台灣 司法改革 ★ 本網站 世界排名 : world No. 1 in 2017~19, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2010~12 ★ Top rankings since 1998 ★ | |
home 評台灣 台灣 TW FB 民族性 旅遊 餐廳 醫療 食安 夜市 buffet 檢察官 警察 貪污 女權 言論自由 外勞 死刑 軟實力 隱私 按摩 嫖 居住 飛安 幸福 形象 文化 人權 世界人權 司法 司法迫害 迫害 |
7-10-2019 報導
7-10-2019 報導
pic. : "台灣司法改革" 英文版排名Bing第2, 7-23-2019;
pic. The websites group's "Taiwan judicial persecutions"
pic. 本網站群"台灣司法迫害" 排名Google第2, 7-19-2019
★ pic.: 美國2017~2019人權報告(
Country Reports on Human Rights practices,
在"貪污與政府透明度"方面指出, 司法不獨立且執行政治目的調查工作 ( justice ministry was insufficiently independent and conducted politically motivated investigations of politicians. )
United Daily,
Head page news:
中國時報, 7-9-2019:
自由時報 (The Liberty Times),
台灣行政院長: 不滿司法改革成效,
United Daily(<聯合報>)
4-9-2019: |
◆ The Liberty Times, 06-19-2016, UDN, 3-6-2017: 台灣司法是政治工具與打手, 可恥!
咬警都沒事 打擊士氣警心寒 / 議員對警察呼巴掌、
◆ United Daily(<聯合報>), editorial, 5-6-2019: 監察院(彈劾等)應幫助弱勢冤屈 -而非只照顧自己人 (brief).
◆ 蘋果日報(<Apple Daily>) 社論, 3-14-2018 : <2017台灣社會信任調查> 顯示司法官信任度倒數第二。
4-12-2019: 藍綠是司法關說共同體 ◆ Epoch Times, 1-17-2003: The Control Yuan of Taiwan warned to impeach of Taiwanese prosecutors' abuse of inner conviction since 2003.
The Liberty Times(<自由時報>)
, head-page, The China Times(<中國時報>)
head-page, 12-8-2018:
United Daily(<聯合報>),
The Liberty Times(<自由時報>), head-page, 3-16-2019:
Amendments ("lay
judge system" and
retirement to
judicial officials)
was just made at 6-28-2019
tbl. source: the China Times, 6-29-2019 |
司法改革 新法 (1) 人民可直接向<法評會>請求評鑑
(2) <法評會>直接送 <職務法庭>
(3) <職務法庭>懲司法官
(4) <職務法庭>人民參與二審級 |
tbl. source: the China Times, 6-29-2019 |
pic.: 民進黨立委慶祝司法改革新法,
這是本網站早已在做的. |
Liberty Times (自由時報) 3-16-2019 headline news:
Taiwan's Prime Minister:
judges OUT !!
本網站群之世界排名 / test at 3-16-2019 | ||||||
search engines |
key-words to search | 台灣司法評論 | 台灣司法迫害 | 台灣檢察官 | Taiwan prosecutors | Taiwan judiciary |
Bing |
No.1 |
No.1 | No.1 | No.1 | No.1 | |
Yahoo search engine | No.1 | No.1 | No.1 | No.2 | No.1 | |
No.1 | No.1 | No.1 |
among top ranks |
among top ranks |
Yahoo Taiwan |
No.1 |
No.1 |
No.1 |
No.1 |
No.1 |
廚師對顧客不斷大聲吸鼻子('吸鼻'就像 應擤出的鼻涕卻反吸回去, 也像清朝人吐痰的前置作業,之噁心~
, 卻不敢明目張膽承認
(歡迎頭子或跑路工投案, Taipei PO Box 46-39,
即公告全球! )
... 詳國際排名第一之評文
political oppression in Taiwan
◆ 主流媒體以「臭」嚴厲抨擊 台灣政治的嚴重失格
聯合報社論 11-14-2019 /民主設計的良意,如今變成私欲墳場 ( 台灣政治最近傳來的氣味,是一陣陣的「私臭」。蔡政府近期把國庫當成民進黨的競選基金...藍綠政黨公布不分區立委提名名單,更是私氣薰天
◆ 一、文件明載,檢察長與檢察官都看到『2位』廚師『在吧檯內』...『無法分辨吸鼻聲』, 但再議狀與告訴狀已明載該DVD video不是關於吸鼻的,吸鼻的是另段DVD video,裡面只有一人在海鮮吧檯內,二大司法官總共看了半年卻連最基本的資料也『張冠李戴』、頭腦混亂,其餘偵查 與判斷豈會正確完備??
◆ 二、檢察長與檢察官都說『吵雜』『無法分辨說話之人』,事實是,video內那數段話相當大聲,只要問飯店海鮮部主管(該部僅區區幾名廚師),就應足以分辨何人在鬼叫。台灣 司法沒有<New Scientist>報導的AI技術嗎? 也沒有聲紋辨識技術嗎? 那麼 檢察長與檢察官,可謂『聾』子!!
