°ê®a: ·s¥[©Y (No.7), ¤é¥» (9), ¿D¬w (10), ­»´ä (12), «nÁú (13).   6389062.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/6389062/Canva%20images/Democracy%20Perception%20Index%202023.pdf


¡¹   Áp¦X³ø, 2023-12-24: Á`²Î大選,民進黨最大罩門就是黑金、貪腐扁朝貪腐,陳菊和賴清德已經站在貪腐的一邊¡C¡A賴清德­Y執掌大權,新系合體清流的「新清流」,只會吃相更難看。蕭美琴坦言,確實有些從政同志忘了初衷、犯了錯,必須檢討反省 udn.com/news/story/7338/7661572?from=udn_ch2_menu_v2_main_cate


¡¹   Áp¦X³ø, 2023-12-3:  選民尤其對執政黨的貪汙腐敗,最無法容忍¡CÁ`²Î°Ñ¿ï¤H柯文哲更頻頻砲打民進黨執政八年貪腐,從雞蛋、光電、口罩、疫苗、爐渣到快篩,每一條都貪,「難怪現在台灣人民痛恨民進黨」udn.com/news/story/123307/7614550?from=udn_ch2cate6638sub123307_pulldownmenu_v2

¡¹ Voice of America, 2022-11-23: ¡§黑金¡¨ "black gold"-"heijin." Corruption in Local Politics ¦b更多農村地區,贊助網絡、賄選,甚至與有組織犯罪有聯繫的候選人都很難完全抹去。...¦b«n§ë¡A¦]¬°比較農村,所以¶R²¼¨ä¹ê«ÜÄY­«¡A¥i¥H»¡´¶¹M¦s¦b...(The term directly translates to "black gold" but most in the audience understand that it refers to corruption, vote buying, or illicit money used for political purposes... vote buying, and even candidates with ties to organized crime have been hard to erase completely in more rural areas...  in Nantou, because it is relatively rural, buying votes is actually very serious, I would say prevalent )  voanews.com/a/taiwan-struggles-to-shake-off-era-of-corruption-in-local-politics/6846530.html   brief 

¡¹ TaiwanPlus, 2023-3-6  msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/taiwan-poll-finds-widespread-public-mistrust-of-prosecutors-taiwanplus-news/vi-AA18glWE
¡¹ China Times (¤¤®É),
chinatimes.com/opinion/20230626004425-262101?chdtv   brief
¡¹ China Times (¤¤®É),
¥Á¶iÄÒ½²¬F©²±j¦æ±À¥Xºñ¹q¡AÃe¤jªº§Q¯q©M½ÆÂøªº¼f®Ö¹Lµ{¡A´Nµ¹¤F¦a¤è¬Fªv¤Hª«¤W¤U¨ä¤âªºªÅ¶¡¡Cªñ¦~¨Ó¡Aºñ¹q¹ú®×ÀW¶Ç¡A¬Æ¦Ü¦³©Ò¿×ªº¡uºñ¦âÁ­½¸¡v¤§ºÙ; 綠電占比愈高,台電的發電成本就愈高,虧損就愈大。¥HÅv´«¿úªº©x°Ó¤Äµ²À¸½X´N½üµf¤Wºt¤w¦¨¬°¦a¤è¬Fªvªº¤j¶Â¬}¡C






pic. :  "¥xÆW³g»G" ±Æ¦W«Xù´µ Yandex of Russia ²Ä1 , 2024-7-13, 2024-3-11, 2023-12-24, 2023-11-26;  "¥xÆW³g¦Ã"±Æ¦WYandex of Russia ²Ä1 , 2024-3-11, 2023-12-24, 2023-11-26





 pic.:  "¥xÆW³g»G" ±Æ¦W ²Ä1    No.1 "Taiwan corruption " on Bing , 2024-7-14,  No.1 by "corruption in Taiwan" on US Bing , 2024-7-14, 7-26-2019, 11-28-2018 , No.2 at 3-12-2020;  No.2  "Taiwan corruption " on Bing , 2023-2-21, 2021-5-9;top "corruption in Taiwan" on Bing at 2022-10-9, 2022-5-31


pic. :  "¥xÆW³g»G" ±Æ¦WMicrosoft Bing ²Ä1 , 2024-5-17, 2024-3-10, 2024-1-7, 2023-12-24





¡¹ Áp¦X³ø , ªÀ½×   2023-11-22: ¥Á²³´Á«Ýªº¡uÂÅ¥Õ¦X¡v¡A§Æ±æÂǦ¹§ïÅܳQºñ¦â°õ¬F¸j¬[ªº¥Á¥D¡A¨ÃÂǦ¹®ø°£³g»G¡BÀÝÅvªº¦M®`, µLªk¦X§@ªº¦b³¥ÄÒ¡A¬O§UªøºñÀç«ÂÅv³g»GªºÀ°¤¿¡C   udn.com/news/story/7338/7590070?from=udn_ch2_menu_v2_main_cate

¡¹ ¤¤°ê®É³ø , ªÀ½×, 2023-11-18: 蔡政府完全執政後,大鑽憲政體制漏洞,弱化制衡行政權的立法與監察權;強人意識帶來的專制運作,讓總統與行政機關成為只要我想要、沒有不可以的權力野獸,各式貪汙腐化的敗行劣跡也因運而生chinatimes.com/opinion/20231118003223-262101?chdtv  
¡¹ ¤¤°ê®É³ø , ªÀ½× 2023-11-22: ¥Á¶iÄÒªñ8¦~¨Ó³g»GÀÝÅv¡B¨Ã¨Ï¨â©¤Å¢¸n§L¤¿¾Ô¦M³±¼vªº°õ¬Fªí²{¡A²×©ó²Ö¿n¥X¦³6¦¨¥Á·N§Æ±æ¬FÄÒ½ü´À  chinatimes.com/opinion/20231122005489-262101?chdtv


¡¹ ¤¤°ê®É³ø , ªÀ½×   2023-8-13: ¤Ï®Ö¯«¥DµP­ì¨Ó¬O³g»GÅ@¨­²Å  ªí­±¤W¬Ý¦ü¬°«D®Ö§V¤O¡A¦Ó²{¹ê¤W«o¬O§Q¯qªÈµ²¡B§¤¦a¤ÀÅB¡A¤¤¥¡»P¦a¤è¬£¨t¦×±í¤ÀªÎªº¤@¸s¤jªÎ¿ß¡A¥´µÛºñ¯àªººX¼m¡A«o¤Ï¹L¨Ó§â¥xÆW¥ÍºA¯}Ãa¬pºÉ   chinatimes.com/opinion/20230813003077-262101?chdtv


¡¹ ¤¤°ê®É³ø , ªÀ½×   2023-10-12: ¤@¦W¤k¾Ç¥Í´£°Ý¿à²M¼w¦p¦ó¸Ñ¨M¡u¥Á¶iÄÒ´xÅv±a¨Óªº»G±Ñ³g¦¾¡v¡A¿à¤£´±ª½­±°ÝÃD¡A«o¤Ï°Ý¡u­þ¤@­Ó¨ãÅé¨Æ¥ó¡v ¨Æ«á¾Ç¥Í¨Æ«á¾D¨ìºô¸ôÅQ­â¡A¬Æ¦Ü¦o­Ó¤H»P®a¤HªºªÀ¸s´CÅé±b¸¹³£³Q¤½¶}¡A¨Æ¥ó·Uºt·U¯P   chinatimes.com/opinion/20231012005273-262101?chdtv


¡¹ Áp¦X³ø  ªÀµû , 2023-5-24: ¶B¹Î¨Ñ¾i¥ß©e!! ¥ß©e陳歐珀一家寄生金融詐ÄF¶°團im.B, ¦æ¬F°Æ°|ªø鄭文燦、黃偉哲¥«ªø、前總統府秘書長蘇嘉全都是¶BÄF¶°團主嫌座上賓。¥Á¶i黨主席賴清德保持緘默,不知他自詡的清廉何 ¦b¡H udn.com/news/story/7338/7185989?from=udn_ch2_menu_v2_main_cate


¡¹  Áp¦X³ø , 2023-5-24 : °ê¥ÁÄҥߩe在立法院質詢公布影片,指出調查局人員投資im.B¶BÄF¥­¥x一千三百萬元不敢聲張,另明星級檢察官¤]°Ñ»P¶B¹Î¶¼®b¡B¥X¤J°ªÀÉÀ\ÆU udn.com/news/story/123523/7188786?from=udn_ch2cate6638sub123523_pulldownmenu_v2


¡¹  Áp¦X³ø ªÀ ½×, 2023-5-24 : ¥Á¶iÄÒ執政七年來,執法者辦案看顏色¡A變成權貴的護身門神¡Aªø´Á«á¿ò¯g«K¬O¶Âª÷¡B³g»G¦A°_¡A¥qªk¼fÀËĵ½ÕÅé¨tªñ¦~±µ³sÃz¥X­«¤j¹úºÝ¡C°õªk¾÷Ãö¸g±`¦Û°Ê閉上眼睛¡Cudn.com/news/story/7338/7185987?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2


¡¹ ¤¤°ê®É³ø  ªÀ½× , 2023-4-10: ¤Ï³g»GÁp·ù¤~¬O¥Á¤§©Ò»Ý ¡A¦b¤Ï³g»G°ÝÃD¤W¡A°ê¥ÁÄÒ¯à±o¨ì¥Á²³ªº«H¥ô¶Ü¡H ¯A¤ÎÃe¤j§Q¯qªº疫苗採購案疑點重重¡AÀ˽իo³s¬d³£¤£¬d  chinatimes.com/opinion/20230410004586-262101?chdtvYandex



¡¹ Transparency International, Taiwan ranks No. 7 in Asia & Pacific in 202

Transparency Int'l   ,  CORRUPTION PERCEPTIONS INDEX, 2021

country of Asia & Pacific score
New Zealand score 87  No.2
Singapore score 83  No.5
Hong Kong No. 12
Australia No. 13
Japan No. 18
Bhutan No. 25
Taiwan score 68 No. 25


¡¹ ¤¤°ê®É³ø , 2023-4-19:  ¤µ¤é¡A自總統以下,行政院長、多數部會首長,哪一個不是貪汙腐化、醜聞一堆¡B¦´¤ì¬°©x¡B¸VÃ~­¹¸S¡H   chinatimes.com/opinion/20230419004342-262104?chdtv ·¨§Ó¨}


¡¹ ¤¤°ê®É³ø , 2023-4-30: ¿à²M¼w¡u¤T¦¸ª÷§ï¡v³g»G¯u¬Û±ÑÅS /   民進黨創黨以清廉自詡,幫派性格卻注定無法與貪腐切割。蔡英文與其說是無力約束,不如說是放任縱容;蔡政府這7年的貪腐濫權,早已超過扁政府時期。  chinatimes.com/opinion/20230429003037-262101?chdtv



¡¹ Áp¦X³ø (Taiwan), 2022-12-24: ¤£¦P¥Á½Õ³£Åã¥Ü¡A²{¶¥¬q¥xÆW¥Á²³³Ì¤£º¡·Nªº¬I¬F¶µ¥Ø¬O³g»G»P¶Âª÷¡C udn.com/news/story/7339/6861292?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2

¡¹ Economist, 2022-8-2: ¥xÆW»Ý¥´À»­x¤è»G±Ñ©M®ö¶O Taiwan needs to do more to combat corruption and waste in its armed forces economist.com/leaders/2022/08/02/nancy-pelosis-trip-to-taiwan-highlights-americas-incoherent-strategy

