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英國Reuters, 美國US News, 2025-1-16:  台灣五年來再度執行死刑,令歐盟和人權組織不滿台灣近年來暴力犯罪率相對較低國民黨支持死刑。


Human Rights Watch, 2025-2-3:  再度執行死刑標誌著台灣人權保障的倒退也是從亞洲廢除或暫停死刑的大趨勢轉向損害了台灣作為致力於人權的進步民主國家的聲譽。


英國總部的 Amnesty International (國際特赦組織), 2025-1-16:  2020年以來首次執行死刑是台灣人權可恥的挫折; 這次死刑執行是令人震驚和殘酷的事態發展。台灣法務部長大筆一揮,毀了多年來辛苦爭取廢除死刑的進展「令人震驚的是,處決是在幾小時通知後隨即執行,沒有家人作最後探視的可能截至目前,全球已有 113 個國家廢除了死刑,無論任何罪行 144 個國家在法律或實踐上廢除了死刑(abolitionist in law or practice)。


Amnesty International (國際特赦組織), 2025-1-16





pic. : "台灣死刑" 排名Yandex of Russia 1, 2025-2-22, 2025-2-4, 2025-1-13, 2024-9-22, 2024-5-13, 2024-4-8,  2023-11-27; No.2 at  2024-1-14; 
"評論台灣死刑" 排名Microsoft Bing第 1, 2025-2-22, 2024-5-3;排名美國Duckduckgo第2, 2025-2-22





美國Bloomberg, 2024-9-20:憲法法庭宣判:死刑合憲但限縮適用範圍僅限於最嚴重的犯罪,同時強調需要更好的保障措施。這項裁決反映了國際社會要求廢除死刑的壓力與國內支持嚴厲懲罰以威懾違法者之間的妥協。全球超過 70% 的國家已在法律或實踐中廢除了死刑。儘管不是聯合國成員國,但這個民主台灣島自願遵守國際準則,於2009年,台灣立法批准了聯合國兩項人權公約,其中一項呼籲廢除死刑。台灣民調發現,近 85% 受訪 民眾贊成維持死刑。反對黨國民黨強烈支持死刑政府從未明確表態,但民進黨一直相對贊成廢除死刑


Amnesty International, 2024-9-20: 台灣當局現在必須在兩年期限內修改相關規定,以確保基本保障落實到位。台灣也尚未完全排除精神和智力殘疾者死刑 我們敦促台灣政府立即正式暫停執行死刑,作為關鍵的第一步。死刑本質上是殘酷的,並不能讓我們更安全。台灣當局必須採取行動,迅速減刑所有死刑,改革刑事司法制度,優先保護人權,並徹底廢除死刑 死刑侵犯了國際人權法和標準的發展所反映的生命權和不遭受酷刑或其他殘忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或處罰的權利


Human Rights Watch, 2024-9-23: 新判決旨在加強正當程序權利,包括要求法官小組的一致判決 法院錯過了廢除這種本質殘酷做法的重要機會,  “台灣政府應該採取下一步行動,立即暫停使用死刑"。自2002年以來,所有的死刑都是執行謀殺罪犯,最近一次是在2020年。 “錯誤的、不可逆轉的懲罰的風險應該完全排除在外"“The risks of a wrongful, irreversible punishment should be off the table entirely.”




Reuters, 2024-9-20: 據民意調查,死刑仍然廣泛受到人民支持,儘管近年來很少執行死刑,而且暴力犯罪率相對較低。


EFE, 2024-9-20: 在民進黨執政的最後八年裡,台灣只有兩人被處決,這一數字與90年代的250多人死形成鮮明對比。儘管台灣民眾在各種社會議題上持有進步觀點,但仍主張維持死刑。
2023 年進行的研究,近 86% 反對廢除死刑。




"台灣死刑" ("capital punishment in Taiwan", "Taiwan capital punishment") 排名Yandex 第2, 2025-2-22


No.2 "death penalty in Taiwan" on Microsoft Bing, 2025-2-22





中時 (台灣), 2024-9-20: 憲法法庭宣判限縮死刑適用範圍,包括犯罪情節非最嚴重、第三審無辯護人、未行言詞辯論或科處死刑未一致決,以及行為時因精神障礙或其他心智缺陷不得判處死刑。其中,大法官要求各級法院合議庭在量刑時判死必須評議一致,這項判決已經等同實質廢死


聯合報 (台灣), 2024-9-22: 大法官憲法判決盡顯媚俗風格,既想遂行廢死目標,又想在政治上獲得紅利...當大法官選擇作為政客的工具時,所謂的法治國、人權保障,就跟詐騙集團話術一樣,都是不存在的謊言



DW (Germany), 2024-4-24: 期待已久的憲法法庭就「廢死」案舉行言詞辯論  被認為是決定死刑存廢的歷史性一步  Taiwan's long-awaited debate on the death penalty is considered a historic step that human rights groups believe will decide the future of capital punishment in Taiwan






17 歲學生: 謀殺應該判死刑,無論犯罪背後的因素如何。

☉ tv.Guardian, DW video: 台灣自稱是地區人權堡壘的說法因其保留死刑而受到損害。
☉台灣多年來一直表示他們正在走向廢除死刑問題是,這條路在政治上是否太漫長,並且沒有足夠進展;  co-executive director of the Death Penalty Project 表示, 爭論已經持續了太久。
據國際特赦組織2022 年的一份報告,世界各地近四分之三的政府已在法律或實踐中廢除了死刑,但幾乎沒有一個政府因民眾要求而廢除死刑。民眾是「追隨政治主導或司法主導」最終接受廢死。人權組織認為,憲法解釋可以為正式廢除死刑鋪路  Yuchen Li 


Taipei Times (Taiwan), 2024-4-24:

Attorney Nigel Lee (李念祖): 目前尚無證據證明死刑是否能嚇阻犯罪、提供受害者報應正義。「死刑是一種殘酷且不尋常的懲罰。在實務中,死刑可能被不合理地判處」 。 “如果法律不允許人們訴諸暴力來解決暴力犯罪,那麼法官也無權這樣做。”
法務部: 憲法法院一直裁定死刑符合憲法。死刑是根據有罪原則判處的,顯示人們必須為自己的行為負責。

中正大學犯罪學教授:  使用無期徒刑並有假釋可能性是不可行的。 被判處多年徒刑的人累犯率很高,這表明這種方法無法遏制犯罪。   Shelley Shan


聯合報 (台灣), 2024-4-25: 死刑該不該廢,贊成或反對雙方都可在憲法中找到依據。從憲法第十五條的生存權,支持廢死者可以推導出「任何生命權均不可被公權力剝奪」的主張;相對的,從憲法第廿三條,反廢死者可以得到憲法賦與國家限制及剝奪的權力之論證。面對台灣社會仍有八成民意反對廢死,釋憲所帶來的信念衝撞,恐將加深民眾對司法的不滿與怨懟。