◆ 三、檢察長與檢察官對二名目擊證人的警局 白紙黑字證詞『turn a deaf ear』、視而未見,卻 將被告的謊言或遁詞寫入處分書,請問那個被告會自承犯罪? 被告說在與同事講工作流程,可是影音檔明證海鮮吧檯內只有一人。
![]() |
pic. left :
動機更邪惡、傷人決心更強烈、挑戰司法 |
◆ 四、檢察長強調『公然侮辱』要『粗鄙』、『直接』...,難道司法只辦鄉野之人的一時 脫口之言嗎? 精心設計的侮辱, 動機更邪惡、傷人決心更 堅決 ! 挑戰司法之意圖更強烈 !
◆ 五、檢察長認為『吸鼻』未達『公然侮辱』,顯然與先進國家有別,根據 國際知名字典 Oxford或 Collins dictionary, 『吸鼻子』即表達 "contempt" ("sniff" express "contempt") , 國際知名 Cambridge字典 明載"contempt" 即是『輕蔑』、 『蔑視』(附檔 - 定義)。國際法學字典關於刑事"contempt" 之 定義,即"tends to publicly depreciate"的行為。
pic.: "sniff" meaning in Oxford, Collins, Cambridge dictionary
台灣高等檢察署 檢察長王添盛 之處分書 (brief) |
告訴人於收到不訴處分書數日內, 必須提出再議, 從大樓管理員收到起算, 當事人知不知道不管,
刑 事 再 議
二、再議理由: 4.23午簽收之鈞署不起訴處分書,有偵查未盡與論斷錯誤之處。本案人證物證俱全,豈可刻意輕縱。
(七) 偵查未盡&錯誤 :
媒體 |
餐廳守則 |
New York Times, rules for restaurants
◆ ...
gracefully, the less noise the better ◆ ... Do not compliment a guest's attire or hairdo or makeup, you're insulting someone else ◆ ... Don't gossip ... within earshot of guests ◆ ... Don't have a personal conversation with another server within earshot of customers |
Forbes, 9-3-2012 rules for restaurants
◆... serve customers not annoy them
New York Times, rules for restaurants
◆... Never bring a check until someone asks for it, then give it to the person who asked for it |
Forbes, 9-3-2012 rules for restaurants
◆... serve customers not annoy them ◆... it's a matter of being attentive and looking for signals ◆ ... when you bring the check, either wait a moment from a little distance... or come back right away
(八) 偵查未盡: 吸鼻以對 非單一個案,疑似串聯犯罪, 檢察官有查察另五星飯店cafe (e.g., 4-23-2019 lunch)或其他? 否則日後案情擴大, 恐傷辦案之明。
犯罪事實 :
(2) 約11:54am : 蒐證影像(附檔DVD - 影音證據/ )
告 訴 人 站 在 海 鮮 吧 前 拿 取 蝦 蟹 時 |
1 |
被 告: |
至少於右述時間對著告訴人吸鼻子發出聲響 : 11:54:45(1聲), 11:54:48(1聲),11:54:49(2聲),11:54:51(3聲),11:54:53(1~2聲),... |
2 |
告 訴 人:
11:54:54: 告訴人不再忍受, 對被告說: "嗳 ~ 這裡『交通』會不會很混亂? " (指鼻子呼吸) |
3 |
被 告: |
11:54:57: (模糊小聲)
4 |
被 告: |
11:55: "廁所在後面"、"出口在後面!"、(此時再度吸鼻發出聲響) "先生, 出口在後面 !!"(更大聲) |
5 |
告 訴 人: |
呃 ~ |
(錄影機為小的腕錶,實際聲音更大) |
(十) 公然
飯店之中庭 大廳為主要用餐區與取餐區, 且該區除大門入口,尚有側門, 與海鮮吧後面通向廁所之側門,不特定人得任意出入, 是以犯罪現場為公然場所◦
(十一) 名譽
告訴人擁歐洲記者證10年以上,筆觸所及, 公正公開,大多排名歐美台灣 網路第1或前茅,不僅評論台灣之方方面面,也包括國際事務,比方,2017年中批評Facebook之言論自由,旋於US Bing, Google, Yahoo search等中英文皆排名第1或前茅,與紐約時報評文相當 名次, 時至呈告訴狀日前(11-1-2018),事隔約一年半仍在美國Yahoo, Bing, 歐洲MetaGER,台灣Google排名第1,依據2018年國際媒體與台灣蘋果日報 之翻譯報導,網路排名先後所根據之指標,之一就是『名譽』◦ 因此,本案被告所妨害者, 非但是告訴人之國際名譽(『社會名譽』)耳 ,亦為個人精神心理人性尊嚴困窘尷尬受害之『普遍性名譽』或『感情名譽』!