¡¹ Axios, 2022-6-28: Áà»D©M»G±Ñ§xÂZµÛ¥xÆW­x¶¤  Scandals and corruption have plagued the Taiwanese armed forces  axios.com/2022/06/28/taiwan-military-defense-weapons-china-invasion-threat
¡¹ United Daily (Taiwan), 2022-12-11: ¥Á¥N¡G¡uºñÀçµ´¹ï¨S¦³¶R±o¤ñ¸û¤Ö¡A¤]¤£¬O§Þ³N¤ñ¸û°ª¶W¡A¦Ó¬OÀ˽ըt²Î¤w¦VºñÀçµL­­¾aÃl¡I¡v  udn.com/news/story/123137/6830163?from=udn_ch2cate6638sub123137_pulldownmenu_v2     反滲透法查賄 學者:不能無限上綱    udn.com/news/story/123137/6830165?from=udn_ch2cate6638sub123137_pulldownmenu_v2

¡¹ US Country Reports on Human Rights Practices released at 2022-4-12 (state.gov/reports/2021-country-reports-on-human-rights-practices/taiwan/):

n 2020Á`²Î¤j¿ï»P¥ß©e¿ïÁ|¤¤¨â­Ó¥D­n¬FÄÒªº­Ô¿ï¤H©M¤ä«ùªÌ³£ ¾D«ü±±¦³¶R²¼¦æ¬°¡C
ºI¦Ü 5 ¤ëªº¤@¦~¤¤¡A¦³ 13 ¦W°ª¯Å©x­û¡B79 ¦W¤¤¯Å©x­û¡B93 ¦W§C¯Å©x­û©M 18 ¦W¥Á¿ï©x­û¦]³g»G³Q°_¶D¡C
¥qªk³¡©M¥qªk°|±N«e¥qªk³¡ªø¡B«eÀ˹îªøµ¥6¦W©x­û²¾°eºÊ¹î°|°»¬d¡A¥]¬A³Ì°ª¦æ¬Fªk°|ªk©x©MÀ˹îªø¡C¥qªk°|±N¤»¦W«e¥ôªk©x²¾°eºÊ¹î°|½Õ¬d«D¦D¨Æ¥Ç¸o¦æ¬°¡C¥qªk³¡½Õ¬d¤F»P¦P¤@°Ó¤H¦³Ãþ¦ü¦æ¬°ªº¨ä¥L 77 ¦W²{¥ô©M«e¥ô¥qªk©M°õªk©x­û¡C
¥qªk³¡½Õ¬d§½ªº¤@¦W°ª¯Å½Õ¬d­û¦]¯A¶û¦b¹L¥h¤K¦~ªº°õªk½Õ¬d¤¤±q¾P°â»ù­È¶W¹L 1.68 »õ·s¥x¹ô¡]560 ¸U¬ü¤¸¡^ªº¬r«~¤¤Àò§Q¦Ó³Q°_¶D³g»G¡C«ÌªF¥«ªø¤Îij·|ijªø¦]»P¨p¤H©Ó¥]°Ó¤Äµ²¡A®¿¥Î·s¥x¹ô240¸U·s¥x¹ô¡]¦X8¸U¬ü¤¸¡^¤½´Ú¡C

¡¹  al jazeera, 2022-5-30: ¥ßªk°|´N°ê°È¾÷­n¶Oªk®×Ãzµo¼É¤O °ê¥ÁÄҥߩe¸Õ¹Ïªý¤î¥L­Ì»{¬°¥i¥H¥Î¨Ó±À½«eÁ`²Î³¯¤ô«ó»G±Ñ©w¸oªºªk®×¡C³¯¦b 2008 ¦~±²¤J»G±ÑÁà»D¨Ã³Q§P¸o  brief from aljazeera.com/news/2022/5/30/brawl-breaks-out-in-taiwan-legislature   Áp¦X³ø, Taiwan, 2022-5-31: «e¯S°»²Õ¦¨­û»¡¡AÁ`²Î¾Ö¦³°ê®a³Ì°ªÅv¤O¡A±N¤½©®³q¨p®w«o§Y±N¡uµLªk¡v³B»@¡A³Ì«á¤@¹D¨¾½u¥¢¦u¥Á¶iÄҥߩe®µ¤H¼ÆÀu¶Õ¡A±j¦æ±N§ñÃö°ê°È¾÷­n¶O°£¸oªº·|­pªk­×¥¿®×§¹¦¨¤TŪ¡C udn.com/news/story/122808/6352386?from=udn_ch2cate6638sub122808_pulldownmenu_v2

¡¹  Global Times, 2022-9-28, 2022-9-25

2022年,該島¡§外交預算¡¨總額達到9.36億美元,其中4100萬美元¡§機密預算¡¨用於賄賂和支持反華勢力及其海外活動¡CIn 2022, the overall "diplomatic budget" of Taiwan reached $936 million, which includes $41 million "classified budget" to bribe and support anti-China forces and their activities overseas.   globaltimes.cn/page/202209/1276026.shtml

¥xÆW³q¹LÁô±K¤â¬q¦V¬ü°ê¬F«È¦È§Q¡A¨Ò¦p¦¬¶R¥L­Ìªº®a¤H¡B«D¬F©²²Õ´/¥´µÛ¤j¾Ç©M¬ã¨s¾÷ºcªº·E¤l¡A¥L­Ìªº¡§¥Õ¤â®M¡¨¨Ï°ª½Õ±µ«Ý¦Xªk¤Æ¡X¡XÀYµ¥¿µ¯è¯Z¡B»¨µØ°s©±¡B¥ð¶¢©M®T¼Ö¡A¨Ã¤ä¥I¹L°ªªº¡§¦þª÷¡¨¡C ... ¥Á¶¡¹ÎÅé¡]¨Ò¦p¡A¥x¿n¹q¡B¤¤°ê¿ûÅK¡B¥ì¬ü­¹«~¦³­­¤½¥q©M©_¬ü¡^¦V¬ü°ê¬F«Èµo¥X¼sªxÁܽСA¦ý¥Á¶iÄÒ·í§½³Ì²×¨Ï¥Î¤½¦@¸ê²£¤ä¥Iµ¹¥L­Ì¡A¥H°kÁ׬ü°ê°ê·|ªº­­¨î... globaltimes.cn/page/202209/1276326.shtml  

¡¹ ¤¤°ê®É³ø  ªÀ½× , 2022-7-17: ¦³ªº¬FÄÒ¦]´¤°õ¬F¤jÅv¼vÅT¤O¸û¤j¡A¨ü¨ì¬ÛÃö§Q¯q¹ÎÅé¯S§O¬Ý­«¡A¥L­Ì¤]¼Ö±o¨ü¸ì®Ä¤O¡C...´x´¤¦æ¬F¤jÅvªº©x­û¦P¼Ë¥i¤W¤U¨ä¤â¡Aª½±µ¨ü¸ì©Î¬O¦b¬Fªv®½Äm¤¤Àò¨ú§Q¯q...¡A¥xÆW¦]¬°¬ÛÃöªk«ß°õ¦æµL¤O¡A¦¾¬Vµ{«×¤Q¤ÀÄY­«  chinatimes.com/opinion/20220716002628-262101?chdtv

¡¹ Áp¦X³ø  ªÀ½× , 2022-7-17: ¥Á¶iÄÒ°®¯Ü¬°°ê°È¾÷­n¶O®×°£¸o¡A¤]Åý²{¦b©M¥¼¨ÓªºÁ`²Î­Ì¹ý©³²æ¨­¡C¨£ÃÒ¤F½²­^¤å¬F©²¦æ¬FÅ@³g¡B¥ßªk¬°´c¡B¥qªk§U­hªº¤@­¶   udn.com/news/story/7338/6466748?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2


¡¹Transparency International /  Global Corruption Barometer -
³z©ú°ê»Ú²Õ´ (¼w°ê¬fªL)  ¥þ²y³g»GÁͶիü¼Æ
comparisons among main Asian countries


people who think
 is a big problem
public service
 paid a bribe
in the previous
 12 months

in previous

90% 17% 9% 28% 67% 19% 20% 15% 38%
Japan¤é¥» 84 2 2 4 10 7 26 6 36
71 13 5 11 30 28 16 12 20
62 28 26 17 16 18 18 13 39
S Korea
55 10 6 14 8 26 42 24 17



¡¹ ¤¤°ê®É³ø  ªÀ½× , 2022-6-1  "¥þÄÒ®¼³g¦¾ ¥xÆW¥Á¥Dªº®¢°d": ¥Á¶iÄÒ¬°«ó¥­¤Ï¥D­n¶D¨D¨âÂI¡A¤@¬O°ê°È¾÷­n¶O´N¬O¯S§O¶O¡A¤G¬O¬JµM°¨­^¤E¥Îªº¯S§O¶OµL¸o¡A³¯¤ô«óªº°ê°È¾÷­n¶O¤]À³¤ñ·ÓµL¸o¡C¦ý¨ä¹ê¨âªÌ©Ê½è¤£¦P¡A«eªÌ¶·³]¥ß±M±b±M¤H«OºÞ¡A¹ê³ø¹ê¾P¡A«áªÌ«h¥i¥H¦³¤@¥b¤£¶·À˪þ³æ¾Ú¡C·í¦~«ó®×Ãzµo®É¡AºñÀç§N²´®ÇÆ[¡A³¯¤ô«ó¤k¨à³¯©¯§±«ãºÙ¡G¡u¥Á¶iÄÒ½Ö¨S®³¹L§Úª¨ªº¿ú¡H¡v¾_¾Ù¦U¬É¡AºñÀç¦]¦¹¾D«ó¸j¬[¨Æ¥X¦³¦]¡C  chinatimes.com/opinion/20220531004670-262101?chdtv


¡¹ ¤¤°ê®É³ø  ªÀ½× , 2022-10-29:  ¨¾¬Ì¬Fµ¦µL©³­­ªº³g»G   chinatimes.com/opinion/20221029003036-262101?chdtv


¡¹  US  Country Reports on Human Rights Practices , 2021-3-30

Significant human rights issues included: the existence of criminal libel laws and serious acts of corruption ·í§½°_¶D¤F±²¤J°ªÃB¸ì¸ï®×ªº²{¥ô©M«e¥ô¥ßªk©e­û  Authorities prosecuted officials including incumbent and former legislators involved in a high-profile bribery case.

Section 3. Freedom to Participate in the Political Process: ¦³«ü±±¨â­Ó¥D­n¬FÄÒªº­Ô¿ï¤H©M¤ä«ùªÌ¦bÁ`²Î¤j¿ï¤¤³£¦³¶R²¼¦æ¬°¡C there were allegations of vote buying by candidates and supporters of both major political parties (KMT and DPP) in Presidential election.
Section 4. Corruption and Lack of Transparency in Government: 
¦b³o¤@¦~¤¤¡A¦³©x¤è³g¦Ã»G±Ñªº³ø¾É¡CºI¦Ü5¤ëªº¤@¦~¤¤¡A¤w°_¶D9¦W°ª¯Å©x­û¡A59¦W¤¤¯Å©x­û¡A75¦W§C¯Å©x­û©M18¦W¥Á¿ï¥Nªí¡C  ¤E¤ë¡A¥x¥_¦a¤èÀ˹î¸p«ü±±¥Á¶iÄÒ²{¥ô¥ßªk©e­ûĬ¾_­ë¡A°ê¥ÁÄÒ¹ù°ê´É©M³¯´Â»Ê¡A¥H¤ÎÄÒ¥D®u³\¥Ã©ú¦¬¨ü¸ì¸ï¥H¨ó§U°Ó¤H­«·s´x±±SOGO¦Ê³f©Ò¦³Åv¡C¦¹¥~¡A¿W¥ß¥ß©e»¯¦¨¥É¦b¥t¤@°_¸ì¸ï®×¤¤³Q°_¶D¡A¯A¤Î¨â­Ó§»öªA°È¤½¥q©M¤@¶ô°ê®a¤½¶é¤ºªº¤g¦a¡C³o¨Ç®×¥ó¥¿¦b¼f²z¤¤¡C There were reports of official corruption during the year. In the year to May, nine high-ranking officials, 59 mid-level, 75 low-level, and 18 elected people¡¦s deputies had been indicted for corruption.  In September the Taipei District Prosecutors Office charged incumbent legislators Su Chen-ching of the Democratic Progressive Party, Liao Kuo-tung and Chen Chao-ming of the Kuomintang, and former New Power Party legislator Hsu Yung-ming with accepting bribes to assist a businessman in regaining control of the ownership of a department store chain. In addition independent legislator Chao Cheng-yu was indicted in a separate bribery case involving two funeral services companies and a plot of land in a national park. These cases were pending trial.