死刑從偵查到執行階段有侵犯人權之事實如不公平審判 此等風險根本不應存在死刑存在阻礙台灣成為亞洲人權標竿
n法務部: 現在判死相當嚴謹...
n前立委  鄭麗文: 應尋求社會一定程度的共識 按照正常立法修法程序走  比較妥當  但憲法法庭 繞過正常的民主立法程序大法官判決可能違憲

n立委  張嘉郡 : 簽署了兩公約就應廢死 是嚴重誤導 兩公約並未要求簽署國廢死;  國發會2016民調87.9%不贊成廢死 死刑改終身監禁不得假釋同意僅25.3% 人民反對因為他們的生命財產都沒有保障了  庶民大頭家





pic. left: "台灣死刑" ("death penalty in Taiwan")英文版排名 俄羅斯Yandex of Russia 2, 2025-2-22, 2024-9-22, 2024-4-8, 2024-1-14, 2023-11-27, 2022-10-9, 2022-9-10,  2022-2-13 pic. right:  "台灣死刑" ("Taiwan death penalty")英文版排名 俄羅斯Yandex of Russia 2, 2025-2-22, 2024-5-13, 2024-4-8, 2024-1-14, 2023-11-27, 2022-9-10,  No.2 "death penalty in Taiwan" on Yandex, 2022-9-10, 2022-2-13; No.2 "Taiwanese death penalty" on Yandex, 2022-9-10, No.3 "death penalty in Taiwan" on Yandex of Russia,  2021-6-24, 2021-5-9 ; pic. right: No.2 "Taiwan death penalty " on Yandex, 2022-9-10





中時, 2024-4-6: 當前社會對犯罪者應報思想仍濃,倘若憲法法庭日後判決與絕大多數民意違背,勢必造成社會極大衝擊 大法官曾就死刑是否違憲作出釋字第194號、263號、476號解釋,均認為法律訂有死刑合憲,並無違反憲法保障人民生存權的意旨;立法院基於逾8成民意支持死刑,民進黨就算完全執政也不敢貿然修法廢死。


聯合報, 2024-2-29: 那麼多民眾反對廢死,主要在於治安欠佳,社會倫理又日漸敗壞,凶殘刑案層出不窮。蔡英文任內無法提升人民對司法的信賴,原因在此


Yahoo, 聯合報, 中時, 2024-1-10  :  侯友宜表態反對廢除死刑!  據《ETtoday新聞雲》今公布的最新民調顯示,有73.5%民眾表示不支持廢除死刑,其中52.1%非常不支持,21.4%不太支持;支持者有21.8%,其中14.1%非常支持,7.7%還算支持,另外,有4.6%的受訪者回答「不知道/沒意見」. 學者:死刑存廢由人民決定


 Taipei Times, etc, 2022-9-13: DETERRENT: 約 88% 的受訪者表示死刑有助於預防嚴重犯罪,而近 89% 的受訪者對處決速度不滿意 ,86.9%的受訪者反對台灣廢除死刑,12.4%的受訪者贊成。88.8%的受訪者不滿蔡政府在過去六年只執行了兩次死刑。


DW (Germany), 2022-10-23: 德國議會代表團抵台討論人權問題,包括死刑 German parliamentary human rights committee delegation (Peter Heidt, Heike Engelhardt, Derya Türk-Nachbaur , Michael Brand , Carsten Brodesser )  arrived at Taiwan and discussed human rights issues including the death penalty with their Taiwanese counterpartsCapital punishment is still a statute on the books in Taiwan.


  聯合報 , 2022-10-9 : 如果廢除死刑是符合人權且進步的普世價值,大法官更應展現憲法守護者的高度和格局,「直球對決」死刑存廢議題,廢死如果是不變的真理,「得罪千萬人吾往矣」。

聯合報 , 2022-9-6 :
蔡總統其實就是要繼續實質廢死 不走修法正道廢死,卻選擇性運用法律  brief, Focus Taiwan, Taipei Times, etc, 2022-5-13: Invited by Taiwan's government, an international human rights experts panel conducted a five-day review from May 9-13 in Taipei of the country's implementation of two United Nations' human rights-related covenants, namely the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR). 國際人權審查專家小組呼籲台灣結束“殘忍、不人道和有辱人格”的死刑,其違反了《公民權利和政治權利國際公約》第六條和第七條,台灣政府一再重複的論點遠不能令人信服,專家”對台灣政府未能解決這一問題感到“極度失望”。


  日本 Japan Times, 2022-1-4 : 台灣是亞洲人權堡壘的聲稱正因為死刑而受到破壞儘管在數十年的戒嚴時期中台灣經常使用死刑來對付持異議分子,但大多數民意調查顯示,即使台灣已成為亞洲最進步的民主國家之一,台灣人仍然支持死刑。蔡英文稱廢除死刑是“一個難以處理的問題”,需要“一個漫長的過程”才能改變。 

  聯合報 社論, 2022-8-25 : 每次出現令人髮指的案件,民間要求「判死」的呼聲就會高漲。但以蔡政府的首鼠兩端,又想占據人權的道德高地,又不想拂逆基層的憤怒民意



  香港South China Morning Post, Jan. 2022: Taiwanese death row inmate’s case turns focus on use of capital punishment 王新福因1990 年謀殺警察被錯誤定罪 雖然比以前進步,但台灣仍保留死刑,而且這種刑罰一直受到人民肯定

  日本Japan Times, 2022-1-4 : 該島最年長的死囚Wang Xin-fu定罪存在“明顯缺陷”,包括不一致的證詞、警方對證人實施酷刑的指控、缺乏動機和沒有指紋。
 ♣ 美國New York Times,  2022-1-21: 台灣檢方正式起訴高雄大樓大火的嫌疑犯黃女士“為讓男友尷尬和後悔,故意縱火造成重大災難,且“犯罪後沒有悔意”將求 處死刑。
 ♣ 台灣 聯合新聞網, Yahoo,  2022-2-13: 最高法院「不輕易」讓死刑案件定讞成趨勢,近五年死刑定讞只有三件,去年死刑定讞案件掛零,從死刑逆轉變無期徒刑確定有三件 如今最高法院對死刑案件採取嚴格審查,除考量有「教化可能性」等不判死刑理由,更要求開言詞辯論庭...民眾可能感受與「惡的距離」似乎只有幾尺,何能安居? 政府要走向廢死,就應加強針對各種防治政策brief死刑定讞-執行去年雙掛零-形同實質廢死-221644323.html


  國立中正大學研究, 2022-2-14: 76.3%民眾目前反對廢除死刑,18.7%民眾贊成廢除死刑,但需要有配套措施


 Amnesty International, June, 2021:
Death penalty /  
《監獄法》的修訂導致 7 月份對《死刑執行條例》進行了修改。修訂後的條例仍然允許對有社會心理或智力障礙的人判處死刑。當局在這一年中在廢除死刑方面沒有取得任何進展,台灣繼續執行死刑
Amendments to the Prison Act in January resulted in changes to the Regulations for the Execution of the Death Penalty in July. The amended regulations still allowed death sentences for individuals with psychosocial or intellectual disabilities.2 The authorities made no progress towards abolition during the year and continued to carry out executions.


Amnesty International, 2021-4-21: 埃及、印度與台灣等國家仍未廢除死刑死刑是一種可惡的懲罰,在這麼嚴重的疫情大流行中還繼續執行死刑,更進一步凸顯其固有的殘酷 Egypt,  ... India, Oman, Qatar and Taiwan also resumed executions.  “The death penalty is an abhorrent punishment and pursuing executions in the middle of a pandemic further highlights its inherent cruelty.   (


 Taiwan News, 2021-4-22 : 國際特赦組織將台灣列為2020年執行死刑的18個國家之一。台灣司法部長蔡清祥於2021年4月21日表示,儘管去年被處決五次死刑,但台灣仍在廢除死刑的半路上  The" Death Sentences and Executions 2020" report by Amnesty International lists Taiwan as one of the 18 nations that carried out the death penalty in 2020.  Taiwan's Minister of Justice Tsai Ching-hsiang (蔡清祥) said on April 21, 2021 that Taiwan remains on track to abolish capital punishment despite an execution and five death sentences last year.

