Who is controlling  your mind ?    editing your life ?  

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Washington Times, 2023-7-6: China's People's Liberation Army is developing high-technology weapons designed to disrupt brain functions New York Post, 2021-12-31: China is developing terrifying brain control weapons. WION, 2021-12-18 : China is making weapons that control minds.   
Therefore, those electro
magnetic attacks or mind-control crimes in the past 30 or 40 years were not committed by China.


♣  New York Times (2018-9-3) says that basic microwave weapons might accomplish more nuanced aims such as beaming spoken words into people's heads.    ──   However, this (creepy Halloween voice to your head,  like an invisible illegal intruders residing in your head ) had already become a reality at least 30-40 years ago.


♣  Global Times (2022-3-15)  : US covertly experiments mind control on people across continents for decades A victim believes mind control experiments are still ongoing, albeit not quite as primitive as those performed in the 1950s
Global Times, 2022-12-19: There are forces on the island (Taiwan) who are mentally controlling the Taiwan people... 
♦  articles from Global Times were cited by major media, e.g.,
Bloomberg, Washington Post, NY Times, CBS, Fortune, Daily Mail, Politico,  FoxNews.   Recently, at a hearing, a Congressman (R-Fla.) cited and entered into the record an article from Global Times.
Taiwan has not rebutted Global Times for 7+ months till present.


♣   High tech. mind-reading,  mind manipulation, telepathy, remote perturbation, precognition, clairvoyants to spy ...... CIA (Stargate) eventually admitted conducting all these researches ... 


Breaking News 2023


       Washington Times, 2023-7-6 (brief from  washingtontimes.com/news/2023/jul/6/chinas-military-leading-world-brain-neurostrike-we/): China's People's Liberation Army is developing high-technology weapons designed to disrupt brain functions and influence government leaders or entire populationsNeurostrike is a military term defined as the engineered targeting of the brains of military personnel or civilians using nonkinetic technology. The goal is to impair thinking, reduce situational awareness, inflict long-term neurological damage and cloud normal cognitive functions.   But China currently does not have the defense-industrial base needed to produce the technologies for a neurostrike program.
       "Enumerating, Targeting and collapsing the Chinese Communist Party's NeuroStrike Program" 2023 : China's new landscape of NeuroStrike development includes using massively distributed human-computer interfaces to control entire populations as well as a range of weapons designed to cause cognitive damage ... CCP NeuroStrike weaponry instills intense fear and/or other forms of cognitive incoherence resulting in inaction.
     American Military News, 2023-7-10 :   (americanmilitarynews.com/2023/07/china-is-making-brain-weapons-to-use-on-world-leaders-entire-populations-report/     JULY 10, 2023 The study written by Ryan Clarke, senior fellow at East Asian Institute of the National University of Singapore, L.J. Eads, former Air Force intelligence officer, and Xiaoxu Sean Lin, former Army microbiologist, claims that China “views neurostrike and psychological warfare as a core component of its asymmetric warfare strategy against the United States and its allies in the Indo-Pacific.”




Breaking News 2023

The Hill (2023-3-30):  'Havana syndrome’ could be the result of electromagnetic weapon.   The report from the intelligence community said it was unlikely that a foreign power had a weapon that was capable of inflicting such effects.


Washington Times (2023-5-24): Military leaders are not doing enough to prepare for these kinds of attacks (target brain function, inflict neurological damage) that represent a sixth war-fighting domain after air, land, sea, space and cyber.



Breaking News 2023

        Global Times, 2022-12-19: There are forces on the island (Taiwan) who are mentally controlling the Taiwan people... 
♦  articles from Global Times were cited by major media, e.g., Bloomberg, Washington Post, NY Times, CBS, Fortune, Daily Mail, Politico,  FoxNews.   Recently, at a hearing, a Congressman (R-Fla.) cited and entered into the record an article from Global Times.
Taiwan has not rebutted Global Times for 7+ months till present Jul. 2023.



Breaking News 2018

       New York Times, 9-3-2018,

          Russia, China and many European states are seen as having the know-how to make basic microwave weapons that can debilitate, sow noise or even kill. Advanced powers, experts say, might accomplish more nuanced aims such as beaming spoken words into people’s heads. Only intelligence agencies know which nations actually possess and use such unfamiliar arms.


  Breaking News 6-19-2018

           U.S. Pulls Out Of U.N. Human Rights Council  / National Public Radio (npr.org);
           Trump Administration Withdraws U.S. From U.N. Human Rights Council  /  https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/19/us/politics/trump-israel-palestinians-human-rights.html



Breaking News 2017

       CIA's Stargate Project explored the use of psychic powers and telepathy (extrasensory perception) for military and domestic intelligence applications according to CIA's newly declassified documents released at 1-18-2017, shortly after this site was established in Northern Europe Finland and Iceland in Oct. 2016 (backup sites earlier in Nederland and Canada, all are best press-freedom countries), and was publicized scientific mind-control news  (older version of this site)  to a number of Euro. mass media in Nov. 2016, then some media and colleges in 2017.