¡¹ International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, 2021 Global State of Democracy

corruption cases, some of them highprofile, have continued to emerge, one of the most serious being that of five MPs from three political parties, the DPP and KMT included, charged with accepting bribes from the ex-Chairman of a major investment firm in violation of the 2007 Anti-Corruption Act¡Xa case viewed by some as highlighting Taiwan¡¦s weak record on regulating political lobbying.¤T­Ó¬FÄÒªº¤­¦Wij­û³Q«ü±±±µ¨ü¤@¶µ­«¤j§ë¸ê¤½¥qªº«e¥D®uªº¸ì¸ï
¡A¹H¤Ï¤F 2007 ¦~¤Ï»G±Ñªk¡X¡X¤@¨Ç¤H»{¬°³o°_®×¥ó¥YÅã¤F¥xÆW¦b³W½d¬Fªv¹C»¡¤è­±ªºÁ¡®z°O¿ý¡C¡¹
¡¹ Áp¦X³ø, ªÀ½×, 2022-1-30: ¬P®i¶R¤UªáºX®øª÷¡A¬M¥X¥xÆWÃø³ô¨Æ¹ê... ¬F©²§ï­²¬Fµ¦¦p¦ó²_¬°¬F«È³gÂp¤u¨ã  udn.com/news/story/7338/6070463?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2

USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices,  2021-3-30 There were allegations of vote buying by candidates and supporters of both major political parties (KMT and DPP) in  Presidential election in 2020. 

N.Y. Times, 12-1-2019: the soft underbelly of Taiwanese politics: patronage networks. 
They continue to allow
community leaders, farmers¡¦ associations and even
 organized-crime figures to buy votes
( NY Times, opinion :
https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/01/opinion/china-taiwan-election.html ).



¡¹ Transparency International, Taiwan ranks No. 8 in Asia & Pacific in 2021

Transparency Int'l   ,  CORRUPTION PERCEPTIONS INDEX, 2021

country of Asia & Pacific score
New Zealand score 88  No.1
Singapore   No.4
Hong Kong No. 12
Australia No. 18
Japan No. 18
UAE No. 24
Bhutan No. 25
Taiwan score 68 No. 25


¡¹ United Daily, editorial, 2021-9-17: ¥Á¶iÄÒ·U¨Ó·U一言堂化及分贓化ªºÁͶՠ udn.com/news/story/7338/5752268?from=udn-catebreaknews_ch2



pic. : "¥xÆW³g¦Ã" ¤åª©±Æ¦W US Bing ²Ä , 2023-2-21, 2021-5-9; ²Ä 3 at 2023-4-13, 2022-1-30



 pic.: "¥xÆW³g¦Ã" ±Æ¦W US Bing²Ä1 , ´ú¸Õ©ó 7-26-2019,11-28-2018, No.2 at 3-12-2020; No.4 at 2022-10-9  (­^¤å ª©)



 pic. below: ¥Áµø(Formosa TV news), 1-19-2021 3:00pm: ¥xÆW¥qªk¥@¬ö³g¦ÃÁà»D »P °ê»Ú¯º¸Ü

Taiwan judiciary crashes ¡@

Ä«ªG¤é³ø, ªÀ½×, 1-19-2021: ¥qªk­·¬ö±ÑÃa°Ê·n°ê¥»
¤jªk©x¡B¤½Ãg·|©e­ûªø¡B³Ì°ª¦æ¬Fªk°|°|ªø¡B³Ì°ªªk°|®xªø»Pªk¬öªk®xªk©x¡Aªk°È³¡¦¸ªø¡BÀ˹îªøªÌ ...¥qªk°é¹D¼w¼Ð·Ç¤§§C¡A­·¬ö¤§Ãa¡A¤H¼Æ¤§²³¡A³º§Î¦¨®×µo«á¡u¦h¨ì¤£´±ÄY¿ì¡vµ~¹Ò



¤¤°ê®É³ø, 1-19-2021: ®Éµû¡n¥qªk¤j±YÃa !

 Ä«ªG¤é³ø, 1-21-2021: ´N¬Ý¬F©²°ª¼h¡A
¡C tw.appledaily.com/daily/20210121/ASVXWX4ASZCQ3PEWMSQKZ7CDS4/


https://www.chinatimes.com/opinion/20210118004848-262103?chdtv    https://tw.appledaily.com/headline/20210119/JTHJCNBJNJG2NC3FM3L4ITBNDQ/    https://tw.appledaily.com/forum/20210119/4LULE24OC5GO7NX7OUI52R7LE4/

Apple Daily, 1-21-2021: ¦W³æ¹O200¤H  Ãg³B¶È40¤H  tw.appledaily.com/forum/20210121/LETBH6VACRHTPJAOVH6DL2LATY/

¤T¥ßSETN news, 1-19-2021 (3:40pm) : ¶W¹L100¦ì ¥qªk©x­û (ªk, ÀË, ĵ, ½Õ) ¯A®×

¡¹ Liberty Times, 1-21-2021: ¥xÆW¥qªk¾÷¾¹¦­¦¨§Q¯q¶°¹Îªº¸TùC¤F   ³sºÊ¹î°|³£ÅkµM½Ã§L¨¤¦â
ª÷ùÚÞm  https://talk.ltn.com.tw/article/paper/1426899

¤¤°ê®É³ø, 1-23-2021: ½²­^¤åªº³Õ¤h½×¤å®×¡B¯Î±Ò´f°|ªøªº³g¦¾®×¡B¥Û¤ì´ÜªºÃö»¡®×µ¥µ¥¡A®Ú¥»¤£´±¼f²z¡C¥qªk¤H­û»P´I°Ó¬Û¤¬¤Äµ²¦¨¬°³g¦¾ªº¶°¹Î¡A
¾ã­Ó¥qªk¾÷ºc¤w¸g¦¨¬°¤¬¬Û¥]§Èªº¥Ç¸o¦@¦PÅé /  
§õ´_¨l chinatimes.com/opinion/20210122005025-262104?chdtv


pic. left: Formosa TV news, 1-19-2021: "¥xÆW¥qªk¥v³Ì¤jÁà»D ", pic. right: Formosa TV news, 1-19-2021: °ê»Ú¯º¸Ü !



¡¹ ¬ü°ê°ê°È°|¤HÅv³ø§i 3-11-2020: ¥xÆW³o¤@¦~¤£Â_¦³©x­û³g¦Ãªº³ø§i (There were reports of official corruption during the yar.  nine ranking officials, 72 mid-level, 115 low-level, and 11 elected people¡¦s deputies had been indicted for corruption.)¡C

New York Times 12-1-2019 ¤]³ø¾É, ¥xÆW¬Fªvªº³n¦Ø­n®`,  ¬O ¨ä¤H¯ßÃö «Yºô ( soft underbelly of Taiwanese politics: patronage networks.  ps: NY Times 11-19-2012: In China, political patronage and family connections are the critical factors in ascending to the top ) , ¤´µM¤¹³\ªÀ°Ï »â³S¡B¹A·|¡B¬Æ¦ÜÀ°·|¤Hª«¦b¿ïÁ| ®É¶R²¼§@¹ú (  they continue to allow community leaders, farmers¡¦ associations and even organized-crime figures to buy votes.   www.nytimes.com/2019/12/01/opinion/china-taiwan-election.html  )¡C


¡¹ ¦Û¥Ñ®É³ø  ªÀ½× 1-12-2020: §¹¥þ°õ¬Fªº»GÃa®ð®§¤w²{¡C¤¤µø (CTV news), 2021-4-28: ¤¤¼s(BCC)¸³¨Æªø»¯¤Ö±d¡AÀ³Áܨì°ê¥ÁÄÒ¤¤±`·|ºtÁ¿¡A¯¥ÅF½²¬F©²¡A§¹¥þ°õ¬F«á"¥HÄÒÅÑ°ê"¡A¦¨¬°·s«ÂÅv¡B·s³g»G¡BÄÒ°ê¤@Å骺"¤T·s¶°¹Î"¡C¨Ã¿Ø¨ë»¡°ê¥ÁÄÒ³g¦¾¥Î´ö°Í¡A¦ý¥Á¶iÄÒ¬Oª½±µ¥Î©Ç¤â  (new.ctv.com.tw/Article/Âųg¦Ã¥Î´ö°Í-ºñ¥Î©Ç¤â-»¯¤Ö±dÅF¥Á¶iÄÒ-¥HÄÒÅÑ°ê-¤¤µø·s»D-20210428)


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¡¹ Ä«ªG¤é³ø 9-22-2020 ªÀ½×: µLªk«Ø¥ß¦³®Ä¨¾»G¾÷¨îªº¬FÄÒ¡A¥¼¨ÓÄÒ¤º­n¨¤ªº³g»G¦æ®|®£©È¤´·|¼h¥X¤£½a¡C¥Á¶iÄÒ§ó¶·¤Þ¥H¬°§Ù¡C tw.appledaily.com/headline/20200922/BABNJVZ545CL5N7MEYKRZVLP64/


¡¹ ¤¤®É ( https://www.chinatimes.com/opinion/20200806005356-262105?chdtv³¯´Â¥­ )  µû½×(8-7-2020)¥xÆW³g»G¤£Â_,¡u°ÝÃD´N¥X¦b§õµn½÷6¦¸­×¾Ë¡A§â¥Á¥D¬Fªv¤¤³Ì¨ãÃöÁ䪺¨î¿Å¾÷¨î­×±o¤£¨£¤F¡v¡A§Î¦¨¦æ¬F°|ªø¦³³dµLÅv¡AÁ`²Î¦³ÅvµL³d, ¶§¥úªk®×µ¥©ó¬O¥¿·í¤Æ¦¬¸ì´c¦æ¡C


¡¹ Áp¦X³ø 1-8-2020 ªÀ½×: ¥xÆW°õ¬FÄÒ¡y¶°Åé¤ÀÅB¡z¡A¥qªkÀ˽հ߰߿տդ£´±½Õ¬dÅv¶Q... (brief)   Ä«ªG¤é³ø 7-10-2020 ªÀ½× ¥Á¶iÄÒ³ÐÄҺ믫¤£¦A±¾¼L¤W¡A²M·G¦n¹³°h¤F¬y¦æ ¡B¥]§È¦Û¤v  ¥Á¶iÄÒÄÒ¬F°ª¼hªºµø­YµL¸@¡A«C§§¥@¥Nªº²§±`½pÀq¡AºÊ©e¿@¯PÄÒ¬£­I´º¡A¬F­·¡B¥qªkÅé¨tªº¤£°Ê¦p¤s¡A³\¦h¤H¹ï¥xÆW¥¼¨Ó¤£¸T§ó¼~¤ßÊÝÊÝ ( brief :  https://tw.appledaily.com/headline/20200710/662HH2WBZ4WBUVCWNWG6FJEYLY/ )¡C Áp¦X³ø 7-10-2020 ªÀ½×:   ¤ñ³g°ý¦Y¬Û§óÃø¬Ýªº¡A¬O¬F©²¹S±e¥]§È¡C