TIME, 2021-4-21 : 台灣也逆著全球廢除死刑的趨勢恢復執行死刑。在全球範圍內,所有尚未廢除這一懲罰的國家都應該永遠結束這些國家批准的殺戮。Taiwan also went against the global trend of abandonment of capital punishment and resumed executions. At a global level, all countries that have not yet repealed this punishment should end these state-sanctioned killings for good.


聯合報,, 2021-2-26:國立中正大學犯罪研究中心公布2020年度民眾對治安滿意度調查, 完全不贊成廢除死刑的民眾有45.1%,不贊成廢死但有配套願考慮的民眾有31.7%,贊成廢死但需有配套的民眾有14.9%,非常贊成廢除死刑的民眾有3.1%; 研究顯示目前我國仍有多數民眾認為需要用重刑處分重犯


Next TV news, Apple Daily news, 2021-5-10: 台灣立委國民黨團總召對造成破口的衛福部長陳時中怒責 : 「根本應該被槍斃   ps: 之後又責斥若疫情擴大"該槍斃十次"


AFP 4-3-2020: 國內外人權團體呼籲台灣立即設立廢死刑的時間表  台灣政府嘴巴宣稱逐漸廢除死刑 行動卻相反 這絕對是人權倒退 (International and local rights groups urged Taiwan to immediately announce a moratorium on executions and set a timeline for complete abolition.  "The government said its policy is to gradually abolish the death penalty but it took opposite action to carry out its second execution ...This is certainly a regression in human rights.)

Jurist 4-3-2020: 國內外人權團體強烈質疑蔡政府對人權的承諾 (The Federation for Human Rights, the Taiwan Association for Human Rights (TAHR) and Covenants Watch said they cast “serious doubts on Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen’s commitment to human rights.”)
  ★  80% 台灣人民不信任司法為甚麼支持司法的死刑判決?
是不是只有少數深入了解案情? 是否部分群眾 只思考著殺些人可以讓自己 家庭安全些?

  ★  [The Life of David Gale] (鐵案疑雲) 我們看到外國司法的誤審以及歪打正著的荒謬, 台灣司法的分數更是糟透了  美國人權報告對台灣司法連年評價都是政治工具: USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices,  2021-3-30:  Some political commentators and academics, however, publicly questioned the impartiality of judges and prosecutors involved in high profile, politically sensitive cases.  click to see  台灣司法  Taiwan judiciary  ; 真正知法犯法的累犯 是邪惡殘酷的政客; 當選亞洲最佳財長的王建煊已有名言'政治的確是個大汙穢, 政治人物十個裡面抓八個去槍斃, 大概都不會錯';  聯合國兩個世界人權公約,並未排斥「最嚴重之犯行」的死刑判決。





 pic.: "Taiwan death penalty" (台灣死刑) 排名 Bing 第1, 2022-10-9,  2021-6-24, 2021-5-16, 2021-4-15 ; 排名 Bing 第2,  2022-2-21







pic. :  "台灣死刑" ("death penalty in Taiwan")英文版排名 No.1  on Microsoft Bing , 2022-10-9, 9-5-2020, 4-3-2020



     pic. right:  "台灣死刑" 英文版排名 中国Baidu of China 第1,   2021-5-9   









pic. 左: International Federation For Human Rights Motion condemns the use of death penalty in Taiwan, 10-25-2019

(FIDH譴責台灣侵犯人權 與 違反CICCPR - The International Covenant on Civil & Political Rights)

pic. right: 
"台灣死刑"排名 Bing 第1 (No.1 "death penalty in Taiwan" on Bing), 9-5-2020, 4-3-2020, 2021-6-23; 第3 at 2022-2-21


★  80% 台灣人民不信任司法    為甚麼支持司法的死刑判決?

國立中正大學犯罪研究中心針對 108 年全年度,進行重大治安相關議題的電訪研究調查 2-21-2020: 全台約七成七民眾不贊成廢除死刑 關於死刑存廢的議題,46.3%的民眾完全不同意廢除死刑,與前期(53%)相較有下降趨勢。 31.1%的民眾表示「基本上不贊成廢除死刑,但如有配套措施願意考慮」,比前期有上升趨勢。將 兩者相加,77.4%民眾目前反對廢除死刑,與前次調查相比下降了 2.2 個百分點(79.6%77.4%)。 14.2%的民眾「基本上贊成廢除死刑,但需要有配套措施」,比前期上升 2.4%;2.7%的民眾「非 常贊成廢除死刑」,比前期下降 1.2%







蘋果日報 12-25-2019: 存廢死刑爭議不斷, 總統大選候選人竟然沒人提


pic. left: 台灣行政院長在總統大選前突然掀起與刑議題 /  Apple Daily, 10-26-2019  
ps: 蘋果日報 社論 7-17-2018 : 執行死刑絕對不能當作服務其他目的的手段(尤其是扭轉政治形勢)這是民主國家的自明之理 ......

pic. middle:
國際人權聯盟(FIDH)閉幕式上百國家臨時提案指台灣政府侵犯人權 與 違反<CICCPR - The International Covenant on Civil & Political Rights> / UDN, 10-26-2019

pic. right:  台灣採兩面手法: 
台灣面對國際壓力 必稱逐年廢死 選舉時騙選票 則說變就變 / 聯合報, 10-26-2019

Taiwan News 11-5-2019: Taiwan PM Su says criminals who have committed serious crimes deserve the death penalty. 

Tsai said the Ministry of Justice takes great caution handling the capital punishment cases. He added that the speed of the execution differs
 from case to case and there is not a fixed time schedule for death penalty.


<國際特赦組織 >  AI 譴責台灣政府 / 台灣清楚表示將廢死後, 卻執行死刑;   死刑無法傳遞正義 <AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL >, UK, 8-31-2018: deeply disappointing that Taiwan resumed the implementation of a cruel punishment, an act that casts a shadow over Tsai’s presidency, after President Tsai Ing-wen had stated clearly that her government aims to abolish the death penalty.   The death penalty is the ultimate denial of human rights and can never deliver justice or accountability. (brief)
歐盟反對 台灣執行死刑 The European Union, Bruxelles, 31/08/2018: The execution in Taiwan ends the moratorium on the application of the death penalty that had de facto been in place since May 2016.   The European Union is unequivocally opposed to the use of capital punishment.  It is a cruel and inhumane punishment, which fails to act as a deterrent and represents an unacceptable denial of human dignity and integrity.   the European Union looks to the Taiwanese authorities to immediately reintroduce a moratorium on the death penalty, as recommended by international experts in March 2013, as a first step to its total abolition. (brief)

蘋果日報 10-1-2018:  英國工黨國會議員施凱爾等( Keir Starmer, etc): 死刑處決讓台灣國際聲望與地位全都岌岌可危, 台灣已往後倒退一大步, 勿讓輿論主導死刑存廢 (brief);  聯合報10-5-2018 亦作相關報導

蘋果日報 社論 9-6-2018:  德國 聯邦政府人權專員台灣執行死刑發表聲明"非常遺憾"強調殘忍不人道
蘋果日報 社論 6-9-2018 : 台灣死刑 無客觀標準可循,有些人即使犯下滔天大罪,也可逃過一死,但有些人卻又因為政府一時的政治需求,會淪為槍下祭品。判生判死,刑場內外,是由運氣和民氣決定,無關乎法治,也無關乎正義 ...
蘋果日報 社論 7-17-2018 : 執行死刑絕對不能當作服務其他目的的手段(尤其是扭轉政治形勢)這是民主國家的自明之理 ......