的藍綠雙方媒體都一再痛批司法與檢察官成為政治工具, 檢察官自己也承認辦案不獨立,
發言方 |
評述 |
報導媒體 與 研究機構 |
美國國務院 | the justice ministry was insufficiently independent ... (司法不獨立 且執行政治目的偵查) | USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices, 3-13-2019, 4-20-2018, 3-3-2017 |
國民黨 (泛藍) | 檢察官辦案之獨立性, 至今仍不時遭受質疑; | UDN, 10-23-2018 聯合報, |
民進黨 (泛綠) |
行政院長指出司法改革未有明顯進展 招來民怨;
"司法仍在 |
自由時報 頭版、中國時報 頭版, 12-8-2018, 自由時報 06-19-2016, UDN, 3-6-2017 |
檢察官 | 檢察...「」 | 聯合報, 06-18-2016, 首頁新聞 |
some more case studies
★ In Taiwanese mind, the judiciary is as out-of-date as the ancient animals ★ 恐龍司法官: 侵入民宅 驅離犯法 in the US, the victim can gun shoot an unwanted intruder , but in Taiwan, you will be charged by criminal laws if pushing the intruder out by naked hands ... see the case in English, the case in Chinese
pic: Taiwanese judge thinks dizzy,
disabled elderly (aged about 90)
definitely can stand independently during sleeping time,
★ |
Comments on Taiwan judiciary |
Taiwan's Judiciary by int'l & local fair comments
Int'l & local Institutions |
critiques on Taiwan judicial systems |
USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices, 3-13-2019 | justice ministry was insufficiently independent and conducted politically motivated investigations of politicians. |
The United Daily, 2-26-2019: | National Chung Cheng university's survey : Judicial reform failed to satisfy more than 80% Taiwanese , the public trust on Taiwan judiciary is down to about 20%. |
Liberty Times ( head page 12-8-2018) | Taiwan P.M. (賴清德): Taiwan has not made significant progress on judicial reform, which is roiling with public discontent. |
USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices, 4-20-2018: | the justice ministry was insufficiently independent and conducted politically motivated investigations of politicians. |
The United Daily, 10-23-2018: | The independence of prosecutors has still been questioned ... |
Apple Daily, opinion, 3-14-2018 : | Survey <2017台灣社會信任調查> shows that Taiwan judicial official's / law enforcement officer's public trust is the second last. |
FTV, 7-26-2018 (Formosa TV, 政經看民視): | Public trust in judges is less than 16%, according to a survey in last year. |
United Daily News, 2-13-2018 | Taiwan's Minister of Judiciary and secretary of Justice Ministry issued progress report of judicial reform ― Public trust in judges is always low, the protection mechanism of lawsuit right is still not good enough ( |
Taiwan president Tsai Ing-wen (Apple Daily, Liberty Times etc ,11-30-2016; China Post, Dec. 5, 2016, United Daily 2-27-2018) | Taiwan president Tsai Ing-wen pronounced a death penalty on Taiwan's justice, stated by Judges Association for President Tsai declared at Judicial Reform meeting (11-25-2016) that no such injustice "The rich get off scot-free, the poor get the death sentence" (有錢判生,無錢判死) should be repeated, and blasted (5-20-2016) Taiwan justice earning no Taiwanese people trust. |
Taipei mayor Ko (United Daily 2-27-2018) | Taiwan's jail and prison are good only for those have no connections at all. ("監獄是關沒有辦法的人") |
National Chung Cheng university's survey (head-page of the Liberty Times, 2-23-2016) | Nearly 80% Taiwanese don't believe the impartiality of Taiwan's prosecutors, and public trust on Taiwan judiciary system keeps falling down in the past 8 years. |
USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices, 3-3-2017 (US state dept.) | The justice ministry was insufficiently independent and conducted politically motivated investigations of politicians. |
USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices, 6-26-2015, 2-27-2014 (US state dept.) | Taiwan's judicial system suffered from some corruption. Although authorities made efforts to eliminate corruption and diminish political influence in the judiciary, some residual problems remained... the impartiality of judges and prosecutors involved in high-profile and politically sensitive cases had been questioned. |
The United Daily, 06-18-2016, Head page news | Taiwan's prosecutors usually follow their boss's (commanding officer) order to access and rule legal cases ... " He is bigger than I am, what can I say??" (檢察) |
The deputy dean of Law School, National Cheng-Chi University,The United Daily, 5-2015) | the standard of judgments on the same matters varies from person to person all the time is the reason why Taiwanese people do not believe Taiwan's judiciary. |
The United Daily, 08-24-2016 , Editorial | Taiwan's Judiciary and Legislative institutions never have a sense of shame on releasing major crimes of international fraud , and never have intention to stop this criminal actions by punishments... |
USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices, April 13, 2016 (US state dept.) | the impartiality of judges and prosecutors involved in high-profile and politically sensitive cases have been publicly questioning |
The United Daily, 7-6-2016 Law professor Huang National Chung-Hsin University, Law School (中興大學) | |
The Liberty Times, 2-28-2017 | The most serious and terriblest judicial problem is its deep structure ― judicial organs became state party's slave servant, it's incurable ... If we can't expel all judges and prosecutors, jury system is a better solution at the moment. |
台灣 司法改革 ★ 本網站 世界排名 : world No. 1 in 2017~19, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2010~12 ★ Top rankings since 1998 ★ | |
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