¡¹ Ä«ªG¤é³ø 9-13-2020 ªÀ½×¥¨°Ó´I¸ë«Ø¥ßªº·t¶Âºôµ¸¡AÅý¥xÆW¬F©²ªº¡u°|»Ú¨ó½Õ¡v¶¶ºZµL¤ñ¡C´I°Ó¦³¤°»ò¥ô°È¥æ¿ì¡A±q¦æ¬F¡B¥ßªk¡B¥qªk¨ìºÊ¹î°| ¡A³£¦³¤HÀ°§A³ì¦n¡A ¤ñ¤è¥H§Y±N¤WÂdªºªÑ²¼µ¹¬ÛÃö©x­û®M§Q  §Y¬O±±¨î¼f¡BÀË¡Bĵ¡B½Õ°ª©xªº§Q¾¹¡C¥q§ï¨Ã¥¼±o¨ì¹w´Á®Ä¡CªG¡Chttps://tw.appledaily.com/headline/20200912/XRWWTEZPLBGARBFFHQVXMYCH2Q/';https://tw.appledaily.com/forum/20200912/NAQP67HBRRAP5LZ3ZW4AFWTAEQ/


¡¹ Transparency International, ¥xÆW³g»G«ü¼Æ±Æ¦W¨È¤ÓNo. 7 in 2020

Transparency Int'l   ,  CORRUPTION PERCEPTIONS INDEX, 2020

country of Asia & Pacific score
New Zealand 88
Singapore 85
Australia 77
Hong Kong 77
Japan 74
UAE 71
Taiwan 65


: ¡@ ¡@

¡¹ Transparency International 2020¦~¤½¥¬ªº2019¦~¥xÆW³g»G«ü¼Æ¬O65/100¤À¡A ¸û«e¤@¦~63¤Àµy°ª, ±Æ28¡CTransparency International 1-29-2019: ¥xÆW³g»G¤£¹³«nÁú¦³©Ò¶i®i (Taiwan has stagnated in the Corruption Perspective Index rankings since 2011 with its score 61~63 (dropped 2 spots this year), in contrast, South Korea improved by 3 points in 2017.)¡C  Transparency International (Taiwan) 1-8-2020: ¥xÆW³Ì°ª¼h(Á`²Î ¦æ¬F°|ªø)À³±j¤O«Å¥Ü¤Ï³g»PµÂ³g¨M¤ß¡A¸¨¹ê¾÷Ãö³z©úµ{§Ç¡AÅý¥qªkÅé¨t·P¨ü°ª¼h¨M¤ß ((brief) apple daily, ±äÄ£¶v)¡CAccording to Global Corruption Barometer, Transparency (https://www.transparency.org/en/countries/taiwan  test at 1-27-2021), 90% of people think government corruption is a big problem, 17% of public service users paid a bribe on the previous 12 months.


¡¹ Áp¦X³ø2019¦~12¤ë25¤éÀYª©·s»D¡y½Ö³g»G?¡z―  Á`²Î¤j¿ï¬F¨£µoªí·|µn³õ¡A°ê¥ÁÄÒÁú°ê·ì§å¥Á¶iÄÒ½²­^¤å»â¾É¤U¡A³g©x¦Ã¦O¥i¥H"¤j³g¯S³g"¡A ½²¦^ÅGÁ¿³g¦ÃÀ³§ó°O±o°ê¥ÁÄÒ¡A¿Ë¥ÁÄÒ§º·¡·ì»{¬°°ê¥ÁÄÒ»P¥Á¶iÄÒ¬O³g»G»P¥qªk¤£¤½ªºÃø¥SÃø§Ì¡C¥i¿×¤¬¬Û¤ñÄê! 


¡@ ¡¹  ¥xÆW³g»Gµû½× 8-7-2020 : https://www.chinatimes.com/opinion/20200806005356-262105?chdtv (CTN opinion)   https://www.chinatimes.com/opinion/20200806004891-262101?chdtv (¤¤®ÉªÀ½×) ; https://udn.com/news/story/11091/4760933?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2   https://udn.com/news/story/7338/4762357?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2 (Áp¦X³øªÀ½×)  ;  https://tw.appledaily.com/headline/20200807/LP5HJVDXGF7MH7AELGX4574EM4/ ( Ä«½× )


¡¹ <Áp¦X³ø>: ¤G¡³¤@¥|¦~°ª¶¯¦a¤UºÞ½u²`©]®ðÃz¡A¾_Åå¥þ¥x¡C¥Á¶¡·R¤ß¤jÃzµo®½¥X¥|¤Q¤­»õ¤¸¡C¥¼®Æ¡A¦p¦¹Ãe¤jªºµ½´Ú¨Ó±o®e©ö¡A«oµ¹¤F°ª¶¯¥«¬F©²¥ô·N´§ÀNªº¾÷·|¡A¾¨ºÞ¨î©w¤F®½´ÚªººÞ²z¹B¥Î­nÂI¡A¨Ã©ú­q±M´Ú±M¥Î¨Æ¶µ¡A¹ê»Ú¤W«o®¡·NëƯxÀݥΡF³Ì«á¥æ¥X¤@µ§½k¶î±b¡A¦³¨Ç®½´Ú³s¦¬¾Ú³£µLªk¬d²M¡Chttps://udn.com/news/story/7338/4645489?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2  (ps: ¬O§_³g¦Ã©|¶·½Õ¬d)


¡¹ <Áp¦X³ø>: ½²¬F©²¹ú®×ÀW¤´¡A¦ý¥M¥ß©e¡B¬F°È©x©ÎÀ˽իà¨pÅ@µu¡B±»»\¡A©Ï®`ªÀ·|¥¿¸q¡B§Uªø³g»G¡C<Áp¦X³ø>:  ¤p©x´c§Î´cª¬¤]¬O¥xÆW¬F©²²M·GªºÅãµÛ«ü¼Ð¡A ¦³ªº¤p©x¥xÆW¥u¯à¥H"¬ª±K"§P¨ä¦D¡A¥qªkµLªk°l¨s¨ä¹ï»ùÃö«Y¡C  Áp¦X³ø(8-25-2018): Transparency International «e¥D®u Jose Ugaz «ü¥X·s§ÎºA³g¦Ã¬OGrand Corruption(Åv¶Q³g¦Ã¥Ç¸o)¡A¶·¥qªk»P¤H¥Á¤@°_¦XÀ»¡C¾ÚÁp¦X°ê¤Ï³g»G¤½¬ù°ê®a³ø§i¡A¤­¦ì°ê»Ú¼f¬d©e­û«Øij¥xÆW§ó¥[­­¨î¤é¯qÄY­«¤§¤½¥q¤§¬FªvÄmª÷¡A¨Ã­×¤½¥qªk¨¾Àݥά~¿ú¾÷¨î¡C  Ä«ªG¤é³ø 12-7-2018 ªÀ½×«ü¥X: ¥xÆW°£¤F©x°Ó¤Äµ²¡A³g»G¯}ªí¥~¡A»â¥ý¤¤°ê¡B¦L¥§¡B¤Ú¦è¡Bµá«ß»«¡B¶V«nµ¥³g¦Ã¤j°ê¤§³B¡A¦b©óÁÙ¦³¶Â¹D¾î¦æ¡C¶Â¹D»²¦õ©x°Ó¥Á¥Nµo°]¡A¨ä¯äµL¤ñªº­¹ª«Ãì ¶W¶VÂźñ¡A ¦b¿ï«á ¶Âª÷´_¹@ ...    Ä«ªG¤é³ø (7-25-2019, forum) : ¥«Ä³­û§åµû°ê¦w§½¨«¨pµÒ¡A´¦¬ï¤F¶°Åé³g»Gªº¤å¤Æ¡A«E»Ý¨î«×¤Wªº§ï­²...



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2019¦~¤½¥¬ªº¥xÆWCPI ( 2018 Transparency International ³g¦Ã«ü¼Æ Corruption Perceptions Index) ¤À¼Æ63¤À(º¡¤À100)¡A°h¨B¤G¦W¡C 2016 ~ 2018¦~¤½¥¬¤§¬ü°ê°ê°È°|¤½¥¬¤HÅv³ø§i( USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices) ¤@¦A«ü¥X¥xÆW¥D­n¤HÅv°ÝÃD¤§¤@¬O©x­û³g¦Ã¡C 2015¦~ ¥xÆW°ª©x³g¦Ã¤H¼Æ´X¥G¬O«e¤@¦~ªº¤@­¿¡C2016¦~¡A©x­û³g¦Ã ¤´µM¬O¥D­n¤HÅv°ÝÃD¡C

2017¦~¬ü°ê¤HÅv³ø§i¤Þ¥Î¤¤¥¿¤j¾Ç¬ã¨s(National Chung Cheng University) 76%¨ü³XªÌ¤£º¡·N¬F©²¤Ï³g¤£¨¬¡C¦Û¥Ñ®É³øÀYª©³ø¾É(2-23-2016)¡A°ê¥ß¤¤¥¿¤j¾Ç¥Ç¸o¬ã¨s¤¤¤ß2015¦~½Õ¬d¡A°ª¹F78%¥Á²³¤£º¡·N¬F©²¨¾¨î³gÂp¤§§@¬°¡C

Ä«ªG¤é³ø ½×¾Â(2-4-2017) : ¥xÆW³z©ú²Õ´²z¨Æ»{¬°¥xÆW·G¬FÅé¨î­Ë°h¡A»F¦]©ó¤Ï³g¬Fµ¦¤£°÷¥þ­±¥H¦ÜÃø¥H¦b©x¹±Åé¨t¥Í®Ú¡B¸ê°T³z©ú«×¤£¨¬µ¥¡A¥xÆW¬F©²À³¿n·¥­×¥¿¤ä«ù±À°Ê¤Ï³gµ¦²¤¦æ°Ê¤è®×¡C/¦¨¥\¤j¾Ç·¨¥Ã¦~±Ð±Â

2018.2.21 Transparency International ¤½¥¬ªº¥xÆWªº corruption_perceptions_index (CPI)¤À¼Æ63 («e¤@¦~61¤À)¡A±Æ¦W¨È¬w²Ä7¡C Ä«ªG¤é³ø 2-23-2018 ³ø¾É¥xÆWªº¬F©²¤Ï³g«ü¼Æ GDAI ¦C Band B¯Å¡C