<國際特赦組織 >  AI譴責台灣政府: 研究已經證明,死刑的適用經常帶有歧視,被不成比例地施於窮人、少數群體、和種族、族群或宗教社群的成員。死刑的審判過程也常常極不公正。科學研究也一直無法找出可信的證據,證明死刑比其他刑罰更能嚇阻犯罪。  台灣一再執行死刑 (1)只聽人民要求 反對專家意見(2)不能信守承諾  (根據2012/12/23中國時報, 焦點新聞二大標題) 。自由時報頭版報導(2-23-2016)國立中正大學犯罪研究中心2015年調查,近8成(76%)民眾認為檢察官不公正,逾84%台灣民眾不信 任法官法官判決的死刑是否都屬公正?《中國時報》[2016-04-23]: 或許部分民眾會認為,死刑不必然具嚇阻力
蘋果日報  10-10-2018  火網評論 "報復不是正義":  犯罪行為基本上都是十分人性的,  每個人受限先天限制與後天環境都有犯罪可能 ...  死刑與治安沒有必然關係, 早被各國研究證實...政府必須冷靜區分懲罰與報復的差別, 目前107國廢死  , 去年僅23國執行死刑 (brief)
ps: 本網認為惡性重大的冷血累犯邪惡慣犯 ―
如一再執行政治迫害或謀殺的國家機器主使者,  才可考慮對之執行非常嚴厲的懲罰, 精神病患或可憐罪犯應考慮其他刑罰

蘋果日報  9-1-2018 :  台灣 執行死刑  ; 聯合報4-24-2018 :  死刑向來是左右民眾對司法信任感的一大關鍵議題政府已二年未執行死刑 ...

<Amnesty International> UK , 2-22-2017

 民間仍挺死刑 some positive developments in Three longstanding death penalty cases but several violent incidents sparked public calls for retaining the punishment.

國際特赦組織4-5-2016公布《二○一五年全球死刑報告》,全球處決死囚飆新高 排 第12(top 4 are CHINA, IRAN, PAKISTAN, SAUDI ARABIA)去年台死刑遭 批「政治動機」

<Amnesty International> UK , 4-6-2016  In "EXECUTING COUNTRIES IN 2015" list, Taiwan ranks No.12. (top 4 are CHINA, IRAN, PAKISTAN, SAUDI ARABIA)    Amid public anger at the murder of an eight-year-old girl in Taipei, the authorities carried out unrelated executions even though in some instances the appeals process had not been exhausted.  The Minister of Justice denied that the executions were carried out to assuage public sentiment and stated they had been planned well in advance. 

自由時報中國時報星島日報 (




<國際特赦組織 > ( London-based Amnesty International organization ), 6-5-2015

台灣槍決6囚 是政治算計

針對台灣槍決6名死囚,「國際特赦組織」發表聲明抨擊說,死刑並無法帶來正義,這是一項人權倒退的決定,透露政府「政治算計」,旨在平息眾怒,贏回民心,這項決定展現了政府「政治領導的失敗(a failure of political leadership)」。聲明表示,執行死刑無疑地不符合(台灣)政府長久以來宣示要廢除死刑的目標,呼籲政府必須停止以死刑做為「政治工具」欲藉此平息眾怒贏回民心;歐盟也發表聲明,表達反對立場,呼籲台灣立即暫緩執行死刑。台灣是全世界仍在執行死刑的22個國家之一。沒有任何可信的證據顯示,死刑比其他刑罰能更能有效預防犯罪。死刑違反《世界人權宣言》揭示的生命權,是最殘忍、最不人道且又有辱人格的懲罰。 ( The execution of six people in Taiwan today is a regressive decision that does not deliver justice, Amnesty International said. ...“The public outrage at the horrific murder of an innocent schoolgirl is totally understandable and the perpetrators of such heinous crimes must face justice, but the death penalty is never the answer,”...)


Godfather, Oscar best film 奧斯卡最佳影片
Kay: " (unlike gangsters) Senators and president don't have men killed "
Godfather: "Who's being naive, Kay ??"
Kay: 跟黑道不同是   總統與參議員不會殺人

Godfather: 現在是誰天真呢

Godfather III,
"Politics and crime, they are the same things"

  歐盟  The EU ( the European Union) , 6-5-2015    
        歐盟再次呼籲台灣暫停死刑 The EU calls on the authorities in Taiwan to introduce an immediate moratorium on executions

Following the latest set of six executions in Taiwan on 5 June 2015, the European Union recalls its opposition to the use of capital punishment.
We recognise the suffering of the victims of the crimes involved and express our sincere sympathy to their families. However, the EU reiterates that the death penalty can never be justified and calls for its universal abolition.
The EU calls on the authorities in Taiwan to introduce an immediate moratorium on executions as recommended by international experts in March 2013 following Taiwan's first human rights report, and as observed in Taiwan from 2006 to April 2010.

聯合報   6-7-2015 

自由時報  頭版報導  2-23-2016


<國際特赦組織 > ( London-based Amnesty International organization ), 2-25-2015

國際特赦組織報告中關切台灣的執行死刑 (little progress has been made toward the abolition of the death penalty as Taiwan continued to impose death sentences and carry out executions. ),對於目前台灣監獄與拘留中心人滿為患,缺乏適當的醫療照護,國際特赦組織也表達關切,...

he European External Action Service, , 蘋果日報  by 歐洲經貿辦事處處長  龐維德

而在歐洲之外,有98個國家已全面廢除死刑,共有140個國家已廢除死刑或停止執行死刑達10年以上。現今唯有極少數國家仍執行死刑:2013年在198個國家中只有22國處決死刑犯,比1994年的37國減少了許多。... 在亞洲...澳門自19世紀起再無執行死刑,並於1996年正式廢除死刑;香港自1966年以來便無執行死刑,並且於1996年正式廢死;韓國自1998年起暫停執行死刑;菲律賓於2006年廢除死刑。但事實上,死刑議題不應與文化連結,而應是一種立基於人權與正義、放諸四海而皆準的普世原則。 ...

<BBC中文>,  4. 30. 2014

歐盟表達遺憾 EU expresses regret over Taiwan's death penalty following executions   5.1.2014 (Focus taiwan)
The European Union expressed regret over Taiwan's execution of five death row inmates earlier this week and called on an immediate moratorium on executions.