This CIA report revealed US government intended to perceive, communicate or change characteristics of something or someone that it separate from that person in space or time. 

They attempt to use "remote perturbation"( disturb sensitive enemy equipment) – i.e. the possibility of precognition (seeing the future), using clairvoyants to spy on activities in the present, or using telekinesis to manipulate enemy objects at a distance.

Most articles (e.g., Miami Herald 2-10-2017: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/national/article131827589.html) covered contents too old (e.g., US...carried out 26,000 telepathic forays by 227 psychics before the government shut it down in 1995), too vague to see the whole picture.  







1.  According to media reports, the dubious, fictional experiments may have actually been conducted in real life by the Central Intelligence Agency and the Department of Defense.   Livescience.com "Military Mind Control? " : The Stargate project documented numerous reports of people using their minds to manipulate objects or read others' thoughts.    Stargate stamped "Not Releasable to Foreign Nationals".

         Some web news reported many victims were involved in mind-reading / mind-control experiments in many countries, most of them have not known they were victims ...  Is that a fake news ?  How many and where are guinea pigs or victims in this secret psychic control project ?

2.  Will CIA do something to all guinea-pig(s) and victim(s)?  if there's no other countries running this kind of spooky project to abuse human beings who can't defend themselves.  

3.  These once-secret files with historical value, seem to be only partly and un-clear.    World people still can not have the whole picture of mind-control issue ― an Euro. website reported (12-29-2016) the CIA deemed it too dangerous to reveal parapsychology studies to the public.   Therefore, for more details pls. ref to this website.

4. The CIA's files suggest that those in charge of the project did believe they had some success.  The project was ended in 1995, when its existence stopped being secret.
        Has this high-tech still been using on humans ?  The answer is Yes.


old-way torture

no more evidence like this, by high tech torture

Pic.: "Stop Animal cruelty" everywhere ...

click links to view :

see animal cruelty, report it :  https://www.pinterest.com/pin/406098091375381067/?lp=true
Dogs Speak out https://www.pinterest.com/margom14/stop-animal-cruelty/?lp=true
stop animal cruelty https://prowlnewspaper.com/2017/08/20/sunday-is-the-day-of-rest-and-monday-is-the-day-for-protest/
all animals have rights https://ukhrb.wordpress.com/2009/11/19/court-rules-on-injunctions-against-animal-rights-protesters/
    Save Humans too !!!  find out the victimizers !
Pic.: "Stop Animal Testing" everywhere ...

click links to view :

animal testing kill  https://www.peta.org/features/dave-navarro-cruelty-free/
end all animal oppression http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/official-animal-rights-thousands-vegans_uk_59a950b0e4b0b5e530fdde3e
cruel circuses to end  https://www.peta.org.uk/blog/photos-wild-animals-protest-cruel-circuses/
time to stop animal testing http://metro.co.uk/2017/09/02/thousands-of-vegan-activists-march-through-london-to-end-animal-cruelty-6898373/


PS:  http://macedoniaonline.eu/content/view/30827/31/

Chinese government has conducted massive-scale studies on superhuman powers like telepathy, psychokinesis, approbation, aerokinesis, clairsentience, clairaudience, and more.  The US Central Intelligence Agency was appraised of these studies...


   Top rankings for this websites-group


   No. 1 "high tech manipulate minds" on Google  , 3-9-2019, 1-8-2017,   3-3-2017




    pic. : No.1 ranking "high tech minds manipulations" on US Yahoo, test at 3-9-2019, 4-9-2017







    This webpages were ranked No. 2 on Google by keyword
 "High tech psychic control"  , 4-22-2017



    pic. : No.1 ranking "high tech mind experiments" on US Google and US Yahoo,
test at
3-9-2019, 3-3-2018, 11-5-2017, 9-5-2017, 8-10-2017, 5-26-2017





  pic.: No. 1  "high tech human experiment" on Google  , 3-9-2019,  4-24-2017



   No. 1 ranking by keyword "high tech human experiments" on Yahoo  , 3-9-2019,  4-3-2017

  for more latest and top rankings, pls click top rankings ...

 REF. info.

CTV, Canada



The New York times, USA



The Straits Times, Singapore



Israel National News, Israel



The News, Australia




The Guardian UK



The Independent,  UK





Telegraph UK



Wired UK






Baidu China



MinPao, Hong Kong






Taiwan's media : Apple Daily, Liberty Times, etc, 1-19-2017





Iran  TEHRAN (Tasnim) news



Herald Scotland



The New York times,

   <Why ‘1984’ Is a 2017 Must-Read> ...... A world in which Big Brother (or maybe the National Security Agency) is always listening in, and high-tech devices can eavesdrop in people’s homes.
   <Uneasy about the future ,  readers turn to Dystopian Classics > Jan. 27, 2017

Miami Herald, USA, 2-10-2017, CIA files reveal how U.S. used psychics to spy on Iran : http://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/national/article131827589.html



        Who is controlling  your mind ?    editing your life ?  

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