2013¥xÆW¥Á¥D°òª÷·|¥Á½Õ:¦U¶µ¤HÅv«ü¼Ð¦h¨«§C...¡u¬F©²µL³g¦Ã»G±Ñµ{«×¡v¤À¼ÆºG¤£§Ô¸@¡Aªñ¨â¦~(2012, 2013)³£¥u®³1.9¤À¡B1.8¤À(º¡¤À5¤À)¡A§¡¬°¤£¤Î®æ¤À¼Æ¡C °ê»Ú³z©ú²Õ´¡]Transparency International¡^ 2013¥þ²y³g»GÁͶիü¼Æ¡]Corruption Barometer 2013¡^½Õ¬dÅã¥Ü¡A¥xÆW¬°­««×³g»G°ê®a¡A¦b¨ü½Õ¬d95­Ó°ê®a¤¤±Æ¦W²Ä18¡A³g»Gµ{«×¼W¥[©úÅã¥B´T«×¼@¯P¡C¡mÄ«ªG¡n(2013.7.11)³Ì·s¥Á½ÕÅã¥Ü¡A°ª¹F75.07%¨ü³XªÌ»{¬°¡u³g¦Ã¹ê»Ú±¡§Î§óÄY­«¡v¡C

³Ìªñ­^°ê¡]The Economist 2010¡^Âø»x«ü¥X¥xÆW¥qªk¬Éªº³g¦ÃÁÁ¶ÇÀò±o¤FÃÒ¹ê¡A¤]Åý¤H¥Áªº¼««ã¹F¨ì¤FªmÂI¡C
¦ý¥xÆWªø¤[¥H¨Ó±q¤£«ä¹ý©³®¬§ï¡A³o3¦~ªº°ê»Ú±Æ¦W¤£¦p¹L¥h 1998-2001¦~¤§®É(¼w°ê °ê»Ú³z©ú²Õ´¸ê®Æ)¡A ¥ß©e¬°¤F«OÅ@·d¿úªº¾÷·|¡A¤£ªÖ§¹¾ã³q¹L¤½°È­û°]²£¨Ó·½¤£©úªº¥qªk½Õ¬dÅv ¡C

¥xÆW¬F©²¤£µÂ³g«h¬O©È¼vÅT¬Fªv¿ïÁ|¡A¨Ã²o³s¤@¤j¦ê¦@¥Ç¡AÃø¥HÂ\¥­ ¡C ¤£±o¤w­pµe¦¨¥ßªº¡u·G¬F¸p¡v¡A¬°¥xÆW¥|¤j³øªÀ¤@»ô§åµû¨Ã½èºÃ¨ä¥\®Ä¡C 

¥xÆW¦p¯u­nµÂ³g ¡A¥²¶·°Ñ¦Ò·s¥[©Y³g¦Ã½Õ¬d§½¡B­»´ä·G¬F¤½¸pªº¦¨¥\¸gÅç¡A ¥H§K¦¨¬° ¯Ê¥F¤ú¤öªº¦Ñªê ©Î ¨S¸Ë¯¥»Oªº·s«¬©Z§J¡C

     1. ªk«ß¤W¦³°w¹ï°]²£»P¦Xªk¦¬¤J©úÅ㤣¬Û²Å§Y¥i½Õ¬dªº¡u©|¤èÄ_¼C ¡v¡A¥H¤Î¥ßªk±Â»P·G¬F¸pªº¥qªk©x¨­¤À¤Î¨ä¥D°Ê½Õ¬dÅv¡C

     2. À³¦ì°ªÅv­«¡A¤ñ¦pÁõÄÝ©óÁ`²Î¡A¥iÁקK°ª¶¥À£¤O»P¤H±¡Ãö»¡¡C

     3. À³¨ã¿W¥ß½Õ¬d¥\¯à ¡A¤£¨ü¨ä¥L³¡ªù²o¨î¡A¦ý±µ¨ü¥~³¡ºÊ·þ¡C

     4. ¦¨­û¦b¬J¦³©x¹±Åé¨t¤§¥~¡A½Õ¬d·F­û¥²¶··s¸u°V½m¡A ¹ý©³¤ÁÂ_»P©x¹±Åé¨t¡B¥ø·~¤H±¡»P§Q¯qºôµ¸¡C

     5. ¹wºâ¨ü¥ßªk³¡ªùªº¥R¤À´L­«¤Î¤ä´©¡A¥ß©e Ãø¥H¹wºâ¸j¬[­n¯Ù¡C

     6. ³]²M©ú¤§¤º±±©Î¥~³¡ºÊ·þ¾÷¨î¡A ¥HÁקK»~¥Î¡uÄ_¼C ¡v ―  ¦p¥´À»²§¤v¡B¿ï¾Ü©Ê¿ì®×¡B©ç»aÃÇ©ñ¦Ñªê¡Bª±°²ªº¡Bª±¶Bªº¡B¬Æ©Î¤Ï¦¨³g»Gªºº×·½¡C



 "¥xÆW³g¦Ã"­^¤å Google ±Æ¦W²Ä¤@ , ´ú¸Õ©ó1-1-2017, 2015.1.11,
2012¦~ 1¤ë11¤é¡A 2011¦~ 2¤ë14¤é 8:50am
¤Î Sept. 14 & Nov. 22, 2010, ¥x¥_®É¶¡


"¥xÆW³g¦Ã" ­^¤å Google ±Æ¦W²Ä¤@ ,
´ú¸Õ©ó1-1-2017, Jan. 11, 2015, Sept. 14 & Nov. 22, 2010, ¥x¥_®É¶¡



¤¤¥~´CÅé µû½×  ¥xÆW³g¦Ã





¡¹  ¬ü°ê°ê°È°|¤½¥¬¤HÅv³ø§i  USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices,   4.20.2018

      ¥xÆW¥D­n¤HÅv°ÝÃD¤§¤@¬O³g¦Ã¡C ¥qªk³æ¦ì¤£°÷¿W¥ß¦]¦¹¤£©ö¹ï¥I¬F«È (the justice ministry was insufficiently independent and conducted politically motivated investigations of politicians. )¡C


¡¹  Ä«ªG¤é³ø (Apple Daily), 12-7-2018,  ªÀ½×: ¥xÆW°£¤F©x°Ó¤Äµ²¡A³g»G¯}ªí¥~¡A»â¥ý¤¤°ê¡B¦L¥§¡B¤Ú¦è¡Bµá«ß»«¡B¶V«nµ¥³g¦Ã¤j°ê¤§³B¡A¦b©óÁÙ¦³¶Â¹D¾î¦æ¡C¶Â¹D»²¦õ©x°Ó¥Á¥Nµo°]¡A¨ä¯äµL¤ñªº­¹ª«Ãì ¶W¶VÂźñ¡A ¦b¿ï«á ¶Âª÷´_¹@ ...¡´( https://tw.appledaily.com/headline/daily/20181207/38199252/)


¡¹  Ä«ªG¤é³ø (Apple Daily), 5-12-2018, Focus comments  (https://tw.appledaily.com/forum/daily/20180512/38011358 ªL¹F)
 Â½Âà³g»GµL¸o¤ý°ê  ³t­qÃJÃظo-  ¥xÆW°ª°|§P½Ò­û¯Á2»õ©â¦þ¥|¤d¸UµL¸o , ¥x»Ý­n Gratuity Law ªk¦p¬ü°ê¤§ US  18 U.S.C. & 201(c) .


¡¹  Ä«ªG¤é³ø (Apple Daily), 5-15-2018, Focus comments

        ¹ï»ùÃö«Y (¡§quid pro quo", "Consideration relationship") ¬O³g¦Ã¥Ç°k¥Íªù .


¡¹  °ê»Ú³z©ú²Õ´ <Transparency International>, Germany,  2-21-2018  https://www.transparency.org/news/feature/corruption_perceptions_index_2017

        ¥xÆWªºcorruption_perceptions_index (CPI)¤À¼Æ63±Æ¦W¨È¬w²Ä7¡A¦¸©óworld No.1¯Ã¦èÄõ(score89)¡Bworld No.6·s¥[©Y(score 84)¡BNo. 13¿D¬w¡B13­»´ä¡B20¤é¥»¡B26¤£¤¦¡A¥@¬É²Ä29(»P¸²µå¤ú¡B¥d¹F¦P¤À) ¡A«e¤­¦W¬°New Zealand, Denmark(score 88), and ¦P¦CNo.3 (score 85)ªº Finland, Norway, Swiss¡A¬ü°êNo.16, score 75 )


¡¹  ¬F©²¤Ï³g«ü¼Æ <GDAI,  Government Defence Anti-corruption Index>,  ref to Apple Daily 2-23-2018

        GDAI  of 2015,  ¥xÆW¦C Band B¯Å¡AOperations »P Procurement Risk¦C C¯Å¡A Personnel risks.¦C Band A¯Å¡C


¡¹  ¬ü°ê°ê°È°|¤½¥¬¤HÅv³ø§i  USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices,   3.3.2017

     2017¦~¤ë¤½¥¬¤§¬ü°ê°ê°È°|¤½¥¬¤HÅv³ø§i( USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices)«ü¥X¥xÆW¥D­n¤HÅv°ÝÃD¤§¤@¬O©x­û³g¦Ã¡C 201 ¦W©x­û ¥]¬A23¦W°ª©x³g¦Ã charges.  ¤¤¥¿¤j¾Ç¬ã¨s(National Chung Cheng University) 76%¨ü³XªÌ¤£º¡·N¬F©²¤Ï³g¤£¨¬¡C¥~Äy ²¾¤u¤HÅv¾D¥ò¤¶­é«d¡B¬O©x­û³g¦Ãªº¨ü®`ªÌ¡C

°ê»Ú³z©ú²Õ´ <Transparency International>, Germany,

      °ê»Ú³z©ú²Õ´(Transparency International)ªñ¤é¤½¥¬¡u2016³g»G¦L¶H«ü¼Æ(Corruption Perceptions Index 2016)¡v¡A¥xÆW²M·G«×¥H61¤À±Æ¦W²Ä31¡A¸û¥h¦~°h¨B1¤À¡C ¯Ã¦èÄõ»P¤¦³Á¦P¥H90¤À¨Ã¦C²Ä1¡CªâÄõ¡B·ç¨å¡B·ç¤h¤À©~3¨ì5¦W¡C ¨È¬w°ê®a¤¤Singapore³Ì°ª  score 84  ranking No.7,   Hong Kong at No.15 with 77 points,  ¤é¥»  No.20 with 72 points¡C  °ê»Ú¥Áºé¿³°_®£¨Ï³g»G´c¤Æ¡C

¡¹  ¬ü°ê°ê°È°|¤½¥¬¤HÅv³ø§i  USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices,   4.13.2016

¡· 2016¦~¡A©x­û³g¦Ã ¤´µM¬O¥xÆW¥D­n¤HÅv°ÝÃD¡C

    ¥xÆW¥qªk¬É¦]³g¦Ã¨ü³Ð¡AÁö§V¤O¹L¸Õ¹Ï¹ï¥I³g¦Ã»P¬Fªv¼f§P(¬Fªv¼vÅT¥qªk)¡A°ÝÃD¤´Â¦s¦b¡AAuthorities indicted 285 officials, including 22 high-ranking officials, on corruption charges during the year.


¡¹ ¬ü°ê¶Ç²Î°òª÷·|(<Heritage Foundation> )   02-02- 2016  

      ¬ü°ê´¼®w¶Ç²Î°òª÷·|»PµØº¸µó¤é³øµo¥¬¡m2016¸gÀ٦ۥѫ׫ü¼Æ¡n¡]2016 Index of Economic Freedom¡^¡A¬Fªv»P°]¹Î¤´ªÈÄñ¡A¨Ã¯S§OÂI¥X¶Â¤ßªo°ÝÃD¡A¥i¯à¦³­¹¥Îªo·~ªÌ»P¬F«ÈÃö«Y±K¤Á¦Ó°k¹LÀˬd¡F³ø§i¥t»{¬°¡A³Ò¤u¦Û¥Ñ©M¤½²³°]¬FºÞ²z»Ý­nÃöª`¡C


¡¹  ¬ü°ê°ê°È°|¤½¥¬¤HÅv³ø§i  USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices,   6.26.2015

         ¡´  ¥xÆW¥D­n¤HÅv°ÝÃD¬O©x­û³g¦Ã»P¥~Äy»P¥»¦a³Ò¤u¤§³Q­é«d(Principal human rights problems /  labor exploitation of migrant workers by fishing companies, exploitation of domestic workers by brokerage agencies, and official corruption.)
         ¡´  687©x­û(69 °ª¶¥©x­û)³g¦ÃSome legal scholars and politicians alleged that the Ministry of Justice was not sufficiently independent, claiming that ministry authorities conducted politically motivated investigations of politicians.  authorities indicted 687 officials, including 69 high-ranking officials, on corruption charges during the year. There were no reports of impunity.