BBC (Chinese version 4.30.2014): 台灣當局處死了五名死囚引起了人權團體的批評質疑,他們說馬英九政府是以執行死刑移轉服貿及核四等焦點,法務部則否認槍決有政治動機。

<國際特赦組織 > <歐洲議會 >:冷血殺人 台灣承諾廢死 失信     2012年12月23日(中國時報)

台灣廿一日槍決六名死刑犯,國際特赦組織、歐洲議會人權委員會主席洛赫畢勒均批評台灣政府違反廢除死刑的承諾,呼籲台灣要落實終止死刑。英國廣播公司(BBC)、法新社及美聯社等國際媒體也都作了報導,BBC還引述國際特赦組織東亞部主任里夫措辭強烈的聲明,稱這些槍決是台灣官方的「冷血殺人」(cold-blooded killing)行為。

據BBC及中央社報導,里夫(Roseann Rife)在聲明中質疑說,台灣官方已多次表示將會終止死刑,怎麼會又執行死刑?他說,以監獄人滿為患或民眾支持執行死刑,作為奪走他人性命的理由,這是很可惡的(abhorrent),「死刑不該是預防犯罪、壓迫或其他政策的正確解答」。

<國際特赦組織 >  2013 report  (
Six men were executed – all in December; 55 prisoners were awaiting execution and had exhausted all appeals. From December, hearings of all death penalty cases at the Supreme Court were required to include oral arguments on sentencing and related issues by both prosecution and defence lawyers. The panel of judges would then also take into consideration the opinion of victims’ families in determining the sentence.

On 31 August, after 21 years of litigation, the High Court reconfirmed a “not guilty verdict” and freed the “Hsichih Trio”. Other death penalty cases similarly involving torture and forced confessions remained unresolved.


... 廢死聯盟主張廢死理由:(一)死刑會誤判;(二)死刑無法嚇阻犯罪;(三)先進國家都廢死。但是:法院雖有判錯的可能,但法官對於死刑案會特別小心... 79%的(台灣)人贊成死刑,反對者15%,多數人贊成死刑,法務部還是朝廢死走。李殷財(律師、曾任檢察官)

蘋果日報  ... 比起加重法定刑,警方有效執法、治安政策的完善,到監所矯正功能增進,才是根本之道。   廢死未讓人民陷險境(方潔)

法國外交部 (French Ministry of Foreign , and European Affairs) 2012年12月26日(Taipei Times, Apple Daily, etc )

 法國外交部譴責台灣於12/21/2012執行死刑 (France has condemned the execution of six death-row inmates by Taiwan A statement issued by the French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs said Paris “condemns the execution of six sentenced to death in Taiwan [on] December 21, 2012."

... The international human rights group criticized the Taiwanese government for breaking its previous commitments to abolish the death penalty and failing to fulfill its international legal obligations under the UN human rights covenants of which it is a signatory — the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights...
2 experts — Manfred Nowak, a professor at the University of Vienna, and Eibe Riedel, a member of the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights — wrote to Ma last month asking him to guarantee that no executions would be carried out before the


BBC 英國 2012年12月22日

國際特赦組織稱這些死刑是台灣官方的「冷血殺人」Campaigning human rights group Amnesty International has condemned the move as "cold-blooded killing".

台灣不守信用The executions - by shooting - "made a mockery of the authorities' stated commitment to abolish the death penalty", Amnesty said in a statement.

以監獄人滿為患或民眾支持執行死刑,作為奪走他人性命的理由,這是很可惡的 "It is abhorrent to justify taking someone's life because prisons are overcrowded or the public's alleged support for the death penalty," the statement said...

<Washington Post> 美國 華盛頓郵報 2012年12月22日

... 但是王建瑄仍主張維持死刑以求社會公義與安全 Wang Chien-hsuen, head of the government watchdog Control Yuan, said Taiwan should keep capital punishment to maintain justice and public safety.

“王建瑄主張台灣有自己標準,儘管許多人認為應廢死以遵循國際潮流Many people have advocated abolishment of capital punishment to follow the international trend, but we should have our own standards,” Wang said.

國際特赦組織譴責台灣In a statement, human rights group Amnesty International condemned Taiwan’s government for “credibly claiming it wants to see an end to the death penalty when it continues to conduct such actions.”

<國際特赦組織 >(<Amnesty International>) <歐洲議會 > (<European Parliament> members),   Dec. 23, 2012 (rpt by <Taipei Times>)

台灣承諾廢死,  失信!    Taiwan has breached its commitments: EU

Taiwan came under pressure from the EU, European Parliament members and Amnesty International, who said it has failed to honor its commitment to end the death penalty after it executed six death-row inmates on Friday, bringing the number of people executed to 15 in the past three years, following a more than four-year hiatus since late 2005.

In a statement released via the European Economic and Trade Office in Taipei ... the action “goes against the abolitionist trend worldwide.”

The EU is opposed to the death penalty in all cases and has repeatedly called on authorities to establish a legal moratorium as a matter of urgency and to work toward abolishing the death penalty.

Ashton said the EU recognized the suffering of victims and their families when faced with terrible crimes and expressed its sincere sympathy to them, but that it believed that the abolition of the death penalty enhanced human dignity and the progressive development of human rights.

The EU also opposes the use of the death penalty because the sentence “does not serve as an effective deterrent” to crimes, and because “any miscarriage of justice, which is inevitable in any legal system, is irreversible,” Ashton said.

Ashton called on the Taiwanese government to avoid undertaking new executions, but instead to take concrete steps toward reducing the use of capital punishment to allow a de facto moratorium to resume.

Central News Agency reported from Brussels that Barbara Lochbihler, chair of the Subcommittee on Human Rights in the European Parliament, said that she viewed Friday’s executions as a breach of Taiwan’s commitments.

國際特赦組織 >    (AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL annual report The State of the World's Human Rights 2012)    2012年5月24日

法務部長: 台灣不受國外影響一定依法執行死刑沒有時間表......)

在三月4日執行五個人死刑的前一個月,馬總統才因1997年處決的一位無辜者出面道歉,同年十一月,54位人犯獲死刑定讞判決。 六月28日,最高法院駁回邱和順針對死刑判決之最後上訴。八月25日,檢察總長拒絕了為邱和順提起非常上訴之請求。在1989年,邱和順因強盜、綁架勒索與謀殺,被判處死刑。在沒有任何物證的情況下,他遭定罪的依據來自他與共同被告遭刑求的自白。他的案件在高等法院與最高法院之間往返將近20多年。

國際特赦組織 >    (AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL annual report The State of the World's Human Rights 2011)    2011年5月13日

Taiwan was criticized over issues to do with the death penalty, freedom of expression, justice and migrants' rights.(台灣被批評項目: 死刑、言論表達自由、司法、外籍權益)

      ◓  台灣政府以台灣無共識為由繼續執行死刑Amnesty International Taiwan deputy secretary-general Yang Tsung-li  criticized the government, saying it used a lack of public consensus as an excuse to uphold capital punishment.    The executions last year were carried out one day after a hearing on the issue, and the executions in March came less than one month after Ma offered an apology to the family of Chiang Kuo-ching (江國慶), who was found to have been wrongfully executed

     ◓ 政府未信守承諾修改(集會遊行法)The report also criticized Taiwan's government for what it said was its failure to deliver on promises to amend the Assembly and Parade Act  that limits citizens’ rights to assembly and free speech.

     法官涉集體收賄醜聞It also voiced concerns over the slow progress to enact a judges' act to address corruption scandals involving high court judges and 外籍勞工多項權益受侵害 over the working conditions of migrant workers.

<自由時報>  2012年4月21日  

廢死聯盟執行長批評 台灣初次國家人權報告對於死刑的談話內容是「公然說謊」,因為......法務部...修改版本....核心關鍵條文都不動如山,顯示政府「空口白話」...

聯合報>, 2012年12月11日
法務部長: 台灣不受國外影響一定依法執行死刑但沒有時間表...
 <聯合報> editorial黑白集, 2012年12月23日 死刑與正義的拔河: ...法務部在國際人權組織及國內民意壓力的包夾下,審慎而低調地選擇行刑對象;一般民眾及受害人家屬得知「正義獲得彰顯」之餘,並沒有「報復」的快慰,不少人反而多了些遺憾和反思。這些,都顯示台灣社會對死刑的觀念正在改變。...

中國時報> 2012年12月11日
世界人權日  ―  蘇貞昌批人權倒退、民主出現危機尤以司法、媒體(台灣新聞自由正遭嚴重侵蝕且中國介入台灣置入行銷也日漸嚴重)最嚴重國民黨斥非事實、告洋狀 ...

<自由時報>11人權倒退!  民進黨民調: 62.3%不滿意人權保障,67%不滿意司法人權保障,64.9%滿意政治人權保障...
監察院長王建瑄: 違反人權絕大多數來自政府...「公僕」這二個字在中華民國是不存在的... 

<China Post>,  11
DPP chairman: Taiwan currently faces two major human rights crises: prosecutors that abuse their powers to persecute the people,...

<蘋果日報>,Taiwan,  根據 "2012 台灣人權指標調查" (conducted by 中華人權協會) 17.9% 台灣人認為台灣整體人權進步 36% 認為台灣人權退步 25.8% 台灣人認為台灣政治人權退步 17.1% 認為台灣政治人權進步 13.1% 台灣人認為台灣司法人權進步 38.4% 認為台灣司法人權退步。...
<Taiwan News>,   台灣人不大相信司法 according to "2012 Taiwan Human Rights Indicator Survey"(Dec. 4, 2012), about 53.5 percent of the respondents gave the protection of judicial human rights a negative rating, compared with 21.4 percent who rated it positively.

<蘋果日報>  2012年3月6日   社論「馬 牛 雞 江國慶




<國際特赦組織 >  AI譴責台灣政府執行死刑     (AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL新聞稿)       2010年4月30日

   ◎ 台灣五年來首度執行死刑

     ...... 「全世界曾期待台灣政府選擇堅守人權立場,並領導亞太地區朝廢除死刑邁進。但今天的執行已令世人徹底失望。」凱瑟琳•巴珀表示。

   ◎  背景說明

     ...... 死刑... 是極端殘忍、不人道和侮辱人格的懲罰。




   New ! Ranking world No. 3 on 英文Yahoo by keyword "death penalty in Taiwan",
   2015年 1月 7日 測試,
 pls. ref. to 世界排名 World No.1 ranking 2015 !





No.1 on Google by 中文 keyword "台灣死刑",  2010年 12月 13日 測試;
ranking No.2 "Taiwan death penalty" on google, at 10/10/2011




<Wikipedia > 維基百科    Oct. 15, 2010      Controversial death sentences (可能為誤判的案件)

There are accounts in which the organs were retrieved from the executed prisoners while they were still medically alive.  Torture also exists in the investigation process (虐待出現於台灣調查過程中), which may interfere with the credibility of the verdict......

<蘋果日報>  public,   2011年10月12日     by Frederic Laplanche , 歐洲經貿辦事處處長

英國  ―   Criminal Cases Review Commission 成立後檢視 14 年來其中 320件已定讞的案件因調查而撤銷
美國  ―   1973年以來
  ―   許多相繼廢除死刑,如港、澳柬埔寨等, 韓國暫停死刑已13年...

<蘋果日報>     April 23, 2010     by 瞿海源
 Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica

推動廢除死刑 政府不能卸責

 ...... 更重要的是(台灣)民眾對司法不信任, 有88%的民眾認為死刑判決有錯判的可能......

國際特赦組織  Amnesty International >,  March 4, 2011

 AI譴責台灣政府執行死刑   Executions of five men in Taiwan condemned

Amnesty International has condemned today's execution of five men in Taiwan......
"The Taiwanese authorities have repeatedly stated their intention to abolish the death penalty, but they have - yet again - acted contrary to their own commitments and against the global trend towards abolition of the death penalty," said Sam Zarifi Amnesty International's Asia-Pacific Director.

More than 70 people remain on death row in Taiwan. Family members are not informed about scheduled executions in advance. They learn about the executions afterwards when they are invited to collect the body from the mortuary.

<Taipei times>, 
Mar. 5, 2011

 歐盟德國政府對台灣再度執行五起死刑表達關切  Five executions spark concern in EU, Germany

In a statement issued following the executions, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton said she deeply regretted the execution and urged Taiwan “not to undertake further executions.”

The German government also expressed concerns over the execution, with Taiwanese Representative in Berlin Wei Wu-lien (魏武煉) being summoned to the German Federal Foreign Office (AA), according to a press release posted on its Web site.

<Taipei Times
>   Mar. 15, 2010 

EDITORIAL : Taiwan and the death penalty

 ...... Her ( minister of justice Wang Ching-feng (王清峰)) resignation, however, spotlights two weaknesses in the government’s approach to public policy. The first is that the administration is so preoccupied with the economy that it has let other policy issues slide. ......  The death penalty aside, judicial reform has long been promised and is long overdue. ......

The second weakness has to do with the government’s approach to the death penalty itself. The Presidential Office has acknowledged that abolishing the death penalty is a global trend and promised to make an effort to phase it out.......  Innocent people are routinely imprisoned or executed for crimes they did not commit (無辜人民坐牢或判極/重刑.)   The reasons are many: flawed evidence, coercive interrogation, political interference and so forth.(以瑕疵的證據、強制&高壓的調查偵審手段、政治干擾等) There have been numerous such cases in Taiwan. ......

聯合報>  2010.03.13

如果我被殺!    李家同  (暨南、清華、靜宜大學榮譽教授)



可是,最重要的是:我們該不該寬恕我們的敵人?... 我們常聽說大家要療傷止痛,很多人以為要療傷止痛,一定要使正義得以伸張,但是,正義常常是盲目的。...

香港<鳳凰 >,  中国<中新网>,   台湾<中时电子报>         2010年01月29日


中正大学犯罪研究中心“二零零九年全台民众犯罪被害暨维护治安施政满意度调查”报告公布,超过六成民 眾对司法机關侦審案件抱持懷疑態度,而有高达七成四的民众不赞成废除死刑,而认为应该依法执行死刑的民众,也超过了半数。

此外,有五成三民众不赞成成年性工作者除 罪化,但其中超过半数的受访男性却赞成。七成五的受访者认为去年台湾治安状况不好,七成二不满意治安表现,五成四的受访者担心自己或家人会成为犯罪受害者。

德國 Germany,    2010.05.01

譴責台灣執行死刑 廢死大挫敗


... 昨晚台灣4名死囚伏法,打破多年來死刑零執行的紀錄,德國聯邦政府的人權專員羅寧(Markus Loening)表示,無視德國和歐洲聯盟的一再請求,台灣在沒有事先宣佈的情況下就執行死刑。




蘋果日報 >    Mar 11 Thu 2010

標題 : 理性與寬容(王清峰)



...... 廢除死刑是世界人權的思潮,「人人有權享有生命、自由與人身安全」(1948年世界人權宣言)。目前全世界有104個國家廢除死刑,實際上超過10年不執行死刑的國家有35個,合計139個國家,佔7成以上。即使維持死刑的58個國家,目前執行死刑的也只有25個國家。 ......