¡¹ ¬ü°ê¶Ç²Î°òª÷·|(<Heritage Foundation> & <WallStreet Journal>) ¤½¥¬¥þ²y¸gÀ٦ۥѫ׳ø§i,   1.29.2015

      ... ¥xÆW¬F°Ó¤Äµ²¦b¥xÆW¤´¬O¤@­Ó°ÝÃD¡A¬Û¹ï¦Ó¨¥¬Û·í°ª«×ªº³g¦Ã±¡ªp¨ÌµM¦s¦b¡C("2015 Index of Economic Freedom" :  a relatively high level of perceived corruption and a rigid labor market still restrain Taiwan¡¦s overall economic freedom.)

¡¹  ¬ü°ê°ê°È°|¤½¥¬ªº2013¦~¤HÅv³ø§i
The US Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2013, released at 2.27.2014.

(1)¤¤µØ¥Á°ê¥qªkÅé¨t¤´¦³³g»G±¡§Î¡A¾¨ºÞ¥xÆW·í§½§V¤O¥´À»³g»G¥H¤Î¬Fªv¤z¹w¥qªk¡A¦ý¤´¦³¤@¨Ç°ÝÃDµLªk®Ú°£¡C ¥h¦~5¤ë¥xÆW¤w¦³573¦W©x­û¾D³g»G°_¶D¡A¨ä¤¤39¦W¬O°ª¶¥©x­û¡A¥]¬A¦æ¬F°|«e¯µ®ÑªøªL¯q¥@¥ø¹Ï¯Á¸ì³Q§P¦D7¦~¡C

(2)¥qªk³gÂp ¤Î¬Fªv¼f§P°ÝÃD : the judicial system suffered from corruption, and that the impartiality of judges and prosecutors involved in high-profile and politically sensitive cases had been questioned.


¡¹   PERC¡¦s 2015 Report on Corruption in Asia, Asian Intelligence Reports Index  4-1-2015   http://www.asiarisk.com/subscribe/exsum1.pdf

¥xÆW³g¦Ã¬O­Ó±Ó·PÃD¥Ø¡A ¬_¥«ªø¼s¨üÅwªï¦]¥L´î¤Ö¤½°È­û³g¦Ã¾÷·|...corruption within Taiwan remains a very sensitive issue that could be politicized more the closer the time comes to the next elections. The new mayor of Taipei, a political independent, has been very popular because of his initiatives to reduce the opportuntiies for corruption at the municipal level. He is focusing on shortcomings that both major political parties have tended to gloss over, and this could cause these issues to get a lot more attention in the future, especially if he makes changes that produce positive results ? or are seen to do so.

Ranking and scores in Asia: Singapore 1.33, Japan 1.55,  Australia 2.61,  Hong Kong 3.17, Macao 4.58,  USA 4.59, Malaysia 4.96, Taiwan 5.00

¡¹  <Transparency International>,  12.2.2014

Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) 2014:    ¥xÆW¤À¼Æ 61 ¡A¤À¼Æ»P«e¤G¦~¬Û¦P (2014, 2013, 2012), ¨ä¥L¨È¤Ó°ê®a¤À¼Æ: New Zealand 91, Singapore 84 Australia 80, Hong Kong 74, Japan 76, Bhutan 65, etc.


¡¹ ¡m¬ü°ê¶Ç²Î°òª÷·|¡n©M¡mµØº¸µó¤é³ø¡n
       ¡u2014¥þ²y¸gÀ٦ۥѫ׫ü¼Æ¡v¡]Index of Economic Freedom¡^³ø§i,  1.13.2014

1. ¥xÆW·G¼ä«×¤£¤Î®æ¡C
2. ¥xÆW°h¨B«ü¼Ð¥]¬A¤U¦C:
     Freedom From Corruption (
59.7 declined); Business Freedom (93.9); Monetary Freedom(81.7);
     Labor Freedom
(53.1);Government Spending(84.7);Fiscal Freedom
3. ¥xÆW¦³¨â¶µ«ü¼Ð§C©ó60¤À¡B³B©ó¤£¤Î®æª¬ºA¡A¥]¬A§K©ó³g»G¡B³Ò°Ê¦Û¥Ñ¡A¤À¼Æ¤À§O¬°59.7¤À¥H¤Î53.1¤À¡F
4. Index of Economic Freedom¡A¥xÆW¶i¨B3¦W¡C


¡¹  Áp¦X³ø (11-4-2015) / ¦w¥Ã 2015-EY-asia-pacific-fraud-survey


¡¹ PERC¡¦s 2014 Report on Corruption in Asia, Asian Intelligence Reports Index
19. 2014 by

   1.  ¨È¤Ó²M·G«× §Ú­Ë°h
        Asia's ranking status: 

        1 ·s¥[©YSingapore (score 1.6),  2 ¤é¥»Japan(2.08) , 3 ¿D¬wAustralia(2.55) ,
        4 ­»´äHong Kong(2.95), 5 ¬ü°êUSA(3.50) , 6 ¿DªùMacau(3.65) , 7
        8 ¥xÆWTW(5.31),  9 S. Korea (7.05), 10 Chn(7.10)


   2. ¡u°ª©x³g¦ÃÄY­«¡v: ¥x¥qªkÅé¨t¨ÃµL¦¨¥\¥´À»Åé¨t¤º³g¦Ã¡A¥x¤¤°ª¤À°|ªk©x­J´º±l¯A¿ì®×¦¬¸ì«K¬O¤@¨Ò¡C
<¬F¸g­·ÀIÅU°Ý¤½¥q>(POLITICAL & ECONOMIC RISK CONSULTANCY LTD (HK based))2014¬F¸g­·ÀIµû¦ô³ø§i: ¦b¨È¤Ó¤Î¬ü°êµ¥¤Q¤»°ê¥ô¾ªº¥~°Ó¥DºÞ¤ß¥Ø¤¤¡A·s¥[©Y¬F©²²M·G«×³Ì°ª¡A¥xÆW±Æ¦W²Ä¤K¡A³Q°¨¨Ó¦è¨ÈÀ½¤U¡A¸û¥h¦~°h¨B¡A³ø§i«ü¥xÆW°ª©x³g¦ÃÄY­«¡C «eÁ`²Î³¯¤ô«ó¦]³g¦Ã¤Jº»¡A»PÁ`²Î°¨­^¤EÃö«Y±K¤Áªº¦æ¬F°|«e¯¦®ÑªøªL¯q¥@¤Î¥_¥«Ä³­û¿à¯À¦p¤]¦]¯A³g¾D¶D¡AÂźñ¨âÄÒ¬Ò¦³°ª©x¯A³g¡AÅã¥Ü¥xÆW°ª©x³g¦ÃÄY­«¡A¦Ó¿¤¥«¯Å¤½°È­û©Mµ|°È¾÷Ãö³g¦Ã°ÝÃD³Ì¤p¡C


¡¹  ¬ü°ê°ê°È°|¤½¥¬ªº¤G¡³¤@¤G¦~¤HÅv³ø§i
The US Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2012, released at April 19, 2013.

¥xÆW¥D­nªº°ÝÃD¦b³g»G©M¹ï°ü¤k»P¨àµ£ªº¼É¤O¡C³g»G : ¡§Although the authorities made efforts to eliminate corruption and diminish political influence in the judiciary, some residual problems remained,¡¨...¡§During the year, judicial reform advocates pressed for greater public accountability, reforms of the personnel system and other procedural reforms,¡¨. ¡§Although the authorities made efforts to eliminate corruption and diminish political influence in the judiciary, some residual problems remained,¡¨ the report said.
¬Fªvµû½×»P¾Ç¬É¤½¶}½èºÃÀ˹î©x»Pªk©xªº¤½¥¿©ÊThe report also said that political commentators and academics had publicly questioned the impartiality of judges and prosecutors involved in high-profile and politically sensitive cases.


¡¹ ¼w°ê <°ê»Ú³z©ú²Õ´>¡]Transparency International¡^ 2013 Global Corruption Barometer (TI's GCB) : 7.9.2013



(1) The came-out worst corruption institution: the ¥ßªk°|Legislative Yuan( 75 % of respondents feeling the institution was affected by corruption)
(2) ¬FÄÒthe political parties (74%)
(3) ´CÅéTaiwan's media (62%)
(4) ¥qªkjudiciary (57%)
(5) ­xĵ¤½¹²police, the military, public officials and civil servants all finishing at 56 percent
(6) non-governmental organizations (31%)



¡]Corruption Barometer 2013¡^


¡» Percentage(%) of respondents who felt these institutions were corrupt/extremely corrupt in this country/territory ¦h¤Ö¤ñ¨Ò¨ü³XªÌ»{¬°¥xÆW³o¨Ç³æ¦ì¬O¤@¯ë¬Æ¦Ü·¥ºÝ³g¦Ã?
¥ßªk°|75%  of respondents in Taiwan who felt that parliament/legislature( the Legislative Yuan) were corrupt/extremely corrupt ;
¬FÄÒ74%  political parties;   ´CÅé 62%   media; ¥qªk 57%   judiciary;
ĵ¤è 56%  police;   ­x¤è 56%   military;  ¤½¹² 56%  public officials and servants;
ÂåÀø 47% medical and health services;  ±Ð¨| 45% educational systems; 
44%   business;   33% religious bodies; «DÀç§Q 31%  NGOs( non-governmental organizations)

¡»To what extent do you think corruption is a problem in the public sector in this country/territory?³g¦Ã¦hÄY­«?
7%: not really a problem;    27%: a slight problem;    35%: it's a problem;  31%: serious problem

(3) ¡» Have you or anyone in your household paid a bribe to one of these 8 services in the last 12 months?  ®a®x¦¨­û´¿¸ì¸ï¨º¨Ç¾÷ºc?
35%  judiciary;   21% medical and health services;    16% educational systems;  16%   police; 
15% tax revenue;    15%   registry & permit services;  17%   utility;    11%  land service;   
(4) ¡»over the past 2 years how has the level of corruption in the country/territory changed?23% decrease a lot;   48% decrease a little; 17% stayed the same; 9% increase a little;   3% increase a lot
(5) ¡»How effect your government actions are in the fight against corruption? ¬F©²¥´À»³g¦Ã¦³®Ä?
very ineffective: 14%; ineffective: 32%, etc
(6) ¡» Institutions perceived by respondents to be among the most affected by corruption?political party: Taiwan is one among 51 countries of 107 perceived political party to be among the institutions most affected by corruption.
parliament & legislature:  Taiwan is one among 7 countries of 107 perceived parliament & legislature to be among the institutions most affected by corruption.