★  歐洲譴責台灣    <European Union> Brussels, press May 1, 2010

Statement by the spokesperson of HR on the resumption of executions in Taiwan

The spokesperson of the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the Commission C. Ashton has issues the following statement today:

The High Representative condemns the executions in Taiwan ...

The High Representative deplores the resumption of executions in Taiwan.   The European Union had been encouraged by the de facto moratorium on executions which had been in place since 2005 and which had been continued by the adm. of President Ma Ying Jeou.

The European Union's strongly held view in favour of the abolition of capital punishment is well known.  The European Union considers that the abolition of the death penalty contributes to the enhancement of human dignity and the progressive development of human rights.  It is the European Union's view that the death penalty does not serve as an effective deterrent, and that any miscarriage of justice, which is inevitable in any legal system, is irreversible.


The European Union urges the Government of Taiwan immediately to resume the de facto moratorium on the death penalty, pending legal abolition, which should include all cases still on death row in Taiwan.  The European Union further urges the Government of Taiwan to resume a policy towards eventual abolition of the death penalty, in line with the global trend towards universal abolition.


<聯合報 ╱社論> ,  中国 <中新网>3月11日电     Mar 11 Thu 2010

標題 :   死刑存廢:法務部長不是第四審

...  儘管世界過半國家都已廢除死刑,但民主如美國,目前僅十幾州通過廢除死刑... 以日本為例,上月公布的民調,有高達八成五的民眾支持死刑;這顯示一般庶民對於重大殘暴犯罪行為的恐懼,認為無死刑可能引發犯罪者的儌倖心理而增添兇殘暴行,且失社會公道。

回看台灣的情況,雖然國、民兩黨主政者都支持廢除死刑,也均透過法務部門要求法官減少死刑的判決;......我國目前未執行的死刑犯增加到四十四人。... 或許是凶手實在罪無可赦,法官欲免其一死亦「於法無據」政府可為應為者有二:一是由法務部主動提出廢除死刑的條例,送交立法院審議,... 第二,若上述法案無法通過,則應退而求其次推動「死刑暫緩執行條例」,使目前光憑部長一人說了算的「不執行」作法,取得法律依據。


聯合報 >2010.05.08

法官不是神也會誤判  /張娟芬

死刑,一旦誤判,就無法補救... 蘇建和案,盧正案,徐自強案,邱和順案;這些可疑冤案相關論證已多。...

林瓊嘉...法官。..投書聯合報... 他判錯了!一個罪不至死的人,被林瓊嘉判了死刑 ...

有人認為「廢除死刑」是一個太過理想的主張。其實剛好相反,支持死刑,才是一個太過理想、罔顧現實的主張。... 支持死刑的朋友們相信法官是神,然而他們不是。... 他們也會犯錯。

<蘋果日報> May 1, 2010

醫學專業團體看死刑」    黃嵩立

.......世界醫師聯合會在1981年就聲明  醫師參與死刑的任何階段都是不合倫理的行為, 美國醫師學會禁止會員參與死刑之執行,......  英國醫師學會...更於2001年發表聲明反對死刑

美國公共衛生協會: ...... 死刑助長謀殺案及社會混亂 並降低社會對人類生命尊重...... 至少有25位無辜者在美國被處以死刑,...... 實證研究未能證明死刑具有嚇阻犯罪的作用,.....死刑特別不利於少數族群與窮人

<中國時報>  2010-05-13


 ... 廢死聯盟準備在五月三日期限前遞交授權書,並同時繼續探求另一名死刑犯柯世銘的釋憲意願。但是此前監獄拒絕讓廢死聯盟人員與柯世銘會面,理由是柯違規禁見。監獄沒說違反甚麼規定,而且也沒有澄清,他在禁見中是否可以收寄信件。

 ... 突如其來的槍決,侵害了兩名囚犯聲請最後司法救濟並合法暫停執行的權利(縱使依據釋憲結果無法避免執行)。

 ... 難道法務部不知道五月三日的期限?或者法務部計畫在這四名犯下滔天大罪的死囚可以停止執行前,趕快處決他們?法務部有沒有詢問犯人或其律師,是否已聲請釋憲或已補正授權書?死囚柯世銘的違規,可否做為拒絕他與別人會面討論生死攸關決定的正當理由?最重要的是,為什麼執行的決定要保密? ...

<中國時報>  社論   2010-05-10


...... 如果以為國家提供補償就是代罪犯賠償,因此吝於為之,不但犯了不諳犯罪被害人保護制度的錯誤,而且是將金錢看的遠比對犯罪被害人的撫慰來得重要。國家為了節省金錢而不肯向犯罪被害人伸出援手,豈是要為被害人伸張正義的政府所應有的態度?

 ...... 將殺人凶手處以極刑,其實換不回來犯罪被害人失去的生命,不但不能構成犯罪被害人的賠償,也並不能真正撫慰犯罪被害人受創的心靈。政府真的顧念犯罪被害人的苦痛,就絕不能以將罪犯繩之以法處以極刑就是交代了事,而必須要切實地負責推動犯罪被害人保護福利行政,寬列經費預算,普設保護機構,才是保障權益的真正方法,否則就是執行再多的死刑,也不是解藥。

<蘋果日報    2010-05-03
死刑開始爭議未斷(孫效智 台灣大學哲學系教授兼主任

死刑存廢涉及多方議題,... 適切的懲罰則應與所犯的錯誤成正比,也應與行為人該負的責任正相關。前者就是所謂的刑罰比例原則;後者則承認究責不能簡單行事...  基督宗教談愛仇,儒家則言以直報怨。 ... 台灣老百姓在道德發展上並非人人都達到了自律與成熟的境界,政客更是在乎利益遠勝於正義,遑論恩慈待人。......主張廢死,是否過於理想主義?

廢除死刑推動聯盟 Mar 16 Tue 2010



總統府和行政院也表示,將會透過修法減少死刑的使用。死刑是剝奪生命權的處罰,我們認為在現行死刑制度還維持的狀況下 司法機關要為死刑判決時,應該以最嚴謹的正當法律程序行之。具體建議應該要修法: 1. 死刑判決由合議庭一致決為之; 2. 最高法院針對死刑案件開言詞辯論; 3. 死刑案件第三審要律師強制辯護。

<自由時報 > 2010.04.05  

... 我們在深感遺憾之餘,發表此一公開的呼籲。

...  我們更呼籲台灣人民,發揮熱忱的宗教情操,去除報復的死刑觀,讓社會充滿和諧與溫馨,降低暴戾之氣,使致人於死的罪行減少,讓台灣成為一個尊重生命與人權的國家,一個充滿友愛、寬恕的社會。

<中國時報>  2010-03-29  【黃瑞明  德國杜賓根大學法學博士,靜宜大學法律學系副教授】


... . 廢死聯盟..組織擁有「帷幄上奏權」,直接影響高層決策。... 在他們的引薦之下,外國的廢死團體可以直達天聽,... 這些資訊都見諸網路。遊說的管道如此暢通,難怪法務部會一面倒。 ...


<蘋果日報 Mar. 18, 2010

一位留德律師看德國廢死經驗(黃瑞明 律師、民間司改會董事)

...  廢止死刑絕非忽略被害人之感受,反而必須以更深入更精緻的作法去修復被害者所受之創傷,此即為修復式司法」,...