¡»To what extent do you agree that ordinary people can make a difference in the fight against corruption? ¥­¥Á¦Ê©m¯à¥´À»³g¦Ã
51% agree;  28% disagree;  8% strong disagree;  13% strong agree
¡@ ps: 2013 Corruption Perception index TW rank 36  score 61 same as that in 2012   (Singapore 5, HK 15, Japan 18)


¡¹ ¼w°ê <°ê»Ú³z©ú²Õ´>¡]Transparency International¡^  Germany,  Dec. 5, 2012

(Reuters) - In Transparency International's 2012 Corruption Perceptions Index, ¦b¥þ²y176°ê®a¤¤¡A¤¦³Á¡BªâÄõ¡B¯Ã¦èÄõ¦@¦P±Æ¦W²Ä¤@¡A·ç¨å»P·s¥[©Y±Æ¦W²Ä¥|»P¤­¡C
(CNA¥xÆW¤§¤¤¥¡ªÀ) Taiwan was ranked 37th among 176 nations and regions in an annual global index on the perception of corruption in the public sector, dropping five spots from last year, In 2011, Taiwan was ranked 32nd among 183 nations and territories.  China remained in 80th place with a score of 39 - which means Failure.


¡¹  <°ê»Ú¯S³j²Õ´> ­^°ê ­Û´° (Amnesty International, London, UK),  annual report The State of the World's Human Rights 2012, May 24, 2012

¬F©²¹ï©ó¹A¥Á©~¦íÅvªº«O»Ù¡A²@µL«Ø¾ð¡C¦b¼x¦¬¤g¦aªº¹Lµ{¤¤¡A§óµo¥Í©x°Ó¤Äµ²±¡¨Æ¡C ´CÅé´¦ÅS¬F©²©x­û»P¦W¬y¡A­h«Ý¡B­é«d¥~Äy³Ò¤uªº¨Æ¹ê¡C ¥ßªk°|©ó¤»¤ë³q¹Lªk©xªk¡A¥Hªk«ß³W½d§K°£¤£¾A¥ô©Î³g¦Ãªk©x¤§Â¾°È¡C

¡¹  <¬ü°ê°ê°È°|¤HÅv³ø§i   USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices>, May 24, 2012

°ª¼h©x­û³g¦Ãit highlighted the problem of corruption in Taiwan, saying more than 400 officials were indicted on corruption charges in the past year, including 54 high-ranking officials.

¥qªkÅé¨t³g¦ÃIn addition, it said the judicial system in Taiwan ¡§suffered from some corruption.¡¨

¬Fªv»P¾Ç³Nµû½×½èºÃÀ˹î©x»Pªk©x ¤§¤½¥¿©ÊThe impartiality of judges and prosecutors involved in high-profile and politically sensitive cases was being questioned by some political commentators and academics, the report said.

¡¹ 2013¥xÆW¥Á¥D°òª÷·|¥Á½Õ: 2013¦~12¤ë10¤é

¡u¬F©²µL³g¦Ã»G±Ñµ{«×¡v¤À¼ÆºG¤£§Ô¸@¡Aªñ¨â¦~³£¥u®³1.9¤À¡B1.8¤À...¬°¤£¤Î®æ¤À¼Æ! (º¡¤À5¤À)


¡¹ <Ä«ªG¤é³ø>,Taiwan 

2012 ¥xÆW¤HÅv«ü¼Ð½Õ¬d" (conducted by ¤¤µØ¤HÅv¨ó·|)¡A 17.9% ¥xÆW¤H»{¬°¥xÆW¾ãÅé¤HÅv¶i¨B¡A 36% »{¬°¥xÆW¤HÅv°h¨B¡A 25.8% ¥xÆW¤H»{¬°¥xÆW¬Fªv¤HÅv°h¨B¡A 17.1% »{¬°¥xÆW¬Fªv¤HÅv¶i¨B¡A 13.1% ¥xÆW¤H»{¬°¥xÆW¥qªk¤HÅv¶i¨B¡A 38.4% »{¬°¥xÆW¥qªk¤HÅv°h¨B

¡¹ <Taiwan News>,  
¥xÆW¤H¤£¤j¬Û«H¥qªk¡A according to "2012 Taiwan Human Rights Indicator Survey", about 53.5 percent of the respondents gave the protection of judicial human rights a negative rating, compared with 21.4 percent who rated it positively.

¡¹ ¥xÆW < ¦Û¥Ñ®É³ø  > ¡B <Epoch USA>

¥xÆW¥Á¥D°òª÷·|¤½¥¬¡u2012¥xÆW¥Á¥D¦Û¥Ñ¤HÅv«ü¼Ð½Õ¬d¡v¡A µ²ªGÅã¥Ü¥Á²³¹ï¬F©²¤HÅv«O»Ùº¡·N«×¸û¥h¦~¤U­°¡A ¹ï¬F©²³g»G·P¨ì«D±`¤£º¡·N¡A... ¥Á²³¹ï¤HÅv«O»Ù³Ì¤£º¡·Nªº«e¤T¦W¡A¤À§O¬O¬F©²µL³g»Gµ{«×¡B¬F©²¦^À³¤H¥Á»Ý¨D¤ÎµL¥~¤O¤z¯A¥qªk±¡§Î¡F³Ìº¡·Nªº«h¬O©~¦í¤Î¾E±p¦Û¥Ñ¡B©v±Ð«H¥õ¦Û¥Ñ¤Î§ë²¼Åv§Q«O»Ù¦Û¥Ñ...


¡¹  <Political and Economic Risk Consultancy LTD. (PERC)>     2012¦~3¤ë 21¤é 

1. ·s¥[©Y(0.67),   2. ¿D¬w(1.28),   3. ¤é¥»(1.9),   4. ¬ü°ê(2.59),    5. ­»´ä(2.64)     6. ¿Dªù(2.85)
7. ¥xÆW(5.45),   8. °¨¨Ó¦è¨È(5.59),   9. ®õ°ê(6.57)   10.¬Z®H¹ë(6.83)



¡¹ ¼w°ê <°ê»Ú³z©ú²Õ´>¡]Transparency International¡^    2011¦~11¤ë 2¤é 

     < 2011¦~¥þ²y¦æ¸ì«ü¼Æ>µû¤ñ¡A¥xÆW¸û2008¦~°h¨B5¦W¡C
¡· ¥xÆW¦b TI's 2011 ¡§Bribe Payers" index±Æ¦W (19th) «á¬q,  Á`¦@ 28 °ê®a±µ¨ü½Õ¬d (surveyed)
 ¡· Taiwan fell from 14th place in the index released in 2008, when 22 countries were scrutinized.
 ¡· ¬fªL(The Berlin-based organization)Á`³¡³X¬d 3,016 business executives¡]¦@ 30 °ê®a¡^, °ÝÃD¬O¡G how often companies in the countries polled engaged in bribery.


¡¹  <°ê»Ú³z©ú²Õ´> <Transparency International>, ¼w°ê,   2011¦~12¤ë 1¤é        

¥xÆW¦b  the corruption perception index µû¤ñ±Æ¦W²Ä32¡C

¥xÆWÀò±o¤À¼Æ¬°  6.1 [º¡¤À 10] ¡A ¨È¤Ó°ê®a¤À¼Æ : New Zealand 9.5, Singapore 9.2 , Hong Kong 8.2, Japan 8.0µ¥¡C

­nÄ~Äò§ïµ½¥xÆW±Æ¦W, ¬F©²¥²¶·¶i¦æªø´Áªº±Ð¨|­pµe¥H´£ª@¤½¥Á¹ï©ó²M·G¬Fªv(clean politics and governance)ªº»ù­ÈÆ[©À¡A ¦¹¥~¡A¬F©²»P¥ßªk°|( legislature) ¥²¶·¹ï³B²z¬ÛÃö¬F©²©x­û( government officials') special allowance fundsªº¨Æ°È§ó¬°ÂÔ·V, µ¥µ¥¡C

ps: Ä«ªG¤é³øªÀ½×(12.2.2011): ¦ý¬O...¦a¤è¤uµ{¼Ð®×¤´µM·tÂäѾ÷...§óÃø§ì¨ì...


score 5.9







score 5.5




¡@ 2001    2002    2003    2004   2005   2006   2007   2008   2009   2010     

Taiwan's corruption index by year, Transparency International, Germany

¥xÆW³g¦Ãªí²{¸û¨Î¦~«×: 2001, 2005, 2006


¡¹ <¬ü°ê°ê°È°|¤HÅv³ø§i   USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices>, issued  2011¦~4¤ë8¤é

      ¥xÆW³g»G¡B °ü¤k¨àµ£¤§ª[µø&®a¼É¡B ³c¹B¨«¨p¤H¤fµ¥°ÝÃD¤´µM¦s¦b¡F¤½°ÈÅé¨t ©x­û³g»G¤Î­·¬ö°ÝÃD ―  ĵ¬É­·¬ö°ÝÃD¤£´¶¹M¤´¬O­Ó°ÝÃD¡C


¡¹  <°ê»Ú¯S³j²Õ´> ­^°ê ­Û´° (Amnesty International, London, UK),  annual report The State of the World's Human Rights 2011, May 13, 2011

        Taiwan was criticized over issues to do with the death penalty, freedom of expression, justice ( also voiced concerns over the slow progress to enact a judges' act to address corruption scandals involving high court judges ªk©x¯A¶°Å馬¸ìÁà»D and over the working conditions of migrant workers.) and migrants' rights.


¡¹ <¬ü°ê¶Ç²Î°òª÷·|>&<µØº¸µó¤é³ø>¦@¦Pµo¥¬  (  A joint project of The Heritage Foundation and The Wall Street Journal. ), 2011¦~1¤ë12¤é

      ¥xÆW"ÁקK³g¦Ã Freedom from Corruption" ¤À¼Æ 56  ( ¬° 2007¦~¥H¨Ó³Ì®t )

      ¥xÆW¸gÀÙ¦Û¥Ñ«× ¤À¼Æ 70.8 ¦b¨È¤Ó( Asia¡VPacific region)±Æ¦W²Ä¤C¡C


¡¹ ¼w°ê <°ê»Ú³z©ú²Õ´>¡]Transparency International¡^    2010¦~12¤ë9¤é

     ¥xÆW³g»GªºÄY­«µ{«×(5¤À³Ì®t)¨Ì´c¦H¦¸§Ç±Æ: ĵ¹îpolice:3.9  °ê·|¤º»Õ»P¥ßªk°| parliament/legislation3.8,  ©x­û»P¤½¹²public officials/civil servants3.8, ¬FÄÒpolitical parties3.5, ­x¤èmilitary3.4,  ¥qªkjudiciary3.3 ...  ´CÅéMedia, ±Ð¨|Åé¨tEducation systems 3.2¡C

   ps: Dec. 10, 2010
       <¦Û¥Ñ®É³ø>¥Zµnªº±Æ§Ç¦³»~¡A º|¤F©x­û»P¤½¹²¡B­x¤è¡B±Ð¨|Åé¨t¡F

   World Corruption Index: Singapore No.1, Australia No.8 (score 8.7), HK No.13 (8.4), Japan No. 17 (7.8),  Qatar No.19 (7.7), US No.22 (7.1),  Taiwan No.33 (5.8)

    ¥xÆW¤H»{¬°¹L¥h¤T¦~¥xÆW³g¦Ã»G¤Æ:  ¤@¼Ë(stayed the same) 35%, §óÃa(increased) 42%, Âà¦n( decreased) 23%¡C

   ps: <¦Û¥Ñ®É³ø>: ³g»G´c¤Æ»P¨S¦³§ïµ½ªº¦X­p°ª¹F¤C¦¨¤C ...... ¬ð¥YÅã³g»G¤´µMÄY­«¡C



¡¹ ­^°ê <¸gÀپǤH>¡]The Economist¡^    2010¦~7¤ë22¤é

¡u¥xÆWªº»G±Ñ¡X½T»{¥qªkÅé¨t¤¤³Ì¤£³ôªº½èºÃ¡v¡]Corruption in Taiwan--Confirming the worst suspicions¡^¬°ÃD¡A³ø¾É¤F¥O¥xÆW»X²ÛªºÁà»D : «e¥ß©e¦ó´¼½÷¯A¶û¦æ¸ìªk©x¡A¾É­P¤@¦WÀ˹î©x»P¥|¦W¥qªk©x¦¬©ã®×¡A³o¥óªø¹F¤Q¦~¥H¤Wªº³Ì¤j¥qªk³g¦ÃÁà»DÅý¥xÆW¥qªk¬Éªº³g¦ÃÁÁ¶ÇÀò±o¤FÃÒ¹ê¡A¤]Åý¤H¥Áªº¼««ã¹F¨ì¤FªmÂI¡C


three high-court judges and a prosecutor had been detained amid allegations that they took bribes to fix the outcome of a high-profile case, has brought public outrage to boiling point.

The case is Taiwan¡¦s biggest judicial-corruption scandal in over a decade.

¡§The significance of this case is that it makes all the rumours a reality,¡¨

The country¡¦s president, announced the formation of a new commission to battle corruption and vote-buying.

Such talk is ... drawing comparisons to Singapore¡¦s Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau and Hong Kong¡¦s Independent Commission Against Corruption. But, unlike those bodies, the Taiwanese commission will not report directly to the president, but only to the justice ministry, where tangled bureaucracy and civil servants who are deferential to their political bosses could limit action.

In any case, complains the opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), and various experts, such a commission will be toothless as long as it is nearly impossible to sack bad judges and prosecutors. An act calling for such a mechanism has long been stalled in parliament.


¡¹ <¬ü°ê¤HÅv³ø§i>¡]USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices¡^    2010¦~3¤ë11¤é www.state.gov

¥|¶µ¥D­n¤HÅv¯Ê¥¢¤§¤@ : ¥xÆW©x­û³g¦Ã    One out of 4 major problems  :  Taiwan corruption by officials


¡¹ ­^°ê <The Economist>  Jan 22nd 2009      "Political corruption in Taiwan"

¥xÆW ªº¿ï¾Ü©Ê¿ì®×    Taiwan expert at Monash University in Australia, points out that recent corruption investigations have mainly been aimed at opposition politicians; prosecutors seem far less interested in investigating KMT figures.


¡¹ ®É¥NÂø»x <TIME> USA,   2009     

Chen (former president of ROC Taiwan) insists his case is one of political persecutions by the new Kuomintang administration, which has been forging closer ties with China since coming into power ......

In some ways, Chen's  trial is a positive sign that the justice system is alive ...


¡¹ < Political and Economic Risk Consultancy Ltd. (PERC) >   

2009¦~    ¥xÆW©x­û³g¦Ã¤ñ¤¤°ê¤j³°ÄY­«    

2010¦~  3¤ë  ¤ÀªR¥xÆW¡u¬Fªv¤Hª«¡vªº³g»G¤´¬O°ÝÃD¡A... 

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2011¦~  3¤ë 22¤é
<¬F¸g­·ÀIÅU°Ý¤½¥q> : ¥xÆW³g¦Ã ¦b¨È¤Ó¸¨«á©ó·s¥[©Y¡B­»´ä ¡B¿D¤j§Q¨È¡B¤é¥»¡B¬ü°ê¡B¿Dªù(4.96)¤§«á±Æ¦W²Ä7 POLITICAL & ECONOMIC RISK CONSULTANCY LTD (HK based), 2011¦~3¤ë22¤é (1)½Õ¬dµo²{°ê®a¯Å¬Fªv»â¾É¤H¤Î¬F©²³£§ó³æ¦ì³g¦Ã³ÌÄY­«


¥xÆW Ä«ªG¤é³ø


¡¹ <Transparency Org. Taiwan >    2005¦~12¤ë9¤é

¥xÆWÄY­«³g¦Ã¦b©ó °ê·|Parliament »P¬FÄÒ
¥xÆW¦U¬É¤§³g¦Ã«ü¼Æ(Taiwan Corruption Index) :
Parliament 78%, political parties 69%, ®üÃöCustom 61%, ­x¨ÆMilitary 48%, ĵ¹îPolice 45%, ¥qªkLegislative 43%, ¤ô¹q¤½¦@³]¬IPower & Water 41%, ¨p³¡ªù36%, µ|Taxes 35%, ÂåÀøMedical 32%, ±Ð¨|Education 25%, ´CÅéMedia 19%, ©v±ÐReligion 16%, etc  (Taiwan corruption is lousy, Gallup 2006, Transparency Org. 2007  )


¡¹ ¥xÆW <Ä«ªG¤é³ø >



¡·   Ä«½×¡G´Á«Ý·G¬F¸p¤½¥¿ÄY¼F  2011¦~07¤ë19¤é

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¡¹ < Taiwan News 



2010¦~07¤ë30¤é  ( Johnson Chen ¥xÆW­^¤å·s»D °OªÌ)

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¥xÆW³g¦Ã  °ê»Ú´CÅ餧µû½×»P³ø¾É

World Media viewpoints on
Former President of Taiwan Goes on Trial for Corruption

µØ²±¹y¶l³ø <Washington Post>, <Newsweek> USA 

¥xÆWªº¥Á¥D»Pż¿ú Democracy and Dirty Money in Taiwan  

You have to love what's happening in Taiwan. Yeah,  .....  the former President of Taiwan, Chen Shui-bian, has just been banned from leaving the island and the Swiss are investigating a bank account that contains $20 million.
Chen, the first opposition candidate to become president of Taiwan, came into office promising to clean up what is known on that island as the culture of "hei qian" or dirty money. Hmmm.

...... The Taiwan story is remarkable, however, not just because it involves the fall of failed president but because it is happening at all. It underscores the fact that Taiwan's democracy, while still plagued by corruption, is trying to keep it house clean. As such it's good news for Taiwan and, who knows, perhaps good news for the many Chinese on mainland China who look to Taiwan and its political system with some hope and maybe a little admiration. Could this happen in China, too?


¡¹ ¯Ã¬ù®É³ø <New York Times> USA

Former President of Taiwan Is Detained in a Corruption Inquiry November 11, 2008

The former president paused briefly before television cameras, raised his arms and defiantly shouted, ¡§Long live Taiwan!¡¨ and ¡§Political persecution!¡¨

Mr. Chen, one of Taiwan¡¦s most controversial political figures, ...

Mr. Chen has suggested that prosecutors are focusing on him to win favor from Beijing.....  (By DAVID BARBOZA)


¡¹ ¯Ã¬ù®É³ø <New York Times> USA

Taiwan¡¦s Former President Goes on Trial for Corruption    March 26, 2009  

But Mr. Chen ....  has maintained the charges are a plot by Taiwan¡¦s current president, Ma Ying-jeou, to win favor with China¡¦s government.
...¡§In order to win favors and protection from Beijing, the KMT¡¨......

Although the evidence against Mr. Chen is strong, some analysts say the government¡¦s handling of the case has been less than deft. Prosecutors were criticized after they participated in a skit before Justice Ministry officials that clearly mocked Mr. Chen. Mr. Chen has won sympathy by claiming that his detention without bail ¡X and, at first, without any contact with his family ¡X has been unjustly harsh.

¡§The prosecutors have been going a bit wild, and how this trial is conducted will be critical,¡¨...... ¡§This is an important landmark in Taiwan¡¦s whole process of democratization.¡¨  ( By MICHAEL WINES )


¡¹ ­^°ê ®õ±à¤h®É³ø  < The Times> UK


¡¹ <New York Times> USA      Sept. 11, 2009

...... Mr. Chen blasted the proceedings as a "tool for political suppression and persecution" by his successor......

Mr. Chen was the first politician outside the Kuomintang to become president of Taiwan, after he helped lead a pro-democracy movement that opposed martial law and other strict measures put in place by the Kuomintang. Martial law was not lifted until 1987, and the island's first multi-party elections held in 1996. Mr. Chen had strongly campaigned against the corruption that many Taiwanese saw as widespread within the Kuomintang, which retreated to Taiwan after losing the Chinese civil war to the Communists in 1949.    

 (Michael Wines)



¡¹ ®É¥NÂø»x <TIME> USA,   2009     

Chen (former president of ROC Taiwan) insists his case is one of political persecutions by the new Kuomintang administration, which has been forging closer ties with China since coming into power ......

In some ways, Chen's  trial is a positive sign that the justice system is alive ...


¡¹ ­^°ê <BBC> UK 

Taiwan court rejects Chen Shui-bian corruption appeal     

... He denies the charges and has said he is being punished by the pro-Beijing government for his independence views ...

His supporters say the current Taiwanese government - which favours closer relations with China - is persecuting the former president for upsetting Beijing by pushing for formal independence while he was in office.

... The government has insisted Chen's case is being dealt with according to the law, says our correspondent.

Taiwan has been ruled separately from China since the end of the Chinese civil war in 1949, ...... But Beijing sees the island as a breakaway province which should be reunified with the mainland, by force if necessary.


¡¹ <New York Times> USA

Corruption Scandal at Top Tests Taiwan's Democracy     November 25, 2006

At times, Taiwanese politics is a blend of opera and blood sport, and this is one of those times. Scandal and outrage, lying and humiliation -- all of it messy and delivered in a loud, public fashion -- are consuming political life here, as a virtual death watch has settled over the second term of President Chen Shui-bian.

''In 10 years, when we look back, this could be a turning point for Taiwan's democracy to become mature,'' ...... ''Right now, it is a disgrace, and it is quite humiliating. But once we get past this, I think Taiwan's politics will get a lot cleaner.''

Politically, Taiwan's symbolic power has always been as a democratic counterpoint to China. But democracy in Taiwan remains a work in progress that has been repeatedly challenged during Mr. Chen's tenure. The pivotal recent event occurred Nov. 3 when a prosecutor in Taipei, the capital, indicted the first lady and also announced that Mr. Chen, immune from prosecution as president, could face charges after he left office. For a judicial branch regarded as a weak constitutional pillar, it was a historic moment.

''This is very hard evidence that at last we have a fair and independent-minded judicial branch,'' ...... ''The principle of separation of power has taken root in Taiwan.''


 ¡¹ <The China Post>  Taiwan

Problem with corruption is scarring Taiwan's democracy    August 9, 2010

A former president jailed for graft, a retired head of military police indicted for embezzlement, three top judges accused of taking bribes ¡X the list goes on. Taiwan has a problem with corruption.

"Social values are distorted to the extent that being clean has come to count as a plus for a civil servant rather than a basic requirement,"  said George Tsai, a political scientist at Chinese Culture University in Taipei.

¡§It takes time to eradicate corruption but people's patience is limited and they are demanding quick results.

¡§Corruption in Taiwan is at a critical junction and the government and people have to do more,¡¨

¡§Otherwise, politically how can Taiwan say to the world that its democracy should be followed by others, especially China,¡¨ he said.

¡§Has Taiwan democracy solved the corruption problem? No, and Chen Shui-bian is the best proof of that,¡¨.... 

¡§But if we look at Singapore and Hong Kong, they prove that even without western-style democracy Asian regimes can establish good governance.¡¨
   (By Peter Harmsen, AFP)


PS: All above are abstractions/excerpts from original articles in int'l media.