... 在廢止死刑後德國採行了終身監禁之制度,因此也強化了監所的教化功能,在調查處遇方面,調查犯罪者之心理,成長歷程與行為預測,以作為預防犯罪之依據,促成此方面之研究與發展。相對地,滿足於報復式的死刑執行,將會減少此方面研究之動力,而無法促成預防犯罪之研究。


中國時報>  2010-03-14

堅持死刑的危險性   【謝世民  中正大學哲學系教授

... 有什麼樣的理由可以鬆動反對廢除死刑者的心防呢?... 除非... 當一個惡徒已經就擒、無法再傷害他人時,我們從他是罪無可赦、死有餘辜的一個人(因此若遭天打雷劈,我們可以額手稱慶),推論不出任何人有權利可以殺害他;即使(我們也勉強同意說)這個人因為作惡多端而永遠失去了人的道德地位,我們也推論不出任何人有權利可以殺害他。不錯,我們有權利出於自衛而殺害攻擊我們的惡徒,但是這樣的權利並不蘊含我們也有權利去殺害沒有能力攻擊我們的惡徒。


聯合報 > ,  2010.03.15   

標題 :   別對立了!找廢死公約數  【陳長文/法學教授】

......  法務部曾在去年做過調查,還是有近八成的人反對廢除死刑,但是如果採取比較長的有期徒刑、或者對無期徒刑的假釋加嚴,有百分之五十六的人贊成廢除死刑,目前在台灣有關死刑存廢的問題,還在發展當中。 換言之,大多數國人雖仍反對死刑,但在了解其他替代與配套方案後,就有可能考慮支持廢除死刑。

... 政府該做的,就是在制度的建立面上,尋求這樣的公約數,在凝聚共識的過程中,找到一個既符合國際人權趨勢,也無違國內民意的中間地帶。 ...... 唯死刑已是「剝奪」而不只是「限制」,凡此是否衝突憲法的人權精神,其實不無疑義。......

<自由時報 > 2010.02.06

討論死刑莫動氣   /邱伊翎  台灣人權促進會文宣部主任

....  如果「以暴制暴」就叫做「正義」,如果大家只要看媒體報導,不用看證據跟卷宗,就可以判斷誰是好人、誰是壞人,決定誰應該要被判死刑,... 因為「有嫌疑」就要付出一條生命,這樣也叫做「正義」嗎?



< WikiPedia > 

 The Number of Executed People in Taiwan since 1987

1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997
10 22 69 78 59 35 18 17 16 22 38
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006~2009 2010
32 24 17 10 9 7 3 3 0 4

Controversial death sentences

There are accounts in which the organs were retrieved from the executed prisoners while they were still medically alive Torture also exists in the investigation process, which may interfere with the credibility of the verdict......

Capital punishment has in the past been practiced in virtually every society, although currently only 58 nations actively practice it, with 95 countries abolishing it (the remainder having not used it for 10 years or allowing it only in exceptional circumstances such as wartime). It is a matter of active controversy in various countries and states, and positions can vary within a single political ideology or cultural region.

路透社  <
Reuters >   April 30, 2010 

Death penalty returns in Taiwan, 4 executed

Reuters) - Taiwan executed four people on Friday, the justice ministry said, in the island's first cases of capital punishment since 2005 when the sentence became a sensitive political issue.

英國   <
   Mar. 12, 2010

Taiwan's justice minister has resigned after failing to win support for her opposition to the death penalty.

... Ms Wang's comments were criticised by President Ma Ying-jeou, by her own Kuomintang party and by victims of violent crime. An opinion poll compiled after her remarks suggested three-quarters of the Taiwanese public supported capital punishment. ...The last executions in Taiwan were of two people in 2005. A total of 49 people died between 2000 and 2005.

Amnesty International >  國際特赦組織       Mar. 18, 2010 

Amnesty International has noted the recent debate on the death penalty sparked by former Minister of Justice Wang Ching-feng's open support for a moratorium on executions and her subsequent resignation. We write to ask you to ensure that Taiwan remains firm in reaching for its stated goal of
abolition of the death penalty.

...... In a time of heightened political debate, we urge you to demonstrate leadership and continue on the path toward abolition.   ps: by Claudio Cordone Secretary General (ad interim)

Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty >   June 2010,  Letter about the death penalty in the Taipei Times

The retention or abolition of the death penalty can be considered a reflection of a society's values. Abolition shows that a society gives priority to upholding human rights. Retention suggests that values of hatred and vengeance linger in society.......

However, the death penalty provides no guarantee of justice. Abolishing the death penalty doesn't mean that people who commit crimes escape justice. There is still strong punishment in the form of long prison sentences.

The death penalty also creates the risk of a gross miscarriage of justice when innocent people are executed. ......




Motion condemning the use of the death penalty in Taiwan, particularly the case of Chiou Ho-shun

Delegates of the FIDH 40th Congress,   10-25-2019

Recognize that the Taiwanese government resumed execution of the death penalty in 2010 after a 4-year moratorium and the passage of the Act to Implement the ICCPR & ICESCR in 2009.

Expressing deep concern that the rights of Mr. Chiou Ho-shun, who has spent over 30 years in detention, have been seriously violated. His access to a fair trial was denied due to the loss of physical exhibits during trial, without any opportunity of cross-examination of the witness. According to the recentJudgment of the Asian Human Rights Court Simulation (AHRCS) on the Case Chiou Ho-shun v. Taiwan by the 7 Judges who were human rights experts across the region, it ruled the Taiwaese government violated Articles 7 and 14 of the ICCPR.

Note with grave concern that the execution of the death row inmates living with psycho-social disability violated a series of UN resolutions and standards upheld in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). The Guideline of Execution on the Death Penalty of Taiwan should be reviewed and revised to comply with the CRPD.

Note that three death row inmates died in prison this year, including one through suicide. No investigations have been carried out nor reports on these deaths. Currently there are 39 inmates on death row, and no proper procedure is in place for them to seek clemency. Every death row inmate has been constantly under the pressure and risk of being executed at anytime.

Note the fact that the execution is carried out by a single gunman. The psychological pressure and mental health of the executioner has not been taken seriously by the authorities. The secrecy surrounding the execution prevents the family members of the death row inmate from seeing him or her for the last time.

Recall that, during the FIDH 40th Congress in Taiwan, an FIDH international delegation visited the Taipei Detention Center, where Mr. Chiou Ho-shu, has been on death row for the past eight years and is awaiting execution.

Call upon the Taiwanese government to examine the human rights violations against Mr. Chiou Ho-shun, and to provide proper remedies for these violations.

Call upon the Taiwanese government to take necessary action to comply with Articles 6, 7, and 14 of the ICCPR, and the latest released General Comment no. 36. In the meantime, we strongly encourage the Taiwanese to impose a moratorium on the death penalty until its abolition.

Call upon the Taiwanese government to review the Guideline of Execution on the Death Penalty and to revise the items which violate the Convention on the Rights of persons with Disabilities (CRPD).

Call upon the Taiwanese government to review the procedure of clemency, and to ensure the effectiveness of the procedure.

Call upon the Taiwanese government to investigate the social and psychological conditions of the death row inmates, and to improve their treatment in detention.


ps: 以上為國內外各媒體摘要